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How Many Hours Do You Sleep In Los?


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I find there are huge differences between the hours I sleep in the UK compared to those I dream away in LOS.

In the UK, I’m quite close to Margaret Thatcher’s (not a fan – hated her) magic 5 hours in every 24, but when I am in Thailand, I sleep 8 hours, at least, in the darkness hours plus a couple of “eye-resters” some time in the afternoon.

Does anyone else have these differences?

What do you think the reason is?

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I find there are huge differences between the hours I sleep in the UK compared to those I dream away in LOS.

In the UK, I’m quite close to Margaret Thatcher’s (not a fan – hated her) magic 5 hours in every 24, but when I am in Thailand, I sleep 8 hours, at least, in the darkness hours plus a couple of “eye-resters” some time in the afternoon.

Does anyone else have these differences?

What do you think the reason is?

8 hours there but only 6 here -- here the sleep is deeper and more restful and satisfying.

My guess as to the cause would be the lower ambient stress level -- as per "stress, the silent killer"

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Depends where I am. In the village go to sleep some nights 8 or 9pm wake up when all ###### brakes loose at just before daylight.

At the coast out partying go to sleep 2am +.Wake up whenever!

Uk lucky if I sleep 6-7 hours.

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When I was working and living on Saipan I slept five or six hours a night.

Since I moved here I have been sleeping about eight or nine hours a night. I fall asleep at 9 to 10 PM and wake up at 6 AM.

I still don't know why.

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You could also give her a full body armour, teach her to play the intro riff from 'The Number of The Beast' and team her up with fellow TV member FastEddie.

Then she'd be able to tour Thailand under the artist name of Iron Maid(en).

Just a suggestion... :o

As for sleep, I don't notice any significant differences - if anythin, I think I sleep slightly less in LOS, because there is a lot more going on outside in the early morning hours (soi dogs, street-sweeping, motorcycles, temple bells).

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By the way Meadish, she is actually a he and his name is Mee which gets real confusing...

tukyleith- there is no beer in the fridge

khun wifey- Mee go shop already

tuykyleith- then why did you not buy beer?

khun wifey- no Mee go shopping now

tukyleith- then why are you still here?

khun wifey- because Mee go

tukyleith- Ok, I will go to the shop myself if your gonna be like that :D


I think we must have one of the only male maids in LoS. To be honest he does a much better job than any of the other maids we have had. He is a much better cook than any female I have come across too :D

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Depends where  I am. In the village go to sleep some nights 8 or 9pm wake up when all ###### brakes loose at just before daylight.

At the coast out partying go to sleep 2am +.Wake up whenever!

Uk lucky if I sleep 6-7 hours.

Same same... 6 hours in the UK...

In the "village" sleep early ... wake early, but can get 8 or 9 hours sleep in... if I've "had a few" the night before then I can quite easily sleep through the "cockadoodle doos and Pooyabaan speech/disco" at day break.. :o

totster :D

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7 hrs per night sleep :D


7 hrs sleep but spend longer in bed. :o

(Wife awaiting Visa)

Incidentally anyone hear of the new Microwave bed?

1 hr equates to 8 hr normal bed !!! :D

(edit SLEEP)




Edited by IvanLaw
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[quote=Totster,2005-07-14 12:45:

Same same... 6 hours in the UK...

In the "village" sleep early ... wake early, but can get 8 or 9 hours sleep in... if I've "had a few" the night before then I can quite easily sleep through the "cockadoodle doos and Pooyabaan speech/disco" at day break.

Occasionally sleep through the early morning din but that will be morning the temple comes collecting or a friend is looking for a lift or, or, or, whatever at 6 am!

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Maybe it's the change that causes more sleep.

When I go on holiday to another country, I can sleep for 9 hours, especially in winter in Scotland. Only 7 hours maximum here, usually 6, which is more than enough due to the laid back, stress-free kind of living in Isaan.

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