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In the run up to our village Pu Yai Baan elections earlier this year the candidates seemed to expend a good deal more energy and money than in the previous campaign six years ago.

I have it from the missus ('her-say' as opposed to 'hear-say', both unreliable sources) that this election was a 'win at all costs' as the rules concerning length of office had been changed again.

Seems that from the old days up till Taksin took the reins, Pu Yai Baan was pretty much a life time appointment. These days it has become such a 'good little earner' that candidates are willing to spend whatever it takes to win, one of the unsuccessful candidates in this village borrowed 500,000 baht from the bank for his war chest.

Taksin brought in six year terms and now the present PM has changed it to retirement at 60. Our PYB is only 40years old and now has 20 years of 'income' to look forward to without the expense of six yearly campaign outlays.

Personally I preferred the Taksin way, at least we got the potholes filled every six years.

Was this rule change just a case of undo everything that Taksin has tainted or do you think Abhisit has an agenda.

If the only way now that a Pu Yai Baan can be removed is by the 'powers that be' then he is in a much better position under the present political regime and may be less likely to urge his villagers to vote that other party back in.

What do other members think is going on here?

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Personally I preferred the Taksin way, at least we got the potholes filled every six years.

In our Village the potholes are the job of the Orbator but I must agree with you it is bad move. I assume it can only be the result of some cost cutting exercise.

If the Pu Yai was just a figurehead for the Village I would not mind but as he controls expenditure that is where things can go astray.

Personally I'm happy having a few potholes, slows down the boy racers :)


I think you are mistaken. There is a mandatory retirement age, but regular elections are still held for the village head positions, at least in my wife's part of the country.

Do you have any links or other verifiable information to support your assertion that village head positions are now 'for life'? This doesn't sound right.

Elections in my wife's village are held every 4 years. There are no term limits though. So a popular pu yai baan could be reelected as many times as the village appreciates his leadership, up until he reaches 60 years old.


As I said in the OP I am going on 'her-say'.

I'll try and get confirmation from some other people and get back you.


I think you are mistaken. There is a mandatory retirement age, but regular elections are still held for the village head positions, at least in my wife's part of the country.

Do you have any links or other verifiable information to support your assertion that village head positions are now 'for life'? This doesn't sound right.

Elections in my wife's village are held every 4 years. There are no term limits though. So a popular pu yai baan could be reelected as many times as the village appreciates his leadership, up until he reaches 60 years old.

That sounds more like it, i hope its just hearsay used to discredit the current government.


My understanding as well is that Pu Yai ban elections are held every 4 years, not 6. There are term limits for the Kamnan position (two) and while I don't know that there are limits for puyai ban neither do I know that there aren't, seems odd that there would be term limits for one position and not another.


It is my understanding that the village headman is again, a position until retirement or death. The Ampur is a 4 year elected term.


Perhaps term limits have have been abandoned, and maybe this is the source of the confusion.

Someone who knows the answer definitively will probably find this thread and clear it up for us.


It is my understanding that the village headman is again, a position until retirement or death. The Ampur is a 4 year elected term.

Especially in the 3 southern provinces.


What exactly is this job?

Is it like a mayor?

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