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Improving Winxp


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since we talk about computer spedd, I have a lot of advice, some useful, some useless, but for most of them, just coming out of some users's experience.

I may give you some tips, tested on different machines ...

this will come from experience, learning and testing on many different machines since win3.1, and an old 386sx ...

today, most of windows users have jumped to XP ...

satisfied or not, there a few things to do to make XP run better, as any OS :D

here is the first one ...

DLL ... dynamic link library!

everytime you launch a program, windows and the program load some DLL to make this program working, these DLL's stay in memory as most of program and windows don't unload them ... for any further use :o

those DLL's that stay in memory slow down the entire system, as long as they are not in use anymore !

one thing to do, force the system to unload them when the program is closed.

for this go to the registry.

start menu/run/type in regedit, here you are!

find the key :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer.

here ; 2 possiblity, the key : "AlwaysUnloadDll" exists already with a value =0

so, just change the value in the left window, right click and choose change, the turn it to 1.

if the key does not exist, creat it, it's Dword value, name : AlwaysUnloadDll and attribute it the value 1.

pay attention the letter's size is very important!

reboot for the changes to be effective.


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soundsl logical, I have heard abt DLLs and how windows does not clear the memory or something like that.

but is it safe to mess around with the stuff that makes windows tick? if it were effective, safe and recommended, why is the script not written this way?

would like to give it a try though. anyone here has??

thanks for the tip Francois!

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there is a subtle point that I would like to make about dynamically loaded dlls...in general and as far as windows is concerend (especially XP).

When SW engineers write an application they have the choice of dynamcally or statically binding DLLs. This is not something that can be changed by the registry setting, it is the way the software was designed and the software dictates what is loaded and when. When an application is terminated, windows will unload all the dll's owned by that process (application) regardless of this binding. So when you close (lets say McAvee Antivirus) no dlls's will be resident for that application.


Some DLLs are shared system wide (like the internet inet.dll) and used by multiple applications-explorer, msn messenger, netscape, opera,outlook.... so on and so forth. the registry setting will only unload the dll when the usage count reaches 0. so if you have 10 applications using the dll, windows will not unload it until all 10 have closed. so do you really save anything???

the last point is performance.

The reason that the all-knowing all-crashing microsoft choose not to uninstall dll's at every opportunity is actually to increase performance. Yes you may be saving 2-300kb here and there in memory (big deal you should have 200 MB free) but you will have to wait an extra few seconds for an application to load it from the hard-drive when it's needed again.......every time it is needed (ignoring program caching). Most of the residual dll's have a high probablility that they will be used at some point (usually multiple points) in your logged on session (inet.dll is a classic cos all internet apps use it).

My tuppence worth. It's not worth frigging with your registry for anything unless you have spent at least 2000 hours killing and rebuilding your machine.

I view it a bit like those people who buy a 50cc moped and then spend hundreds of pounds making it a 60cc moped with a better exhaust.....just buy a bigger bike!.

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My tuppence worth. It's not worth frigging with your registry for anything unless you have spent at least 2000 hours killing and rebuilding your machine.

you may be right about some dll's ...

but please tell me why microsoft always put a delay of 400ms(default) to show any menu, when you can reduce this almost to nothing ...

and for this you have to go inside the registry ... :D

but, yes I spent largerly over 2,000 hours manipulating these microsoft-systems,

and that why I can give you a few tips ...

ok, you won't have a computer running like a P4 3ghz if you have a PIII 1ghz ..

this is sure, but I still run a PIII 800, and on benchmark, it is recognized as better than a PIII800 ...

and you see, it's someway satisfying B)

so, if one can get some better, why not try ?

I know that many techies ... say this and that, so sure of what they say,because they learned different. I learned alone, and discovered many of those tips, looking for a little better here and there, and some are really nice :o

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Guest IT Manager
didn't have the chance to upgrade to Xp, still running 98, anything for 98 :o

There are plenty of things can be done to Win 98, but I always ask why?

If your PC is an old clunker, does what you want and doesn't fall over, why change? As another poster said, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

That being said, if you run Win98, and find it is too slow and the machine is more than 4 years old, is it worth considering a drive down Update Avenue?

Many choices from my favourite (New PC), right through to bits and pieces.

To give you a hand I am quite happy. So here are a few questions:

How old is the machine?

Hard Disk Size? Speed?

VGA Card on board, PCI or AGP?

VGA Ram? System shared, or on card?

Amount of RAM?

Type of RAM? EDO SDRAM etc?

CPU form? Socket? Speed?

Mainboard Clock Speed?

RAM clock speed?

If you want to pass those answers to me here, I will see if there are any suggestions Francois or anyone else can come up with for you.

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ok, just a few for win98, some more later as I rebuild a machine with win98 for someone ...

I'll find my way, and then tell you, it's a little time I didn't use this win98 :o

so :

find in the registry the keys MenuShowDelay and change the value (right window)

to 1, and MinAnimate and same change the value to 0.

in Hkey local machine :

System/CurrentControlSet/Control/SessionManager/ under the key that contains CheckVerDLLs, create a new key

name : memoryManagement (left window) --> right window create a new key (Dword) (hexadecimal value) SecondLevelDataCache --> value ; 200 for P2 and P3

; 80 for celeron

key only valid for Intel CPU ... sorry for the others :D

I'll give you some more soon B)

have a good time B)


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I too have spent hours and hours killing my machine. And my conclusion has been

"if its not broke, don't fix it"

However. As we are on the thread for massaging your machine that extra bit why not mention the bios and overclocking.

The bios is where true performance enhancement can be obtained regardless of OS (Win 98 users take note).

Decreasing RAS timings. More aggressive FSB and CPU overclocking will give lovely benchmark results. MS word still runs like the pig it is though. If your going to break your machine....do it in style!!!! :o

(with some soldering you can get an AMD 2gig Athlon to be a 2.2gig).

Tweak that graphics card. Increase the DAC clock and get a few extra polygons per sec. (increases frame rate for games....loverly he,he). Might have to put another fan in though unless you want to keep your cofee hot.

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tweak windaube .... registry? complicate dangerous alleatory?

simple tweak :

start >run> msconfig, then startup tab, and suppress all the programms who are lauched on the boot, you will, your puter will, your windaube will be better.

After it's fight long hours to gain nothing, XP work correctly only if you have at least a 1 mgz with 512 MB of ram (and it's realy a minimum) then what about 200 bytes of memory?

Francois, return to Linux, install VMWare and run XP on it, and look a little bit the process manager ... it's really funny

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Francois, return to Linux, install VMWare and run XP on it, and look a little bit the process manager ... it's really funny

thanks for the idea B)

tried that sometime ago ... disapointed!

an OS is never configured as you could wish .. as Linux is, you need to make it yours, means configuration and some tweaks ...

does everybody have a 1ghz with at least 512mb RAM ...

be realistic, it's far to be the case!

if you find XP satisfying the way it's delivered, good for you, not for me :o

vmware is made for testers ... not to run OS as they are ...Xp or 2k under Linux

with vmware are slow and unstable and useless ..did you noticed this?

and why run windoze under Linux?

Linux is ok alone ... don't need any add-on from redmond :D

but, you look like you don't need any advice ... good for you and for me, I won't need to post any advice more B)

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sorry, I am just a trouble maker, if you say white, I will say black :o

bad joke. I bet many are interrested by your advices.

Also, if you read carefully my past post, I just proposed you to run XP with VMWare as a test, and check your prefered Taskmanager (under X some exist) it's funny to see how XP is in need of memory.

I have 1 Ghz, with only 512 mb of ram, I boosted the FSB and my Celeron is considered 1.2Ghz.

Linux is great as server, but don't do the coffee by the morning, I use Linux since 10 years, but I can not stop to use win also.

Well sorry again to make you feel bad, it was really a stupid joke

au revoir

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After building a desktop infrastructure of 2000 clients of the different iterations of Windows. There are some basics things for speed and system health.

Unless you really know what you are doing leave the Registry alone. Sorry the tweak at the start of this tread is a good, there are so many basic things that can be done fist..

1) Delete all your temp files. The show up in two different ways. ~filename.* or filename.TMP. to find them go to a dos prompt and type the following syntax.

dir *.tmp /s

dir ~*.* /s


To get rid of them.

Change the syntax to DEL (DON'T FORGET THE TILDA OR TMP!!!!!!! if you do, you will delete everyting on your system.)

del *.tmp /s

del ~*.* /s


Safer if not comfortable in the dos environment.

In the search windows highlight and delete them. Most likely you will get some errors msg. because the file is in use. Change the sort to by date and don’t select the ones made in the last few days.

Using the Dos box they are just skipped

2) For NT – 2000 – XP change your swap file or virtual memory to a static setting Min and Max to the same. Should be 1.5 time your Ram.

Also for NT and 2000 maxim registry settings should be no more than 11 megs bigger than the current use. (If is a new system them leave it till your done installing all the major aps.

The static file will not fragment and less disk access time. We found a 25% reduction in disk fragmentation through out the firm.

3) Weekly defragmenting of the hard drive. DON’T TRUST WIDOWS. I prefer Disk Keeper my executive software. Norton Speed disk is OK although Norton has been going down hill for quite sometime.

Note to defrag the system you should have 20% free. Think of it like a really full beer mug the fuller it is the easier it is to spill. More room for the system to put files the less it will have to break them up and put them in pieces all over the place.

4) Uninstall all unused programs and freeware. Most freeware programs install DLL that are not tested. This can lead to system instability and degrading of speed.

5) Remove all non needed applications from the startup. Look in the system tray (Lower right) Kill them if you don’t use them. You can always click the application when you need it. (Unless you have 512 meg of ram or more.)

People talk about hard drive and Ram. Well here is some street stuff. (I know some of you will disagree. This is a simple rule of thumb)

Windows98 and ME 128 meg of ram with 250 meg hard disk free.

NT, 2000 256 Ram and 500 hard disk free. Example windows 2k with outlook, and I.E will use around 120 meg of Ram, this will grow as the day goes on.

XP 512 Ram 1 GB free… XP like to stretch it’s legs. 256 Ram will work, however more

is better in this case.

Or a good rule of thumb with HD’s 25% free. You can always get second one to put all your porn or mp3 files on. Leave C with lost of space.

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hi' all

I've been away a few days ... birthday's matter :o

I have read all what had been said ... some well said ones but :


Change the syntax to DEL (DON'T FORGET THE TILDA OR TMP!!!!!!! if you do, you will delete everyting on your system.)
a little light' and real dangerous to through command lines like this with such a risk!
Unless you really know what you are doing leave the Registry alone. Sorry the tweak at the start of this tread is a good, there are so many basic things that can be done fist..

already said by IT in another way ...may I say safer?

but if you know windows so well, why don't you post some more ...?

that would be nice, and surely help a lot of members as well as visitors B)


Also, if you read carefully my past post

I did, I repeat ... well, read mine carefully...

what I say, is I saw the same thing than you, a never-ever seen greed of memory like XP, but under vmware ... can we be sure of our conclusion?

it runs in a virtual environment, is it fair to say any fact about when the OS runs in a shared memory? not really, although Linux allows a real better share of it's memory to run a virtual machine than windows can do ...

I have tested vmware under both, it runs a lot better under Linux, no doubt about this!

but, still I do prefer to have Linux on a disk and win on another one.

I boot Linux from floppy ... no disturbance of any kind on any boot.

why win, just because I have a few program which don't have yet their equivalent under Linux, as Dreamweaver or CoolEdit ...

if I had them under Linux, I won't have any other system in my machine :D

my purpose if there is one is just to deliver to any user the possiblity to make their OS run a little better ... nothing more than this ...

any so called "tweaks" are in fact simple things to do, which in fact does a lot of better to the OS ... no "massaging" .. changing a few little things not to be anoying by some microsfties, if you see what I mean ...

one more thing :

for all!


be carefull, that any so called "security stuffs" might no be destinated for your system ...

read carefully the "learn more" or read-me first! it's important, do it before to download and install any microsoft patch!

as for Linux, there update of some packages from time to time, it's never obliged to install these upgrade as it's not required to change anything inside the kernel, unless you need a new function, for some new hardware.

I do think that sting02 would agree with this ... am I right?

I like jokes, but reply cool ...

it's only talking here ... it's not a knowledge class... can we share informations as it should be, instead of add some more advice, meaning ...

what had been said is not that bad, but I have simpler and better?

launch and share your knowledge ...

everyone's welcome B)

you see, in fact I'm glad to see that I'm not alone using Linux here B)


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Change the syntax to DEL (DON'T FORGET THE TILDA OR TMP!!!!!!! if you do, you will delete everyting on your system.)

a little light' and real dangerous to through command lines like this with such a risk!

Unless you really know what you are doing leave the Registry alone. Sorry the tweak at the start of this tread is a good, there are so many basic things that can be done fist..
already said by IT in another way ...may I say safer?

but if you know windows so well, why don't you post some more ...?

that would be nice, and surely help a lot of members as well as visitors :D

I agree it is a risky command if done wrong. I can say it’s safer than crossing the street here in BKK. :-0

The problem with not using the command line is if any file is locked it will cancel the deletion . On the other hand you can delete everything by mistyping.


I would post more on tweaking NT + XP. Something I have found is that if you leave Windows alone and don’t get to invasive it seems to work better over the long run. There are some basic modifications you can do. However keeping the installed programs to only what you need and sticking with real companies. Seems to be the best tweak of all.

The best example I can use. Is my 2001 Jeep, I have modified the heck out of it. I have to carry some tools with me at all times. So for trips or anything out of town we take the CRV. Now I’m not aloud to touch the CRV, unless it needs to be washed. :o

Same with computers if it’s a toy tweek it!!! If it’s a tool leave it alone.

I guess that is a mute point now that both cars are in storage back home.

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I would post more on tweaking NT + XP. Something I have found is that if you leave Windows alone and don’t get to invasive it seems to work better over the long run. There are some basic modifications you can do. However keeping the installed programs to only what you need and sticking with real companies. Seems to be the best tweak of all.

right, some basic modifications can be done without risk, and win feels better and run more stable ...

I do agree with you, don't tweak too much .."valid for anyone!"

as you say if it's a tool don't play with it too much B)

anyway, at the end ... a good backup stays the only real good solution :o

go on, we're all waiting ...

I leave windows to you B)

may I say, I have enough with my Linux box B)

coz as you may know, Linux is in perpetual evolution ...

upgrades, patches ... new dependencies ...etc :D

and that's why I like it, any new thing is worth to try ... it's not the case of windoz ..


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  • 2 weeks later...

clocking your CPU:

most new BIOS's let you manually clock your cpu higher than Normal settings. as my AMD XP2200+ CPU is a 1,8 Ghz , but is able to run on 2,2 ghz.

by setting the speed manually in the BIos I manage to run it on 2,2 Ghz , and stable. And I turn the fan speed on my CPU up to cool the cpu down to below 40 Celcius.

Be aware that you may burn the CPU if its over heathed!! no fun.

But the common sense is: if your computer is nice and youre happy, dont bully it..

then you will not destroy it. If youre not familiar with hardcore modding let it be.

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clocking your CPU:

most new BIOS's let you manually clock your cpu higher than Normal settings. as my AMD XP2200+ CPU is a 1,8 Ghz , but is able to run on 2,2 ghz.

by setting the speed manually in the BIos I manage to run it on 2,2 Ghz , and stable. And I turn the fan speed on my CPU up to cool the cpu down to below 40 Celcius.

Be aware that you may burn the CPU if its over heathed!! no fun.

But the common sense is: if your computer is nice and youre happy, dont bully it..

then you will not destroy it. If youre not familiar with hardcore modding let it be.

right ... very right, you should be more than cautious if you intend to walk into the overclocking land, and here you have to deal with an eztra heat ...

the happy owner of a gigabyte motherboard should have an utility called easytune, this one allow you to overclock your system of around 5 to 10% faster, and somehow safer than any other overclock way.

but you have to be aware that increasing the clock speed affects also, the PCI and AGP slot's speed ...don't go to far, if you don't want to end up with a blank screen ...

I guess that everyone would agree that an increase of 10% might be a maximum,

over this, you would have to manipulate the core voltage, and the AGP clock and so on ... very risky, too risky, so if you plan to do so, do it before to plan to buy a new cpu :o, you have a 1ghz one, not fast enough? ... try a small oveclock, if you are not satisfied, go buy the latest P4c ...or add another GB of ram.. you might be satisfied with this ..for a while B)

a system is built to give the maximum it has to give (harware talks), try to make it run faster is like to change the inside of an engine, and then get problems because the engine became more fragile ...

you better buy a new engine-kit to improve your performance, so for com,

get yourself a new motherboard and a new cpu ... this is worth sometime :D

but anyway, I know that some are never satisfied ..never fast enough ...

I know that we cannot overclock life B)


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