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Internet Options In Phuket?


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For the moment I am in Pattaya (unfortunately), but I intend on moving to Phuket this week or next one. What are the internet options there? Here I have True Internet, the 16mbps package. Is thsi available in Phuket as well? How does it work? Any other (better) options? Thank you in advance for your replies.

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It depends where in Phuket you plan to live. There are many areas and towns here in Phuket. I think most everywhere has TOT and 3B, which was TTT before, I think. I haven't seen True here. I currently have my service through my local TV cable company. I am supposed to get 4 Mbps down and 500K up, depending on the time of day and how many people are using it, the speed varies. It's 500 Baht a month. I know they have faster packages for more per month. Different areas have different cable companies and I'm not sure they all offer internet. Good luck and hope you find a nice area here in Phuket. TTT/3B's number is: 077221724

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It will work in exactly the same way as Pattaya, you need to get a telephone line then can sign up with a providor. You can spend anything from 150 baht per month to 25,000; same packages available as Pattaya but with the option of Fiber Optic if you can afford it,

Not much else to it really.

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It will work in exactly the same way as Pattaya, you need to get a telephone line then can sign up with a providor. You can spend anything from 150 baht per month to 25,000; same packages available as Pattaya but with the option of Fiber Optic if you can afford it,

Not much else to it really.

Actually theres a new system (maxnet 3BB) being rolled out where you dont need a phone line.. You get a net connection and no phone. Early reports seem good, new infrastructure so quite stable.

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Thanks for all your replies. 3BB has pretty bad reviews, both in Bangkok and Pattaya. Most of my friends who have/had it complained about it. Hope True has the 16Mbps package available in Phuket. It's quite decent for the money. BTW I will be staying in the Chalong area

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No true isnt here.. Maxnets not bad if you get the premier packages not the indy.

Just noticed this morning Maxnet have upgraded me again.. Now getting 5.5 Mbit connections and 5 plus international speeds.

Maxnet or CAT (or big money for fiber) are the best the island has to be honest.

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Maxnet... Getting faster again..

I have a slightly odd line, it was 'detuned' by the tech to get it more stable at the expense of connection speeds. So my results are often not the same as others but.

Been away for a month, used to get 3.5Mbit (0.5 up) connections in the modem, and about 3+ Mbit real world international.. DL'ed something this morning and getting 550kbps downloads !!

Now modem is connecting at 5.8 Mbit (0.6 up) and I am getting 4.8 - 5 Mbit international..

Nice speed jump.. Was 2Mbit when I signed up but theres just been a series of free unpublished upgrades. Thats now pretty close to cheap western lines.


Maxnet premier.. 1090 baht.

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Maxnet... Getting faster again..

I have a slightly odd line, it was 'detuned' by the tech to get it more stable at the expense of connection speeds. So my results are often not the same as others but.

Been away for a month, used to get 3.5Mbit (0.5 up) connections in the modem, and about 3+ Mbit real world international.. DL'ed something this morning and getting 550kbps downloads !!

Now modem is connecting at 5.8 Mbit (0.6 up) and I am getting 4.8 - 5 Mbit international..

Nice speed jump.. Was 2Mbit when I signed up but theres just been a series of free unpublished upgrades. Thats now pretty close to cheap western lines.


Maxnet premier.. 1090 baht.

They "upgraded" mine also same like yours. Check it out again. From UPloadspeed you will see, they not upgraded it, they downgraded it to the 5MB Indy promotion package for 590 Bath. Also the line was not more stable same before.

I gave them a call and they told me,........yes we make this to all premier customers....blablabla. But i insisted on my 3MB premier line and got it back.

So now its stable again.

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They "upgraded" mine also same like yours. Check it out again. From UPloadspeed you will see, they not upgraded it, they downgraded it to the 5MB Indy promotion package for 590 Bath. Also the line was not more stable same before.

I gave them a call and they told me,........yes we make this to all premier customers....blablabla. But i insisted on my 3MB premier line and got it back.

So now its stable again.

Lines rock stable.. seeing torrents over 550kbps currently.

What site (uploadspeed ??) would be able to list / determine maxnets type of subscription ?? Seems unlikely.

According to maxnet I am on premier NOT indy.

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3MB Premier line you must have this connection in your router:

Line Rate - Upstream (Kbps):1020Line Rate - Downstream (Kbps):3582

and i get stable 3MB down and 0,8MB upload international speed.

As mentioned my line was custom tuned to get best connection results.. Especially the 1024 was pulled back to 512 to keep it stable. All part of the service as my line was a 'special install' with it costing a good chunk to get done.

Back when that was 2Mbit I didnt get 2Mbit connectiosn.. Same when others got 3 and 4 plus MB modem connections mine was 2.8 and later 3.4..

Right now its 5888/600.. The user panel / my account on 3bb.co.th still lists it as premier 3Mbit tho.

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Had 3BB for quite some time but got fed up with so called technical problems plus the call center was a waste of time except on very few occasions. When they split with TT&T the contractors installing the new line in our area and said they would also install a line into our for B.150 per meter as a favour to us. Knowing I needed 40 meters I declined.

I have now changed to TRUE who also installed new lines in our area plus installed a line into the house all for the promotion price of B.500 which included a wireless modem. I have the B.599 per month package, (one year contract) giving 4 Mbps and so far find it extremely good.

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what about phuket cable (the tv company) they offer 4mbps.. is it any good?

Can't comment about Phuket cable, but we have a feed from Patong Cable and it seesm to work quite well. It's a CAT service and 2 types of service are offered, I think 4 Megs and something like 12 Megs. We have the 4 Megs service, costs about 500 baht/month.

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Had 3BB for quite some time but got fed up with so called technical problems plus the call center was a waste of time except on very few occasions. When they split with TT&T the contractors installing the new line in our area and said they would also install a line into our for B.150 per meter as a favour to us. Knowing I needed 40 meters I declined.

Took 400m of cabling to get from my place tot he nearest workable point. Plus the old 'no lines available' bribe..

But the benefit of the big bill was extra special attention to customer service..

I have now changed to TRUE who also installed new lines in our area plus installed a line into the house all for the promotion price of B.500 which included a wireless modem. I have the B.599 per month package, (one year contract) giving 4 Mbps and so far find it extremely good.

Apologies for the previous info then.. I didnt think we had a 'true' option down here.

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what about phuket cable (the tv company) they offer 4mbps.. is it any good?

Can't comment about Phuket cable, but we have a feed from Patong Cable and it seesm to work quite well. It's a CAT service and 2 types of service are offered, I think 4 Megs and something like 12 Megs. We have the 4 Megs service, costs about 500 baht/month.

what about stability and pings?

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what about phuket cable (the tv company) they offer 4mbps.. is it any good?

Can't comment about Phuket cable, but we have a feed from Patong Cable and it seesm to work quite well. It's a CAT service and 2 types of service are offered, I think 4 Megs and something like 12 Megs. We have the 4 Megs service, costs about 500 baht/month.

what about stability and pings?

Sorry, never got back to you. Trouble is that Patong Cable's Internet service has been crap these last 4 days. 3 days ago they said is was CAT's fault. This morning no service, I phoned and magically service came back 10 minutes later, but slooow. Technicians came to house 30 minutes ago, plugs in his PC and declares service OK. I say wait a minute, connect with my PC, make a speed test which cannot complete as speed too slow to even measure. Told the cable guys I was cancelling the service if they could not bring back the 4 Megs promised. Sigh sigh.. they seem all to be just as bad.

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Speak easy test.. Best results of a few tests.


Download Speed: 2028 kbps (253.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 447 kbps (55.9 KB/sec transfer rate)


Download Speed: 2242 kbps (280.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 451 kbps (56.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

The speak easy tests are not proving very consistent.. Often they blaze at first, showing 3Mbit plus and then obviously slow down / break about 2/3rd in. Also oddly I am getting tests to LA being consistently better than tests to SF.

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Sorry to be a pain.. But domestic results dont give the full picture..

Can do some long distance ones ?? West coats usa or N europe ??

Finding maxnet is more variable now, some times its blazing, close to 500kbps downloads.. Others its not much improved.

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Speed all well and good, if you are a regular surfer like me, 4Mb is plenty. I have 3BB, never had a problem until a few days ago. I figure it must be the internet as I have tried everything on the computer to correct it...

I can seem to connect to any website I want to except bbc.co.uk, and I also cannot access my yahoo mailbox. Everything else is just fine.

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