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Look At This Picture. Ladyboy Or Not? My Friend'S Coming From That States And Has Hooked Up With Her Through The Net


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This is the only picture I have. My first inclination was she isn't female or at least not born female. If this is the case, he certainly has no clue. He announced on facebook he was in a relationship with her and in the 20 some odd years I've known him, the only way this dude is into that is if he's in the closet. While it might not be my business, it partially may be my fault if he gets the big surprise. I recommended a site to check out which is where he found her.

Ladyboy or not?

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OK, it looks male and v young, but perhaps more importantly they look as if they're not exactly the 'quiet, retiring female' your friend may be hoping for.....

Its hard not to suspect that he/she is not in the business. If he's happy with that - fine, as long as they're not TOO young.

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Nothing says 'true friend' more than outing someone on a public forum.


Maybe you could post a picture of yourself and we could all vote on whether you were gay or not? Damian does sound a bit that way.

Maybe you wouldn't like that.

This is a public forum, is it not?

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I think it’s going to be a hung jury.

Might not be that big a surprise!!

But seriously, do you think your helping your mate? If she is a he, your friend will find out quick enough. To base your theory on one photo, bit weak, I’ve seen some very pretty Thai girls and if you catch them in a certain profile they look like young Thai boys. I think young 20 something Thais, Male and female are attractive to the western eyes; (only in a heterosexual way for me) you say you only have the one photo? Does your friend have more or just this one? That would be the alarm riser for me. But whatever, he might like it.

As a foot note: I have a friend who is always banging on about ladyboys, “ladyboys” this “Katoys” that to me and another mate of ours………………He never really comes out and says it, but we know he’s fishing for approval……acceptance to “cross over” as it were. If your fishing damian5000….For your Friend!!! Go for it. Best of luck.

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