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How nice to see so many Saints here, having worked in Thailand and coming across the notorious Farnags, just where so many righteous ones sprang from, unfortunately for the Turbaned Turk, his gamble hasn't paid, but then quoting the Ancient Greek writer AESOP " we hang petty criminals and appoint greater one at high office".

May be you people are incarnation of virtue and we don't know, perhaps you people should look at the Chingmai and CIA run AIR AMERICA, and work out the real story, as well for the pommy trash and the cockney loud mouth , may be a glimpse at the British Imperialism would show that first time that a world power used military force to push drugs, the Opium Wars are well know in Asia, and in China in particular, this is the classic case of; one who casts the first stone.

Singapore is well known for its death penalty for narco traffickers, but then all Burmese Junta and Generalissimos keep their money in the Singaporean banks and financial institutions . Narcotics peddling is lucrative business, and all indication is that it is run from the top, the Turk is just a small fry.

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Nothing new under the sun. Many TV member show no mercy, compassion and feel strong to write something in front of a screen, sitting comfortably on your armchair, protected by anonymity.

Always ready to spit a death penalty, kill 'en all, but driving your bike drunk, going with prostitutes, buying cloned software, music and films, wearing a 300 baht copied football or Lacoste tshirt.

But no mercy for other people's mistakes.


Thankfully angiud, I don't drink, don't go with prostitutes, all my software is legally purchased, I only have films & music from the stores and I don't wear copy clothing because it doesnt fit my broad shoulders.

Now I can continue with my lack of mercy?

Also, generally speaking (& I have experience in this area) most people in Jail have not simply made a mistake and landed there, OR perhaps you are trying to suggest that a series of mistakes or a life of crime is enough to be regarded as a mistake.

I normally find people that are somewhat sympathetic to grubs in Jails have normally had virtually nothing to do with the system that gets people there. Of course there are also those who are sympathetic for all the wrong reasons.


Forget his offences, his sentence, everything and ask one question....

If the roles were reversed and it was me in a Thai Prison......would Mustafa come and visit me???

I dont think so....suffer your punishment Mustafa....you did the crime and now you are doing the time.

Well if the roles were reversed, I would hope that someone would come and visit me and brighten my day. Wouldn't you? Show some mercy and compassion guys.

Would like to pick up this argument here and for philosophical reasons suggest op to ask Mustafa his views on criminals and criminal acts, and ask about sharaya law and the views on criminal acts in his country ?

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Seriously, his kind of people is exactly the type I'd want to get as far away from as I possibly can. You want me to get connected to a convicted drug offender? How dare you come here and pass judgment?

Classic! biggrin.gif


For more information about Mustafa please check out the following link: http://facthai.wordp...thai-gaol-guru/

People make mistakes. He got a 27 year sentence. Isn't that punishment enough? His family is poor and can never visit him and the Turkish embassy in Bangkok has never send a representative to see him. I applaud the guys that spare some time to go see him or write him a letter.

there are honest decent people in thailand walking around the streets begging with no eyes or arms and your asking us to waste our time and money on the dregs of society ? tut tut , amazing !!laugh.gif


Forget his offences, his sentence, everything and ask one question....

If the roles were reversed and it was me in a Thai Prison......would Mustafa come and visit me???

I dont think so....suffer your punishment Mustafa....you did the crime and now you are doing the time.

Well if the roles were reversed, I would hope that someone would come and visit me and brighten my day. Wouldn't you? Show some mercy and compassion guys.

If you were in prison for drug trafficing (or any other crime for that matter), the only reason I would go visit you would be to remind you what an utter schmuck you are.


I have visited made several visits to Dutch prisoners in Bangkok. I will probably do the same for this guy. And I also visit foreigners in hospitals and help out with dogs at the local temple. What's so wrong with being kind?

Well, you see the problem is that no one here's taking the mickey out of you for doing what you want - it's your way of condemning others for not wanting to visit a prisoner.

As far as I'm concerned you can visit as many drug smugglers, murderers, pedophiles, scam artists and whatever they are as you like, you're free to do exactly what you want. For all I know I wouldn't care if you move in with them. And, while you’re at it, take your stinking attitude and lock it up in there so I don’t have to listen to it out here.

In conclusion:

Go see as many prisoners as you want, but don’t come here and blame others for passing the opportunity.


As Forethat changes his username to Strawman.....

Ehh, not really. But on the other hand you didn't have all the facts so I'm not going to blame you for not knowing - everybody can make a mistake.



So what you're saying is Jimbo has edited his posts to make your ravings against him seem moronic?

Jimbo has openly expressed that my idea (yes, in this case my personal opinion) of passing on the opportunity to visit a convicted drug offender was something bad.

It isn't.


I have read Mustafas letter now. He's moaning and whining like a little girl. Well, Mustafa, you should have thought about that before you got involved in drug trafficing.

And now you want people to feel sorry for you? Send you cigarettes, perhaps?

Like I said before. I'll pass.

In Gospel in Holy Script they write - go and visit friends in jail;out of compassion

There are Christian groups who do it

Bacpackers from Khao San Rd. go there.

You old farts dont,because you are finished as human beings; old,sclerotic,feelings only for bottle&pussy.

shame on you!

Great Post!


Nothing new under the sun. Many TV member show no mercy, compassion and feel strong to write something in front of a screen, sitting comfortably on your armchair, protected by anonymity.

Always ready to spit a death penalty, kill 'en all, but driving your bike drunk, going with prostitutes, buying cloned software, music and films, wearing a 300 baht copied football or Lacoste tshirt.

But no mercy for other people's mistakes.


Yes but there are mistakes and mistakes and how many times have they made "that mistake"


I have read Mustafas letter now. He's moaning and whining like a little girl. Well, Mustafa, you should have thought about that before you got involved in drug trafficing.

And now you want people to feel sorry for you? Send you cigarettes, perhaps?

Like I said before. I'll pass.

In Gospel in Holy Script they write - go and visit friends in jail;out of compassion

There are Christian groups who do it

Bacpackers from Khao San Rd. go there.

You old farts dont,because you are finished as human beings; old,sclerotic,feelings only for bottle&pussy.

shame on you!

Great Post!

I dont care for hocus pocus thanks


Hmm i dont know his story but mostly drug transport is being done by poor people who are recruited by the producers the guys who are earning the real dollars... Not that it's a smart thing or good :P

and no i won't visit hem either jap.gif


In Gospel in Holy Script they write - go and visit friends in jail;out of compassion

There are Christian groups who do it

Bacpackers from Khao San Rd. go there.

You old farts dont,because you are finished as human beings; old,sclerotic,feelings only for bottle&pussy.

shame on you!

Great Post!

Bit general in my opinion to sum all up like that , as an older fart no Thai die fisherman pants and cut my dreadlocks of years ago I would point out ,with age comes maturity plus experience. As a medic and volunteer in Asia one experience I have gained is the damage both drink and drugs do to people. Everyone knows which route will land you in Jail. Yet they make a choice normally due to greed or as a desperate shortcut to self preservation and sell /smuggle drugs in a country that clearly states the consequences.

I have compassion ,I have made prison visits occasionally in order to deem if a persons injuries stopped them being incarcerated .If I knew his full story and more importantly believed it, based on past experience I would still opt to visit others instead.

Like the inmate that couldn’t afford to pay of a family after a car accident that ended in a fatality and is now doing 7 years. All fatal accidents in Thailand are treated as manslaughter till resolution is found. Or one of the many ex users that got hooked and now spend years in jail after one stupid incident. Or the Uni student that dared to publicly speak out of turn , the list goes on and on.

But as for those that profit from Drugs here, well as I said in most cases they are in for greed and I won’t be visiting.

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Do you call the Holy Scripts "hocus pocus"?

It is offensive for all the Christian believers.

Yes hocus pocus no facts just hocus pocus peddled down the centuries. Its offensive for non believers to be told endlessly about this as if it was FACT.

Its "a belief" with nothing to back it up. Indoctrination from birth blind acceptance. Ciao thanks for the negative


Do you call the Holy Scripts "hocus pocus"?

It is offensive for all the Christian believers.

Yes hocus pocus no facts just hocus pocus peddled down the centuries. Its offensive for non believers to be told endlessly about this as if it was FACT.

Its "a belief" with nothing to back it up.

hear hear,

religion was purely a tool to control the uneducated, in this day and age of enlightenment and scientific knowledge I am amazed that anyone still buys into it. That said however it is their choice and if it brings them comfort then that all well and good.


If you can't disagree without name calling and flames then don't post. If it keeps up the posts will be trashed and further action taken.


Getting back on track for a moment, I must admit to not being that interested in visiting this Turkish guy, although it appears he is already getting quite a few visitors already.

But what does interest me are the Westerners locked up for 'criminal slander' in Thailand. This crime does not exist in England and in most countries of the West [obviously there is the tort of slander but that is a civil suit].

There was a case of a Swiss film director who 15 years after making a flim came on holiday on Thailand only to discover he had been found guilty of criminal slander in his absence (knowing nothing of the case) and was arrested in the airport. He is now languishing in prison somewhere. Apparently, the documentary he made had some trivial reference to a Thai businessman in it. 'Truth' is not a defence to criminal slander in Thailand. So a crime exists that I believe is a disgrace, with a lack of the defence of truth, which is the mark of civilisation, and a Westerner is now having to pick nits out of his hair and scrub toilets because of a case brought against him without his knowledge.

This strikes me as evil. If anyone knows where this film director is, or where any other Westerner is, that are serving sentences for criminal slander then I will gladly visit them, bringing gifts of cigs and fish.


For Oovavu and Random:

if you are not religious, this does not exempt you from respecting people who believe, whether they are Buddhists, Muslims or Christians.


I have visited made several visits to Dutch prisoners in Bangkok. I will probably do the same for this guy. And I also visit foreigners in hospitals and help out with dogs at the local temple. What's so wrong with being kind?

Well, you see the problem is that no one here's taking the mickey out of you for doing what you want - it's your way of condemning others for not wanting to visit a prisoner.

As far as I'm concerned you can visit as many drug smugglers, murderers, pedophiles, scam artists and whatever they are as you like, you're free to do exactly what you want. For all I know I wouldn't care if you move in with them. And, while you’re at it, take your stinking attitude and lock it up in there so I don’t have to listen to it out here.

In conclusion:

Go see as many prisoners as you want, but don’t come here and blame others for passing the opportunity.

You are completely changing the facts. I never condemned anyone for not wanting to visit a prisoner. You are the one with a stinking attitude and this world would be a much better place without people like you.


You are completely changing the facts. I never condemned anyone for not wanting to visit a prisoner. You are the one with a stinking attitude and this world would be a much better place without people like you.

Change the facts? Did I now?

Not only are you a liar, you suck at it as well. And on top of everything you haven't got the balls to stand up for your opinion? Oh dear...

And in case you wondered, this world would be a much better place if all people could stay the he** away from drugs - just like me!



You are completely changing the facts. I never condemned anyone for not wanting to visit a prisoner. You are the one with a stinking attitude and this world would be a much better place without people like you.

Change the facts? Did I now?

Not only are you a liar, you suck at it as well. And on top of everything you haven't got the balls to stand up for your opinion? Oh dear...

And in case you wondered, this world would be a much better place if all people could stay the he** away from drugs - just like me!


I have repeatedly stood up for my opinion. What makes me a liar then? I have no problem with anyone who decides not to visit a prisoner as that's their good right. What I do have a problem with is all these nasty comments by people like you.


No I haven't. I didn't condemn anyone for the reason that they were unwilling to visit a prisoner. You should really try to read what I wrote in context. People were actually condemning people like myself who would actually visit a prisoner. Like I said, I just have an issue with people like you who are just filling up this forum with nasty and negative posts.

It's also obvious with your replies that you are the one who is abusive and rude with your replies. You started with personal attacks and it just shows what type of sorry individual you really are.


Just curious but why should people go visit westerners in jail simply because a few of us may share the same nationality or race? I would much rather devote time to an orphanage or actual people in need rather than the meager 5% of convicts in Thai prison who probably aren't innocent to begin with.

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