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13 Young Thai Women Condemned To Death In China

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13 Young Thai Women Condemned to Death in China

In the latest data from the Department of Corrections listed below, there are 68 women condemned to death on drug charges in Thai jails. The figure is sharply increased if we include Thai women condemned to death abroad. At the same time as we were debating in Bangkok the linkage of Drugs and the Death Penalty also reported below, 13 young Thai women were condemned to death in China on drug charges.

All of the women are under 40 years of age, the youngest is 20, and several others are in their twenties. The little that is known of their predicament is reported by an article in the Thai women’s magazine “Koosang Koosom“ by a reporter who accompanied relatives of the girls who were allowed to visit them in a Guangzhou jail in Guangdong province. A Thai monk accompanied the group and was allowed to address the young women for 4 minutes. Two newspaper reporters were present at the meeting but were prohibited to speak to the prisoners.

Some of the women are from Isaan. One 22 year old from Samut Prakhan had opened a beauty parlour in Pattaya where a young black man made friendly overtures to her. A woman in Aranyapradhet was also courted by a young black who invited her to accompany him abroad on the understanding that they would marry on their return to Thailand. A 33 three year old in Bangkok who graduated in accountancy often spent time on the Internet.

full story: HERE

source: Blog

-- 2010-08-29


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In the whole story theres not a word if any of the men got arrested.

Under the blanket in the whole story it syas that China's justice system and prisons are not as bad as ...........


It's a pitty really but it's hard to have sympathy for people that know what is going to happen if they are court and hopefully know that the chances of being court are pretty high. They must have been pretty desperate for money!


In the whole story theres not a word if any of the men got arrested.

Under the blanket in the whole story it syas that China's justice system and prisons are not as bad as ...........

The story is especially about women. <deleted> China's justice system.......


It's a pitty really but it's hard to have sympathy for people that know what is going to happen if they are court and hopefully know that the chances of being court are pretty high. They must have been pretty desperate for money!

Frankly, to me it's not too hard to sympayhize. I pity those poor thai girls. They did the wrong thing, sure. Do they deserve to die for that? i don't think so and nobody with a heart would.

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China like Thailand gives drug smuggling very short shrift.

However, when was the last time Thailand executed a foreign national? I think the Foreign ministry had better get it's ass in gear and solve this issue.


I don't think China much cares if Chinese people are given the death penalty for drugs. As a matter of fact, if a country doesn't, they would probably oblige if the person returned to China.

Not a good country to get into trouble.


I don't think China much cares if Chinese people are given the death penalty for drugs. As a matter of fact, if a country doesn't, they would probably oblige if the person returned to China.

Not a good country to get into trouble.

And no country for old men..

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"The 13 Thai women were seduced by promises of independence and freedom, to participate in the international drug trade, schooled by false lovers who made it all seem easy and without risk. Most, or all, are first time offenders who began by being duped to become minor players in a world wide trade where the profits go to the organizers and the pain is borne by the foolish carriers."

It's the same old story, over and over again all over the world, not just in Thailand or China; it's also the same in Malaysia and Singapore or Indonesia

There are literally thousands of young women in the world who are in prison, being lured, seduced into the drugs business and used for trafficking by false lovers.

These guys and their organizations have a special "nose" spotting such vulnerable girls who have difficulties at home, school, business or in grieve of a lost love.

That these 13 girls were caught in a country like China, with extreme harsh penalties is very sad, especially since those drugs organizers/dealers know very well that they can't do it themselves or risk the death penalty.

It is THEY who deserve to go to jail or worse, get the death penalty.

Poor girls and their families.


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In the latest data from the Department of Corrections listed below

There is no data provided on the link. The link links back to this blog entry.

full story: HERE

source: Blog

Is there any information on the author of this blog, HRDEFENDER?

Is there any corroboration of the content of this blog entry?


This story appeared in another forum and has it ever been confirmed. Reading the end of the blog almost seemed a plea to reform Thai Jails.


China like Thailand gives drug smuggling very short shrift.

However, when was the last time Thailand executed a foreign national? I think the Foreign ministry had better get it's ass in gear and solve this issue.

The only thing the Foreign Ministry would be able to do it arrange the collection of the bodies..


China like Thailand gives drug smuggling very short shrift.

Just as in Thailand, or Singapore, and elsewhere, low level smugglers and hapless mules are given short shrift whilst the financiers, the bankers, and the kingpins are bestowed national honors.


In the whole story theres not a word if any of the men got arrested.

Under the blanket in the whole story it syas that China's justice system and prisons are not as bad as ...........

The story is especially about women. <deleted> China's justice system.......

<deleted> back at ya; click the HERE button in the OP before 1 lining....

the blog, not me, says Thai jails are worse, never been in one to sample

they also say Thai justice system is worse than Chinas, maybe, who knows?

"men" are mentioned in the story and weirdly they are all 'black' men.


China like Thailand gives drug smuggling very short shrift.

Just as in Thailand, or Singapore, and elsewhere, low level smugglers and hapless mules are given short shrift whilst the financiers, the bankers, and the kingpins are bestowed national honors.

very true, very sad

(and multimillion dollar retirements in Europe



are these the first? no

will they be the last? no

I cant ride my bike with no helmet on because the law says so. The same as i cant go into lotus and slap the manager laws are laws live with it


I don't feel sorry at all. They are drug trafficker and that is what they deserves. Sorry, I have no mercy. What if those smugger drug gets to you or your love one?

They all know what they are into. When they are caught, they will change their story and lie. This is human nature. Justice should be based on evident, and not stories published to get more subscribers.

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The only thing the Foreign Ministry would be able to do it arrange the collection of the bodies..

With or without vital organs?

Sorry, my pet peeve. It is alleged that China harvests body parts from condemned prisoners. Seems to me that the young are more likely to be executed and the older convicts are the one that get the reprieves. IMO the reprieves on the older condemned prisoners, who are not good candidates for organ harvest, serves as a means to demonstrate compassion on the part of the Chinese oficials.

The execution of these stupid girls serves no purpose. It won';t even set an example, since most of mule "pool" are clueless. It seems the low IQ problem serves the interests of drug trafficers well. Execute the manipulative drug distributors, not the mules, please.


In the whole story theres not a word if any of the men got arrested.

Under the blanket in the whole story it syas that China's justice system and prisons are not as bad as ...........

This is probably going to strike at least some on this forum as very politically incorrect comment, but here it goes anyway:

I (and others) have noticed a substantial influx of African "tourists" in BKK over the last year or so. The anecdotal stories I hear from others is they are here to push/mule drugs as well as other scams. Of course, this isn't all of them, but my own observations and experiences with them don't impress me in the least. The word I had from a Thai cop friend is they are working to weed them out. The word I also hear from many Thai ladies is they want nothing to do with them; they are way too aggressive and rude.

  • Like 1

In the whole story theres not a word if any of the men got arrested.

Under the blanket in the whole story it syas that China's justice system and prisons are not as bad as ...........

This is probably going to strike at least some on this forum as very politically incorrect comment, but here it goes anyway:

I (and others) have noticed a substantial influx of African "tourists" in BKK over the last year or so. The anecdotal stories I hear from others is they are here to push/mule drugs as well as other scams. Of course, this isn't all of them, but my own observations and experiences with them don't impress me in the least. The word I had from a Thai cop friend is they are working to weed them out. The word I also hear from many Thai ladies is they want nothing to do with them; they are way too aggressive and rude.

it's ez to " st rike" flamers the wrong way. and easy to see you aren't talking racially about skin color.

when a farang gets busted, it is a Russian, Brit, Swede for example; they don't say a white man, usually.

All the 'men' in this op are called black men, not, for example, Nigerians

The russians and nigerians criminal elements in Thailand make the NA and Europe sex tourists look like good guys


I don't feel sorry at all. They are drug trafficker and that is what they deserves. Sorry, I have no mercy. What if those smugger drug gets to you or your love one?

What a bullsh.t Nobody of them forces you to use drugs.

There is a market that they just stock up.

  • Like 1

In the whole story theres not a word if any of the men got arrested.

Under the blanket in the whole story it syas that China's justice system and prisons are not as bad as ...........

This is probably going to strike at least some on this forum as very politically incorrect comment, but here it goes anyway:

I (and others) have noticed a substantial influx of African "tourists" in BKK over the last year or so. The anecdotal stories I hear from others is they are here to push/mule drugs as well as other scams. Of course, this isn't all of them, but my own observations and experiences with them don't impress me in the least. The word I had from a Thai cop friend is they are working to weed them out. The word I also hear from many Thai ladies is they want nothing to do with them; they are way too aggressive and rude.

I went to watch the football at Gullivers in soi 5 last night and the Africans in this area are no less then the worst scum on this earth, but i dont believe for 1 second the police are trying to weed them out, more likely theyre working with them in profiting from the drugs or whatever crimes theyre up to, besides there were many oversized African women selling themselves it wouldnt be hard to catch these yet they dont.

As for the Thai girls who hang out with them, they just go where the money is, but if you dance with the devil and all that, but no i dont think murdering them is right i hope the get another chance at life, but i cant see this govt doing anything for a bunch of poor Issan drug mules.


I don't feel sorry at all. They are drug trafficker and that is what they deserves. Sorry, I have no mercy. What if those smugger drug gets to you or your love one?

They all know what they are into. When they are caught, they will change their story and lie. This is human nature. Justice should be based on evident, and not stories published to get more subscribers.

agree they are not clueless and stupid and do make thought choice a calculated risk, but what about the conditions that lead them, herd them; no sympathy for the conditions?

There are 'some' who are hoping it is a real husband and not a scam, I know from Thai women who live in Europe now, velly sad for the ones who really don't know about the smuggling.

You don't know some get to farang land and call to let family know it was not a scam? that they are not 'in room with men'

How about bargirls, no mercy for them,?,, starve in droughts then get washed away by floods is sometimes their choice

for the ones who do know it's still sad and fvor the ones hoping it is true merit, even sadder, how many prayer sticks burnt to make it real???

Edit; grammar

i bet a study of times and places where simple users got 10 years would show there was no drug 'epidemics" and jails not filled with the middle men. (but big time alcohol sales).

no customers / no producers


these poor girls need help they probably had drugs put in there bags by these black men warn all the girls to stay away from black men then it wont happen

so how about help for them or is every one just going to let them die some one who knows someone help them.


are these the first? no

will they be the last? no

I cant ride my bike with no helmet on because the law says so. The same as i cant go into lotus and slap the manager laws are laws live with it

A very bad example. Where I live foreigners cannot ride their motorcycle without helmets but Thais normally can. They only stop Thais if too many foreigners are watching to make them seem "fair".


these poor girls need help they probably had drugs put in there bags by these black men warn all the girls to stay away from black men then it wont happen

so how about help for them or is every one just going to let them die some one who knows someone help them.

help them? impossible, only condolences

you meant the 13 in China and 68 in Thailand right? as the full strory reports HERE "In the latest data from the Department of Corrections listed below, there are 68 women condemned to death on drug charges in Thai jails. The figure is sharply increased if we include Thai women condemned to death abroad. At the same time as we were debating in Bangkok the linkage of Drugs and the Death Penalty also reported below, 13 young Thai women were condemned to death in China on drug charges."

to really see unfair justice, look at all of the high military and police and CIA who never did jail or excecution


CIA tried in court to block publication but the documentation was deemed credible


plus 100 more websites

These 81 women are the fall girls for corruption.


When will the BIB clean up the African problem?

They should have warnings on the news about how these sly Africans scheme their way into girls lifes.

Alot of filipino women seem to be used as mules by these African drug gangs.

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So 'deathpenaltythailand' got the same mass email spam (about 13 people, what a coincidence) as everyone else? No legitimate news source has confirmed that this story even exists.

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