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Annoying Newish Homophobic Youth Culture Phrase - 'No Homo'

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OK, I've been in Thailand a long time now. I was just made aware of the phrase NO HOMO to be used by homophobic straight guys when there may be any doubt that something they said or did is gay. Such as, saying that sunrise was pretty, NO HOMO! So do people who say NO HOMO also say That's so gay or are they basically two different crowds. This seems to have come from rap music lyrics originally, is that true? People who think we have reached equality and acceptance are deluded. Imagine if this kind of thing was used for other minority groups ...


Here's a good video about the offensive use of That's so gay. Wanda needs to do a new one about NO HOMO ...


Nice catch. But:

The urban dictionary entry you posted does not say anything that I find offensive. To the contrary, I find this example quite amusing:


phrase invented by rap group Diplomats so they could engage in gay group sex and then not feel bad about it afterwards.

"I say, Cam'ron old chap, that was a bloody great shag!"

"Indeed Juelz, no homo"

"no homo"


That's OK. In Asia, many guys identify as MSM (men having sex with men) and don't consider themselves gay (or homosexual, if you prefer that word). In my teenage and especially twen years, I often had "something" with straight guys, I think it's quite normal, a man is a man, and it's not homo to, well, "do" something with another man. Only when they get older, many straight-identifying men lose (or have satisfied) their curiosity.

No, I don't think it's derogatory if someone says or does something that may make other people think he is a homo (a word which I use synonymously with 'gay') and he wants to clarify that he isn't. It's a fact; it's not homophobic at all.

About the "Knock it off" campaign, of which you posted a video link: It's not entirely new. Political (in)correctness is a Western - mostly North-American, I think - concept, not exactly relevant in Asia. I have not heard any Thai using the word "gay' synonymously with "bad" in any way, have you?


I have not heard any Thai using the word "gay' synonymously with "bad" in any way, have you?

Yes, I certainly have. I have also seen Thai media with examples of extreme anti-gay behavior, such as beating up gay kids at school just for being gay, YES, in Thailand. Thailand is NOT a paradise for Thai gays although it still may be for some monied foreigners.

Also, I think you are confused about the gay forum here. It is open for discussion about ALL kinds of gay issues with no need whatsoever for there to be a Thailand hook.

Clearly the NO HOMO phrase thing which is obviously an overt manifestation of extreme homophobia is not pervasive among Thais. I never said it was. However, with this coming more into fashion and the popularity of American rap artists here, I could see it spreading here.

BTW, your assertion that this NO HOMO phrase trend is not homophobic is utterly ridiculous and completely wrong. Again, imagine if the same kind of verbal fashion was applied to ANY other minority, and then tell me with a straight face you actually believe NO HOMO is not homophobic.


Now to lighten this up, this is some really funny satire about the use of NO HOMO --


I have not heard any Thai using the word "gay' synonymously with "bad" in any way, have you?

Yes, I certainly have. I have also seen Thai media with examples of extreme anti-gay behavior, such as beating up gay kids at school just for being gay, YES, in Thailand. Thailand is NOT a paradise for Thai gays although it still may be for some monied foreigners.

Also, I think you are confused about the gay forum here. It is open for discussion about ALL kinds of gay issues with no need whatsoever for there to be a Thailand hook.

Sorry, I was obviously mistaken about that.

Clearly the NO HOMO phrase thing which is obviously an overt manifestation of extreme homophobia is not pervasive among Thais. I never said it was. However, with this coming more into fashion and the popularity of American rap artists here, I could see it spreading here.

BTW, your assertion that this NO HOMO phrase trend is not homophobic is utterly ridiculous and completely wrong. Again, imagine if the same kind of verbal fashion was applied to ANY other minority, and then tell me with a straight face you actually believe NO HOMO is not homophobic.


Now to lighten this up, this is some really funny satire about the use of NO HOMO --

[{embedded video snipped top save space]

In the first link above, the first block explains how NO HOMO is homophobic. I don't feel that, but it appears that it is perceived that way in the US. Well, we gotta believe him.

He then goes on to give examples of homophobia in hiphop music.

The video you embed is funny, but it doesn't surprise me that straight guys feel sexually harrassed by gays acting this way. NO HOMO here is not an expression of homophobia but of a guy trying to say that he is not harrassing.

Since this is a satire, what it wants to tell us is that people who use NO HOMO are in reality gay. Now, I don't find that homophobic.

As for other minority groups: I can't speak for them. I can only say that I don't feel offended when someone says: "That guy is really good looking, no homo". I'd probably reply: "Good to hear that you can tell whether a guy is good-looking, even though you are straight".

I may be naive, but why do *you* feel threatened or discriminated against if some uses that phrase?


As a guy born in the 1950s, I went to school in the 1960s and discovered sex in the 1970s. I am so glad when I arrive in Thailand every few months. It's like taking off army boots and putting on a pair of slippers. For a GWM, Thailand would have to be the most un-homophobic country I have ever visited. Okay - as I have found out - the higher the education level of Thai people - the higher the homophobia.

Correction - that's not the correct word. Let's just say that (some) university educated Thai guys I have met are paranoid about family and workmates finding out they are gay. Just like Australia - when I grew up - except here it was the opposite - the rednecks hated the gays and the university-educated people were often gay.



"Where books are burned in the end people will burn." - Heinrich Heine

Coincidentally, the wacko Florida church group that intends to burn Qurans in a few days and quite possibly spark violence all over the world is ALSO the exact same group behind the NO HOMO mayor sign.post-37101-058685700 1283978965_thumb.jp


"Where books are burned in the end people will burn." - Heinrich Heine

Coincidentally, the wacko Florida church group that intends to burn Qurans in a few days and quite possibly spark violence all over the world is ALSO the exact same group behind the NO HOMO mayor sign.post-37101-058685700 1283978965_thumb.jp

It's 4 o'clock in the morning in Pattaya and you're banging on about things that are happening half a world away. Wouldn't it be better if you just went out and got laid?

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That No Homo stuff is wayyyyy funny !!!! And there is nothing wrong with it of course, it's just that they want people to know they are not Homo's ..... Their is nothing wrong with saying I am a Homo and their is nothing wrong with saying you are not a homo, it's like saying............... I love those Flamboyant obviously gay waiters .... No Homo ..... The speaker is just letting the other person he is not a Homo. Expressions like this will be around as long as there are Kids who want to be funny. Maybe Gays should start saying Yes Homo ! Or Maybe No Normal or No Hetro might be more PC .... Homo is probably less offensive than Gay if you look at the history.


The word had started to acquire associations of immorality by 1637[1] and was used in the late 17th century with the meaning "addicted to pleasures and dissipations."[8] This was by extension from the primary meaning of "carefree": implying "uninhibited by moral constraints." A gay woman was a prostitute, a gay man a womanizer and a gay house a brothel.

Makes me wonder what the next word of choice for homosexual men will be since it changes all the time, used to be "we're here and we're queer" Now you got "Gay pride" Homosexuals used to not be offended by the word Fag until people used it like "that's gay" .... so eventually homosexuals will coin a new word and the kids will make fun of it ! lol ..... No Homo


What a crock.

No Homo practically defines homophobia. It assumes stereotypes about gays. You like a fashionable shirt? There is a stereotype that gays dress well (for me, so not true!), so NO HOMO.

Let's get absurd now for clarification.

Jews are stereotyped as being super cheap. A man picks up a penny from the street and says NO HYMIE. Funny? To a bigot. Not offensive? WRONG!


What a crock.

No Homo practically defines homophobia. It assumes stereotypes about gays. You like a fashionable shirt? There is a stereotype that gays dress well (for me, so not true!), so NO HOMO.

Let's get absurd now for clarification.

Jews are stereotyped as being super cheap. A man picks up a penny from the street and says NO HYMIE. Funny? To a bigot. Not offensive? WRONG!

No Hymie LOL .... that's great can you think of any others ? Can you make one up about NO VISA for the folks here ? And I think your right if your out buying nice clothing it might be a good idea to say No Homo to the saleslady if you want to get a date just so she knows. I think it would be funny to go to an adult bookstore and by a big dong and say No Homo as your buying it ! LOL ..... I bet the person behind the counter would really laugh hard ! Can you think of any other funny No Homo ones beside the one you mentioned ?

  • Like 1

What a crock.

No Homo practically defines homophobia. It assumes stereotypes about gays. You like a fashionable shirt? There is a stereotype that gays dress well (for me, so not true!), so NO HOMO.

Let's get absurd now for clarification.

Jews are stereotyped as being super cheap. A man picks up a penny from the street and says NO HYMIE. Funny? To a bigot. Not offensive? WRONG!

No Hymie LOL .... that's great can you think of any others ? Can you make one up about NO VISA for the folks here ? And I think your right if your out buying nice clothing it might be a good idea to say No Homo to the saleslady if you want to get a date just so she knows. I think it would be funny to go to an adult bookstore and by a big dong and say No Homo as your buying it ! LOL ..... I bet the person behind the counter would really laugh hard ! Can you think of any other funny No Homo ones beside the one you mentioned ?

I hope you have good health insurance when you try this one, you big joker.

Throw a nice swish shot (NO HOMO) playing basketball with some black guys. Then say -- NO NIGGER. Good luck! I get it now, you are playing the clown, you can't possibly be serious.

Some others?

Lets go for pizza. No wop.

Shoot that firecracker. No Allah.

Fancy a curry? No raghead.

Gay couple discussing having a child. No breeder.

On solving a complex math problem. No Gook.

Sorry, mods, just trying to prove my point. NO HOMO is offensive.

Next ...


What a crock.

No Homo practically defines homophobia. It assumes stereotypes about gays. You like a fashionable shirt? There is a stereotype that gays dress well (for me, so not true!), so NO HOMO.

Let's get absurd now for clarification.

Jews are stereotyped as being super cheap. A man picks up a penny from the street and says NO HYMIE. Funny? To a bigot. Not offensive? WRONG!

No Hymie LOL .... that's great can you think of any others ? Can you make one up about NO VISA for the folks here ? And I think your right if your out buying nice clothing it might be a good idea to say No Homo to the saleslady if you want to get a date just so she knows. I think it would be funny to go to an adult bookstore and by a big dong and say No Homo as your buying it ! LOL ..... I bet the person behind the counter would really laugh hard ! Can you think of any other funny No Homo ones beside the one you mentioned ?

I hope you have good health insurance when you try this one, you big joker.

Throw a nice swish shot (NO HOMO) playing basketball with some black guys. Then say -- NO NIGGER. Good luck! I get it now, you are playing the clown, you can't possibly be serious.

Some others?

Lets go for pizza. No wop.

Shoot that firecracker. No Allah.

Fancy a curry? No raghead.

Gay couple discussing having a child. No breeder.

On solving a complex math problem. No Gook.

Sorry, mods, just trying to prove my point. NO HOMO is offensive.

Next ...

All of those are slurs against a group of people is "homo" a bad word to say ? Isn't it just short for homosexual ? I mean is calling a homosexual a homosexual bad or just making it shorter ? Wow there is a lot of complexity when talking to people who like the same sex. It is offensive to you but not everyone so if just 1 person is offended maybe they are just overly sensitive, so I wonder how many people percentage wise need to find something offensive for it to be put in the great book of offensiveness ? If the straight people in a soundproof room say it and no sensitive person who likes the same sex hears it does it make a sound ? Words seem to change over time .. Gay was used as an offensive term in the beginning as I posted now it seems to be very popular with people who like the same sex, did homosexual become offensive for some reason ? Is there a people who like the same sex website that I could go to to keep up on all this from time to time ? Or maybe get a degree from ? Is their a dictionary put out by some people who like the same sex group ? Is Tranny bad to because it's shorter ?


Homo is a derogatory term, yes. Are you seriously saying you didn't know that? How could someone not know that? Are you gay?

The "homo-" part of "homosexual" can be used alone as "homo", a derogatory shortening of the full form "homosexual" which has been in use since the 1920's.

Also Hymie for Jews is also of course derogatory, which you also found so funny. (Granted, if you are a Jew actually named Hymie, your actual name isn't a slur.) I am not sure about you anymore, a clown, a joker, a bigot, someone out of touch with word usage. YOU TELL US.

I will kind of/sort of give you one point. While it is totally obvious that NO HOMO is homophobic, there remains the question of how to deal with it. Deflecting it with HUMOR is probably a good idea. For example, the Wanda Sykes video about the homophobic use of "That's so gay", that was humor, and that was effective.

Here's some more, I know you love the links.


   /ˈhoʊmoʊ/ Show Spelled[hoh-moh] Show IPA

–noun, plural -mos. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive .

a homosexual.


Next ...


What about NO LESBO.

I googled it but all I got was porn sites ! lol .... I'm guessing it's the same though, offensive to some funny to others, generally offensive.


you could look at this matter more positively.

is it not the increasing visibility of the homosexual lifestyle that induces heterosexuals to be explicit in what should NOT be deduced from what they say or how they act?

for example: "i am feeling gay today."

some could take that the wrong way.

"I am feeling gay today no homo."

nobody takes that the wrong way.

clarity of intent is very helpful.


you could look at this matter more positively.

is it not the increasing visibility of the homosexual lifestyle that induces heterosexuals to be explicit in what should NOT be deduced from what they say or how they act?

for example: "i am feeling gay today."

some could take that the wrong way.

"I am feeling gay today no homo."

nobody takes that the wrong way.

clarity of intent is very helpful.

Nice try, but we all know the archaic usage of "gay" for happy is rarely used these days. There is no positive aspect to this NO HOMO phenom. It's just another way for homophobes to dump on us.

What about NO LESBO.

I googled it but all I got was porn sites ! lol .... I'm guessing it's the same though, offensive to some funny to others, generally offensive.

Are you joking? Lesbians don't get this kind of thing because the straight men, who still rule the world, are TURNED ON by the idea of lesbian sex.


What a crock.

No Homo practically defines homophobia. It assumes stereotypes about gays. You like a fashionable shirt? There is a stereotype that gays dress well (for me, so not true!), so NO HOMO.

Let's get absurd now for clarification.

Jews are stereotyped as being super cheap. A man picks up a penny from the street and says NO HYMIE. Funny? To a bigot. Not offensive? WRONG!

No Hymie LOL .... that's great can you think of any others ? Can you make one up about NO VISA for the folks here ? And I think your right if your out buying nice clothing it might be a good idea to say No Homo to the saleslady if you want to get a date just so she knows. I think it would be funny to go to an adult bookstore and by a big dong and say No Homo as your buying it ! LOL ..... I bet the person behind the counter would really laugh hard ! Can you think of any other funny No Homo ones beside the one you mentioned ?

I hope you have good health insurance when you try this one, you big joker.

Throw a nice swish shot (NO HOMO) playing basketball with some black guys. Then say -- NO NIGGER. Good luck! I get it now, you are playing the clown, you can't possibly be serious.

Some others?

Lets go for pizza. No wop.

Shoot that firecracker. No Allah.

Fancy a curry? No raghead.

Gay couple discussing having a child. No breeder.

On solving a complex math problem. No Gook.

Sorry, mods, just trying to prove my point. NO HOMO is offensive.

Next ...

Sorry for not trimming the quote.

"No homo" just means "not a homosexual". It's a fact, not derogatory at all. If you find that term offensive, you would need to explain to me why. I am "no hetero" and I would be surprised if any hetero found that statement offensive.


People don't say no hetero. Homosexuals are a tiny minority group, often severely oppressed. Young men aren't afraid their friends will think they are heterosexual. Maybe some of us have never directly experienced how dangerous, hurtful and hateful homophobia (and other kinds of oppression of minorities by majorities) really is. Otherwise, I can't understand blindness to this.


Homo is a derogatory term, yes. Are you seriously saying you didn't know that? How could someone not know that? Are you gay?

The "homo-" part of "homosexual" can be used alone as "homo", a derogatory shortening of the full form "homosexual" which has been in use since the 1920's.

Also Hymie for Jews is also of course derogatory, which you also found so funny. (Granted, if you are a Jew actually named Hymie, your actual name isn't a slur.) I am not sure about you anymore, a clown, a joker, a bigot, someone out of touch with word usage. YOU TELL US.

I will kind of/sort of give you one point. While it is totally obvious that NO HOMO is homophobic, there remains the question of how to deal with it. Deflecting it with HUMOR is probably a good idea. For example, the Wanda Sykes video about the homophobic use of "That's so gay", that was humor, and that was effective.

Here's some more, I know you love the links.


   /ˈhoʊmoʊ/ Show Spelled[hoh-moh] Show IPA

–noun, plural -mos. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive .

a homosexual.


Next ...

"Homo" is not a derogatory term, me and my homo friends use it a lot. We go to homo bars, are part of the homo scene, and do a lot of things that heteros don't do.

Don't you do the same? If not, you may have a problem with your identity as a homo (if you are one).

"Gay" means happy and is just using a nice word word for the same fact.


No, I don't use homo. Not saying I have never used it in the same way black people use the N word, but don't you dare if you ain't black.

I have been CALLED homo by young gay bashers though.

I am not fooled by any of this. So anyone who actually thinks people who say NO HOMO don't have issues with gay people and homosexuality in general, enjoy your bubble, will have to agree to disagree.

An exception to this may be the word QUEER. That word is still widely used to bash us, but some gay people decided to "own" the word and use it neutrally and positively. That was an active movement for awhile but it seems to have faded. Because of that movement which came from gay people, not people who hate us, the meaning of QUEER has indeed changed.

This NO HOMO thing did NOT come from us. It came from homophobes and is largely OWNED by homophobes.

Next ...

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