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Nyc Man Survives 40 Story Highrise Dive


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Is this guy cursed or blessed? He jumped off a 40 story high rise presumably to end it all and survived thanks to a Dodge ( I see a marketing opportunity here). Where as a healthy, attractive, well to do, young lady recently didn't survive an unlucky 21 story fall in the same town...Some throw 7's and some throw craps..


Edited by sbk
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"He landed in the backseat area of a Dodge Charger after crashing through the windshield."

When did they start to park cars vertically with the front pointing towards the sky...? Or perhaps the guy stopped mid air after crashing through the windshield, hovered for a split second before he made a 90 degree turn horizontally and landed in the backseat?

At terminal velocity you're not exactly bouncing around like a pingpong ball. I dont get this.

Edited by Forethat
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"He landed in the backseat area of a Dodge Charger after crashing through the windshield."

When did they start to park cars vertically with the front pointing towards the sky...? Or perhaps the guy stopped mid air after crashing through the windshield, hovered for a split second before he made a 90 degree turn horizontally and landed in the backseat?

At terminal velocity you're not exactly bouncing around like a pingpong ball. I dont get this.

See the way the back window is on this Dodge B) Not beyond Possible :whistling: .

250px-General_lee.jpg Parked sloping down hill a bit. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kwasaki
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"He landed in the backseat area of a Dodge Charger after crashing through the windshield."

When did they start to park cars vertically with the front pointing towards the sky...? Or perhaps the guy stopped mid air after crashing through the windshield, hovered for a split second before he made a 90 degree turn horizontally and landed in the backseat?

At terminal velocity you're not exactly bouncing around like a pingpong ball. I dont get this.

See the way the back window is on this Dodge B) Not beyond Possible :whistling: .

250px-General_lee.jpg Parked sloping down hill a bit. :rolleyes:

Do you mean sloping up a hill?? I don't know if you're from the states or not? But it says "windshield", in the U.S. we don't refer to the rear window as the windshield only the front.

Sorry mod I didn't see anything specifically "Thai" required to posting in the "GENERAL TOPICS" forum. I really feel I'll never get a gist of all of the obscure rules here, they seem to be just a bit particular for my liking, so sorry for trying to participate and contribute, guess I'll just refrain from posting any more topics and leave it to the 2 or 3 mostly mods who do..

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"He landed in the backseat area of a Dodge Charger after crashing through the windshield."

When did they start to park cars vertically with the front pointing towards the sky...? Or perhaps the guy stopped mid air after crashing through the windshield, hovered for a split second before he made a 90 degree turn horizontally and landed in the backseat?

At terminal velocity you're not exactly bouncing around like a pingpong ball. I dont get this.

See the way the back window is on this Dodge B) Not beyond Possible :whistling: .

250px-General_lee.jpg Parked sloping down hill a bit. :rolleyes:

Do you mean sloping up a hill?? I don't know if you're from the states or not? But it says "windshield", in the U.S. we don't refer to the rear window as the windshield only the front.

Sorry mod I didn't see anything specifically "Thai" required to posting in the "GENERAL TOPICS" forum. I really feel I'll never get a gist of all of the obscure rules here, they seem to be just a bit particular for my liking, so sorry for trying to participate and contribute, guess I'll just refrain from posting any more topics and leave it to the 2 or 3 mostly mods who do..

So for all those waiting to jump, first place roseary beads on the desired target area and all will be well.........what a crock of sh1t.

Probaly end up paralysed , brain damaged etc but "Thank God" for the roseary beads that "saved" him :lol:

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I found another source for the story with pictures it was a new dodge charger too and he did go through the back window (why it was referred to as a "windshield" is strange maybe a British writer or something in the AP report) but he did quite a bit of damage to the car.. Amazingly he was awake and alert and sitting up and speaking to the EMT's.

Here's a related story and a picture of the car once he was removed obviously, but the story is mostly about another man who survived a fall from even a bit higher in 2007. Hope my posting a link is acceptable? No way to know..

Another source and story with pictures just after his jump can be found here

Not much of an update here..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I found another source for the story with pictures it was a new dodge charger too and he did go through the back window (why it was referred to as a "windshield" is strange maybe a British writer or something in the AP report) but he did quite a bit of damage to the car.. Amazingly he was awake and alert and sitting up and speaking to the EMT's.

Here's a related story and a picture of the car once he was removed obviously, but the story is mostly about another man who survived a fall from even a bit higher in 2007. Hope my posting a link is acceptable? No way to know..

Another source and story with pictures just after his jump can be found here

Not much of an update here..


That is one hel_l of a 'get out of prison free' card

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And the owner of the car is absolutely devastated as to the loss of her car:

Dodge Charger owner upset vehicle crushed by suicidal fall


Last Updated: 1:44 PM, September 2, 2010

Posted: 3:38 AM, September 2, 2010

Comments: 236 More Print Her car was crushed -- and so is she.

A New Jersey woman is devastated that her precious sports car -- just repaired and fully gassed up -- was wrecked by a suicidal man's 40-story attempted death leap on the Upper West Side.

"I miss it. It's my baby," moaned Maria McCormack, who regrets lending her husband the 2008 Dodge Charger Tuesday for work. "I want to meet [Tom Magill] and say, 'Why? Why my car out of all the cars in the city?' "


McCormack's husband, Guy, had the $14,000 muscle car parked behind 75 West End Ave. when Magill soared from 400 feet and landed on the rear windshield and trunk.

Daniel Shapiro


Survived 40-story fall.

CRASH HEAP: Maria McCormack with husband Guy, who parked her Dodge Charger where it was totaled in a suicidal plunge. "I miss [the car.] It's my baby," she said

The vehicle broke his 126-mph fall and likely saved his life -- but it killed the car, which was so extensively damaged that the insurance company will total it out.

"I wonder how he feels now that he made it. Does he feel like an idiot?" said Maria. "I hope he's OK. But I just want to know why."

The 42-year-old mother of four from Old Bridge recently spent hundreds of dollars fixing the rear brakes -- and she says she got an oil change and filled it with gas just the day before the blazing red car was crushed like a tomato can.

"I was going to get the front brakes done . . . but thank God I had a migraine!" she said. "I can't believe my car is gone.

"I've had other cars, but I really loved this car."

Maria said it was just the second time she allowed Guy to borrow the car -- and the first time, a parking attendant damaged it.

"It's not Murphy's law, it's McCormack's law," she said, referring to her husband's bad karma.

Guy McCormack, 40, was far more merciful -- agreeing to pony up the $500 insurance deductible.

"Geico said I could sue him . . . but I'm not going to do that. He has enough to worry about," said the construction worker. "It's a very small price to pay."

Magill, 22 -- who miraculously suffered only broken bones and blood clots -- told investigators he "wanted to die," according to sources.

Doctors at St. Luke's Hospital initially doubted Magill could have dropped from 400 feet -- though multiple witnesses and the eyeglasses he left on the roof prove otherwise, sources said.

"The doctors say it's not as bad as they anticipated. Nothing is as bad as they anticipated," Magill's uncle said yesterday.

Magill had rods inserted in both legs, including his thigh and ankle during an extensive operation Tuesday night. Yesterday, surgeons operated on his groin and chest to relieve the clotting.

Meanwhile, a Dodge spokesman credited the car's "high-strength steel structure" for helping absorb the blow.

"We are glad that Mr. Magill survived the 40-story free-fall and that our Dodge Charger was able to cushion his landing," said company spokesman Jiyan Cadiz. "We hope that Mr. Magill gets well."


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^ Yeah look I don't blame her either. What a selfish prick. He didnt seem to give a rats arse whether there was a car, a bus, a lady, child or whatever under where he was jumping from. He could of killed someone. Unfortunately he destroyed someones pride and joy, what an ahole. Pity it wasnt face first into the pavement - hopefully the goose completes his plan next time without injury, death or loss to anyone else :annoyed:

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I'm sorry but you have to be the worlds biggest loser to jump from a 40 storey building with the intention of killing yourself and fail. That's one dumb mother <deleted>!!!!

Also an out and out prick for having no concern for who or what he may land on. In the land of the gun why could he not have sucked on a 457 or something similar ? :blink:

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I dont think people whom has decided to take their own life, consider anything else on the planet in the moment.

Agree, he could have killed or seriously injured another person.

Seems to me that Maria McCormack is the next one to jump, after losing "her baby".

Never understood why people choose jumping when they want to leave.

39th floor?

That is so high up you actually have time to regret the jump on the way down.

Edited by Travel2003
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^ I agree with you travel2003, but these unfortunate suicidal jumpers aren't probably going to think much different during their tragic plunge, to their feelings of self remorse and self loathing years. minutes, or just seconds before. In a delusional state, they may well hate everyone else on the plannet, and therefore not give a flying * for any collateral damage.

We think of ourselves as advanced states, even saving a guy who has just jumped from a severly highrise building.... Added to his pre-existing problems, he's going to now have a whole lot more!

Are there real cases of anyone 'really coming back from such desparation' or are we just feeling good about ourselves and saving someone only for them to be possibly further tortured in life ? Of course, such examples will be stated, but what is the fractional sucess rate as opposed to the remainder's continued abject misery ?

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^ I agree with you travel2003, but these unfortunate suicidal jumpers aren't probably going to think much different during their tragic plunge, to their feelings of self remorse and self loathing years. minutes, or just seconds before. In a delusional state, they may well hate everyone else on the plannet, and therefore not give a flying * for any collateral damage.

We think of ourselves as advanced states, even saving a guy who has just jumped from a severly highrise building.... Added to his pre-existing problems, he's going to now have a whole lot more!

Are there real cases of anyone 'really coming back from such desparation' or are we just feeling good about ourselves and saving someone only for them to be possibly further tortured in life ? Of course, such examples will be stated, but what is the fractional sucess rate as opposed to the remainder's continued abject misery ?

I think you are right.

Many people in this state of mind, are very bitter on the entire society.

I know 2 cases (one in the family) who tried.

More the cry for help I think.

Both with tablets.

Now, years later, talking to one of them (the family member), she is really grateful for being alive.

When, once in a blue moon, her depression surfaces, she is already aware of the signs, and seek professional help soonest.

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Meanwhile, a Dodge spokesman credited the car's "high-strength steel structure" for helping absorb the blow.

"We are glad that Mr. Magill survived the 40-story free-fall and that our Dodge Charger was able to cushion his landing," said company spokesman Jiyan Cadiz. "We hope that Mr. Magill gets well."


I knew there was a marketing opportunity to be exploited and someone would. I can even see this guy doing a commercial for them, it wouldn't surprise me at all I can see it now, Dodge should buy back the wrecked car and use it for a prop .. "If the new Dodge Charger can save me from a 400 ft. plunge it can do the same for you"...

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Pity it wasnt face first into the pavement - hopefully the goose completes his plan next time without injury, death or loss to anyone else :annoyed:

I don't, that's too easy, I hope he learned how to stand on his own feet again....... Well if he still can that is....

When I was in my 20's I worked for a large department store in security and we had a guy come in and buy a new 22 rifle and some bullets... He walked out back of the store and tried to shoot himself in the head though we didn't know it at the time. The gun misfired and jammed and he was so determined he came back in and returned it got another one and went back to business only this time he got it to shoot but wasn't back far enough on the side of his head and only up blinding himself as the bullet went straight through both eyes. Now if there ain't something prophetic about that result I don't know what else would be. He thought life was bad before and now he's blinded himself, holy cow dung Batman.......

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Think of Elvita Adams who jumped from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building in 1979.

Only to be blown back onto the 85th floor by freak gust of wind and left with only a broken hip.

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Think of Elvita Adams who jumped from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building in 1979.

Only to be blown back onto the 85th floor by freak gust of wind and left with only a broken hip.



Hopefully she realized that later.

PS. Thnx for the good thoughts regarding my family member. Guess professional help really works :) .

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^ Yeah look I don't blame her either. What a selfish prick. He didnt seem to give a rats arse whether there was a car, a bus, a lady, child or whatever under where he was jumping from. He could of killed someone. Unfortunately he destroyed someones pride and joy, what an ahole. Pity it wasnt face first into the pavement - hopefully the goose completes his plan next time without injury, death or loss to anyone else :annoyed:

Have you any idea how low and troubled someone must feel to jump off a 4o storey building?

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