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My Dog Died Of Internal Bleeding

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SO sad my dog died today of internal bleeding. I live next door to a place that has a lot of dogs and a dirt area for parking. Someone was slowly backing up and hit her. My boyfriend said he saw her get up and run away and go under the terrace. He did not even go check on or or even mention to me that she had been hit!!!!!!!!

<deleted> is wrong with people?

I saw him probably within an hour of her being hit as I came back from late lunch with a friend. When it was time to go up to the house, he looked for her under the terrace and she was dead! I checked her gums and they were white white. I feel really mad at him but had I been there to see it and rushed her to the vet what would they have done?

Even if they determine the general area of the internal bleeding?

Of the 3 Thai employees who know me and my dog no one even offered any condolences. I would hate to be so detached and cold. No one even reminded me that I did give her a good life!

I loved my dog although, I am more attached to the cats. She lived in a Burmese shack and when they left no one fed her. She use to be so timid and afraid of everyone. I would give her food but she would not come close to me at first. Then I moved and as she was not my dog I did not take her. A few hours later my old neighbors pulled up to my house and dropped off "MY DOG". She played with all the other dogs on the street (yes I fixed her ) and then I moved again and she had a great area to run around, and was around lots of tourist all day!! She was ok around people and had many people friends.

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Sorry to hear about your loss, very sad to lose a good friend.

It is impossible to know what kind of damage she received so it won't help you much to think about who's to blame or what if she got to the vet right away. The thing about pets is that we generally outlive them and accidents happen all the time.

Just remember the good things she brought to your life.

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So sorry for your loss. But try to take comfort in the fact that you gave her a great life and rescued her from great hardship. You were the best thing that ever happened to her and completely transformed her world.

As to what a vet would have done, depends on what level of vet. Your average vet would not have been able to do more than maybe start an IV which alone would just have prolonged things a bit but not changed the outcome. Only a handful of large vetinary hospitals would have the capacity to do what would have been needed, which is immediate surgery and blood transfusion, and you would have had to get to one very fast, and even then it might not have been enough. That she died so quickly indicates the injuries were massive.

Again, my condolences

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this spontaneoulsly happened to my choco-lab when she was 6 years, 11 months. it was also 3 weeks before i was to leave to move to Thailand (i was bringing her and her yellow sister). there was nothing that could be done. she jaundiced over within 2 hours and i rushed her to the vet. she spent about 6 hours at the vet and eventually passed away on her own.

there was no knowing how long she was in pain or for that matter, how long she was actually dying. she was always a troubled dog, always had a problem. suffered from hyperthyroid after just 3 years into her life.

anyway, there was nothing you could have done. just remember that you gave that dog it's life.

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