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Urgent Help Needed


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My brother has been living and working in BK for 8 yrs now and has a long term Thai partner.

He has just told me that his Thai girlffriend is pregnant. My brother is not the father as he's had the snip, she tells my brother she has been raped by a taxi driver. He does not know what to do and he doesn't really trust her, she only told him she has been raped after she realized she had become pregnant, not after the alleged rape.

She didn't call the Police or nothing, my Brother is deeply suspicious and is paralysed with indecision.

Can anyone offer some advice on what to do, she says she wants to keep the baby and for them to raise it as their own, but my brother has no interest whatsoever in fatherhood again.

Thanks a lot.

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Tell your brother:

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She most likely has a Thai boyfriend and is looking for an ATM.

Yes, sadly i think you are right. I worry for my Bro, he has property out there and business.

I know Thailand is very differant to the UK, but 'normally' if a girl is raped, is it not normal to call the police, DNA etc?

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yes it has happened before, many times I should think.

seriously, tell him to run and dont stop to look back.

she most likely has a Thai boyfriend if not husband and she will take your brother for an ATM and get everything else she can from him.

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yes it has happened before, many times I should think.

seriously, tell him to run and dont stop to look back.

she most likely has a Thai boyfriend if not husband and she will take your brother for an ATM and get everything else she can from him.

I dont think its as simple as that. He has property and businesses, It will take a while to sort that out, and where does he run to? back to the UK? my bro is not the sort of person to run way from anything.

He cant think straight becuase he loves her, otherwise she would be history, i guess there is a little of him hoping she was raped and she didn't cheat on him.....ahh what a mess =/

I had thought of hiring a private investigator to track her, but I dunno..

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Dont waste money on a Private Investigator as you already know what she has been up to. but if your brother needs a kick up the butt to wake him up and to force him to see the truth then maybe its not a bad idea to hire one, if that will help him to realise she is lying.

maybe he should play her at her game!

be very supportive and pretend he believes her about being raped. at the same time try to move her name off things.

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yes it has happened before, many times I should think.

seriously, tell him to run and dont stop to look back.

she most likely has a Thai boyfriend if not husband and she will take your brother for an ATM and get everything else she can from him.

I dont think its as simple as that. He has property and businesses, It will take a while to sort that out, and where does he run to? back to the UK? my bro is not the sort of person to run way from anything.

He cant think straight becuase he loves her, otherwise she would be history, i guess there is a little of him hoping she was raped and she didn't cheat on him.....ahh what a mess =/

I had thought of hiring a private investigator to track her, but I dunno..

Hire the private investigator and track her then to put everybodies minds to ease. Saying that, wouldn't want them to know about it if the investigation turned out she didn't have a boyfriend/husband on the side.

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maybe he should play her at her game!

be very supportive and pretend he believes her about being raped. at the same time try to move her name off things.

Yep, play along making like he'll be the doting parent, sort the business, and drop her like a hot brick. ;)

If there's nothing else holding him, like business/property, the fact that she never said a word after being ravished by a taxi driver and wants to bear his child should set big alarm bells ringing, and he already doesn't trust her...

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Hello.... it seems that you do really need help..... but then again you have asked for this before

So, do you really need help or is there a vacancy at a bridge near you?

Good job bringing that up! :thumbsup:

There does indeed seem to be a vacancy at a bridge.

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On the other hand, if she was having an affair, this means that she probably had unprotected intercourse on more than one occasion. This would necessitate that the male partner undergo the required tests for STIs and HIV. Not a pleasant suggestion, but, it's best to get on to it now than to wait for a disease to manifest itself.

u are absolutely right... its unbelievable if u think about it..

u think u are safe having sex with g/f and in the meanwhile she banged by one or more thai sleazebags.. who carries who knows what.. show that u always have to be careful

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and this isn't a troll post?

My thoughts initially, but it is such a common event that it could be true. If the guy has a business in Thailand, so he's obviously not a beginner. But, many men are suckers when they are in lust that they believe is love. Unfortunately for the girl, her Thai boyfriend that got her pregnant will also do a runner. That is what Thai men do, and why so many Thai girls wind up in hooker bars. Those of us who deal with hookers don't MIND sharing their favourite girls. But, we don't take on some liar's new baby by another man. The rape story is total BS. She would have reported it the moment it happened. Or, she would have come home so distraught that it would have been obvious that something bad had happened..It is too bad and a bit hard hearted, but the brother needs to send the woman packing with a bus ticket home and a few baht in her pocket

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