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How To Get Him To Love Me?


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I fall in love with an english guy for almost 2 years.

We are friends now,but everytime i asked him about sensitive question,he never give an answer.

Sometimes i was thinking is that means no?but according to his action,i dont feel that is no,,

anyway,,i just feel that he is the one for me,i dont want to give up,even it is stupid

anyone can give me some suggestion,what to do now?please.....................:(

i love him so much

by the way i am a chinese girl,and he is an english guy ") live in bangkok

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It is a strange thing about men that they tend to not always appreciate what they have. I would recommend you cool the relationship, see if he remains interested enough to notice you are not spending so much time on him. If the friendship drifts apart sadly it was never to be. Alternatively you could grab the nettle and ask outright if you have a future together, after all the worst response he can give is no..... .heartbreaking though it will be at the time you will know if you must get on with life and look elsewhere.

Disclaimer: I am not good in these situations myself....I've just been very lucky.....:)......I wish you good luck and happiness too.

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You cannot get someone to love you! Either they do or they don't. After two years together and you are asking this question on this forum, I think you know the answer. Does he say he loves you? Does he act like he loves you? Does he care about you and your feelings? All you can do is be true to yourself and if that's not enough for him, time to move on... Are you happy? Life is too short to stay in an unhappy relationship. I love my GF and she loves me. We care for each other everyday. People we've known for years see that we are happy together and say they wish they were as happy as we are. Good luck and best wishes to you!

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Have sex with his best friends, but deny it..

Don't answer his phone calls. Tell him your phone doesn't work right.

Treat him like a friend. Not a lover.

Lie to him, but make it obvious. Like you don't care if he believes you or not.

It's a zen thing.

Edited by Shotime
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I have been around for 70 years and if there is one thing I've learned about people it's that you can never make someone love you. All you can do is be pleasant and affectionate without being clinging. And, never be argumentative in that person's presence. Putting pressure on him for something more will just drive him further away. If you want to be around him for a long time then accept being with him when he is available. If he wants to be your exclusive mate then he will make some sort of a move. Otherwise you will have to accept him as he is. Mutual attraction is an intangible thing that can't be manufactured.

However, there are two forms of love. One is an instant attraction thing that is often hot and exciting but seldom lasts very long (seldom more than 2 or 3 years) . The other is a long term love that grows on a person slowly... sort of like a comfortable set of clothing. The hot and exciting love most often has high highs and low lows, like where you are either high like you are on drugs, or miserable like your life is ending. Long term love comes from mutual understanding and is often similar to love for a family member. It usually lasts much longer.

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I have been around for 70 years and if there is one thing I've learned about people it's that you can never make someone love you. All you can do is be pleasant and affectionate without being clinging. And, never be argumentative in that person's presence. Putting pressure on him for something more will just drive him further away. If you want to be around him for a long time then accept being with him when he is available. If he wants to be your exclusive mate then he will make some sort of a move. Otherwise you will have to accept him as he is. Mutual attraction is an intangible thing that can't be manufactured.

However, there are two forms of love. One is an instant attraction thing that is often hot and exciting but seldom lasts very long (seldom more than 2 or 3 years) . The other is a long term love that grows on a person slowly... sort of like a comfortable set of clothing. The hot and exciting love most often has high highs and low lows, like where you are either high like you are on drugs, or miserable like your life is ending. Long term love comes from mutual understanding and is often similar to love for a family member. It usually lasts much longer.

You are wise man, Ian.


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This thread is so ridiculous that it's beyond words. How about you tell me how I can get this random girl walking down the street to fall in love with me? Who is she? Don't know. How old is she? What's her interest? Background? Don't know, don't know, don't know. How about me and my background? Don't know.

But since we're generalizing—and don't even know if the OP is for real or just some bored dude—let me give my advice on the matter. Firstly, he doesn't love you, probably never does, never will. One way to "make him fish or cut bait" (in other words, decide once and for all) is to give him an ultimatum. You do this by convincing him that there are other men interested in you (guys want to be reassured that their choice is worthy). Start dating other men. Get fawned over. Have them fight over you. If he doesn't want to win you back, then he's simply not interested. You must then leave and get on with your life.

Note: This is not a tactic that I would recommend in normal, "healthy" relationships. It's playing silly games and obviously, a desperation move. But you sound pretty desperate.

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anyone can give me some suggestion,what to do now?

1) Go to your local HomePro and purchase a garden hose.

2) Go to your local market and purchase an orange.

3) Invite him to your place.

4) In front of him proceed to suck the aforementioned orange through the aforementioned hosepipe.

That should bring him round.

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LOVE , what is that ? The word love has been bandied around since the first time it became a word in the spoken language , but what is it ???? It is simply that , a word that people use to describe and explain actions , love is nothing in its raw state and remains nothing until YOU GIVE IT TO SOME-ONE , you cannot demand love nor can you buy love , it needs to be given from the heart . All other situations requiring love that is not given volentarily is merely a compromise , you need to learn to compromise or move on as it seems he has no intention of changing his feelings towards you .

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Get down on your knees give him a gobble, clean up and then cook him dinner. Then fetch him cold beers from the fridge all night while he watches footbal.

He will soon fall in love with you!

This is probably how the whole old lady and pot plant saga started. BAD ADVICE :lol:

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anyone can give me some suggestion,what to do now?

1) Go to your local HomePro and purchase a garden hose.

2) Go to your local market and purchase an orange.

3) Invite him to your place.

4) In front of him proceed to suck the aforementioned orange through the aforementioned hosepipe.

That should bring him round.

he he, better than my idea.:lol:

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Get down on your knees give him a gobble, clean up and then cook him dinner. Then fetch him cold beers from the fridge all night while he watches footbal.

He will soon fall in love with you!

Spoken like a true example of the shallow, chauvanistic, give-men-a-bad-reputation jerk.

You guys get the women you expect. Good luck to you.

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anyone can give me some suggestion,what to do now?

1) Go to your local HomePro and purchase a garden hose.

2) Go to your local market and purchase an orange.

3) Invite him to your place.

4) In front of him proceed to suck the aforementioned orange through the aforementioned hosepipe.

That should bring him round.


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Get down on your knees give him a gobble, clean up and then cook him dinner. Then fetch him cold beers from the fridge all night while he watches footbal.

He will soon fall in love with you!

Spoken like a true example of the shallow, chauvanistic, give-men-a-bad-reputation jerk.

You guys get the women you expect. Good luck to you.

Or a sense of humour failure Harcourt. its harmless and IMHO rather funny. :D

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Get down on your knees give him a gobble, clean up and then cook him dinner. Then fetch him cold beers from the fridge all night while he watches footbal.

He will soon fall in love with you!

What? No sandwich...where's my goddamn sandwich?

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