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What a fascinating thread!

The OP had a great point, and then Harmonica chimed in with all kinds of comments. This is what makes this forum so interesting, and yes, i am a Brit.

Hopefullly, i can offer some selected comments that are relevant to both the OP, and the little antagonistic comments posted by him mentioned above , though, hats off, they were worded very nicely.

First and foremost, I am one of those entrepreneurs that you talk to in the bars (if i ever had chance to get to the bars!!). I am definately not wealthy, and am struggling to make a future for my family and i, but without talking to others (not bragging) how can you exepct to network and find out new avenues to persue? That, to me is what is called doing business, whether in your home land or in a foreign country.

I am certainly not one of the farangs who moans about this country un-necessarily, but hey, why cant we moan about it? when in your own country dont you have gripes that you talk about when down at the pub with your friends? There are many things here that irritate the ###### out of me! Starting with the serious inefieciency (sp?) of the beurocracy throughout the country, which is the first stumbling block of any developing nation. But, were i at home i would be moaning about the road works on the A1, or the recent budget Tax increases. Different places, different gripes, same outcome. That's human kind.

With regard to other comments by Harmonica, mai pen rai. I just point out the Britain has the 8th highest military budget in the world, but only the 97th largest military force. No other force in the world could sail 9000 (?) miles around the world to take on a force 60 times its size and succeed in its mission. That should tell you something. Our most secret special forces have the motto, 'Not by strength, but by guile." Maybe that should be adopted by the Americans to some degree.

I am one of those who loves USA bashing, but at the same time i love the USA . I love the country itself, and the vast majority of Americans i have met are wonderful, interesting people, but please dont tell me that a country in which 60% of college grads cannot pin the UK on a map, or name the Prime Minister of the UK doesnt have problems. It is fact that the USA has the highest poverty rate in the developed world. The fact that in general most citizens have no idea what is happening in the world around them speaks for itself.

The point i am making is that all countries have strengths and weaknesses. America is not as great as it likes to think. Thailand is not the  wonderful easy life in a tropical paradise, and the UK is not the easiest, warmest or anything else. All have good and bad points.

And in response to the OP. I have been in the country for almost 4 years now, and of the hundreds of numbers i have in my cellphone of people that i have met, i would only trust my money with a certain few. They would be 70% Thai. I leave my staff in charge of hundreds of thousands of Baht, and have no worries, but i have only a couple of farang friends who i would trust with such sums. The bottom line is that yes, Thailand attracts some low lifes, but so do most western cities. You watch your back wherever you are, and whatever you are doing.

Anyway, thats my rant over. My fingers hurt!

Goodnight to all.

An outstanding post, sir!

Taking up the underlined segments in order:

(1) Now you've gone and made me feel like a wanton attacker of the realm! :D

(2) Talk to others by all means, as much as you desire -- no problem, actually highly recommended -- but, re-read that part about the red light coming on deep in the psyche when the direction of the conversation heads towards money, biz, etc. and surreptitious hints of personal travail are revealed -- the red light does not go on unless something is amiss.

(3) 'Not by strength, but by guile. .... .... "he's going down into the valley to kill Ten Bears and as many of his men as he can -- he's a guerilla, stealth fighter and he knows the best he can do for us is on horseback, and alone!" ...... recognize it? :D

(4)Amen brother!


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What a fascinating thread!

The OP had a great point, and then Harmonica chimed in with all kinds of comments. This is what makes this forum so interesting, and yes, i am a Brit.

Hopefullly, i can offer some selected comments that are relevant to both the OP, and the little antagonistic comments posted by him mentioned above, though, hats off, they were worded very nicely.

First and foremost, I am one of those entrepreneurs that you talk to in the bars (if i ever had chance to get to the bars!!). I am definately not wealthy, and am struggling to make a future for my family and i, but without talking to others (not bragging) how can you exepct to network and find out new avenues to persue? That, to me is what is called doing business, whether in your home land or in a foreign country.

I am certainly not one of the farangs who moans about this country un-necessarily, but hey, why cant we moan about it? when in your own country dont you have gripes that you talk about when down at the pub with your friends? There are many things here that irritate the ###### out of me! Starting with the serious inefieciency (sp?) of the beurocracy throughout the country, which is the first stumbling block of any developing nation. But, were i at home i would be moaning about the road works on the A1, or the recent budget Tax increases. Different places, different gripes, same outcome. That's human kind.

With regard to other comments by Harmonica, mai pen rai. I just point out the Britain has the 8th highest military budget in the world, but only the 97th largest military force. No other force in the world could sail 9000 (?) miles around the world to take on a force 60 times its size and succeed in its mission. That should tell you something. Our most secret special forces have the motto, 'Not by strength, but by guile." Maybe that should be adopted by the Americans to some degree.

I am one of those who loves USA bashing, but at the same time i love the USA. I love the country itself, and the vast majority of Americans i have met are wonderful, interesting people, but please dont tell me that a country in which 60% of college grads cannot pin the UK on a map, or name the Prime Minister of the UK doesnt have problems. It is fact that the USA has the highest poverty rate in the developed world. The fact that in general most citizens have no idea what is happening in the world around them speaks for itself.

The point i am making is that all countries have strengths and weaknesses. America is not as great as it likes to think. Thailand is not the  wonderful easy life in a tropical paradise, and the UK is not the easiest, warmest or anything else. All have good and bad points.

And in response to the OP. I have been in the country for almost 4 years now, and of the hundreds of numbers i have in my cellphone of people that i have met, i would only trust my money with a certain few. They would be 70% Thai. I leave my staff in charge of hundreds of thousands of Baht, and have no worries, but i have only a couple of farang friends who i would trust with such sums. The bottom line is that yes, Thailand attracts some low lifes, but so do most western cities. You watch your back wherever you are, and whatever you are doing.

Anyway, thats my rant over. My fingers hurt!

Goodnight to all.

OK guys.... going back to my original posting. I am still bickering with my ex-boss over payments owed, but the good news is: at least we are bickering and I may still get paid eventually. I do have other friends though in shitty circumstances where they have no alternative income in the foreseeable future as they were "trapped" into working for certain farang companies that promised this and that and, you know who it goes.... the money failed to arrive, savings are eroded... and if you don't want to go home... you seek broader pastures (that may or may not exist).

Anyway, just letting you know there usually is a light at the end of the tunnel.

:o I surely believe so.

Remember the stories in the various publications about the Timeshare business in Thailand? .... How many farangs took up jobs with these outfits and were promised commissions would be paid every 2 weeks and then after several sales and several months of trying to get paid, the salesmen just left in disgust, broke to the bone and forced to get on a plane and go back home to work? ... :D


Ahh, the famous timeshare story. Doesnt that happen all over the world though? From the Costa del Sol to the land of smiles, a timeshare operation, whether it be owned by a westerner or a native of the country where the project lies, is something that all people of all ages know to be wary of.

Ahh, the famous timeshare story. Doesnt that happen all over the world though? From the Costa del Sol to the land of smiles, a timeshare operation, whether it be owned by a westerner or a native of the country where the project lies, is something that all people of all ages know to be wary of.

Actually EVO it is rare for a saleman to get ripped off so blatantly internationally. I've seen it happen in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico a long time ago. It appears that the boss of the establishment is the key as to whether this sort of stuff will go on or not.

In PV, Mexico, the Canadian boss had to answer to a Mexican director, who in turn answered to another Mexican hotshot in Mexico City. Recipe for disaster. Everybody, including yours truly, got f*cked! I must have dropped over 30,000 US -- just went up in smoke, poof!

In Cancun, Mexico, the bosses were American and their superiors were also American -- they truly made sure that the boys got paid.

I was doing this for a while during my younger days and enjoyed it thoroughly. I was hired as a closer -- free airfare, free accommodation (5*) and top-notch commisssions in USD.

I know the business quite well and met an Italian fella here in LOS who introduced me to the Englishman (here we go again! :o) who ran the Paradise timeshare outfit in Phuket. Didn't get to know him personally but did hear of many guys who did not receive their fair earnings there. ###### shame, really!

Second class citizens from our own countrymen. Shameful!!!

Thailand has more than its fair share of what you could call 'refugees from the West'. No shortage of farang scum here I assure you. But then, there's hardly a shortage at home, either :o


i have helped a number of farangs over the years and have done well-out of it :D

but then i never give straight-out loans and i make sure that i've control over security or bank accounts, right now i have a friend who last year lost his business in hong kong, i know his capabilities, so i funded his next project, we have strict terms and of course i control the bank :D

guess what, this guy works his arse off and already i've got my money back and am part of a growing successful business, does this make me an exploiter of farangs that are down on their knee's, i don't think so, i've met many succesful farangs on my drinking rounds, but if i wanna do business with them, do check them out thouroughly and not just rely on trust :o

yes, i've lost a few, but the losses are by far compensated by the profits i've made :D


Remember the stories in the various publications about the Timeshare business in Thailand? .... How many farangs took up jobs with these outfits and were promised commissions would be paid every 2 weeks and then after several sales and several months of trying to get paid, the salesmen just left in disgust, broke to the bone and forced to get on a plane and go back home to work? ... :o

Yeah, also another classic example of farang employees exploiting the farang employers, happening all over Thailand !

Free flight, free 1st month accommodation, paid trip to Penang for B Visa, work permit paid .... and guess what happens after the one month free accommodation is up and employer is down by 100,000 baht ? Yep, on to another company offering a month accommodation for free !! :D

Now advertising...

"Staff wanted ! Come and work in paradise ! No experience required, must be homeless and skint, looking for applicants without B visa, applicants with tourist visa overstays of 6 - 12 months preferred but not essential, desire to work also not essential. Please, ONLY applicants with the above skills need apply !"..... :D



Off-topic timeshare industry story, please endure, but enjoy -- its a true story and one that taught me the supreme value of adhering to BASICS regardless how esoteric, abstruse or complex further advancements got -- the BASIC in question is one of 10 in the subject of "one-call closing sales" -- :D

Besides the "classic" .... "he who speaks first after a CLOSING question has been delivered, loses!" .... this particular one is, "Never, never, never pre-judge a prospect and/or disqualify him/her based solely on physical appearance!"

I've loved the game for years -- couldn't resist offering this story.

It was lunch break on a slow day in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico and the staff were hanging around the reception area deciding where to go get some grub -- out of the blue came this request from the receptionist, "hey guys, can one of you give this lady the tour?"

There before us stood a shabbily dressed, disheveled, unkempt old lady (60's).

The liners (english speaking, educated, upper-class Mexicans, who take clients on a tour of the premises before turning them over to fellas like me, the closers, who knock the deal in) just started leaving in a hurry -- they obviously wanted no part of this -- neither did the 4 other closers.

The old lady looked at me and in that instant everything I ever learned in the biz was put to the test as I gazed into the vacuum of her eyes. Till today I don't know why I responded thusly, but I just blurted out, "I'll be happy to show you around, maam!"

I showed her the facilites and stunning views etc. and we developed a rapport. She spoke beautifully; there was kindness and generosity in her manner and I soon forgot that I was just working & that I was an idiot for skipping lunch!

We arrived at the closing table and I got right down to it and showed her the prices for "one week" and explained the financial arrangement we had with several banks should she decide not to go cash .

I delivered the closing question and then just held her gaze unflinchingly and did not utter another word -- it took an eternity for her to answer as she intially matched my gentle, quiet, but firm, eye-contact. Lowering her eyes, she asked, "what is the price for 8 weeks?"

I almost fell off my chair -- in the back of my mind was the thought that my buddies were going to laugh at me heartily for surely nobody just comes in off the street and buys 8 weeks. Its been unheard of! This coupled with her appearance did a number on me! --

I said, "8 weeks, no problem, you can have that" --

She reaches into her handbag and pulls out an Amex card and asks, "can you put the entire purchase price on this?"

"Yes maam", I responded, in a complete daze! I walk over to the finance office and have the card run thru' and it came out in seconds -- approved!

When she left, she shook hands with me and said, "thank you kindly for not burdening me with personal questions!"

I was in the clouds for days!

As you can clearly tell, I have not forgotten that encounter and quite likely, never will!

End of off-topic digression!

:D:D !


Great story Harmonica.I know a similar true story like this one regarding a new 7 series BMW. The owner of a car yard was about to tell a "scruffy bugger" to get off his property, until one of his sales guys recognised the bloke as being a very wealthy farmer.He ended up paying cash for the car. :o

Great story Harmonica.I know a similar true story like this one regarding a new 7 series BMW. The owner of a car yard was about to tell a "scruffy bugger" to get off his property, until one of his sales guys recognised the bloke as being a very wealthy farmer.He ended up paying cash for the car. :D

Thanks chuchok. :o



Well I'm sure you are astute enough to prove anything via stats and figure , but it still amuses me as to why you seem to have it in for us Brits?


I will get to the "Brits" issue shortly -- the points you raised dovetail right into that point of view.

W.r.t the economy, kindly note that even though Britain has a substantial one, it is not even the strongest in Europe. Germany is the largest economy in Europe and then, counting Asia, Japan beats the pants of both!

One cannot even fathom a comparison between America and Britain economywise. It would be foolish to even go in that direction for it would be like comparing a frog's p*ssy to the Panama canal. :D

But more to our point, it is astoundingly clear that pretty much on a daily basis, when the european markets open up, they just tread water for hours and hours just waiting for US markets to open so that they can see "how/where is the boss going?" ..... that's just the way it is and it will be this way until China comes along and kicks all our asses -- but it won't happen in our lifetime.

England has a limited mind of her own economywise and further proof comes via a look at both stockmarkets for the last 50 years.

Done! :D

On to the Brit issue.


The "popularity" of the US in Europe is not good, and is a problem, but, let's face it, many "popular" countries are global nobodies, and other issues must be taken into account. It is not a popularity contest.

I love the UK, and have been there many time, but, this relationship is reciprocal, the US government needs the UK, and Vice Versa as you say, so what? you would prefer to dump the US as an ally and turn to Spain for assistance?

This b*tching all the time is so popular, but, sort of stupid, and I find it incredible it is the passing fancy of the cultural elite, and not so elite in Europe to discuss how sh*tty America is except thet fat guy from Michigan(Michael Moore). How does the discussion continue without any differing opinion.

"Americans are stupid"

"Yes, stupid"

"American are fat"

"Yes, fat"

sizzling conversation.

I don't mean to rant, but, sometimes this is what it seems like.

Hmmm you seem to have a fascination with War and military might.

We had a tiff with the Argies a few decades back , I recall the US not helping us , yet we are expected to pitch in whenever you lot need some proper expertise.

SAS ring any bells? :o

As for negativity , just look at the defiance our people are showing in the aftermath of last weeks happenings. We won't be sulking about it for decades unlike some people have done in the past.

Lets face it , your country , for whatever reasons, is the least popular on this planet, unfortunately the UK are your most important allies, you need us as much as vice versa, all of Europe keep trying to persuade UK to sever ties with you guys.

without Europe the USA would become a very lonely place.

But come on , to say the French would whip us is just a step to far.

You are a very funny guy!



Nice post, anyway, it is true that many Americans are oblivious to the world outside the US. Most never leave, but, then, they really don't have to. Also, other than travelling in North America, I think most feel it is too far.

I am ashamed to say you are correct about college graduates not knowing geography. I have a friend that works for Cisco who can build a router from peanut butter and string, and he is clueless about geography. I think it is something that should be addressed, however, I think the continuing globalization will address this.

What a fascinating thread!

The OP had a great point, and then Harmonica chimed in with all kinds of comments. This is what makes this forum so interesting, and yes, i am a Brit.

Hopefullly, i can offer some selected comments that are relevant to both the OP, and the little antagonistic comments posted by him mentioned above, though, hats off, they were worded very nicely.

First and foremost, I am one of those entrepreneurs that you talk to in the bars (if i ever had chance to get to the bars!!). I am definately not wealthy, and am struggling to make a future for my family and i, but without talking to others (not bragging) how can you exepct to network and find out new avenues to persue? That, to me is what is called doing business, whether in your home land or in a foreign country.

I am certainly not one of the farangs who moans about this country un-necessarily, but hey, why cant we moan about it? when in your own country dont you have gripes that you talk about when down at the pub with your friends? There are many things here that irritate the ###### out of me! Starting with the serious inefieciency (sp?) of the beurocracy throughout the country, which is the first stumbling block of any developing nation. But, were i at home i would be moaning about the road works on the A1, or the recent budget Tax increases. Different places, different gripes, same outcome. That's human kind.

With regard to other comments by Harmonica, mai pen rai. I just point out the Britain has the 8th highest military budget in the world, but only the 97th largest military force. No other force in the world could sail 9000 (?) miles around the world to take on a force 60 times its size and succeed in its mission. That should tell you something. Our most secret special forces have the motto, 'Not by strength, but by guile." Maybe that should be adopted by the Americans to some degree.

I am one of those who loves USA bashing, but at the same time i love the USA. I love the country itself, and the vast majority of Americans i have met are wonderful, interesting people, but please dont tell me that a country in which 60% of college grads cannot pin the UK on a map, or name the Prime Minister of the UK doesnt have problems. It is fact that the USA has the highest poverty rate in the developed world. The fact that in general most citizens have no idea what is happening in the world around them speaks for itself.

The point i am making is that all countries have strengths and weaknesses. America is not as great as it likes to think. Thailand is not the  wonderful easy life in a tropical paradise, and the UK is not the easiest, warmest or anything else. All have good and bad points.

And in response to the OP. I have been in the country for almost 4 years now, and of the hundreds of numbers i have in my cellphone of people that i have met, i would only trust my money with a certain few. They would be 70% Thai. I leave my staff in charge of hundreds of thousands of Baht, and have no worries, but i have only a couple of farang friends who i would trust with such sums. The bottom line is that yes, Thailand attracts some low lifes, but so do most western cities. You watch your back wherever you are, and whatever you are doing.

Anyway, thats my rant over. My fingers hurt!

Goodnight to all.


I am Scandinavien and generally like both Brits and Americans. In both cases I have found that the ones I meet living abroad do not fit the "stereotypes" we often like to bring up in heated discussions. Cheers!

Hmmm you seem to have a fascination with War and military might.

We had a tiff with the Argies a few decades back , I recall the US not helping us , yet we are expected to pitch in whenever you lot need some proper expertise.

SAS ring any bells? :o

As for negativity , just look at the defiance our people are showing in the aftermath of last weeks happenings. We won't be sulking about it for decades unlike some people have done in the past.

Lets face it , your country , for whatever reasons, is the least popular on this planet, unfortunately the UK are your most important allies, you need us as much as vice versa, all of Europe keep trying to persuade UK to sever ties with you guys.

without Europe the USA would become a very lonely place.

But come on , to say the French would whip us is just a step to far.

You are a very funny guy!


The AP and UPI reported that the French Government announced yesterday that

it has raised its terror alert level from Run to Hide.

The only two higher levels in France are Surrender and Collaborate.

The rise was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white

flag factory, effectively disabling their military.

Hmmm you seem to have a fascination with War and military might.

We had a tiff with the Argies a few decades back , I recall the US not helping us , yet we are expected to pitch in whenever you lot need some proper expertise.

SAS ring any bells? :o

As for negativity , just look at the defiance our people are showing in the aftermath of last weeks happenings. We won't be sulking about it for decades unlike some people have done in the past.

Lets face it , your country , for whatever reasons, is the least popular on this planet, unfortunately the UK are your most important allies, you need us as much as vice versa, all of Europe keep trying to persuade UK to sever ties with you guys.

without Europe the USA would become a very lonely place.

But come on , to say the French would whip us is just a step to far.

You are a very funny guy!


The AP and UPI reported that the French Government announced yesterday that

it has raised its terror alert level from Run to Hide.

The only two higher levels in France are Surrender and Collaborate.

The rise was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white

flag factory, effectively disabling their military.

For the times, they are a-changing ...... it does appear that the Brits at Thaivisa are dissatisfied with the Gurkha regiment at the front lines and have dug down deep for superior reinforcements -- formidable weaponry has definitely arrived, and this time with a sense of humor to boot! Say Hi to jaidam! :D

Hmmm you seem to have a fascination with War and military might.

We had a tiff with the Argies a few decades back , I recall the US not helping us , yet we are expected to pitch in whenever you lot need some proper expertise.

SAS ring any bells? :o

As for negativity , just look at the defiance our people are showing in the aftermath of last weeks happenings. We won't be sulking about it for decades unlike some people have done in the past.

Lets face it , your country , for whatever reasons, is the least popular on this planet, unfortunately the UK are your most important allies, you need us as much as vice versa, all of Europe keep trying to persuade UK to sever ties with you guys.

without Europe the USA would become a very lonely place.

But come on , to say the French would whip us is just a step to far.

You are a very funny guy!


Interesting didn't know tht 90% TV are brits, got some good help from these folks and some Aussies as well. So I really don't care what country they came from. I just care about what kind of people they are and how they conduct thier lives in thier dealings with me. I have no complaints in that area.

I have been shafted by Thia's, maybe as much as 50 Baht. my fellow Americans to date the figure is around 500K. No they didn't borrow money from me, but sucked me into deals where they were getting a percentage without revealing it. Now I'm involved in a law suit not what I came here for.

A far as the political side of this is concerned guys we need each other and that is why it is happening and why we have been allies for many many years.

I can tell you guys from first hand knowledge some real jerks escaped America and settled here, but I imagine a few have gotten out of your countries as well.

I believe in being proud of your national heritage, but if I thought things were so great in my home country that is where I would be living. That said I'm an American and I always will be. Is it perfect no, but it's not the worst either.

I have been here for three years now, at first I assocaited with nothing but Americans, there are three are four now at most. Most of my contacts are with Thai's that I trust. A motorcycle group that I ride with. My little wife and our housekeeper. The latter two I trust completly, just very honest ladies. Long story short the longer I stay the more I assocaite with Thais, just trust them more.

Aside from the political side of the thread I wish I had seen this thread when I first got here, but that would assume I would have been smart enough to believe it. In all honesty I doubt that I would have been.

It really is a sad state of affairs that we can not trust those that we have the longest shared backgrounds with. But that is the life we have choosen and now we must do the best with what we have.

Hmmm you seem to have a fascination with War and military might.

We had a tiff with the Argies a few decades back , I recall the US not helping us , yet we are expected to pitch in whenever you lot need some proper expertise.

SAS ring any bells? :D

As for negativity , just look at the defiance our people are showing in the aftermath of last weeks happenings. We won't be sulking about it for decades unlike some people have done in the past.

Lets face it , your country , for whatever reasons, is the least popular on this planet, unfortunately the UK are your most important allies, you need us as much as vice versa, all of Europe keep trying to persuade UK to sever ties with you guys.

without Europe the USA would become a very lonely place.

But come on , to say the French would whip us is just a step to far.

You are a very funny guy!


Interesting didn't know tht 90% TV are brits, got some good help from these folks and some Aussies as well. So I really don't care what country they came from. I just care about what kind of people they are and how they conduct thier lives in thier dealings with me. I have no complaints in that area.

I have been shafted by Thia's, maybe as much as 50 Baht. my fellow Americans to date the figure is around 500K. No they didn't borrow money from me, but sucked me into deals where they were getting a percentage without revealing it. Now I'm involved in a law suit not what I came here for.

A far as the political side of this is concerned guys we need each other and that is why it is happening and why we have been allies for many many years.

I can tell you guys from first hand knowledge some real jerks escaped America and settled here, but I imagine a few have gotten out of your countries as well.

I believe in being proud of your national heritage, but if I thought things were so great in my home country that is where I would be living. That said I'm an American and I always will be. Is it perfect no, but it's not the worst either.

I have been here for three years now, at first I assocaited with nothing but Americans, there are three are four now at most. Most of my contacts are with Thai's that I trust. A motorcycle group that I ride with. My little wife and our housekeeper. The latter two I trust completly, just very honest ladies. Long story short the longer I stay the more I assocaite with Thais, just trust them more.

Aside from the political side of the thread I wish I had seen this thread when I first got here, but that would assume I would have been smart enough to believe it. In all honesty I doubt that I would have been.

It really is a sad state of affairs that we can not trust those that we have the longest shared backgrounds with. But that is the life we have choosen and now we must do the best with what we have.

Wuss! :o


Us Americans are a sorry lot. As other posters have mentioned, we come from the most hated nation on earth. We're fat, stupid, lazy, xenophobic, and self-centered. We lie, cheat, steal, and eat our young. We kill each other relentlessly. We have high poverty and infant mortality rates. Our politicians, and police are ineffective and corrupt. You cannot say enough bad things about us. One question, then: why is the line for people to obtain visas so long at the US embassy?

Well I'm sure you are astute enough to prove anything via stats and figure , but it still amuses me as to why you seem to have it in for us Brits?


I will get to the "Brits" issue shortly -- the points you raised dovetail right into that point of view.

W.r.t the economy, kindly note that even though Britain has a substantial one, it is not even the strongest in Europe. Germany is the largest economy in Europe and then, counting Asia, Japan beats the pants of both!

One cannot even fathom a comparison between America and Britain economywise. It would be foolish to even go in that direction for it would be like comparing a frog's p*ssy to the Panama canal. :D

But more to our point, it is astoundingly clear that pretty much on a daily basis, when the european markets open up, they just tread water for hours and hours just waiting for US markets to open so that they can see "how/where is the boss going?" ..... that's just the way it is and it will be this way until China comes along and kicks all our asses -- but it won't happen in our lifetime.

England has a limited mind of her own economywise and further proof comes via a look at both stockmarkets for the last 50 years.

Done! :D

On to the Brit issue.

Australia,s economy leaves you both in the dust :o

Us Americans are a sorry lot.  As other posters have mentioned, we come from the most hated nation on earth.  We're fat, stupid, lazy, xenophobic, and self-centered.  We lie, cheat, steal, and eat our young.  We kill each other relentlessly.  We have high poverty and infant mortality rates.  Our politicians, and police are ineffective and corrupt.  You cannot say enough bad things about us.  One question, then: why is the line for people to obtain visas so long at the US embassy?

I guess the reason is that the US does not have a monopoly on stupidity........ :o:D:D:D

Seriously though - I have nothing against Americans - I have met some fantastic Americans over the years - Canadians, Peruians, Mexicans, Cubans, Brazilians, Argentinians, etc......


Us Americans are a sorry lot.  As other posters have mentioned, we come from the most hated nation on earth.  We're fat, stupid, lazy, xenophobic, and self-centered.  We lie, cheat, steal, and eat our young.  We kill each other relentlessly.  We have high poverty and infant mortality rates.  Our politicians, and police are ineffective and corrupt.  You cannot say enough bad things about us.  One question, then: why is the line for people to obtain visas so long at the US embassy?

That's because you are so good at marketing! :o


I have only ever met one taxi driver who liked Americans. I remember it because it was the only time a positive reply came back about the American holiday makers who use taxis. At all other times (and I take taxis multiple times most days and have spent hundreds of days doing so) the humble taxi driver has only negative things to say about Americans even before I divulge my nationality to them. I'm notattempting to establish taxi drivers as any sort of authority on the subject but those of you familiar with basic anthropology will appreciate the relevance.

Just wanted to share that, not meaning to derail the original topic. :o Never been scammed by a farang and never felt like someone was trying to scam me either, guess I'm lucky or hang around the 'right' kind of bars.

Or very, very young, Will :D  :D

Bastard! :D 

A touch of jealousy there RDN? :o

Seriously though, I'm glad you mods are watching this one because the thread is starting to slide towards the racist gutter a bit... :D

I for one have never been exploited by a farang... although a few have tried. I guess I've been lucky enough to see through their tactics before they eventualised into reality.


I must admit though... the Thais have got me on a few occasions... but only for small money... not the big bucks.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Hmmm you seem to have a fascination with War and military might.

We had a tiff with the Argies a few decades back , I recall the US not helping us , yet we are expected to pitch in whenever you lot need some proper expertise.

SAS ring any bells? :D

As for negativity , just look at the defiance our people are showing in the aftermath of last weeks happenings. We won't be sulking about it for decades unlike some people have done in the past.

Lets face it , your country , for whatever reasons, is the least popular on this planet, unfortunately the UK are your most important allies, you need us as much as vice versa, all of Europe keep trying to persuade UK to sever ties with you guys.

without Europe the USA would become a very lonely place.

But come on , to say the French would whip us is just a step to far.

You are a very funny guy!


Interesting didn't know tht 90% TV are brits, got some good help from these folks and some Aussies as well. So I really don't care what country they came from. I just care about what kind of people they are and how they conduct thier lives in thier dealings with me. I have no complaints in that area.

I have been shafted by Thia's, maybe as much as 50 Baht. my fellow Americans to date the figure is around 500K. No they didn't borrow money from me, but sucked me into deals where they were getting a percentage without revealing it. Now I'm involved in a law suit not what I came here for.

A far as the political side of this is concerned guys we need each other and that is why it is happening and why we have been allies for many many years.

I can tell you guys from first hand knowledge some real jerks escaped America and settled here, but I imagine a few have gotten out of your countries as well.

I believe in being proud of your national heritage, but if I thought things were so great in my home country that is where I would be living. That said I'm an American and I always will be. Is it perfect no, but it's not the worst either.

I have been here for three years now, at first I assocaited with nothing but Americans, there are three are four now at most. Most of my contacts are with Thai's that I trust. A motorcycle group that I ride with. My little wife and our housekeeper. The latter two I trust completly, just very honest ladies. Long story short the longer I stay the more I assocaite with Thais, just trust them more.

Aside from the political side of the thread I wish I had seen this thread when I first got here, but that would assume I would have been smart enough to believe it. In all honesty I doubt that I would have been.

It really is a sad state of affairs that we can not trust those that we have the longest shared backgrounds with. But that is the life we have choosen and now we must do the best with what we have.

Wuss! :o

Wuss is OK when I pay attention to the world the anger level goes sky high and I'm not a happy camper, So wuss is a good thing these days LOL

Well I'm sure you are astute enough to prove anything via stats and figure , but it still amuses me as to why you seem to have it in for us Brits?


I will get to the "Brits" issue shortly -- the points you raised dovetail right into that point of view.

W.r.t the economy, kindly note that even though Britain has a substantial one, it is not even the strongest in Europe. Germany is the largest economy in Europe and then, counting Asia, Japan beats the pants of both!

One cannot even fathom a comparison between America and Britain economywise. It would be foolish to even go in that direction for it would be like comparing a frog's p*ssy to the Panama canal. :D

But more to our point, it is astoundingly clear that pretty much on a daily basis, when the european markets open up, they just tread water for hours and hours just waiting for US markets to open so that they can see "how/where is the boss going?" ..... that's just the way it is and it will be this way until China comes along and kicks all our asses -- but it won't happen in our lifetime.

England has a limited mind of her own economywise and further proof comes via a look at both stockmarkets for the last 50 years.

Done! :D

On to the Brit issue.

Australia,s economy leaves you both in the dust :o

Continuing from what has already been estalished and agreed upon as being first principles (:D) -- namely, "Britain's economy versus that of America is akin to comparing a frog's p*ssy to the Panama canal" -- let us joyously proceed in extrapolation-mode & deduce the following gems:

"Australia would therefore be the vulva of the frog's cave & New Zealand a single pubic strand of the bushes surrounding said cave!" :D


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