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Why Does Thailand Have Such A Bad Reputation ?


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Yes that's what I'm saying. People who haven't been to Thailand think it's just sex and sex and suicides. And People who haven't been to Alaska think it's igloos bears and sleds. People are gullible, just like 9/11 in someway was tainted, just like Obama said he was going to bring 'Change' and ain't did nothing since he's been in DC besides play golf and take vacations.

Just because there are some women out there that want to get in your pockets to support there little brothers and sisters and family, don't mean that's what they prefer/want to do, that's just what farangs prefer to do when they hit thailand, then go to there home and all they talk about for 4 months to there buddies and forum is Nana plaza and Bar girls.

Heres some math.

1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

so add 2 and 3 together and boom, she want's their money to benefit her life, they want her body to benefit their ego or loneliness, she's gets their money she gets to survive a few more days/months, and they have many stories to tell about a "hooker"

So this is why thailand women have that bad reputation in my eyes. Internet don't make it any better either.

I never thought Thailand was about sex before I got here, the reality is way beyond anything I could have imagined. If I tried to tell the guys back home what was happening here, they just wouldn't believe me.

Your math applies to women all over the world, it's just in the western world you need a lot more money to do what you can do in Thailand. Rod Stewart, Tiger Woods, Peter Stringfellow, etc., etc.

I wouldn't exactly call my wife submissive, in fact if I were to order her around the likely result would be her chasing me around the house screaming and wielding a big knife in her hand, I would describe most Thai ladies I have known really well as "violent and aggressive, bordering on insane".

My first act after the wedding, was to hide my new wifes really big switchblade, usually carried in her handbag ..... really more of a switch-machete!

For someone who claims Thai heritage, you don't seem to know much about Thai ladies!

Yea difference between me and you and other expats or vacationist/living is...

I spent 3 years in Thailand so far, you and most of these posters are on there 10-25-35 years there.

While 90% of you expats live alone in hotel or a house by yourself in the village and look on thai people from the outside, I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers. I never saw no crazy thai women chasing their men with knifes.. (maybe it's just YOU) . I never seen my cousins wife yell at him, or my uncles and wifes fight. I met so many people there and only seen "some" arguments, so don't sit there and tell me, Thai women are violent, mean, scream and chase people with knifes, just because that's how your wife treats you.

And who's claiming what? No claiming here... I got THAI blood in me my friend. I don't need to prove nothing to anyone here, all I'm doing is just telling my side of things... While people trying to get a work visa and complaining about double pricing... I just seem to fit right in...

I think a lot of you get so mad about my post and choose to reply with weak smart comments cause you know I'm 90% right on, and hits you close to home, I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

Three years isn't very long to have spent in Thailand so I will give you some leeway for your ignorance but if you spent longer here then you might know a bit more about expats. The vast majority , probably about 90 percent, do not live alone. They normally live with partners and children who are probably Thai. Most of them as a result of the said marriage will know a large number of Thai people ( for better or worse ) , relatives, family friends etc.

You say you don't need to prove anything to anyone but that is exactly what you do in the same post by telling us how Thai you are. Have to laugh really.

Can you tell me my life story in Thailand, I doubt it . I can"t remember it all myself !

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While 90% of you expats live alone in hotel or a house by yourself in the village and look on thai people from the outside, I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers. I never saw no crazy thai women chasing their men with knifes.. (maybe it's just YOU) . I never seen my cousins wife yell at him, or my uncles and wifes fight. I met so many people there and only seen "some" arguments, so don't sit there and tell me, Thai women are violent, mean, scream and chase people with knifes, just because that's how your wife treats you.

And who's claiming what? No claiming here... I got THAI blood in me my friend. I don't need to prove nothing to anyone here, all I'm doing is just telling my side of things... While people trying to get a work visa and complaining about double pricing... I just seem to fit right in...

I think a lot of you get so mad about my post and choose to reply with weak smart comments cause you know I'm 90% right on, and hits you close to home, I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

Do you speak Thai? ... I suspect not.

Do you read and write Thai? .... I suspect not.

You may have Thai blood, but you will always be considered an outsider by "proper Thais" (as they like to say).

I can probably tell the life story of a "wannabe Thai" without actually ever meeting one of you.

Oops I tell a lie, I did meet an American wannabe Thai, lived all his life in America, came over here, pretended to be more Thai than the Thais, but couldn't speak, read or write the language. He was tolerated by Thais, who allowed him to pay for everything, and then insulted and bad mouthed him while he was in the room .... but he didn't have a clue what they were saying about him. Dressed like a pretend rap star ...... seen that video by "Offspring - Pretty Fly for a White Guy", he dressed like that.


I don't get mad about your posts, I think they are very amusing, please post more often. (It's nice to have someone who makes dafter posts than I do)

lol. I know your mad now cause With this fabricated post, I must have hit a nerve.

Can I speak Thai? A decent amount, but no where close to fluent. My mom stopped speaking Thai to me when I was a child, but I guess that's my fault right lol!

Read or write? Not at all. Lol. But When do parents teach there kid who lives in America to read and write Thai lol! Duh.

I'm faking to be Thai? And Be more than Thais?! Not at all. How could I fake it, I have Thai blood running through my viens.

Thais talk behind my back?! I'm sure they do, but I talk behind they backs to lol, but wait, we don't speak the same

laungauge, so how would we know?! Do I let it bother me.. Not at all, that's human nature.

I'm a fake gangster rapper?! Lol gangster rap is somthing I don't rap about... Why? .. Because I don't gang bang. I don't rap about dope dealing, murder, thuggin ect. Lol.

Come on this the best you can do?

But anyways, I see you where shaking when you typed your reply.. Eyes proabally glossed over with a bottle of singha next to the mouse pad half empty. Lol!

I never knew people where more Thai than other people based on if they can read write and speak. Wow. I thought you where Thai because you where born Thai .. Hahahaahahaah and hahahahahaha.

Why you think my name is superstarstatus? I walk anywhere in Thailand and I'm looked at as a superstar lol ..

Don't lose any sleep myself , have fun thinking of a response

Reading yor post, I have to ask whether your parents stopped speaking English to you as well when you were four because it would explain a lot of the errors.

You are Thai if one of your parents is Thai. This passes on Thai nationality.

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I grew up very near what is now Thai Town, and watched it change from a grotty, down -and-out, poor area, to an interesting and relatively safe area to visit. Thai influences have only done the area good.

That said, my first encounter with the media slant regarding Thailand was an article in Oui Magazine, a Playboy publication, entitled, "Horny Huns Invade Bangkok". It was quite a serious article, about the German sex tourist trade in Thailand, which was going strong before most Americans would have any idea where Thailand was, let alone understand a Bangkok massage parlor joke. I first heard of Thermae, and a number of other nearly-forgotten places from that article.

Of course, at that time, the salacious aspect was a great motivator for me, and was (only partly) responsible for eventually bringing me here. I like to think I have learned a bit since then, and added other motivations to the more titillating one, but I don't think it needs defending.

Since then, America has changed a lot. Arguably, at least in the P4P arena, Thailand has not. (Please don't pick on this point. I'm aware that, of course, MANY aspects of it HAVE changed). America has become at best, a snickering schoolboy about sex, and at worst, a Super Puritan, John Standish, Carrie Nationesque, Robo-Censor on all matters sexual, around the world. I guess we just have too few real problems to worry about, or too many that can be blamed on 'them dam_n furriners'. Ditto other parts of the Western world, though I think we claim the prize.

So, to return to the original topic, I'm not sure I agree with the OP's premise. Does Thailand have a bad reputation regarding her women? If so, I'd say it's NOT because of prostitution, but because of a certain aloofness, and voracious materialism that most people who have experienced the real Thailand would agree upon. The fact of a city with three square blocks of neon-lit (ok, maybe a bit more) adult entertainment should shock no one. Juarez, Tijuana, Matamoros, etc., in Mexico, have arguably more visible prostitution than Bangkok has.

No, in reality, I think is the tendency to deride/degrade what you don't understand that is at work here. And, there are certainly a LOT of folks who can't be bothered to distinguish Taiwan from, let alone understand, Thailand...so the jokes, like Polish jokes, and N-word jokes, come easy...betraying the joker for lack of sophistication.


TJ, Juarez, etc. are the exception in Mexico, not the norm. In most Mexican cities you'd have to ask a cabbie where 'la zona' is, and last I heard it's legal and regulated. Even in TJ it's largely restricted to one quarter, although easily accessible. In Thailand IT'S EVERYWHERE, EVEN THOUGH IT'S ILLEGAL. This is part of the problem, the hypocrisy and the dishonesty. Thai women DO have other options, but they're not necessarily easier. Poor women in other countries don't usually start selling their bodies at age sixteen. The hotel will offer to send a girl to your room in remote Loei, for God's sake.

Then there's the problem of 'trafficking'. Though this is many times nothing more than a euphemism for prostitution- whether legal, voluntary, or consensual- it DOES happen, and deserves special scrutiny.

In an era when at least 20-25% of the world- the Muslim Quarter- is resurgent and disapproves strongly of such public displays I'd say maybe the world should do a reality check on its morals. I'd say the US position is about right- gradually liberalising on gay marriage, etc., while generally not favoring the nud_e beaches and sex supermarkets of southern and northern Europe, respectively.

Yes, Thailand SHOULD clean up its act, but that would be more of a case of cooling it, not shutting everything down. Otherwise the only alternative might be a regretful overreaction- kick out all the foreigners. Sound familiar?

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