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Russia Slams Bout Extradition, Vows To Bring Him Home

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One can understand Russia's argument here - on what grounds does th USA have to extradite - on suspicion that he may sell arms that may shoot down helicopters? On that basis, anyone could be extradited. The McKinnon case was ill-founded and became a face saving thing for the USA I believe (which ultimately became an embarrassment). I'm still reminded of the USA's refusal to extradite (or even name) the friendly fire pilots that the UK wished to interview with possible intention to prosecute for negligence (one particular case where a convoy was shot up that had clear markings, was on a planned and registered route and had working transponders).

The following quote is probably familiar to many people after the happenings in the Iraqi prisons.

"Washington anticipated and prepared in advance for the war crimes now being committed against the Iraqi people. No criminal charges can be brought against a US soldier in Iraq because the puppet Iraqi Governing Council has given the American military a blanket amnesty from prosecution. Secondly, with the backing of Germany and a number of other countries, no US soldier or citizen can be prosecuted for war crimes in the International Criminal Court. "

Hey we can do anything but don't try to touch us.

that sounds just like Israel

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One can understand Russia's argument here - on what grounds does th USA have to extradite - on suspicion that he may sell arms that may shoot down helicopters? On that basis, anyone could be extradited. The McKinnon case was ill-founded and became a face saving thing for the USA I believe (which ultimately became an embarrassment). I'm still reminded of the USA's refusal to extradite (or even name) the friendly fire pilots that the UK wished to interview with possible intention to prosecute for negligence (one particular case where a convoy was shot up that had clear markings, was on a planned and registered route and had working transponders).

The following quote is probably familiar to many people after the happenings in the Iraqi prisons.

"Washington anticipated and prepared in advance for the war crimes now being committed against the Iraqi people. No criminal charges can be brought against a US soldier in Iraq because the puppet Iraqi Governing Council has given the American military a blanket amnesty from prosecution. Secondly, with the backing of Germany and a number of other countries, no US soldier or citizen can be prosecuted for war crimes in the International Criminal Court. "

Hey we can do anything but don't try to touch us.

that sounds just like Israel

Do you actually know the location of Israel or just like to blow anti-Semitic smoke in the air?


that sounds just like Israel

Important to never miss a chance to mention Israel totally out of context in a negative light.

It's (not so) amazing that some defend Israel and America to the very and bitter end (correctly so since it's not allowed to bash upon ANY country) but allow themselves to do EXACTLY the same when it comes to put other countries in a negative light, China and Russia for instance... ;)

Hypocrisy* in it's finest form.

Opportunistic posting behavior.



One can understand Russia's argument here - on what grounds does th USA have to extradite - on suspicion that he may sell arms that may shoot down helicopters? On that basis, anyone could be extradited. The McKinnon case was ill-founded and became a face saving thing for the USA I believe (which ultimately became an embarrassment). I'm still reminded of the USA's refusal to extradite (or even name) the friendly fire pilots that the UK wished to interview with possible intention to prosecute for negligence (one particular case where a convoy was shot up that had clear markings, was on a planned and registered route and had working transponders).

The following quote is probably familiar to many people after the happenings in the Iraqi prisons.

"Washington anticipated and prepared in advance for the war crimes now being committed against the Iraqi people. No criminal charges can be brought against a US soldier in Iraq because the puppet Iraqi Governing Council has given the American military a blanket amnesty from prosecution. Secondly, with the backing of Germany and a number of other countries, no US soldier or citizen can be prosecuted for war crimes in the International Criminal Court. "

Hey we can do anything but don't try to touch us.

that sounds just like Israel

Do you actually know the location of Israel or just like to blow anti-Semitic smoke in the air?

Yes went to Israel as a kid

No anti semetic here mate just very clear to see that Israel is no better than the palestinians, they murder innocents commit war crimes and get away with it. They lie to the world and then get proven they lied with video evidence and still get away with it.

its not anti semetic its the truth and thats just another excuse from people trying to supress the truth by using that term labeling people as racist and not being allowed to have there own point of view based on the evidence presented

The world can see clearly that Israel is now the aggressor and the world is rapidly losing respect for them especially when its shown there so called embargo includes Candy, childrens toys and other ridiculous items which are banned items which they only retracted when it came to public light.

Embargo I understand if rockets, arms, explosives etc but essentials for living thats just Wrong and theres no excuse for it.

I really never knew much about it all but after watching everything I could on the subject its clear they are no better than the terrosists they are fighting problem is they consider children and anyone who is palestinian as terrorist too,

As for the excuse they are shooting rockets into Israel ok its clearly wrong however compared to what Israel uses on them they are mere fireworks.

Not anti semitism but the truth but a convinient accusation to keep people from speaking out else be accused of anit semitism

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Yes went to Israel as a kid

No anti semetic here mate just very clear to see that Israel is no better than the palestinians, they murder innocents commit war crimes and get away with it. They lie to the world and then get proven they lied with video evidence and still get away with it.

its not anti semetic its the truth and thats just another excuse from people trying to supress the truth by using that term labeling people as racist and not being allowed to have there own point of view based on the evidence presented

The world can see clearly that Israel is now the aggressor and the world is rapidly losing respect for them especially when its shown there so called embargo includes Candy, childrens toys and other ridiculous items which are banned items which they only retracted when it came to public light.

Embargo I understand if rockets, arms, explosives etc but essentials for living thats just Wrong and theres no excuse for it.

I really never knew much about it all but after watching everything I could on the subject its clear they are no better than the terrosists they are fighting problem is they consider children and anyone who is palestinian as terrorist too,

As for the excuse they are shooting rockets into Israel ok its clearly wrong however compared to what Israel uses on them they are mere fireworks.

Not anti semitism but the truth but a convinient accusation to keep people from speaking out else be accused of anit semitism

Totally irrelevant to this thread but you went there as a kid, was that 60 years ago? and all your facts are from where exactly? the TV.


Yes went to Israel as a kid

No anti semetic here mate just very clear to see that Israel is no better than the palestinians, they murder innocents commit war crimes and get away with it. They lie to the world and then get proven they lied with video evidence and still get away with it.

its not anti semetic its the truth and thats just another excuse from people trying to supress the truth by using that term labeling people as racist and not being allowed to have there own point of view based on the evidence presented

The world can see clearly that Israel is now the aggressor and the world is rapidly losing respect for them especially when its shown there so called embargo includes Candy, childrens toys and other ridiculous items which are banned items which they only retracted when it came to public light.

Embargo I understand if rockets, arms, explosives etc but essentials for living thats just Wrong and theres no excuse for it.

I really never knew much about it all but after watching everything I could on the subject its clear they are no better than the terrosists they are fighting problem is they consider children and anyone who is palestinian as terrorist too,

As for the excuse they are shooting rockets into Israel ok its clearly wrong however compared to what Israel uses on them they are mere fireworks.

Not anti semitism but the truth but a convinient accusation to keep people from speaking out else be accused of anit semitism

Totally irrelevant to this thread but you went there as a kid, was that 60 years ago? and all your facts are from where exactly? the TV.

No About 25 years ago and your right get back on topic but i could easily refer you factual sites if you really need it but i think you already know the truth on this matter and would not beleive it if it were plain in fron of your face.

Back to Bout


Yes went to Israel as a kid

You let loose a classic totally biased inflammatory Israel bashing rant and then say, finished now, lets get back to topic. How does that work? I suppose it does work, but people please remember the Palestinian leadership has never said they accept the existence of the Jewish state of Israel, period, the state, we aren't talking about controversial territories now. You can't negotiate with a force that wants you liquidated. Next ...


Yes went to Israel as a kid

You let loose a classic totally biased inflammatory Israel bashing rant and then say, finished now, lets get back to topic. How does that work? I suppose it does work, but people please remember the Palestinian leadership has never said they accept the existence of the Jewish state of Israel, period, the state, we aren't talking about controversial territories now. You can't negotiate with a force that wants you liquidated. Next ...

Ok since you dont want to get back on topic

Its not a totally biased nor meant as infflamatory which generally means you dont agree with it since its inflamming you

it s my view based on what I see on news channels and read about in a variety of news publications both pro and anti Israel.

My personal view on this subject has changed over the past few years, prior to that i was completely pro Israel and understood there action however over the past few years that view has changed and so has my perspective of Israel and while I dont agree with HAMAS or that they dont recognize Israel the actions of Israel over the past few years are borderline criminal especially there action in Lebanon " overkill" there use of banned war munitions the ridiculous banned items denyng the palestinian children candy and toys continuing buidling in the settlement when they promised they would stop, I could on and on and on but my about turn is a result of years of what is portrayed as a one sided one rule of us and another for them.

The recent boarding and killing of the 9 turkish people again Israel had no right to board a ship in international waters and attack its passengers who of course are going to defend themselves, if however they had waited till they were in Israeli waters then Ok they have an excuse based on the video but to board a ship in International waters is an act of piracy but yet again because its Israel they get away scott free with there actions.

I dont dislike Israelis I dislike the israeli government and the fact that no one will say anything cause they will be called Anti semetic and thats not right, when they do wrong they have to be punished just like they are punishing the Palestinian and Lebanese people when they do wrong, I dont mean with bombs I mean the International community but they are too scared as they have the US as the big jeffe and no one has the balls to speak the truth because they will then be labeled anti semetic.

Im not anti semetic but I certainly dont agree on what Israel does and gets away with.


It's so funny how so many non-Americans are anti-American. It's very obvious that your countries and governments and medias use America as a scapegoat from their own problems and wrong doings even though they followed Bush and whomever else is in charge around like a little puppy dog. It's all just string pulling of course and you guys are the puppets. Don't worry, won't be long now before you are complaining about those terrible Chinese and all their wrong doings.

History shows us you may hit the nail on the head. It may take some struggle, but hopefully peacefully. Not easy, some Brits still pine for their lost Empire which is 'only' 50-odd years ago.

Which Brits are these?

Ive been British for my entire 35 years and ive never met one who has ever spoken about his pride in the empire or has ever mentioned about wishing the British Empire was still alive or for that matter has ever had his life en-richened because of it, but keep on coming out with your simpleton American tales youve clearly made up.

Good luck to Bout i hope he walks.

At 35 now you were seven when old glory came in the form of a successful Falklands War. As for the American tales, nah, I'm genuine Dutch uncle :lol:

I'm really curious as to why this last remark of mine got two negative reviews. Is it the reference to the Falklands War, or the fact that I'm Dutch ? Puzzling to say the least.

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