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The Ugly American


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I prefer a quiet American to an ugly one any day. Unfortunately, the former are overwhelmed by the latter.

I'm pretty sensitive to ugly Americans and with the exception of overpaid laborers abroad, like oilfield workers and mercenaries, I've encountered very few. I DID read a book recently called "Another Quiet American". Possibly the worst piece of tripe I've ever read about a privileged kid in Laos. Graham Greene's original howver was fantastic.

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Looks like you too don't know what "The Quiet American" is about.

I'm assuming you are talking about Graham Greene's book. I'm not sure that is the quiet American that ballpoint had in mind. It definitely wasn't what I had in mind in my reply.

By the way, did you hear the joke about George W. referring to "The Quiet American" Pyle character during a speech to the VFW? Oh, wait. That wasn't a job. He really did it.

Yes, that book gave the term "quiet American" a new meaning, a meaning that sticks.

But i don't know much George W. jokes. I am not an American.

For the point USA compared with China let me add a few pictures, by Yang Liu, a chinese designer who was educated in Germany. She designd a couple of Icon that show the difference between China and Germany or EAST (red) and WEST (blue).

express opinion


Ways of life


In a restaurant


Queue when waiting


In a party


google her name and East West for more examples. different blogs show different excerpts.

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Yang Liu's designs were very intuitive. Thank you, Hakuchi.

Having traveled all across North America (Canada and USA), much of Australia, most of New Zealand and various parts of Europe and Asia I can say I've met the "ugly" from every country. The Ugly American is another stereotype that fits a certain segment of every society.

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Yang Liu's designs were very intuitive. Thank you, Hakuchi.

Having traveled all across North America (Canada and USA), much of Australia, most of New Zealand and various parts of Europe and Asia I can say I've met the "ugly" from every country. The Ugly American is another stereotype that fits a certain segment of every society.

Well said. Some of the posts on this thread remind me of another movie… Steve Martin's - The Jerk

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For us Americans, the good news comes from China. As they prosper and travel more they will for sure get the next award for "ugly". :rolleyes:

You think Americans are loud, try traveling in China for a few months!

I don't think you've understood the title of the movie.

Yep...understood and also saw it. I do like Brando...the movie was OK also...

I was primarily replying to Hakuchi's post....if people think American's are loud, try traveling with a bus load of Chinese. They are not good tourists...


I don't wrote any entry before your blame of the Chinese as the ugly.

And i think Deeral is right, i don't think you've understood the title of the movie.

Sorry Hakuchi! I read that wrong. It was ballpoint who made that lovely remark...

I apologize!!!! :jap: :jap: :jap:

I FULLY understand the title of the movie! I saw it and have read the book The Quiet American. Which really was not about Americans being quiet....nor is the Ugly American movie really about American's being ugly...just their ignorance of local needs and ways of life...and how to help them.

Dakhar is right on, and your reply to him was a bit off base. I LOVE China. But many of the people are loud, rude, aggressive, etc. I won't even get into the spitting thing. I've spent 6 months traveling all over China. Can't wait to go back.

Some Americans are loud. But I've seen loud Brits, loud Germans, loud people from pretty much every country...

Americans get a bad rap because we don't travel internationally as much as people from other countries do. We have borders with only 2 other countries...one which is very similar to ours and another which is avoided by Americans as they are afraid to travel there. We don't have the fantastic opportunity that,say, Europeans have. To be able to travel just a short distance and experience a totally different culture. Absolutely fantastic! And that gives other people a much broader point of view...as well as acceptance of different cultures...food, language, people, customs, etc....well...hopefully anyway...

International travel is a mind altering experience...in a great way. More Americans should travel abroad...and not just to England or Europe...it would definitely change their outlook.

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Why are Americans afraid to travel to Canada?

Maybe because of the way they pronounce "about"? :D

I use to spend winters in Mexico in my RV. Thousands of Canadians do it, but many Americans stop in Arizona and won't cross the border...especially now with all the bad press about drug killings...and now that passports are required....

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Hmmm, I never said that "I" did not enjoy China. I am very fond of the place, warts and all. But I have to say, hairy arm pits on women are a major turn off for me. But I love Chinese history, I love the vastness of the country, and the way the Chinese have "come so far" in such a short amount of time.

But in regards to cigarette smoke, right or wrong yada yada yada... Fortunatley, there is something called science, and sciece "says" second hand smoke is in fact "bad." So if you think that poisoning you neighbor is "OK" then I guess that your "up-brining" has a way to go.

Got Bush?

post-11339-075584900 1283163598_thumb.jp

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While the title might appear at face value as a criticism of an American in SE Asia (and by extension all Americans) the film is far more than that and touches on a wide range of issues that the arrival of the US forces and contrators in Thailand clashed against.

One of the most significant is the impact of roads being built by the US to under the Vietnam War Logistics planning - These roads did provide the central government with the access it needed to provinces which until the US built their war roads had remained inaccessible for large parts of the year, and therefore under very loose central government control.

The arrival of the US, the US roads, airfields and political/military support to the Thai central government was a huge challenge to regional power brokers who suddenly found their 'fiefdoms' brought into central government control.


Interestingly there's a Thai film, 'The Ugly Bangkokian' which examines the cultural insensivity of a Thai person visiting Loas - One of the very few examples of Thais being self critical that I know of.

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I am a Texan too.... a bayou boy to be exact. I too have have seen most of America, that said, I too have seen most of main land China. Enough so, I learned to speak Mandarin. Because I have seen both side, China v/s America... The Chinese make American look meek and humble. Trying "standing in line" with the Chinese and see what happens... Or try enjoying a peaceful meal without cigarette smoke at a restarount in China. They have no regard for thier neighbor, close of far.

A Chinese person has no problem with it.

It is just you, your cultural background and your ethnocentrism.

Who defines that your way of life is the only right way of life? Nobody, exept you. Thats why you cannot enjoy and relax in China and thats why people come to terms like ugly in relation to Americans.


perfectly correct.

Well expressed.

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Why are Americans afraid to travel to Canada?

They're afraid they'll be clubbed over the head for their blubber.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's okay, us Canadians have a similar amount of blubber. Is it any wonder I spend my winters in Thailand?

Actually, the USA is a big country with a diverse climate and topography. There are more places than you can visit in one life time. It is little wonder that Americans don't travel more to foreign destinations. The northerners can become "snowbirds" and still stay within the US.

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Why are Americans afraid to travel to Canada?

They're afraid they'll be clubbed over the head for their blubber.

You seem to have a bit of an anti-American slant...care to reveal your nationality? I'm sure some of us here could have a bit of fun with that...come on, let us have a go!

As can be expected with a developing nation, China is looking to overtake the US in this area also (although the US is not the nation with the highest percentage of overweight people...quite a few are ahead of us!)

Here is a quote from Forbes:

China and India have relatively low percentages of overweight adults, 28.9% and 16.0% respectively. But obesity and its potential complications are increasing there at unparalleled speed due to the growth of urban populations and an expanding middle class who can afford richer food in greater quantities than their rural counterparts. In China, for example, the number of obese people has tripled since 1992, the WHO reports.

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Why are Americans afraid to travel to Canada?

They're afraid they'll be clubbed over the head for their blubber.

You seem to have a bit of an anti-American slant...care to reveal your nationality? I'm sure some of us here could have a bit of fun with that...come on, let us have a go!

As can be expected with a developing nation, China is looking to overtake the US in this area also (although the US is not the nation with the highest percentage of overweight people...quite a few are ahead of us!)

Here is a quote from Forbes:

China and India have relatively low percentages of overweight adults, 28.9% and 16.0% respectively. But obesity and its potential complications are increasing there at unparalleled speed due to the growth of urban populations and an expanding middle class who can afford richer food in greater quantities than their rural counterparts. In China, for example, the number of obese people has tripled since 1992, the WHO reports.

What have China and India do do with it?

Are you sure that you you've understood the title of the thread?

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Why are Americans afraid to travel to Canada?

They're afraid they'll be clubbed over the head for their blubber.

You seem to have a bit of an anti-American slant...care to reveal your nationality? I'm sure some of us here could have a bit of fun with that...come on, let us have a go!

As can be expected with a developing nation, China is looking to overtake the US in this area also (although the US is not the nation with the highest percentage of overweight people...quite a few are ahead of us!)

Here is a quote from Forbes:

China and India have relatively low percentages of overweight adults, 28.9% and 16.0% respectively. But obesity and its potential complications are increasing there at unparalleled speed due to the growth of urban populations and an expanding middle class who can afford richer food in greater quantities than their rural counterparts. In China, for example, the number of obese people has tripled since 1992, the WHO reports.

What have China and India do do with it?

Are you sure that you you've understood the title of the thread?

ummm...read the thread I replied to...then if you have to, look up blubber in the dictionary...

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Why are Americans afraid to travel to Canada?

Maybe because of the way they pronounce "about"? :D

I use to spend winters in Mexico in my RV. Thousands of Canadians do it, but many Americans stop in Arizona and won't cross the border...especially now with all the bad press about drug killings...and now that passports are required....

Actually, more than 17 million Americans visited Mexico in 2008 ouf the total number of 22 million tourists. Also, majority of tourists in Canada are Americans and the majority of tourists in America are Canadians as well. Mexico comes a distant second as a popular destination for both nations. For more info, please check the URLs below:






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Why are Americans afraid to travel to Canada?

Maybe because of the way they pronounce "about"? :D

I use to spend winters in Mexico in my RV. Thousands of Canadians do it, but many Americans stop in Arizona and won't cross the border...especially now with all the bad press about drug killings...and now that passports are required....

Actually, more than 17 million Americans visited Mexico in 2008 ouf the total number of 22 million tourists. Also, majority of tourists in Canada are Americans and the majority of tourists in America are Canadians as well. Mexico comes a distant second as a popular destination for both nations. For more info, please check the URLs below:






Absolutely correct...I guess the point I was (poorly) trying to make is that Americans are OK with flying to their destination (Cancun, Cabo, PV, Mazatlan, etc), but not real interested in driving there. Most of the RVers in the camps down there are Canadians. I made many, many, many good Canadian friends over the years there. For sure some Americans, but vastly more Canadians. My friends and family in the US thought I was crazy for driving all over down there in a big, expensive RV. But we never had a problem. In fact, were helped many times by locals when we broke down and needed help!

How about this:


Maybe they should try this here in Thailand? Couldn't hurt getting rid of some corrupt cops!

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Why are Americans afraid to travel to Canada?

Maybe because of the way they pronounce "about"? :D

I use to spend winters in Mexico in my RV. Thousands of Canadians do it, but many Americans stop in Arizona and won't cross the border...especially now with all the bad press about drug killings...and now that passports are required....

Actually, more than 17 million Americans visited Mexico in 2008 ouf the total number of 22 million tourists. Also, majority of tourists in Canada are Americans and the majority of tourists in America are Canadians as well. Mexico comes a distant second as a popular destination for both nations. For more info, please check the URLs below:






Absolutely correct...I guess the point I was (poorly) trying to make is that Americans are OK with flying to their destination (Cancun, Cabo, PV, Mazatlan, etc), but not real interested in driving there. Most of the RVers in the camps down there are Canadians. I made many, many, many good Canadian friends over the years there. For sure some Americans, but vastly more Canadians. My friends and family in the US thought I was crazy for driving all over down there in a big, expensive RV. But we never had a problem. In fact, were helped many times by locals when we broke down and needed help!

How about this:


Maybe they should try this here in Thailand? Couldn't hurt getting rid of some corrupt cops!

As the Mexican President said, the demand of illegal drugs must be addressed first. The drug barons are just taking advantage of poverty which nourishes corruption to supply a very rich demand for illegal drugs in developed countries. Either they legalize it and tax the drug barons or minimise demand and reduce their profits.


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