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I've just submitted an e-mail to the LI informing them of members having

problems and supplied them links to the two topics on this subject. Will

see if anything happens.

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I've just submitted an e-mail to the LI informing them of members having

problems and supplied them links to the two topics on this subject. Will

see if anything happens.

I guess no response so far.


I've just submitted an e-mail to the LI informing them of members having

problems and supplied them links to the two topics on this subject. Will

see if anything happens.

I guess no response so far.

Nothing, but not really surprised - e-mail responses seem in short supply in Thailand.


Don't know what going on there but if you look at their newletters, you can see that they changed directors:


The old director (ศันสนีย์ วรรณางกูร) asked to resign on 30th of June

There's a temporary replacement in July. Looks like her resignation was unexpected.


In August, the new director (ผศ.เหรียญ หล่อวิมงคล)says he'll try to improve things ....


Don't know what going on there but if you look at their newletters, you can see that they changed directors:


The old director (ศันสนีย์ วรรณางกูร) asked to resign on 30th of June

There's a temporary replacement in July. Looks like her resignation was unexpected.


In August, the new director (ผศ.เหรียญ หล่อวิมงคล)says he'll try to improve things ....

I just visited the updated CMULI site again and the 'about us' page seems to have been deactivated http://www.studythaicmu.com/ Odd! I guess they're updating it? Where does Dr Kay fit in?


Another website has been able to get a response. Due to forum rules I cannot supply a link but if you put the quote below into Google you should find it.


An explaination. Friend had managed (after much effort) to contact someone 'at the top' of CMULI and was told that 'Thai Immigration had a suspicion that CMU was "selling" ED-visas to farangs not attending the courses and stopped all visas to students from CMU, not only language students. Many existing students have now illegal residence permit status as their visa could not be extended. It was a mess. Besides that there was a relevant change in administration staff at CMULI and the new employees are just not yet familiar with the daily business. Up to now they have a backlog of some 200-300 students waiting for their visa paperwork so the staff is completely overstrained. This might be why I got not answers to my emails.

Now there was a inspection at CMULI by Thai Immigration and they agreed that all documentation is correct and Visa will be issued again starting next Wednesday, 8. September.'

Friend was 'guaranteed that the course in November will be running and I will get the visa papers by end of next week (he would put my name somewhere on the top of the backlog). And of course I get a full refund if my Visa is refused.'

All of this may not be the most comforting news, but it is good to know what exactly is going on...just incase I have to change tack. CMULI is still advertising their four Thai Language courses as including a one year visa.

Thanks for the post. Your Friend's version of the story is probably close to the truth. My source also "at the top" of CMU LI told me a slightly different version of the story. The reason (which was never made public) Thai Immigration was suddenly all over CMU LI was some farang students have committed (or have been accused of committing) some hideous crime, which I would not specify. Because the "farang criminals" got their visas through CMU LI, Thai Immigration, justifiably or not, views the program and its remaining farangs in the LI with suspicion (to say the least). I was told that even if the LI director signs the support letters, Thai Immigration would not accept them right now if we take them to do our visa renewal. To me, Thai Immigration could do their inspection of paperwork and investigation and whatnot, but suspending visa renewal for students in good standing (like myself) and causing all these problems of overstaying... seems to be an overreaction.

Assuming that I do get the paperwork for renewing my education visa this Wed (won't hold my breath of course), could you tell me if I could obtain the visa locally in the CM office, or do I need to go out of the country, like to Vientiane? I'd prefer applying locally, of course; otherwise, that will be a lot of hassle - in terms of wasting both time and money - that none of us deserve. I suppose we just had the misfortune of choosing this school in this country at this time.

Hi Thaiboy, sorry to be a pest (re: my message earlier), but do you have any new news?


Don't know what going on there but if you look at their newletters, you can see that they changed directors:


The old director (ศันสนีย์ วรรณางกูร) asked to resign on 30th of June

There's a temporary replacement in July. Looks like her resignation was unexpected.


In August, the new director (ผศ.เหรียญ หล่อวิมงคล)says he'll try to improve things ....

I just visited the updated CMULI site again and the 'about us' page seems to have been deactivated http://www.studythaicmu.com/ Odd! I guess they're updating it? Where does Dr Kay fit in?

Scrap that last post, the link is working now and Dr Kay is still listed as the director....so who is ผศ.เหรียญ หล่อวิมงคล ?


Something rather odd here. Have just been searching and surfing over this issue. The blog site is under the impression that the LI is MOVING from CMU. BUT there is now a site for the LI <tefl-feu.com>. The address given is 120 Mahadol Road!

Also, at the same site but under 'aboutus' there is still CMU in the text but under a heading of FEU.

Is it the university itself changing names??!!

Don't know what going on there but if you look at their newletters, you can see that they changed directors:


The old director (ศันสนีย์ วรรณางกูร) asked to resign on 30th of June

There's a temporary replacement in July. Looks like her resignation was unexpected.


In August, the new director (ผศ.เหรียญ หล่อวิมงคล)says he'll try to improve things ....

I just visited the updated CMULI site again and the 'about us' page seems to have been deactivated http://www.studythaicmu.com/ Odd! I guess they're updating it? Where does Dr Kay fit in?

Scrap that last post, the link is working now and Dr Kay is still listed as the director....so who is ผศ.เหรียญ หล่อวิมงคล ?


Don't know what going on there but if you look at their newletters, you can see that they changed directors:


The old director (ศันสนีย์ วรรณางกูร) asked to resign on 30th of June

There's a temporary replacement in July. Looks like her resignation was unexpected.


In August, the new director (ผศ.เหรียญ หล่อวิมงคล)says he'll try to improve things ....

So when I tried to go to those sites, I get the following warning:

Reported Attack Page!

This web page at www.li.chiangmai.ac.th has been reported as an attack page and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

Attack pages try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.

Some attack pages intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners.

Does anyone else get this? I have gotten this warning on other Chiang Mai University web pages. Should I respect the warnings? Will my computer get a virus if I go to these sites?



I am in the CMU LI One-Year Thai Program. I heard from a reputable source that CMU is not currently sponsoring visas, but that the Thai Immigration story is false. Thai Immigration is not cracking down on CMU. The story I heard is that the program is run jointly by CMU and a company. I believe the company's name is ISU. The company employs the teachers and runs the program, while CMU provides the rooms and their (formerly) good name. The profits are split 60-40 between the two, but I'm not sure who gets the better part of the deal. My source said that CMU has seen that the program makes a great deal of money and wants to take over the whole enterprise. They want to use their own teachers and kick the company out. In order to force the company out, CMU is incapacitating them by refusing to sponsor any more visas for the students. The company is currently trying to relocate the program to Far Eastern University. This change is supposed to take place at the beginning of October. However, none of the students have received a formal announcement yet.

If this is the case, I am quite upset with CMU. The fact that they would use students as pawns and be willing to disrupt our lives for their own monetary gain is reprehensible. For anyone who has already signed up for the course, I would recommend getting your money back and going somewhere else. Despite some flakiness in the administration, I had been quite happy with the program. My teacher is professional, patient and makes the course interesting. I am not happy about this move, since I will have to go further away to get to class now, and I know nothing about FEU. I was thinking about some sort of collective action against CMU, but I'm not sure it would be useful and do not want to further risk my immigration status in this country.

If anyone has anymore information about this story, please reply on this thread.


I am on the one year cultural exchange program. My 90 day reporting was due on August 31st, and I took the necessary paperwork into the cultural exchange program office well before the date to have the necessary papers prepared for me to take to immigration. Unfortunately, this was not done for me. I entered hospital and had an emergency operation which I still am on my back, but cannot stand and travel. On August 29th, I told the exchange program that I was in hospital and asked for their help. They told me that I had to leave the country by the 31st which I couldn't. I got a doctor to sign a form saying that I couldn't travel and come to immigration, and had to have a friend take the form to immigration. Immigration required a photo of me in a hospital bead, and charged an extra 500 baht for that. I got a 90 day extension, but I don't know what type of extension. The hospital is keeping my passport as security until I can arrange the 266,000 baht payment for the services rendered. Rather than the Cultural Exchange Program coming to my rescue, they just passed the buck, and directed me to have someone else do it for me.

Almost two weeks ago a person named Gill from the program contacted me by email, and told me that they will let me know more about the program when things are certain. I have heard nothing from this person since.

If anyone has some concrete information on what is going on, I would appreciate it very much.


Seems you now have an extension of stay based on medical grounds, due to you not being able to travel.

You should not give out your passport to the hospital, that might even be illegal. You will need it for identification purposes.


Email from Matthew, September 16, 2010:

Dear 1 Year Thai Language Program student,

As you are probably aware there have been some changes to the 1 Year Thai Language Program at the Language Institute, CMU. We apologize for not informing you of the situation sooner; however, we ourselves were not fully informed of the situation and wanted to wait until we could offer you firm information about any changes.

The 1 Year Thai Language Program was first offered by the Language Institute, Chiang Mai University, Thailand beginning in February 2009. The curriculum for 1 Year Thai Language & Culture was originally developed by IUS/International University Services and the Language Institute, Chiang Mai University with input from our Thai language teachers.

In the last 18 months at the Language Institute, CMU, the 1 Year Thai Language Program has proven itself to be an excellent course, and thus very popular with foreign students wishing to learn Thai while being taught by excellent, ‘farang-friendly’ Thai teachers in a fun and engaging setting. However, the success of the 1 Year Thai Language Program has meant that the program has - according to LICMU executive management - outgrown the educational mission of LICMU; which is: to offer conversational and academic English classes to CMU’s Thai students.

Recently (and without much forewarning nor consultation with this office), it was decided by the executive management of the Language Institute, CMU to close the 1 Year Thai Language Program at the Language Institute, CMU from the end of September 2010.

Therefore, LICMU executive management has decided that LICMU will not offer ANY courses for foreigners at the Language Institute, CMU, from 1 October 2010.

Fortunately, Far Eastern University (Chiang Mai) has very kindly offered to conduct all of LICMU’s 1 Year Thai Language Programs on their campus. They have also very kindly offered to sponsor any 1 Year Thai Language Program student’s education visa or continuation of visa.

Therefore, all currently running 1 Year Thai Language Programs will continue till the end of the scheduled course hours. None of these programs are to be cancelled. However, this has necessitated a change of campus to Far Eastern University.

Far Eastern University (Chiang Mai) will now offer the same 1 Year Thai Language Program, which, in the past, was offered at LICMU. All the same Thai teachers who proved so popular with our foreign students will teach at FEU.

Neither the curriculum, class times, nor the teachers will change.

From the 1 October 2010, all current 1 Year Thai Program classes will be taught at the campus of Far Eastern University. You will receive a further email with detailed directions to FEU (across from Airport Plaza) and directions to your classroom on the FEU campus.

Happily though, this means that all currently enrolled students in the 1 Year Thai Language Program will be FULLY enrolled students at FEU and will receive all the privileges extended to FEU students; including, student card, student discounts, use of libraries, enrollment in any of FEU’s programs for foreigners, access to computer labs, cafeterias, sports facilities, etc..

All current enrollments, deposits, payments and visas currently held by any foreign student at LICMU will be fully honored by Far Eastern University.

Far Eastern University (Chiang Mai) is an excellent university which is centrally located in Chiang Mai (across from Airport Plaza and less than a kilometer from the “old city”). It is very well-appointed with state-of-the-art computer labs, excellent libraries (including large English language collections), and new and comfortable classrooms.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. We have done our very best in the last couple of weeks to make sure that the commitment made to our students by LICMU was honored by us.

We thank you for your patience in this matter and very much look forward to you joining us at our excellent new teaching facilities at Far Eastern University.

If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me directly on either the email or phone number below..

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Matthew John Kay


IUS/International University Services (Thailand)


The Language Program sent me an email about it tonight. Here is what they said.

Dear 1 Year Thai Language Program student,

As you are probably aware there have been some changes to the 1 Year Thai Language Program at the Language Institute, CMU. We apologize for not informing you of the situation sooner; however, we ourselves were not fully informed of the situation and wanted to wait until we could offer you firm information about any changes.

The 1 Year Thai Language Program was first offered by the Language Institute, Chiang Mai University, Thailand beginning in February 2009. The curriculum for 1 Year Thai Language & Culture was originally developed by IUS/International University Services and the Language Institute, Chiang Mai University with input from our Thai language teachers.

In the last 18 months at the Language Institute, CMU, the 1 Year Thai Language Program has proven itself to be an excellent course, and thus very popular with foreign students wishing to learn Thai while being taught by excellent, ‘farang-friendly’ Thai teachers in a fun and engaging setting. However, the success of the 1 Year Thai Language Program has meant that the program has - according to LICMU executive management - outgrown the educational mission of LICMU; which is: to offer conversational and academic English classes to CMU’s Thai students.

Recently (and without much forewarning nor consultation with this office), it was decided by the executive management of the Language Institute, CMU to close the 1 Year Thai Language Program at the Language Institute, CMU from the end of September 2010.

Therefore, LICMU executive management has decided that LICMU will not offer ANY courses for foreigners at the Language Institute, CMU, from 1 October 2010.

Fortunately, Far Eastern University (Chiang Mai) has very kindly offered to conduct all of LICMU’s 1 Year Thai Language Programs on their campus. They have also very kindly offered to sponsor any 1 Year Thai Language Program student’s education visa or continuation of visa.

Therefore, all currently running 1 Year Thai Language Programs will continue till the end of the scheduled course hours. None of these programs are to be cancelled. However, this has necessitated a change of campus to Far Eastern University.

Far Eastern University (Chiang Mai) will now offer the same 1 Year Thai Language Program, which, in the past, was offered at LICMU. All the same Thai teachers who proved so popular with our foreign students will teach at FEU.

Neither the curriculum, class times, nor the teachers will change.

From the 1 October 2010, all current 1 Year Thai Program classes will be taught at the campus of Far Eastern University. You will receive a further email with detailed directions to FEU (across from Airport Plaza) and directions to your classroom on the FEU campus.

Happily though, this means that all currently enrolled students in the 1 Year Thai Language Program will be FULLY enrolled students at FEU and will receive all the privileges extended to FEU students; including, student card, student discounts, use of libraries, enrollment in any of FEU’s programs for foreigners, access to computer labs, cafeterias, sports facilities, etc..

All current enrollments, deposits, payments and visas currently held by any foreign student at LICMU will be fully honored by Far Eastern University.

Far Eastern University (Chiang Mai) is an excellent university which is centrally located in Chiang Mai (across from Airport Plaza and less than a kilometer from the “old city”). It is very well-appointed with state-of-the-art computer labs, excellent libraries (including large English language collections), and new and comfortable classrooms.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. We have done our very best in the last couple of weeks to make sure that the commitment made to our students by LICMU was honored by us.

We thank you for your patience in this matter and very much look forward to you joining us at our excellent new teaching facilities at Far Eastern University.

If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me directly on either the email or phone number below..

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Matthew John Kay


IUS/International University Services (Thailand)


Matthew's letter shows his dedication to running a good program and supporting his students. He is to be congratulated on his efforts. Now if only he could fix the attendance problem it would be a great improvement. I hope the association with Far East will be a good one.

I am very dissapointed though with CMU and its actions and feel this will not help its International reputation.

Well done Mat.


However, all their marketing and advertising (including their banner link on this website) directs customers to their CMU LI website. People believe they are buying a CMU LI product but they are not. They will actually be buying an ISU product run from rooms at Far Eastern University. Why isn't this made clear to 'customers' before they pay their money?


However, all their marketing and advertising (including their banner link on this website) directs customers to their CMU LI website. People believe they are buying a CMU LI product but they are not. They will actually be buying an ISU product run from rooms at Far Eastern University. Why isn't this made clear to 'customers' before they pay their money?

I think this a transitional move and the websites have yet to be updated fully. I am sure in future it will say FEU. It seems Matthew has been rather busy lately so the website hiccups are understandable.

As far as it being a ISU product it has always been this but with the CMU name. I took it that CMU had contracted them to run the program when I found out and felt that I was doing CMU courses probably only half true but it is the same situation.

Again Matthew deserves congratulations on his efforts to keep the program alive and take responsibility for his students...Something CMU apparently did not do.



Thanks tod_d..... From what I've seen posted recently I do believe you do really know what your talking about in these matters.

I'm not currently in that crowd, but as the Bible says," Those that have eyes, let them see; and they that have ears, let them hear.". Having both of those facilities myself, I can predict that it is very likely that in a short while the requiremwnts for ED visa will be strictly scrutinised, and followed to the letter by immigration. Did all of you scuba people down in Phuket "studying" for your PADI cetificate on ED visa in Thailnd hear that warning?

Probably not, don't think they read TV that much....but maybe one or two do.

Hopefully, that's a 'word to the wise'.

One or two of them are CMULI students


I've been following this post with great interest as my plan was to sign up with CMU for the Thai Language program and get my VISA organised before making the move from Australia in about 2 months from now. I was keen to study Thai at CMU, do we know if this is still possible or is FEU the only option? I had only heard good things about the course at CMU so this is all a little disappointing and I hope it's sorted for everyone soon.



I think this a transitional move and the websites have yet to be updated fully. I am sure in future it will say FEU. It seems Matthew has been rather busy lately so the website hiccups are understandable.

As far as it being a ISU product it has always been this but with the CMU name. I took it that CMU had contracted them to run the program when I found out and felt that I was doing CMU courses probably only half true but it is the same situation.

Again Matthew deserves congratulations on his efforts to keep the program alive and take responsibility for his students...Something CMU apparently did not do.

"half true" or intentional misrepresentation? On their new website they are saying:

"With over 36,000 enrolled students, Far Eastern University Thailand is one of the largest and most well-regarded universities in the South East Asian region... "


This looks remarkably like what they say on their old site:

"With over 36,000 enrolled students, Chiang Mai University Thailand is one of the largest and most well-regarded universities in the South East Asian region..."


Is this a "half truth" or intentional misrepresentation?

36,000 students enrolled at FEU is not true.

It's 6 weeks since they moved to FEU but they are still using their CMU LI website to link to their banner advertising. It could be because it's still during the transitional stage of their move or perhaps the more cynical may think the CMU brand is worth something and will sell their products better than the FEU brand. It takes one email to a website master to change the link.


I just got back from the IUS office at CMU with rather disappointing news.

I was stuck in a limbo state for a few weeks, where after my first 90days on my ED visa had expired, I was unable to renew it because the director at CMU would not sign the necessary letter. I was informed by IUS staff not to worry because we would have our visas processed through FEU. I was told to overstay my visa for a few days until everything with FEU was sorted out and filled out the necessary paper work for the application to FEU. After a week, I was told to go to CM immigration, where I applied for a 7 day extension and payed 5400 baht (2k ext + 3.4k overstay) and was told I would be reimbursed for those expenses. I then went to the IUS office at CMU and gave a staff member there my passport, which she said she was going to bring to immigration the next day. 4 days later, on Sunday, I stopped into the IUS office again and was told that everything should be ready Wednesday. When I asked if my visa would be affected because my 7 day extension expired on Wednesday, I was told that it wouldn't. Well I went in today and was informed that my visa could not be renewed. The staff at IUS said they had been on the phone with CM immigration all morning to try to figure out why our visas weren't accepted, but they kept getting the run around and were eventually told it had something to do with a letter of approval which the IUS staff claimed was bogus. They said they suspect CMU played a major role in immigration not issuing our visas. I was also informed that the classes would be dismantled at that all the IUS staff had been fired. When I asked whether or not I would be reimbursed the 6mo left I had remaining in the course, I was told I would not. The reason given was that IUS claimed they have ran out of money from the course and that CMU took 60% of the revenue from the course and isn't reimbursing IUS with any of it. The IUS staff did inform me that they would try to reimburse me for the 5.4k of the initial expenses they promised to cover. But given how this has played out so far, I'm not holding my breath.


I just got back from the IUS office at CMU with rather disappointing news.

I was stuck in a limbo state for a few weeks, where after my first 90days on my ED visa had expired, I was unable to renew it because the director at CMU would not sign the necessary letter. I was informed by IUS staff not to worry because we would have our visas processed through FEU. I was told to overstay my visa for a few days until everything with FEU was sorted out and filled out the necessary paper work for the application to FEU. After a week, I was told to go to CM immigration, where I applied for a 7 day extension and payed 5400 baht (2k ext + 3.4k overstay) and was told I would be reimbursed for those expenses. I then went to the IUS office at CMU and gave a staff member there my passport, which she said she was going to bring to immigration the next day. 4 days later, on Sunday, I stopped into the IUS office again and was told that everything should be ready Wednesday. When I asked if my visa would be affected because my 7 day extension expired on Wednesday, I was told that it wouldn't. Well I went in today and was informed that my visa could not be renewed. The staff at IUS said they had been on the phone with CM immigration all morning to try to figure out why our visas weren't accepted, but they kept getting the run around and were eventually told it had something to do with a letter of approval which the IUS staff claimed was bogus. They said they suspect CMU played a major role in immigration not issuing our visas. I was also informed that the classes would be dismantled at that all the IUS staff had been fired. When I asked whether or not I would be reimbursed the 6mo left I had remaining in the course, I was told I would not. The reason given was that IUS claimed they have ran out of money from the course and that CMU took 60% of the revenue from the course and isn't reimbursing IUS with any of it. The IUS staff did inform me that they would try to reimburse me for the 5.4k of the initial expenses they promised to cover. But given how this has played out so far, I'm not holding my breath.

I presume you have been dealing with CMU.

I suggest you get in touch with Mathew Kay at the number given on a previous post as he claims to have gone to outstanding effort to recover the mess caused by CMU cancelling all programs. He has aparently moved everything to FEU so it is worth contactting him and advising us of your results here.


Thanks harry, but I have been dealing with IUS, the company Matthew works (ed) for - I heard he quit a week or so ago.

Contact him at FEU...There has been a lot of misinformation given by CMU here.


Dr Kay was contracted by the language institute to start up and run a TEFL course. After running a very successful program he then helped CMULI to develop a 1 Year Thai program amongst others. All this was done while under the supervision of the old CMULI director and with the support of the president of the University. These programs were ran very well and gained alot of popularity and i am sure if you ask most of the Thai language students they will rave about how much they had enjoyed studying on these courses. Everything was going well until the old director retired and a new director took over CMULI. The new director without any notice refused to sign Visas and announced that no more of the programs Dr Kay had set up were allowed to run after September and that CMULI would not be liable for refunds even though they had taken the majority of the enrolled students money. So from the sounds of this CMULI is essentially stealing money and leaving students high and dry without Visa's. Also to add another twist. The new director looks to be starting up programs that mimic alot of Dr Kays work.


I can't find his contact anywhere.

Read post 43 then try

Far Eastern University

120 Mahidol Road

Chiang Mai

Thailand, 50100

Tel +66-5320-1800-4

Fax +66-5320-1810

Email //removed as per forum rules//

hope this helps


Ok I have confirmed that Matthew (John) has quit. The tefl FEU website is not supposed to be live yet. The program on that website does not exist.

thaiguy55, have you talked to Matthew ? Check your email, I have sent you his number.

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