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Anyone else able to get to here: http://forum.vuze.com/index.jspa

I haven't been able to for the last 3 or 4 days, unless I switch on that smelly onion thingy that we're not allowed to talk about.

So a forum about a software product that enables downloading of torrents is now blocked? Where will it all end? :D


The "smelly onion" thingy is your friend, when it comes to overcome the inefficiency and blatant ignorance of the law by your ISP.

Remember, and have a look at the Thai Visa rules: It is forbidden to discuss Proxies and the like as a means to bypass legal blockages. These blockages must be confirmed by a court in Thailand. Lots of pages, including wikileaks, seem to be blocked, but only by either the ISPs own illegal decisions, or most likely by their incompetence.

So far, neither vuze.com nor wikileaks.com are known to be blocked by a court decision, so I reckon using Tor or other means to bypass glitches of the internet or illegal censorship by local ISPs are perfectly ok.


what smelly onion ? it'a rot onion lol

Correct! :)

The "smelly onion" thingy is your friend, when it comes to overcome the inefficiency and blatant ignorance of the law by your ISP.

Remember, and have a look at the Thai Visa rules: It is forbidden to discuss Proxies and the like as a means to bypass legal blockages. These blockages must be confirmed by a court in Thailand. Lots of pages, including wikileaks, seem to be blocked, but only by either the ISPs own illegal decisions, or most likely by their incompetence.

So far, neither vuze.com nor wikileaks.com are known to be blocked by a court decision, so I reckon using Tor or other means to bypass glitches of the internet or illegal censorship by local ISPs are perfectly ok.

OK, so yes, I can get there using TOR but when I turn it off, my Firefox displays the usual timeout message. It is 100% consistent - with TOR: access OK, without TOT: no access...

With TOR:


Without TOR:



Works on TOT, TRUE and CSLoxInfo.

It's just you. http://forum.vuze.com is up.

Check another site?

OK thanks, tried that and the site says it is just me. :(


But when I click on that link to forum.Vuze on their web page, I get the timeout message. What can be doing this?

A zillion bonus points to whoever can suss this out! :D


Looks to be a routing issue. Try changing DNS servers.

Yes, did that already. From TOT's DNS server to Google's - Same problem. Very weird.


Do a tracert, post the results.

Not good:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\user>tracert

Usage: tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name


-d Do not resolve addresses to hostnames.

-h maximum_hops Maximum number of hops to search for target.

-j host-list Loose source route along host-list.

-w timeout Wait timeout milliseconds for each reply.

C:\Documents and Settings\user>tracert forum.vuze.com

Tracing route to ec2-174-129-43-34.compute-1.amazonaws.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 Destination host unreachable.

Trace complete.

C:\Documents and Settings\user>

Also, "ping" results in "Destination host unreachable."

C:\Documents and Settings\user>ping forum.vuze.com

Pinging ec2-174-129-43-34.compute-1.amazonaws.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Destination host unreachable.

Destination host unreachable.

Destination host unreachable.

Destination host unreachable.

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

C:\Documents and Settings\user>


Looks to be a routing issue. Try changing DNS servers.

Yes, did that already. From TOT's DNS server to Google's - Same problem. Very weird.

Also tried OpenDNS. Same result.

Also deleted everything from my Hosts file except localhost w3.mict.co.th :whistling:

and rebooted. Same result.


OK, found it.

"Peerblock" - the program to protect Vuze from nasty IPs - was also blocking forum.vuze.com.

Does that make sense? :o

Not to me it doesn't. Anyway, I've told Peerblock not to block it and all is OK.


Tracert indicates a problem on your, (in your home) network, maybe a DNS issue, maybe a firewall issue. almost certainly operator error vs. conspiracy.

Tracert the IP address.


Tracert indicates a problem on your, (in your home) network, maybe a DNS issue, maybe a firewall issue. almost certainly operator error vs. conspiracy.

Tracert the IP address.

Yep, did that too.

But see the post above yours. All is explained! :D

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