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Free Press In Thailand (the Nation)


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The US has criticized Thailand saying there is not a totally free press.

I don't doubt that, but how bad is it? Has it gotten worse recently?

I am impressed with The Nation newspaper, especially their editorial section, in regards with being able to openly criticize the current government in power.

The Nation is read by some Thais too, I would imagine.

Are there Thai language papers that feel free to be as openly critical as The Nation, or is that paper an exception?


Edited by Thaiquila
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The US has criticized Thailand saying there is not a totally free press.

I don't doubt that, but how bad is it? Has it gotten worse recently?

I am impressed with The Nation newspaper, especially their editorial section, in regards with being able to openly criticize the current government in power.

The Nation is read by some Thais too, I would imagine.

Are there Thai language papers that feel free to be as openly critical as The Nation, or is that paper an exception?


Well if you are critical (objective in my view) about Thailand on this TV site you get suspensions.

What does that tell you.

Oh, almost forgot; The US is critical of everything. Should mind their (our) own ###### business.

KL from NYC!!

Edited by Khun Larry
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I agree that The Nation gives a much more open presentation of things in Thailand. But I am continually amazed at the number of farang I talk to that express they same opinion and they are sitting there reading the Post. :o

Money talks volumes, these are English language papers. Why don’t more Farangs out there that feel the same way buy The Nation and not the Post? :D:D

Most of the time the feedback I get on this is basically about the “fluff” of the paper – entertainment section, classifieds, etc. General feeling seems to be that the Post does a better job in these areas.

If more farang would buy The Nation rather than the Post then the numbers for The Nation would go up. The result of this being the ability to charge more for ads, and more people wanting to place ads in The Nation – all allowing them to better the paper all around (improve the "fluff") and not just a better “real” news paper. :D

By the way I am not affiliated with The Nation in any way.

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Well if you are critical (objective in my view) about Thailand on this TV site you get suspensions.

You’re not being critical are you? :o:D

Oh, almost forgot; The US is critical of everything. Should mind their (our) own ###### business.

KL from NYC!!

American’s criticize? From one American to another - Whinge/whin/b*tch/mone/complain/etc - maybe but never criticize. :D:D:D

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Most of the time the feedback I get on this is basically about the “fluff” of the paper – entertainment section, classifieds, etc.  General feeling seems to be that the Post does a better job in these areas. 

Bkk post classifieds??? Same boring crap, day after day, week after week. Hardly a representation of the readership, almost never changes, nothing fresh, or new. Designed for those whom don't mind paying their ridiculous rates. :o:D

Edited by bahtandsold
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Most of the time the feedback I get on this is basically about the “fluff” of the paper – entertainment section, classifieds, etc.  General feeling seems to be that the Post does a better job in these areas. 

Bkk post classifieds??? Same boring crap, day after day, week after week. Hardly a representation of the readership, almost never changes, nothing fresh, new or remotely representative of real people. Designed for those whom don't mind paying their ridiculous rates to be "seen" in the exclusive club :o:D


You would not have a biased opinion related to the classified section would you? :D

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I agree that The Nation gives a much more open presentation of things in Thailand.  But I am continually amazed at the number of farang I talk to that express they same opinion and they are sitting there reading the Post.  :o

Money talks volumes, these are English language papers.  Why don’t more Farangs out there that feel the same way buy The Nation and not the Post?  :D  :D

The problem with the Nation is sloppy writing/editing and it doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story. I know - they once interviewed me and added a fictitious ending to an incident I mentioned. What I like about the Nation is much more fiesty editorials than the Post.

The Post is a public company and has to keep its shareholders happy. So (as we saw not long ago) it is vulnerable to external pressure to remove editors unliked by the ruling party. But it still does pretty well.

The Nation is more of a one-man-show, and after Suthichai Yoon was investigated by the AMLO, it became virulently anti-Thaksin and anti-TRT.

I think most farang find the Post more reliable for news, but like the Nation's independent and in-your-face style. If the Nation doesn't have many ads, it's pretty obvious why. Politically connected or controlled advertisers boycotting publications is one of the ways the media is stifled in Thailand.

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