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Hi Gang this is Gonzo.

Can anyone recommend a modestly priced hotel or guest house in the Chiang Saen, Golden Triangle area.

Two middle aged Australian Women Travelers are looking for something quiet, but not too far from the necessaries, like restaurant, limited shopping and have access to public transport such as tuk tuk or mototaxi, so they have the freedom to come and go as necessary.

Another concern they have is the flooding conditions in the area. Many areas are currently getting a little too much rain and causing many roads to be closed and some accommodations to be in a hold situation. They must be able to travel overland from Chiang Mai to the area you may suggest.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.




Hi Gonzo,

there are buses from Chiang Mai to Chiang Saen, not used them myself but I've seen them in Chiang Saen and here's a link which may help (not sure how up to date it is with the prices!) http://www.thailine.com/thailand/english/north-e/chmai-e/transp-e/bus-e.htm#Chiang Saen

If you or the ladies are in Chiang Mai then I reckon you can check this part out by enquiring at the bus station.

As for accommodation, I haven't stayed in any guest houses there (I stay in my g/f's sisters house) but can suggest, after getting off the bus, a visit to 'cafe mong doo nam' which, as the name suggests, is right on the river front. Turn left at the 'T' junction facing the river (right where the buses all stop) and it's about a 5 minute walk, or grab a sam lor if they've got suitcases etc.

The couple who own and run the cafe are very helpful and have the best coffee and cake :) there's a small guesthouse right next door, people staying there often drop in to the cafe to organise their day, and they also have plenty of information about the area and where to go/what to see etc. including more places to stay.

I reckon that would be a good place to start, and from there they can check out the area themselves.

Hope this helps,




Thanks guys for the suggestions.

Greatly appreciated.

Just one question alfieconn, Your resort , while very beautiful is somewhat confusing to me. The owners thinking is what I mean.

I was unable to find a way to switch over to an English Version. So someone would have to read both English and Thai to make the website work.

English only readers could only read the titles and nothing of the content.

Thai only readers could read only the content but not be able to read the titles and search out what they are looking for.

Is there some switchover language toggle that I missed.

In any event, the guests are on a 3 day, 2 night hilltribe trek, so I will fill them in on their return

Thanks both of you for the help


p.s you ever get down the CM way, try and stop by The Pun Pun.


If they are travelling from CM to CR by bus they will arrive at the new bus station. They will have to transfer to the old bus station downtown to catch a local bus. Try to get a CM bus direct to Chiang Saen.

Chiang Saen is a small place. There is only limited shopping.

If its dry nice to eat fish while sitting along the river boardwalk.

Pickup taxis run between Chiang Saen & the golden triangle.

Stay away from Gins guest house: old ,run down & noisy at night.Unless you like drunks & karaoke.

What/where is The Pun Pun?.


If they are travelling from CM to CR by bus they will arrive at the new bus station. They will have to transfer to the old bus station downtown to catch a local bus. Try to get a CM bus direct to Chiang Saen.

Chiang Saen is a small place. There is only limited shopping.

If its dry nice to eat fish while sitting along the river boardwalk.

Pickup taxis run between Chiang Saen & the golden triangle.

Stay away from Gins guest house: old ,run down & noisy at night.Unless you like drunks & karaoke.

What/where is The Pun Pun?.

WHAT ????

You don't know about the internationally famous Pun Pun ????? Y its known all the way around the world...... I've got family that live in the states and they know about it.

The Pun Pun is an old line, old time , Lonely Planet mentioned guest house on the river in Chiang Mai.... It has been my pleasure to "pay back" for all the years of professional life where in business you have to be nice to customers...... Now for the last 14 years, I have been paying back for all those years of being nice ,because that is what you are supposed to do in business.

Now when cheap charlie comes by,,,,,, I can openly and happily ask him if he knows what a 500 pound canary sounds like??? ........ CHEAP ! ! !


kidding .... partially


aaahhhhhhhh the joys of retirement

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