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Atm Skimming


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Hi Bobo, get accustomised to this practices as it is very common here, anytime a business have to sustain a damage of any kind they will try to put the load and fault on the customer, doesn't matter what.......and about the hotel you mentioned, i have been there and guess what? they intensively tried to make me pay twice for a room i had already paid for and they even knew i already had a stamped receipt to prove it as well, they are hopeless, be prepared for it and most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP :jap:

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no the bank accuse my girlfriend of giving the card n password to someone thats bull shit ok my gf did a withdraw at bangkok bank in the mall bangkapi on the 8th n the inlegal withdraw was made on the 9th in it mall rachatdaphisek road near the fotune hotel in the cctv the bank said that a man did the withdraw n say that the man was very calm n the password is correct so they accuse my gf of giving the card n password to that guy thats bull shit ok

n the bank refuse to say that this is a case of atm skimming done n now all they say is they r not refuning the money n accuse my gf or doing the inlegal withdraw thats really bull shit

i wrote to all the newspaper n all the bank in thailand now we r going to bangkok bank n laid our case n if we dont get a refund wew will sue their ass off if anyone out there is a victim or atm skiming n the bank doesnot want to pay u come to me ok [email protected]

I still do not understand.

Did you file a police report or did you not? Do not expect the bank to help you. They *MUST* return your money if the withdrawal was fraudulent. They will do everything they can to prevent that.

You have to push this issue, not them. You have to go to the police, file a criminal report, watch the tapes yourself, have your girlfriend declare that she did not authorize this, convince the police this is a real case, and then have the police issue an arrest warrant for the thief. Once that is done, the bank can not accuse you of voluntarily giving her card and pin because you have a police report stating that it was theft.

The bank will not help you with this, because then they have to return your money if it was theft. Even once you do this, the bank will still try not to return your money unless you threaten them and eventually hire a lawyer and possibly inform the media to force them to return your money.

I think you are just being naive. If you want the bank to return your money, you are going to have to fight for it. They are not going to volunteer. They are on the hook for this.

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Did you file a police report or did you not? Do not expect the bank to help you. They *MUST* return your money if the withdrawal was fraudulent. They will do everything they can to prevent that.

You have to push this issue, not them. You have to go to the police, file a criminal report, watch the tapes yourself, have your girlfriend declare that she did not authorize this, convince the police this is a real case, and then have the police issue an arrest warrant for the thief. Once that is done, the bank can not accuse you of voluntarily giving her card and pin because you have a police report stating that it was theft.

The bank will not help you with this, because then they have to return your money if it was theft. Even once you do this, the bank will still try not to return your money unless you threaten them and eventually hire a lawyer and possibly inform the media to force them to return your money.

I think you are just being naive. If you want the bank to return your money, you are going to have to fight for it. They are not going to volunteer. They are on the hook for this.

This is exactly the procedure which seems to be required by banks here. (I did quote the relevant section from BBL's website earlier in this thread.) Its a lot of work, and may take months, but obviously worth it for substantial amounts.

I'd like to hear more about how, where and when the card might have been skimmed (perhaps at the Mall at Bang Kapi; can you go check out the ATM? - usually it is in the previous 36 hours of the first fraudulent withdrawal), and how the PIN was compromised. And was it one the new beFirst Visa ATM cards (with the chip)?

Edited by lomatopo
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I have been planing on opening an account with Bangkok Bank but now I need to think about it. First of all just so I can get a clear idea of what your talking about; The way you wrote your story it sounds like your girlfriend gave her ATM card and password to someone to make a with draw for her and they ended up taking an extra 20,000 baht out with out your girlfriends permission. Now because she willingly gave the card and pass code to someone the Bank is saying it is her fault that the person took out extra money. Is all this correct or have I missed something?

I'm not saying I agree in the Bangkok Bank's stand on this matter if that is what happened (some western banks would refund your loss in this case) I just want a clear understanding of what took place so I can better understand their policy on such matters.

Thank you for alerting us to this matter.

DONT as we went to bangkok bank the official there its not up to bangkok bank as the money was withdraw from another bank atm we should go to that bank n demand our money from them???????did my girlfriend not open account at bangkok bank are they not going to do anything ?they say he should go to the police n make a report n that the other bank r the one who should b paying us on the money lost well u think wht bullshit bangkok bank is on putting the blame on others 2 months now n nothing been done by bangkok bank all they can say its their fauth period n go somewhere to complain you figure it out should u open acc with bangko bank or ???????

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Did you file a police report or did you not? Do not expect the bank to help you. They *MUST* return your money if the withdrawal was fraudulent. They will do everything they can to prevent that.

You have to push this issue, not them. You have to go to the police, file a criminal report, watch the tapes yourself, have your girlfriend declare that she did not authorize this, convince the police this is a real case, and then have the police issue an arrest warrant for the thief. Once that is done, the bank can not accuse you of voluntarily giving her card and pin because you have a police report stating that it was theft.

The bank will not help you with this, because then they have to return your money if it was theft. Even once you do this, the bank will still try not to return your money unless you threaten them and eventually hire a lawyer and possibly inform the media to force them to return your money.

I think you are just being naive. If you want the bank to return your money, you are going to have to fight for it. They are not going to volunteer. They are on the hook for this.

This is exactly the procedure which seems to be required by banks here. (I did quote the relevant section from BBL's website earlier in this thread.) Its a lot of work, and may take months, but obviously worth it for substantial amounts.

I'd like to hear more about how, where and when the card might have been skimmed (perhaps at the Mall at Bang Kapi; can you go check out the ATM? - usually it is in the previous 36 hours of the first fraudulent withdrawal), and how the PIN was compromised. And was it one the new beFirst Visa ATM cards (with the chip)?

we have done everything goingfrom department todepartment n going to plice n done all the report but the stupid bangkok bank say its not they who shoud refunf the money we should go the the other bankfor refundas the money is withdraw fm the ther bank atm whtbullshit is this dont bangkok bank hav any security or their customer n should the customer do all the invistagating ourself ?

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we have done everything goingfrom department todepartment n going to plice n done all the report but the stupid bangkok bank say its not they who shoud refunf the money we should go the the other bankfor refundas the money is withdraw fm the ther bank atm whtbullshit is this dont bangkok bank hav any security or their customer n should the customer do all the invistagating ourself ?

I think we all understand that you are unhappy with Bangkok Bank, and that it is your strong feeling that everyone should avoid opening new accounts, and perhaps close existing accounts, with Bangkok Bank based on your incident.

No need to keep repeating your message.

I'd still like to hear more about the ATM you think was used to skim the details of the ATM card. Also would like to understand how the PIN was compromised. Lastly, was the ATM card one of the new BeFirst ATM Visa cards? (with the chip which is supposed to make them almost impossible to skim).

You may not wish to hear this again, for the third time, but Bangkok Bank (and every bank here I suspect) puts the responsibility of proving fraudulent withdrawals on the customer. You have to be persistent. Did you file a police report?

In my mind I think the steps might be:

File a police report at the police district serving the area where the fraudulent ATM withdrawal was made.

Review the ATM camera/video with the police.

Get them to issue an arrest warrant.

Go to the bank which operates the ATM used for the fraudulent withdrawal and present them with all this information.

They should restore your funds.

If your posts are representative of your communications skills, general demeanor and/or ability to accept advice then you might just consider writing off the loss and moving your business to another bank.

Are bobo16000000 and dodolady the same person? Maybe dodolady is the GF? Now I'm confused.

Edited by lomatopo
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we have done everything goingfrom department todepartment n going to plice n done all the report but the stupid bangkok bank say its not they who shoud refunf the money we should go the the other bankfor refundas the money is withdraw fm the ther bank atm whtbullshit is this dont bangkok bank hav any security or their customer n should the customer do all the invistagating ourself ?

If the situation is like I have interpreted from your posts (your girlfriend was the victim of ATM skimming, in that an illegal device was placed in the ATM to steal her account number and pin code), and the transaction happened at a different bank's ATM, it is NOT an issue of Bangkok Bank's security. It is the other bank's issue, for failing to secure their ATM machines. Bangkok Bank had nothing to do with it, so why should they pay you back?

However, I do think you have right to be pissed at the other bank for not checking their ATMs more carefully/frequently. Whether you have a legal right to the money....I don't know, I'm not a lawyer.

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It is now quite clear the BOBO and DODOLADY are the same person as he posted on both accounts to continue his story in this thread. In another thread he is pretending his alter ego Dodolady is a thai girl even going so far as to fake her bad english and then making up a story about the police scamming her boyfriend... if that story is bullshit then so is this one. Somebody PLEASE lay this fool out with the BANHAMMER. I cant fuc_king stand people that lie and tell bullshit stories, get a life and stop posting here!

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It is now quite clear the BOBO and DODOLADY are the same person as he posted on both accounts to continue his story in this thread. In another thread he is pretending his alter ego Dodolady is a thai girl even going so far as to fake her bad english and then making up a story about the police scamming her boyfriend... if that story is bullshit then so is this one. Somebody PLEASE lay this fool out with the BANHAMMER. I cant fuc_king stand people that lie and tell bullshit stories, get a life and stop posting here!

Good catch! What a waste of time this whole thread was.

(Although, I guess if it educated some people about the risks of ATM skimming in BKK or anywhere, then maybe it was worth it.)

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  • 1 year later...

Apply for Bangkok Bank’s Be1st Smart Visa Debit card, Thailand’s first debit card to use EMV chip security technology, which is almost impossible to copy.

I'm glad I finally upgraded to this card; also change your PIN every 90 days.

i opened a account with bangkok bank about 3 weeks ago was issued with a card that had the name "founder member" or something on it.

had a security problem so stopped that card and got a new one today with the name "be1st valued member".

found this thread by googling that and trying to see what the difference is. i cant see any chip in my card though, perhaps it is under the shiny hologram. im just wondering why i've been given a different card after only 3 weeks when someone above said they waited a year for it

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My ATM Card was skimmed at a ATM machine outside Bangkok Bank.

Apparently a skimmer and hidden camera recorded my info.

A few days later, my bank reports transactions made in Poland with a copy ATM Card.

Speaking with others, it seems there is allot of this going on.

It is almost impossible to detect the skimmers and cameras.

The link below has a comprehensive guide to skimmers and pinhole cameras used to steal your card info.


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If any ex-pats are worried about skimming, I recommend to withdraw money directly from your account back home. One day after using a dodgy ATM machine in Belarus more than 5,000 GBP disappeared from my account. Natwest refunded 100% within 24 hours of me reporting the issue to them.

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My ATM Card was skimmed at a ATM machine outside Bangkok Bank.

Apparently a skimmer and hidden camera recorded my info.

A few days later, my bank reports transactions made in Poland with a copy ATM Card.

Speaking with others, it seems there is allot of this going on.

It is almost impossible to detect the skimmers and cameras.

The link below has a comprehensive guide to skimmers and pinhole cameras used to steal your card info.


Can you share any details?

Where was this ATM? (street) was it a Bangkok Bank ATM? Or just located near a Bangkok Bank location?

Did you use a Thai-based ATM card? Or a foreign-issued ATM card?

Have you made any progress on a resolution?

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If the card was skimmed they would have emptied the account, 20,000 is the maximum in one transaction, and you can make more than one transaction per day dependent on the limit you wanted on the card.

The GF obviously gave the card to someone, who took out the money, if the OP is real, then get the camera on the ATM to prove who did it.

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My bank in the USA notified me that my card was being used in Poland & will probably refund me the loss in 45 days after I fill out some forms.

The ATM machine I used was located next to the front door of the Bangkok Bank.

This happened to a friend of mine a month ago so I was being very vigilant and only using the machine at my bank.

Some gang is selling the stolen numbers to people in the Ukraine and Poland I was told.

Edited by pauljones
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Ummmm, it's unusual that ATM cards have daily withdrawl limits of 200k, so, sounds like perhaps the withdrawl was perhaps done over two or more days?

Where do you get 200k from?

The limit per transaction is 20,000baht, but you can have as many transactions as your credit limit or bank card allows per day.

Mine is 50,000 per day.

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Ummmm, it's unusual that ATM cards have daily withdrawl limits of 200k, so, sounds like perhaps the withdrawl was perhaps done over two or more days?

Where do you get 200k from?

The limit per transaction is 20,000baht, but you can have as many transactions as your credit limit or bank card allows per day.

Mine is 50,000 per day.

Sorry, can't count zero's.

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My bank in the USA notified me that my card was being used in Poland & will probably refund me the loss in 45 days after I fill out some forms.

The ATM machine I used was located next to the front door of the Bangkok Bank.

This happened to a friend of mine a month ago so I was being very vigilant and only using the machine at my bank.

Some gang is selling the stolen numbers to people in the Ukraine and Poland I was told.

Can you tell us exactly which Bangkok Bank ATM/branch this was?

Did you tell Bangkok Bank?

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I have been a customer with BBL for more then 10 years and had money disappear from my account only once.

It was only 2000 Baht, and neither I nor BBL could really figure out what had happened. I may have withdrawn the money myself and forgotten about it.

I found the way BBL handled this incident remarkable:

when the staff looked at my passbook it stated that the original balance was 50000 Baht, I had withdrawn 10000 Baht, and the new balance was 38000 Baht. So 2000 Baht had evaporated.

The staff said "Oh yeah, there is a mistake!" Her computer told her that I had withdrawn 2000 Baht, this withdrawal did not show up when I updated my passbook. So she took a pen, wrote by hand into my passbook "withdrawn 2000 Baht, new balance 38000 Baht", handed me my passbook and happily stated that everything was now ok.

I complained with the call center and they told me: my passbook serves only as information for the customer, it is NOT proof of the balance of my account. The only proof is BBL's computer. Whatever is written in my passbook is not legally binding and has no meaning, it just serves to refresh my memory. I DO NOT POSSESS ANY PROOF OF THE BALANCE OF MY ACCOUNT as the only proof is BBL's computer system. Not my passbook.

I do trust BBL's computer. But I will not give them more then 10% of my money.

I prefer banks that give me written evidence of my balance.

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