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Viktor Bout: No Recording Of Meeting With Thai MP Sirichoke

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"Viktor Bout: No Recording Of Meeting With Thai MP Sirichoke"

The fact that a Thai MP, Sirichoke, from the ruling Democratic Party and being a "close aide" to Thailand's Prime Minister has been visiting an alleged FOREIGN criminal is a HUGE BLUNDER by Thailand in the first place.

This MP is representing his country, also outside Thailand, being a member of the PM's party.

It is disgusting, not done and out of the question in any civilized democratic country that a Member of Parliament of a ruling Government goes inside a prison to visit a FOREIGN alleged criminal who is in a third countries' prison for already 2 years, accused of something by another FOREIGN nation of crime(s) he committed or not on Thailand's soil.

Accused of possible crimes he was lured into by secret service agents of a foreign nation whilst Thailand permitted that those foreign agents were working on their soil...

The (at first) denial by Thailands' PM that Sirichoke visited Bout was already a serious lose of face and that Thailand let itself use as a boxing ball between the US and Russia is an even larger blunder.

They should have taken Bout, staying in a Bangkok hotel, out of his room, having such a bad name around the world, and put him on the first plane back to Russia, telling him he was an unwanted person because of his criminal records, abroad.

Now, Thailand (read: Abhisit's Democratic Ruling Government) has manoevered itself in an almost impossible International nightmare situation, trying to please both the big guys, US and Russia.

It is Thailand's fault in the first place, letting Bout in, since it is more than likely that the whole operation, set up by the US Intelligence Services was pre-discussed by the latter with the Thai Government and/or Thai Intelligence Services telling Thailand that it was the best country to "get" Bout...

And, Thailand/Government/Intelligence probably believed the US Intelligence Agencies that the Bout-case would be a piece of cake to drag him into a plane and off to the US.

Thailand should never have agreed upon such a delicate International situation, taking place on their soil.

They're too small for the dining table of the larger powerful nations on earth and too big for the kids' table.

Thailand has proven that it is still in baby shoes, trying to play an important role on the International Stage of -dangerous- Politics.

Note: before anyone makes comments about the US, Russia or Thailand..this rhetorical question first:

What would the US say, do or act, if Russia would have acted on Thailand's soil, asking for the arrest of major US (approved) arms dealer ? Surely, there must be a number of arms dealers (with the US nationality or not) who have their -silent- approval, doing arms business around the world, by the US ? ;)

Wasn't it also the US, approving about -illegal?- arms deals with other countries?

" He (Bout - LP) not only took supplies into Iraq for the Americans, he also flew to Kosovo for the British Ministry of Defence." *

BTW: I forgot: what was the sentence Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North got for his role in the Iran-Contra affair ? :whistling:

* http://news.bbc.co.u...ent/8950933.stm

Hypocricy play at it's finest between 2 super powers and Thailand in the middle.

Poor Thailand


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The fact that a Thai MP, Sirichoke, from the ruling Democratic Party and being a "close aide" to Thailand's Prime Minister has been visiting an alleged FOREIGN criminal is a HUGE BLUNDER by Thailand in the first place.

This MP is representing his country, also outside Thailand, being a member of the PM's party.

It is disgusting, not done and out of the question in any civilized democratic country that a Member of Parliament of a ruling Government goes inside a prison to visit a FOREIGN alleged criminal

As you emphasized the impropriety of an MP from the ruling party three times, would it have been ok if the MP was from an opposition party?

If it's not, then why the emphasis?


The fact that a Thai MP, Sirichoke, from the ruling Democratic Party and being a "close aide" to Thailand's Prime Minister has been visiting an alleged FOREIGN criminal is a HUGE BLUNDER by Thailand in the first place.

This MP is representing his country, also outside Thailand, being a member of the PM's party.

It is disgusting, not done and out of the question in any civilized democratic country that a Member of Parliament of a ruling Government goes inside a prison to visit a FOREIGN alleged criminal

As you emphasized the impropriety of an MP from the ruling party three times, would it have been ok if the MP was from an opposition party?

If it's not, then why the emphasis?

1. To answer your first sentence: NO, it's not OK for any MP to visit foreigners of such notorious "caliber" in a prison.

2. Why the emphasis ? Because I think it's quite clear that an MP from a ruling party is even more vulnerable to become criticized from all directions, also internationally, rather than a MP from the opposition.

In the latter case the ruling government and it's alliance parties would have laughed and ridiculed the MP in question who would have eventually visited such a foreigner.

It was a very dumb move by MP Sirichoke in such a delicate International Affair and a shame to Thailand as a nation.

VERY dumb move and he has put the Government in an even more difficult position than it already was BEFORE he went to jail to visit Bout !



The fact that a Thai MP, Sirichoke, from the ruling Democratic Party and being a "close aide" to Thailand's Prime Minister has been visiting an alleged FOREIGN criminal is a HUGE BLUNDER by Thailand in the first place.

This MP is representing his country, also outside Thailand, being a member of the PM's party.

It is disgusting, not done and out of the question in any civilized democratic country that a Member of Parliament of a ruling Government goes inside a prison to visit a FOREIGN alleged criminal

As you emphasized the impropriety of an MP from the ruling party three times, would it have been ok if the MP was from an opposition party?

If it's not, then why the emphasis?

1. To answer your first sentence: NO, it's not OK for any MP to visit foreigners of such notorious "caliber" in a prison.

2. Why the emphasis ? Because I think it's quite clear that an MP from a ruling party is even more vulnerable to become criticized from all directions, also internationally, rather than a MP from the opposition.

If it had been an MP of an opposition party, why would it be any less improper? It's not "quite clear" at all. If it's improper, it's improper and whatever party the member belongs to doesn't enter into it. If it had been a member of the coalition, such as a Bhum Jai Thai Party MP, would it have been less improper?


The fact that a Thai MP, Sirichoke, from the ruling Democratic Party and being a "close aide" to Thailand's Prime Minister has been visiting an alleged FOREIGN criminal is a HUGE BLUNDER by Thailand in the first place.

This MP is representing his country, also outside Thailand, being a member of the PM's party.

It is disgusting, not done and out of the question in any civilized democratic country that a Member of Parliament of a ruling Government goes inside a prison to visit a FOREIGN alleged criminal

As you emphasized the impropriety of an MP from the ruling party three times, would it have been ok if the MP was from an opposition party?

If it's not, then why the emphasis?

1. To answer your first sentence: NO, it's not OK for any MP to visit foreigners of such notorious "caliber" in a prison.

2. Why the emphasis ? Because I think it's quite clear that an MP from a ruling party is even more vulnerable to become criticized from all directions, also internationally, rather than a MP from the opposition.

If it had been an MP of an opposition party, why would it be any less improper? It's not "quite clear" at all. If it's improper, it's improper and whatever party the member belongs to doesn't enter into it. If it had been a member of the coalition, such as a Bhum Jai Thai Party MP, would it have been less improper?

What wrong with this kind gentleman (Sirichpoke), on a public holiday, have nothing else to do, in the capacity of a NORMAL CARING THAI CITIZEN, visit a lonely foreign prisoner to chit chat and keep him accompanied for a few minutes.

I don't see anything wrong at all. In fact, we all should do that from time to time, just like we "TAM BOON" at the temple.

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If it had been an MP of an opposition party, why would it be any less improper? It's not "quite clear" at all. If it's improper, it's improper and whatever party the member belongs to doesn't enter into it. If it had been a member of the coalition, such as a Bhum Jai Thai Party MP, would it have been less improper?

Feel free to read in my message how you want but I think I've been quite clear in my answer to you.



What wrong with this kind gentleman (Sirichpoke), on a public holiday, have nothing else to do, in the capacity of a NORMAL CARING THAI CITIZEN, visit a lonely foreign prisoner to chit chat and keep him accompanied for a few minutes.

I don't see anything wrong at all. In fact, we all should do that from time to time, just like we "TAM BOON" at the temple.

Feel free to do so.

Khun Sirichoke could very well be a kind Gentleman and I don't doubt he is. But you forget that he is a MP, belonging to the ruling Democratic Party who delivered the Prime Minister in your country and has therefore responsibilities towards the people of Thailand.

He is NOT "just" a Thai citizen being a MP and I'm quite sure Khun Sirichoke has not a habit of visiting lonely foreign prisoners on his free public holidays.

But, If I'm wrong, please feel free to enlighten me which other lonely foreign prisoners he has visited lately, feeling sorry for them.



I don't see anything wrong at all. In fact, we all should do that from time to time, just like we "TAM BOON" at the temple.

A proud tradition of visiting prisoners was exemplified by Chart Thai Party Deputy Leader Chuwit visiting the Election Commissioners that were incarcerated and benevolently bringing them fried rice and iced coffee:


"Tam Boon Dee"


To those of you that think this wouldnt happen in another country, think again. There are maverick MPs the world over who visit all kinds of convicted criminals let alone unconvicted ones. There are MPs who take up cases of foreigners held in jails too.

What went on between Sirichoke and Bout is mildly interesting relative to the rest of the case but that he actually visited is irrelevent.


To those of you that think this wouldn't happen in another country, think again. There are maverick MPs the world over who visit all kinds of convicted criminals let alone un-convicted ones. There are MPs who take up cases of foreigners held in jails too.

What went on between Sirichoke and Bout is mildly interesting relative to the rest of the case but that he actually visited is irrelevant.

Precisely, which is why I having difficulty understanding the lengthy tirade against it that was posted earlier.


To those of you that think this wouldnt happen in another country, think again. There are maverick MPs the world over who visit all kinds of convicted criminals let alone unconvicted ones. There are MPs who take up cases of foreigners held in jails too.

What went on between Sirichoke and Bout is mildly interesting relative to the rest of the case but that he actually visited is irrelevent.


The PM denied at first that such a meeting ever happened. He lied.

Sirichoke is the aide of the PM and they tried to cook their own soup and probably hinted a deal or at least arouse a suspicion of that. A deal to do Bout some favours if he could help to frame Thaksin.

But Bout cannot provide "facts" to some fantasies the government may have about the fictional merchant of death and Thaksin.

I would call this a scandal on many levels.


"The PM denied at first that such a meeting ever happened. He lied." --- Please proof it. I don't think Mark have ever lied.


Uhm, doesn't he say that he doesn't know of it and denies any knowledge of it, which might infact be true?

At the time of being questioned, he might not have been informed as the 'MP on adventure' might have gone there on his own accord.


To those of you that think this wouldnt happen in another country, think again. There are maverick MPs the world over who visit all kinds of convicted criminals let alone unconvicted ones. There are MPs who take up cases of foreigners held in jails too.

What went on between Sirichoke and Bout is mildly interesting relative to the rest of the case but that he actually visited is irrelevent.

Get real.Sirichoke is a close aide of Abhisit.You can't blow away the political significance of that so easily.

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"The PM denied at first that such a meeting ever happened. He lied." --- Please proof it. I don't think Mark have ever lied.


Uhm, doesn't he say that he doesn't know of it and denies any knowledge of it, which might infact be true?

At the time of being questioned, he might not have been informed as the 'MP on adventure' might have gone there on his own accord.

Yes, the PM is maybe totally innocent and has no clue at all what his aide is doing. He is just the PM and cannot be responsible for everything, right.


"The PM denied at first that such a meeting ever happened. He lied." --- Please proof it. I don't think Mark have ever lied.


Uhm, doesn't he say that he doesn't know of it and denies any knowledge of it, which might infact be true?

At the time of being questioned, he might not have been informed as the 'MP on adventure' might have gone there on his own accord.

Yes, the PM is maybe totally innocent and has no clue at all what his aide is doing. He is just the PM and cannot be responsible for everything, right.

It is plausable that this MP visited Bout on his own. Lots of MP's do things on their own telling about it later. Why not. There is no need to ask the PM permission for every move someone makes. As PM K. Abhisit is responsable for the actions of members of his cabinet. That still doesn't mean he knows all they are doing. As for the visit, enough said and speculated. We can only wait for K. Jatuporn to deliver the tape he promised. Don't hold your breath though ;)


"The PM denied at first that such a meeting ever happened. He lied." --- Please proof it. I don't think Mark have ever lied.


A translation of the above is as follows-

The press said to the PM that Jatupon claimed that someone close to the PM who could speak Russian went to see Victor Bout and asked him to confess.

The PM replied, 'Eh? I have never interfered in any case and I don't know anyone who can speak Russian, can Jatupon speak it?'


It is plausable that this MP visited Bout on his own. Lots of MP's do things on their own telling about it later. Why not. There is no need to ask the PM permission for every move someone makes. As PM K. Abhisit is responsable for the actions of members of his cabinet. That still doesn't mean he knows all they are doing. As for the visit, enough said and speculated. We can only wait for K. Jatuporn to deliver the tape he promised. Don't hold your breath though ;)

Yeah, like on the other hand everything bad can be traced down to Thaksin without even look closer at the issue it is entire plausible that PM Abhisit knows nothing about what is going on.

There is maybe no tape, but the statement of Viktor Bout that Sirichoke visited him and asked these debatable questions. Why should make Bout all these thing up?

Jatuporn and his tape (maybe he was "misinformed" about this) playing the minor role in this scandal.


Jutaporn lying is a minor role in the affair?

Perhaps...I would hope that lying sack of **** would indeed play a minor role in Thai politics...could only be for the better.

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Jutaporn lying is a minor role in the affair?

Perhaps...I would hope that lying sack of **** would indeed play a minor role in Thai politics...could only be for the better.

Beside the question if there some tape exist and if Jatuporn really said 'tape' and didn't meant any other kind of 'recordings' or of he was maybe misinformed about the existence of a tape by another source all other points in this affair are more or less not fictional.

Sirichoke, a close aide of the PM went to visit and speak to Bout in jail. Sirichoke admit that, but before Abhisit denied that a close aide went to prison visit Bout.

About the details of the talk between Bout and Sirichoke we have a statement by Bout himself. What was declared in that statement (beside the existence of a tape) was more or less that what Jatuporn had announced.

The tape (or the lie) plays are minor role, if some at all. It is a red herring some people tossing allover these topics without focusing at the main issue itself.

We could completely ignore Jatuporn. There is still Bout, the Russian in jail and Sirichoke, the close aide to the PM, who went to visit him. What Jatuporn meanwhile did changes nothing on this issue. Don't get distracted by this noise. Is that so difficult to understand?


To those of you that think this wouldn't happen in another country, think again. There are maverick MPs the world over who visit all kinds of convicted criminals let alone un-convicted ones. There are MPs who take up cases of foreigners held in jails too.

What went on between Sirichoke and Bout is mildly interesting relative to the rest of the case but that he actually visited is irrelevant.

Precisely, which is why I having difficulty understanding the lengthy tirade against it that was posted earlier.

NOT precisely.

If MP's "the world over", visit all kinds of criminals, they likely do so out of sincerity and care for them

Sirichoke's visit was politically motivated and a big mistake no matter what you chaps want to make of it.


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To those of you that think this wouldn't happen in another country, think again. There are maverick MPs the world over who visit all kinds of convicted criminals let alone un-convicted ones. There are MPs who take up cases of foreigners held in jails too.

What went on between Sirichoke and Bout is mildly interesting relative to the rest of the case but that he actually visited is irrelevant.

Precisely, which is why I having difficulty understanding the lengthy tirade against it that was posted earlier.

NOT precisely.

If MP's "the world over", visit all kinds of criminals, they likely do so out of sincerity and care for them

Sirichoke's visit was politically motivated and a big mistake no matter what you chaps want to make of it.


My objection is more that he is a moron and clearly not in tune with the world at all.

Whatever pull/respect he might have/wrangle inside the nations border to get people to talk 'out of fear' is useless when it comes to 'confronting' Bout.

Even *if* Bout would be hired by Thaksin (which he is not) Bout would ofcourse not admit this. Why would he? Because he is scared of an MP from a small asian country? Hardly.

And he knows that not even this little MP and their intrusive way into the legal system can steer the extradition away at a snap of their fingers. The country isn't corrupt enough nor a dictatorship...a middle-African nation's MP could have used that. Not Thailand's...

So in short, we have an MP that thinks he can get answers out of Bout the investigators cannot. He is delusional.

That should be the point of concern.

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To those of you that think this wouldn't happen in another country, think again. There are maverick MPs the world over who visit all kinds of convicted criminals let alone un-convicted ones. There are MPs who take up cases of foreigners held in jails too.

What went on between Sirichoke and Bout is mildly interesting relative to the rest of the case but that he actually visited is irrelevant.

Precisely, which is why I having difficulty understanding the lengthy tirade against it that was posted earlier.

NOT precisely.

If MP's "the world over", visit all kinds of criminals, they likely do so out of sincerity and care for them

Sirichoke's visit was politically motivated and a big mistake no matter what you chaps want to make of it.


My objection is more that he is a moron and clearly not in tune with the world at all.

Whatever pull/respect he might have/wrangle inside the nations border to get people to talk 'out of fear' is useless when it comes to 'confronting' Bout.

Even *if* Bout would be hired by Thaksin (which he is not) Bout would ofcourse not admit this. Why would he? Because he is scared of an MP from a small asian country? Hardly.

And he knows that not even this little MP and their intrusive way into the legal system can steer the extradition away at a snap of their fingers. The country isn't corrupt enough nor a dictatorship...a middle-African nation's MP could have used that. Not Thailand's...

So in short, we have an MP that thinks he can get answers out of Bout the investigators cannot. He is delusional.

That should be the point of concern.

He is no ordinary MP. He is Sirichoke, the close aid of PM Mark. The man than can command ThaiCom stock up and down at will, and made billions on the way.


He is no ordinary MP. He is Sirichoke, the close aid of PM Mark. The man than can command ThaiCom stock up and down at will, and made billions on the way.

So, he's a Billionaire MP than ? in US$'s or Thai Baht ? :rolleyes:


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