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I Want To Learn Thai And I Am Serious


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Many language schools promise many things...

A lot of them rely on people learning Thai to get a visa. Their actual classes are questionable.

The thing is, I have been with a language school for 1 year and 3 months, and attended all lessons and had extra lessons, and even now I am paying for private lessons, but my Thai is still very limited.

I feel rather frustrated with what is on offer.

So, what I want is someone to get me to the point where I can understand and speak Thai very well.

What I have got so far is language schools with 20 year old teachers, with no teaching experience, going through a book, which is full of stuff like "this is a pencil".

Can anyone help...

I am in Pattaya, but if a hot teacher from bkk wants to come teach me, I will pay accommodation, expenses and salary, and do full time study, if I can get to speak Thai well within the next year, I will be happy.

So far, I have only come across inexperienced teachers sticking to a book, which is not so good.

Money is not the issue, learning Thai is the issue.

If you know of a really good teacher, or if you are a really good teacher, please let me know.

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There is no easy answer to this. What works for you? do you have an hour lesson and feel you get a lot out of it? or do you practice reading and using the dictionary and get a lot out of it?

Why not go to a school, ask to speak to a teacher and then tell her you want private lessons out of normal hours, a few hundred baht an hour would do it.

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You must go out and use the Thai that you are learning everyday in every situation. Forget your native language. Only 10% can be learned in the classroom. Write it out and rewrite it and use it. The pronunciation and dialect will be different in every region of Thailand. Learn to listen to the Thais who reply to you.

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Korkai, how much/often do you use Thai outside of your classes? Do you interact on a daily basis with Thais?

Colabamumbai makes a very valid point that as a language learner and teacher I can back up from experience: most language development does not occur in the classroom (tho' I wouldn't necessarily buy the 10% figure).

I wonder if your Thai is limited - rather like my own is, even after much longer at it than you - because you are not interacting and using it on a daily basis? No amount of 'hot' teachers can ever really provide you with much more than a springboard to using the language; it is in using it and exploring it in real life that you will develop it to the point that you want.

If neither time nor money are an issue, my advice would be to join some club or activity that you are interested in that is primarily for Thais. The common interest will provide all the material and lessons you want, and the interaction will be genuine and meaningful, which is the fastest way to language success. Meanwhile keep up the lessons with the 20-somethings. Tutors are always handy to have around for asking questions and extending your 'book knowledge'.

Edited by SoftWater
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I've tried to find a good language school in Pattaya. I went to a lot of schools over there. My conclusion is that there a no good language schools in Pattaya.

The progress I made in Pattaya in 1 month was less than my progress in 1 week in BKK.

The least bad language school I found in Pattaya was pro language. They had well structured books and the teacher was not bad. Other schools had either no books, not enough books or the structure and layout of their books was just horrible.

In Pattaya the main objective of most language schools is providing visas. It's obvious: if look at the advertisement on various expat/farang websites and you'll see that the main goal of many schools in Pattaya seems to be providing "unlimited stay in Thailand" rather than giving a good language education.

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Sounds like you have been going to Wallen.

If you do not mind may i ask who is your private teacher?

I only ask because i did 1 year there also and found it to be totally useless, mainly because of the teachers not really being teachers.

I do not believe even 1 of those teachers has any teaching certificate or training, they can not explain anything and for half of the time do not even correct when you speak wrong.

I never had private lessons there, this is why i am interested to know who is the 20 year old teacher-i can only think of one Magazine.

She is a lovely girl but in my opinion should not be teaching, because rather then correcting students she prefer to make fun of them and their accent.

There was also Bina, who spent most of her time looking in the mirror or sending sms.

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I've tried to find a good language school in Pattaya. I went to a lot of schools over there. My conclusion is that there a no good language schools in Pattaya.

The progress I made in Pattaya in 1 month was less than my progress in 1 week in BKK.

The least bad language school I found in Pattaya was pro language. They had well structured books and the teacher was not bad. Other schools had either no books, not enough books or the structure and layout of their books was just horrible.

In Pattaya the main objective of most language schools is providing visas. It's obvious: if look at the advertisement on various expat/farang websites and you'll see that the main goal of many schools in Pattaya seems to be providing "unlimited stay in Thailand" rather than giving a good language education.

Spot on, and when in class student speaks wrong(from personal experience) teacher says no problem you farang, rather then helping to get the sound correct or the sentence structure.

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Not to be pedantic, umm just a question?

Why would you care if the teacher is 'hot' or not? IF indeed your real objective is as your post is so clearly titled "I Want To Learn Thai And I Am Serious (I want a teacher who can get me there) who cares what she looks like? :huh:

What do you care if they're a dowdy 50+ y/o retired uni-professor or some other professional as long as you can, as you so succinctly put it; 'get there'? ;)

I think you've got a few priorities mixed up there my posting pal B) . I've met more 'hot' female thai language teachers who suck at teaching thai to foreigners than I could shake a frickin' stick at (possibly hundreds!). That someone has a degree in engrish, or even thai for that matter does NOT in and of itself make them a good candidate to teach the thai language to foreigners.

I'd do a quick revision of your priorities, and save the 'hot' ones for some other endeavor :lol: .

Some of the best thai teachers I've met wouldn't hit your spec on their appearance but would certainly teach you to speak, read and write thai. :P

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Not to be pedantic, umm just a question?

Why would you care if the teacher is 'hot' or not? IF indeed your real objective is as your post is so clearly titled "I Want To Learn Thai And I Am Serious (I want a teacher who can get me there) who cares what she looks like? :huh:

What do you care if they're a dowdy 50+ y/o retired uni-professor or some other professional as long as you can, as you so succinctly put it; 'get there'? ;)

I think you've got a few priorities mixed up there my posting pal B) . I've met more 'hot' female thai language teachers who suck at teaching thai to foreigners than I could shake a frickin' stick at (possibly hundreds!). That someone has a degree in engrish, or even thai for that matter does NOT in and of itself make them a good candidate to teach the thai language to foreigners.

I'd do a quick revision of your priorities, and save the 'hot' ones for some other endeavor :lol: .

Some of the best thai teachers I've met wouldn't hit your spec on their appearance but would certainly teach you to speak, read and write thai. :P

I'm guessing he was referring to their teaching ability, not their looks.

I have to agree with a couple of other posters here about using it outside of class. I have been here almost 4 years. I often have complete strangers commenting on the clarity or clearness of my Thai, I have a large vocabulary and can read and write some, though my spelling is atrocious. What I am getting at is that you need to put yourself in situations where you have no choice but to speak Thai. I have basically done an immersion program of my own design. Got a gal who doesn't speak english, moved into a Thai neighborhood, then to her village. Daily, I speak 95 % Thai. I don't have a lot of foreigner contact here. I carry notebooks for jotting notes, ask a lot of questions, and as a project of personal interest, took a text written in Thai on a subject that I am passionate about, and had a private teacher tutor me through reading and defining the entire text. My Thai is passible, better than 90% of people who have been here for decades, and still not good enough. It's a long term goal, just like going to the gym everyday. Good luck finding the right teacher but I think that you need to be the right student. Thai is very difficult, don't give up.

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Ahhh, obviously I "mis-remembered" the meaning of the word 'hot' :o . Then again as I'm 51 y/o that could certainly be a possibility. I thought he meant in terms of LOOKS, versus in terms of a hot teaching ability, :D .

Especially so, as he mentioned it in this context

"if a hot (my emphasis not the O/P’s) teacher from bkk wants to come teach me, I will pay accommodation, expenses and salary, and do full time study"
. Hmm, doesn’t really seem to mean “teaching ability” in that context, does it B) ?

Like I said, I musta 'mis-remembered' the definition of the word 'hot'. :blink:

No harm, no foul, nothing disparaging meant or intended (other than my normal condescension, which I am taking medication for :P ). ..

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Not to be pedantic, umm just a question?

Why would you care if the teacher is 'hot' or not? IF indeed your real objective is as your post is so clearly titled "I Want To Learn Thai And I Am Serious (I want a teacher who can get me there) who cares what she looks like? :huh:

What do you care if they're a dowdy 50+ y/o retired uni-professor or some other professional as long as you can, as you so succinctly put it; 'get there'? ;)

I think you've got a few priorities mixed up there my posting pal B) . I've met more 'hot' female thai language teachers who suck at teaching thai to foreigners than I could shake a frickin' stick at (possibly hundreds!). That someone has a degree in engrish, or even thai for that matter does NOT in and of itself make them a good candidate to teach the thai language to foreigners.

I'd do a quick revision of your priorities, and save the 'hot' ones for some other endeavor :lol: .

Some of the best thai teachers I've met wouldn't hit your spec on their appearance but would certainly teach you to speak, read and write thai. :P

I'm guessing he was referring to their teaching ability, not their looks.

I have to agree with a couple of other posters here about using it outside of class. I have been here almost 4 years. I often have complete strangers commenting on the clarity or clearness of my Thai, I have a large vocabulary and can read and write some, though my spelling is atrocious. What I am getting at is that you need to put yourself in situations where you have no choice but to speak Thai. I have basically done an immersion program of my own design. Got a gal who doesn't speak english, moved into a Thai neighborhood, then to her village. Daily, I speak 95 % Thai. I don't have a lot of foreigner contact here. I carry notebooks for jotting notes, ask a lot of questions, and as a project of personal interest, took a text written in Thai on a subject that I am passionate about, and had a private teacher tutor me through reading and defining the entire text. My Thai is passible, better than 90% of people who have been here for decades, and still not good enough. It's a long term goal, just like going to the gym everyday. Good luck finding the right teacher but I think that you need to be the right student. Thai is very difficult, don't give up.

Good post, Canadian also 8 months here get compliments on my Thai daily, started learning on computer before coming here I took 100 hours of classes in school in Bangkok, and when the teacher suggested the lesson was over, I reminded him that he was being paid to teach me until 12 noon, not 11:45 I made him stay in the class and teach me Thai proverbs until noon.

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Ahhh, obviously I "mis-remembered" the meaning of the word 'hot' :o . Then again as I'm 51 y/o that could certainly be a possibility. I thought he meant in terms of LOOKS, versus in terms of a hot teaching ability, :D .

Especially so, as he mentioned it in this context

"if a hot (my emphasis not the O/P's) teacher from bkk wants to come teach me, I will pay accommodation, expenses and salary, and do full time study"
. Hmm, doesn't really seem to mean "teaching ability" in that context, does it B) ?

Like I said, I musta 'mis-remembered' the definition of the word 'hot'. :blink:

No harm, no foul, nothing disparaging meant or intended (other than my normal condescension, which I am taking medication for :P ). ..

When you read the post of the OP, that particular sentence does stand out as quite odd considering the rest of the post, regardless of how you define hot, that's why I gave him credit for meaning " a good teacher' rather than a sexy b@#ch. Would like to know what he meant.....???

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Thanks for your replies.

As to "hot" - I certainly was not referring to looks. I was referring to someone really good at teaching.

As has been pointed out, it could be the student that has to change what he is doing, and I know I am going to have to simply get out and speak more Thai every day.

I am happy to spend 2 or 3 hours a day, or even more, speaking Thai, but need some long suffering person, who can chat to me, and has the ability to correct my speech and explain stuff.... hence teacher.

What I have found, is that sticking a person in a room of people, getting them to go through a book, makes then no more of a teacher, than me standing in a car yard, makes me a car.

It does amaze me, that a language school, takes a person, and sais to them.... hey you want to be a teacher? Then off they go, with a few hours in house training.

Hense my very big disappointment from so called language schools, which are really "visa agents".

I want to stay in Pattaya, I like it here :-) If someone has experience of a really good teacher living in Pattaya, please do let me know, in the mean time, I will try to speak it more.

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I've been here 2.5 years and can now have basic conversations about the economy with a Bangkok taxi. I try and use it everywhere with everyone I can. After a year I was still pretty basic but it gets better. With the one on one teaching you should guide the teacher in the sorts of things you want to learn even suggesting role playing so you get comfortable with a conversation format.

I would suggest "Before you Know it" from Transparent Language it has a lot of vocabulary and you can also collect words, phrases to practise. I would also suggest PaiBoon "Thai for beginners" as it has conversations and vocabulary on a CD.

Also, learn to read. It's useful, if you go out of the tourist areas, and will help a lot with pronunciation and rhythm.

I read once in a Thai Air magazine that it took the King about 7 years to relearn Thai language after being out of the country for most of his childhood. So, don't feel bad about only being about to speak some basic sentences after only 15 months.

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You can learn Thai via Skype anywhere. Even Pattaya ;-)

I'm doing Skype lessons with Wallen thru Skype. I have checked their Pattaya lessons, I didn't liked it.

But I am VERY satisfied with my Thai lessons thru Skype. The Teacher is very good, funny and very patient. She explains very well.

But I also practice every day, alone or with my Thai friends, I take my book and talk to them, they correct me and suggest new words and sentences.

I learn very quick that way. But only lessons is not enough you need to practice with the Thai around you. Having a Thai girlfriend who is nice enough to help you a bit can help a lot, you can meet their friends and try to understand what they say, step by step, your brain switches and you start to understand the meaning of the conversations. Speaking comes after.

If you want to join us, contact me in private and I will give you the Skype contact I have... if you are at Wallen, your lessons will not be lost and you can continue thru Skype. Not sure if it is experimental or not, but our class is only a few people so there is space for more.

Edited by nikkoid66
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... if you are at Wallen, your lessons will not be lost and you can continue thru Skype. Not sure if it is experimental or not, but our class is only a few people so there is space for more.

So your Skype lessons have more than one person in the class?

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... if you are at Wallen, your lessons will not be lost and you can continue thru Skype. Not sure if it is experimental or not, but our class is only a few people so there is space for more.

So your Skype lessons have more than one person in the class?

Yes, usually between 3-5 students and the teacher.

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You can learn Thai via Skype anywhere. Even Pattaya ;-)

If you want to join us, contact me in private and I will give you the Skype contact I have... if you are at Wallen, your lessons will not be lost and you can continue thru Skype. Not sure if it is experimental or not, but our class is only a few people so there is space for more.

I am not sure which Wallen you attending BKK or Pattaya(skype) but in Pattaya branch they have a huge signs which says, you do not get to keep the classes, ie if you miss a class-its lost.

They also have another sign which says if you want to be able to keep the hours-then the cost of attending is double the price.

Just another reason why Wallan Pattaya is one of the worst schools. I always thought i was buying hours not time frame.

You buy 180 hours, its 1 year study, but if you attend every class you finish in about 6 months, so why can not students keep the hours if they do not come in that year.

Wallen is only good for learning how to read and even with that, they do not really teach you but correct you.

Those books are beyond useless, while people learn the directions and who in the family reads the most, students do not learn simple conversational Thai used daily

Sorry to be off topic, but for those really wanting to learn Thai- Wallen is not the place to go. I did full year there and got nothing to show for it. All my knowledge came from personal study, hardly anything from those books

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Hi Korkai,

I think I can help you with Thai language.

I am just a newbie here, after reading your frustration with learning Thai. I think I understand your problem and be able to cure it. Yes, I'm Thai.

Thank you rakloke I have sent you a Private message with my phone number for you to contact me and hopefully we can meet up.

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Hi Korkai,

I think I can help you with Thai language.

I am just a newbie here, after reading your frustration with learning Thai. I think I understand your problem and be able to cure it. Yes, I'm Thai.

Thank you rakloke I have sent you a Private message with my phone number for you to contact me and hopefully we can meet up.

I can't find your Private message, both in my PM and my e-mail. My e-mail is [email protected].

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Hi Korkai,

I think I can help you with Thai language.

I am just a newbie here, after reading your frustration with learning Thai. I think I understand your problem and be able to cure it. Yes, I'm Thai.

Thank you rakloke I have sent you a Private message with my phone number for you to contact me and hopefully we can meet up.

I can't find your Private message, both in my PM and my e-mail. My e-mail is [email protected].

Sorry, I just found it in my spam box. I wonder why your first mail was sent there. Tomorrow(Sunday) at 10 a.m. I'll call you. Thanks.

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Hi Korkai,

I think I can help you with Thai language.

I am just a newbie here, after reading your frustration with learning Thai. I think I understand your problem and be able to cure it. Yes, I'm Thai.

Thank you rakloke I have sent you a Private message with my phone number for you to contact me and hopefully we can meet up.

I can't find your Private message, both in my PM and my e-mail. My e-mail is [email protected].

I have sent you an email

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