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Body Rash


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Hi guys,

I have got some serious problem and needs everyone's advise and recommendations. I have had this body rash for more than five years, it looks like a prickly heat rash but definitely not a heat rash. It's very itchy after i took shower and makes me lose lots of body hair (cuts my hair from the down skin while the root of the hair remains inside my skin and visible), it also makes my skin look darker and very rough.

I have been to several hospitals and clinics both in Bangkok and in Pattaya and had underwent general health check up but sadly none of the hospitals and clinic have been able to find the real cause and give me proper medications. I have been to Sukhumvict hospital at Ekamai and spent thousands of baht but they never gave me any serious medications which made me felt like there are no good doctors in this country. I have also been to the Skin hospital Asok and all they seem to do is give me appointment upon appointment without any proper medications or skin medical check up to know actually what the infection is. All they all did was gave me some pills and cream to use and an appointment after every 2 weeks and take my money (thousands of baht), the worse part of it is that i pay more thousands of baht for every appointment i attend and there were no improvement or good medications. It was same experience at the Sukhumvict hospital Ekamai, the clinics and also the Navy hospital in Pattaya. Right now i don't know what else to do. This rash is really troubling me everyday and always makes me sad.

So i have decided to seek advise from everyone on this forum to help a brother out with any advise or recommendation of any good hospital/clinic with very good experienced skin doctor that can cure this rash without draining me off all my money.

Thank you all for your coming advises and recommendations

God Bless.

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Perhaps it could be related to diet? Or something you use , such as a soap?

I do know that the hospitals here do food allergy testing. Just an idea. I am not a doctor but our skin is the biggest organ and you might want to consider looking at the problem from the inside.

Perhaps you should research allergic reactions to MSG as it is nearly all food here (although not just here ).

Do you drink diet cokes, use fake sugars?

What is your diet like?

Have you tried any natural remedies?

There is a good website called www.earthclinic.com where people have shared remedies that have worked for them.

Coconut oil and Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) seem popular and natural solution's to some peoples ailments. ACV is available at Villa Market.

Just some ideas based on my own experiences.

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Perhaps it could be related to diet? Or something you use , such as a soap?

I do know that the hospitals here do food allergy testing. Just an idea. I am not a doctor but our skin is the biggest organ and you might want to consider looking at the problem from the inside.

Perhaps you should research allergic reactions to MSG as it is nearly all food here (although not just here ).

Do you drink diet cokes, use fake sugars?

What is your diet like?

Have you tried any natural remedies?

There is a good website called www.earthclinic.com where people have shared remedies that have worked for them.

Coconut oil and Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) seem popular and natural solution's to some peoples ailments. ACV is available at Villa Market.

Just some ideas based on my own experiences.

Yeah i do drink diet coke and i don't use fake sugars. Actually i don't have problems with my diet as the only food i eat mostly everyday is the thai famous kawpat kai (fried rice chicken) and fish burger and also beef soup. I don't think my diet will be my problem as i have had this skin problem for a very long time.

BTW, thank you very much for that ACV recommendation, i have researched it and it seem very popular in skin treatments and am gonna give it a try immediately...Meanwhile i don't really know where i can get the ACV, can it be found in the pharmacies?

Thank you very much.

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It sounds like psoraisis to me.

The good news is that if it is this condition you can do something about it.

You may not completely cure it but you can get it under control.

Fish oil, liver supplements like milk thistle and an anti inflammatory anti oxidant would help.

Also you need to cut out sugar, fried foods and eat alkaline foods. Stay away from all acidic foods.

Stress is also a contributing factor.

I have psoriasis but it has never gotten out of control as i have been very careful with diet and vitamin therapy.

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If it was psoriasis it would seem odd that the doctors had failed to diagnose it. I found the skin doctor at Bumrungrad to be very helpful when I had a nasty rash on both thight (turned out I was allergic to the metal nickel and having metal items in my pocket + perspiration from the heat was setting it off..), they also did a good job diagnosing and treating the slight case of psoriasis I had on my hands. I totally understand your disillusionment at paying thousands of baht and receiving substandard help, but if you haven't tried them, I'd think about booking an appointment there.

Aside from that I'd maybe take a look at your diet anyway and try and get much more vitamin C in there along with fresh vegetables like carrots, tomatoes and fresh fruit have been said to have a positive effect on psoriasis. But for me I found effects of sunlight (which I guess does the same as an AV lamp) was the most beneficial.

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Assuming the doctors you saw were proper dermatologists, I too would expect them to have been able to diagnose psoriasis.

Have you been living in the same place all this time? (Wondering about allergic reaction to something in the water you shower in -- many people have this problem in Thailand, especially with well water)

Can you post a photo of the rash? This would also help.

Besides the rash, any other symptoms (joint aches, fever?)

Is the rash all the time or intermittent?

And what diagnosis were you given at Samitivej? If they did not tell you, get a copy of your medical records, by law they have to release them to you and will have some type of diagnosis.

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Assuming the doctors you saw were proper dermatologists, I too would expect them to have been able to diagnose psoriasis.

Have you been living in the same place all this time? (Wondering about allergic reaction to something in the water you shower in -- many people have this problem in Thailand, especially with well water)

Can you post a photo of the rash? This would also help.

Besides the rash, any other symptoms (joint aches, fever?)

Is the rash all the time or intermittent?

And what diagnosis were you given at Samitivej? If they did not tell you, get a copy of your medical records, by law they have to release them to you and will have some type of diagnosis.

No. I have not been living in the same place, i moved out of my old residence 14 months ago...I will post a photo of the rash soon, just need to find a copy and upload here.

The rash is has been there and the popular medication they gave me at Samitivej and other hospitals and clinics is TV Lotion or Kela Lotion which is for skin allergy and inflammatory, which is sold for 35 baht in the pharmacies but i end up paying thousands of baht to this hospitals and clinics for just 2 bottles of those TV and or Kela Lotion. The copy of my medical records says am ok but just skin rashes and it was me who told them about the skin rash, if not, they wouldn't know about it because they can't find it or even carry out a skin test to know the curse.

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If it was psoriasis it would seem odd that the doctors had failed to diagnose it. I found the skin doctor at Bumrungrad to be very helpful when I had a nasty rash on both thight (turned out I was allergic to the metal nickel and having metal items in my pocket + perspiration from the heat was setting it off..), they also did a good job diagnosing and treating the slight case of psoriasis I had on my hands. I totally understand your disillusionment at paying thousands of baht and receiving substandard help, but if you haven't tried them, I'd think about booking an appointment there.

Aside from that I'd maybe take a look at your diet anyway and try and get much more vitamin C in there along with fresh vegetables like carrots, tomatoes and fresh fruit have been said to have a positive effect on psoriasis. But for me I found effects of sunlight (which I guess does the same as an AV lamp) was the most beneficial.

I do take fresh vegetables and tomatoes as well and alot of fruits too, but carrots sometimes. I have heard about the skin doctor at Bumrungrad, so i think am gonna check him out too. I just don't want this rash to remain on my skin for the next one month. I have suffered with it for a very long time and it's time i get reed of it. :)

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Apple Cider Vinegar can be found at Tops and Villa Market. It has a live culture in it, THE MOTHER.

You say your diet is fine but friend rice in Thailand will for SURe have MSG as well as the beef soup. In Thai you can say

MAI SAI PONG CHU ROTE. Pong Chu Rote being the MSG.

Campell's Soups are FULL of MSG by the way too.

HEre is a good link


I know people have different theories about MSG but I for sure feel it after the fact which makes me remember I forgot to say no pong chu rote when going to a new restaurant.

Some Soy sauces have it also, all dry noodle flavour packs.

Candida can also cause face pimples. Not sure about body rash though.

Good luck and let us know how the ACV goes. If you do not live near a Villa Market or Tops let me know.

Also I would not recommend using any cheap regular vinegars as some of them are derived from petroleum.

Also aspartame is a nasty chemical as well. According to wikipedia

Schlatter had synthesized aspartame in the course of producing an antiulcer[15] drug candidate. He accidentally discovered its sweet taste when he licked his finger, which had become contaminated with aspartame.

There is a good website here http://www.sweetpoison.com

I know one must read thorugh these sites and determine for themselves what is fact. But often these people to gain unlike the produces of the food product.

Would be interesting to see if you just stopped diet coke for a week..

or asked for no MSG. Can't hurt.

Edited by goodkarma
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My Psoriasis did not look text book. Interesting that after diagnosis that my dads ' bullit wounds ' were Psoriasis and his mum had it, so, enquire if any family has or did have it.

10% of Psoriasis sufferers get it in the joints, which l have, have you any painful joints in the morning but ease after 30 mins or so. ?

I don't remember any of my family member having it and i don't have any painful joints in the morning but same times in the day time i feel like my left leg have been pulled from the waist off my body, that happens some times and i have not felt that again for 8 months now...

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Apple Cider Vinegar can be found at Tops and Villa Market. It has a live culture in it, THE MOTHER.

You say your diet is fine but friend rice in Thailand will for SURe have MSG as well as the beef soup. In Thai you can say

MAI SAI PONG CHU ROTE. Pong Chu Rote being the MSG.

Campell's Soups are FULL of MSG by the way too.

HEre is a good link


I know people have different theories about MSG but I for sure feel it after the fact which makes me remember I forgot to say no pong chu rote when going to a new restaurant.

Some Soy sauces have it also, all dry noodle flavour packs.

Candida can also cause face pimples. Not sure about body rash though.

Good luck and let us know how the ACV goes. If you do not live near a Villa Market or Tops let me know.

Also I would not recommend using any cheap regular vinegars as some of them are derived from petroleum.

Also aspartame is a nasty chemical as well. According to wikipedia

Schlatter had synthesized aspartame in the course of producing an antiulcer[15] drug candidate. He accidentally discovered its sweet taste when he licked his finger, which had become contaminated with aspartame.

There is a good website here http://www.sweetpoison.com

I know one must read thorugh these sites and determine for themselves what is fact. But often these people to gain unlike the produces of the food product.

Would be interesting to see if you just stopped diet coke for a week..

or asked for no MSG. Can't hurt.

Thanks Goodkarma, you have been a great help and i really appreciate you taking your time to give me all this advises and recommendations. I have just bought one ACV yesterday and will start using it tonight and will definitely let you all know the developments.

I will stop the diet coke and MSG for now as i really would do anything to get this rash off my skin. I live near central bangna incase if you know any place where i can always get ACV, i mean the good one.


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You should definitely start eating salmon or take fish oil capsules (9 a day) as these will greatly improve your skin condition on top of other adjustments.

Thanks mate! will add that to the treatment..do you have any prescription of the fish oil capsule? :)

Edited by princejohnjay
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Omega 3 or something like that.

Also the oil from rice husk, the call it germ oil or something like that.

when a horse was about to be sold, they make it consume large quantities of rice husks, the hair and skin attain a richness that make it appear in a more outstanding good health.

Those are not cheap but it is said to be better than fish oil.

Aimstar network has it, google it. I think it gives me migraine, but my friends like it.

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Omega 3 or something like that.

Also the oil from rice husk, the call it germ oil or something like that.

when a horse was about to be sold, they make it consume large quantities of rice husks, the hair and skin attain a richness that make it appear in a more outstanding good health.

Those are not cheap but it is said to be better than fish oil.

Aimstar network has it, google it. I think it gives me migraine, but my friends like it.

I think you mean Omega H3 which i think is supposed to be a multivitamin capsule. I will check out the rice husk maybe that would be better.

thanks bro

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