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Internet Options In Phuket?


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what about phuket cable (the tv company) they offer 4mbps.. is it any good?

Can't comment about Phuket cable, but we have a feed from Patong Cable and it seesm to work quite well. It's a CAT service and 2 types of service are offered, I think 4 Megs and something like 12 Megs. We have the 4 Megs service, costs about 500 baht/month.

what about stability and pings?

Sorry, never got back to you. Trouble is that Patong Cable's Internet service has been crap these last 4 days. 3 days ago they said is was CAT's fault. This morning no service, I phoned and magically service came back 10 minutes later, but slooow. Technicians came to house 30 minutes ago, plugs in his PC and declares service OK. I say wait a minute, connect with my PC, make a speed test which cannot complete as speed too slow to even measure. Told the cable guys I was cancelling the service if they could not bring back the 4 Megs promised. Sigh sigh.. they seem all to be just as bad.

Hallo Living in Kata,

as I am about to sign up for PA Cable's Standard Service I would like to know whether it is back to "normal"? As I am just checking my e-Mails and some occasional internet surfing their offer of 4 Mb/512kb seems to be quite reasonable at THB 499. Especially as you don't need a telephone line.

Your feedback would be appreciated.

P.S. I am a bit surprised that in Kata you have Patong Cable.

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Hallo Living in Kata,

as I am about to sign up for PA Cable's Standard Service I would like to know whether it is back to "normal"? As I am just checking my e-Mails and some occasional internet surfing their offer of 4 Mb/512kb seems to be quite reasonable at THB 499. Especially as you don't need a telephone line.

Your feedback would be appreciated.

P.S. I am a bit surprised that in Kata you have Patong Cable.

Patong cable Internet service seems to have been working to specification the last few times I checked. When I'm over in Patong today I'll make a speed check and copy here.

We have some business properties in Patong where we supply a variety of internet services.

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Speed all well and good, if you are a regular surfer like me, 4Mb is plenty. I have 3BB, never had a problem until a few days ago. I figure it must be the internet as I have tried everything on the computer to correct it...

I can seem to connect to any website I want to except bbc.co.uk, and I also cannot access my yahoo mailbox. Everything else is just fine.

Not your computer PB - It was 3BB problem that started with the BBC; gradually was getting worse to also include Yahoo and the B..... Post (DNS/IP Address issue I think) - was only on the lower speed 3BB plans and lasted about 5 days, they fixed it Saturday evening.

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