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How Does A Farang Stay Over 2½ Years In Thailand?

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The bogus thread ("My TGF has joked about CUTTING ME") has prompted a lot of discussion in our family on matters related to some of the points made in this merriment.

One of the most interesting, to us, was answering the question my wife asked, "How does a farang stay over 2½ years in Thailand (with the same girlfriend and not be married)?

These are the answers we came up with:

" He's an old age pensioner

" He's a spoilt brat who gets money from his parents

" He's a thief who has moved to Thailand with his proceeds

" He's a pimp

" He's a gigolo

" He works in the drug trade

Have we missed anything out?

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Guest IT Manager

He's on a non Immmigrant visa, properly established etc?

If you are talking about khun dick-cutter, it's unlikely that much of his story at all has any truth to it, since he is in England.


Or if he was here,which I doubt,,He could have been hurt in an industrial accident and on disability,maybe a large insurance payoff,maybe grandpa left him a very nice trust,[thats what my grandpa should have done for me] There is all manner of things.or he might even be TOKSIN'S financial advisor.


I don’t understand the question. Is it that he could stay in Thailand for 2 ½ years? Or is it that he could do that and resist getting married? People can stay in Thailand legally as ###### points out. Why do you assume that he is staying here illegally? Maybe you believe the propaganda that seems to be inferring that all foreigners living in Thailand are criminals. Therefore making the government that gets rid of them look good.

PS. My ex-wife (Thai) who could be insanely jealous was violent toward me often during our marriage. However, my TGF now is a completely different person and personality so we must be careful not to stereotype the people of an entire country.


"concerned falang"

This scared young guy received many helpful posts about a situation that most have agreed on was authentic. So why would you presume that he was lying. Even though he doesn't speak Thai, too many elements of this story are too deeply woven into the culture to be false. I have lived here for 10 years of my life so I might have some suggestions.

He did ask a couple of questions that went unanswered or unexplained.

q: what does "apec, apec, apec" mean

a: a woman abandoned her child durring apec (The Apec Orphan). and your g/f was saying that she didn't want her child to wind up orphaned that way.

suggerstion: she was probably lying to get you to commit. later she can say she miscarried. very common

touching brother: who was he and what was he doing.

A: gay? perhaps...

A: He may have been offering you a subtle warning. (even if you were to get free of her you may not be free of the family.)

A: I most strongly suspect that he is really her husband or lover. He mught have been checking out the competition. It is very common, so don't discount this. You bring in the money and/or property until they can one day be reunited.

Thai Police- should they be called in?

I think someone else will have to help with this advice.

Most Thai police are wonderful, but some are corrupt. Could be potentially dangerous to involve them.

Will probably cost you money

They might have someone who can translate your side. Not really necessary, the family is taking you for a ride. They clearly know your side. Despite what it may seem like.

I appreciate that "concerned falang" sees the Thai side of the story and wants to make the family happy with a gradual departure. Although, this family does not represent Thailand or Thai culture, so you don't have to be overly culturaly senstive with such people.

As with ever single other posting received. Flee urgently. Do not wait.

dr_Pat_Pong Posted on Fri 2003-11-28, 05:50:13

  Psssssssssssssssssssssssst Wandering....do you wanna buy a diamond mine  I've got lotsa good deals for you. Where have you been all my life ? 

:o Bad, very bad, but I like it! :D

dr_Pat_Pong Posted on Fri 2003-11-28, 05:50:13

  Psssssssssssssssssssssssst Wandering....do you wanna buy a diamond mine  I've got lotsa good deals for you. Where have you been all my life ? 

:o Bad, very bad, but I like it! :D

Gullibility is a virtue in some people. Wandering figgers Michael Jackson is 120 % innocent, and O J didn't do it either ( how cutting )

"How does a farang stay over 2½ years in Thailand (with the same girlfriend and not be married)?

These are the answers we came up with:

" He's an old age pensioner

" He's a spoilt brat who gets money from his parents

" He's a thief who has moved to Thailand with his proceeds

" He's a pimp

" He's a gigolo

" He works in the drug trade

Have we missed anything out?

I have lived here for 6 years now (admittedly a rarity in this forum nowadays :D), I recently married my Thai wife only a few weeks ago, having lived together for almost 5 years.

Don't really understand the question, to be honest.

I don't even nearly fit any of your suggestions and feel a little slighted at what you seem to imply. :o


I would like to thank all those who have contributed to this thread so far and would like to make the following comments.

There have been those like “######”, “KevinN” and “Dr. Pat Pong”, who, despite fully acknowledging the absurdity and irony implied in my question, have proposed some serious answers:

• “He's on a non Immigrant visa, properly established etc?”

• “He could have been hurt in an industrial accident and on disability, maybe a large insurance payoff, maybe grandpa left him a very nice trust”

• “The farang could be over 50 and on one year extensions on an O class retirement visa”

My point here is, whatever his reasons for being in Thailand for 2½ years living with his girlfriend, he could and should, be able to show more respect to his Thai girlfriend, his Thai family and the predominant Thai culture, than was displayed in his letters. Unless he was ( as “Mia15” naively suggests is only propaganda) some form of criminal. If his only crime, and the crimes committed by other long-term falangs, were those he displayed against the Thai culture in his letters (his attitude to his girlfriend, his way of talking about his Thai family) then the sooner there are less hungry ducks in Thailand the better.

As a side remark to “KevinN”: if his note about “financial advisors” could be extended to all government advisors in any government in the world, then I would respectfully comment that much of these advisors display a serious lack of several vital organs (Winston Churchill once said, “Democracy is a lousy form of government, unfortunately it is the best we have”).

Many writers to this thread and the “My TGF has joked about CUTTING ME” thread have displayed startling naivety and profound ignorance concerning Thai culture particularly with respect to the family.

To these, and all others who read this thread, I would like to say this: knowledge and wisdom concerning interpersonal relationships between falang and Thai nationals will very rarely be found in this forum. On the subject of visas, there is no better site. But never use the gossip of this site to make serious judgments in the field of human relationships. Unfortunately prejudice and lies pervades the site on this matter.

Try Http://www.thaiworldview.com/family.htm for some truer information.

My name-sake, a profound Catholic and wonderful writer, searched all his life for the Truth. Despite being a member of one of the strictest orders in the Church, he knew that the Truth was to be found in many places. Not the least of these places was the Buddhist faith. I highly recommend reading Thomas Merton as a means of understanding western (Christian) and Thai culture.

Because my main point is, that only by deeply understanding ones own culture and making real efforts to understand the Thai culture can pests like “concerned falang” and his followers be exposed as the pathetic idiots they are.


ref Thomas_Merton

Many writers to this thread and the “My TGF has joked about CUTTING ME” thread have displayed startling naivety and profound ignorance concerning Thai culture particularly with respect to the family
Jesus Christ, man what are you drinking? You are the one that’s has lost reality, so your trying to belittle our westernised culture, and even worse you call our Thai colleges a liar. Are you in total denial about the issue here, it is a common fact that this is a Thai remedy to stop adulterers. WITH-OUT respect to you, I refer to the link you posted about Thaifamily and the lack of understanding ABOUT Thai culture,demands for money and the adultury ingrained in Thai culture.

Statement from page 2 “”"Hey little sister, Thai shall help Thai, help us to take profit of the money of this foreigner" can be heard.””

I ask you now to explain, can you please try to understand in your Bible Bashing Brain that SOMETIMES, JUST SOMETIMES there can always be a doubt about the motives in a cross culture society. Before you reply, please can I ASK YOU, how does your beloved Demark treat’s and thinks of its immigrants.

To these, and all others who read this thread, I would like to say this: knowledge and wisdom concerning interpersonal relationships between falang and Thai nationals will very rarely be found in this forum. On the subject of visas, there is no better site. But never use the gossip of this site to make serious judgments in the field of human relationships. Unfortunately prejudice and lies suffuse the site on this matter.

Try Http://www.thaiworldview.com/family.htm for some truer information.

I do agree about this site and your statement about the usefulness of information about the Thai Visa issues, but yet again you seem not to perceive the virtual aspect that has been pointed out more than once about the Thai perspective of distrust and corruption even within the Government bodies of this wonderful land. MAYBE JUST MAYBE you can pray this will change overnight, but I won’t hold my breath. You also state about lies that infuse this site, again I ask you, are you the Supposed Spirit In The Sky (With Diamonds)(sorry to add that, but I did find the Good Doctor’s pun very amusing), do you know this is fact or just making an assumption?

With reference to this site Page 2,

Thai women complain that Thai men prefer to have fun together ("PAI THIAW" - ไปเที่ยว) than going back home and take care about the family. After the monthly wages, Thai men are seen together in restaurants without their wives. They pretend having late meetings at the office and then they go to restaurants where there are singers, karaoke. Thai men have the bad reputation to be unfaithful and have sex with prostitutes. In 1999 sexual establishments increased to a number of 8,431 and a lot of these places are not in tourist towns like Patong, Patpong.

So lets get this straight, these men are Thai, and they have a full understanding of Thai culture. This assertion has no relation to DUCK FEEDING ESCAPADES of Thai women. PERHAPS just PERHAPS all the reports are false (well in your rose coloured glasses anyway)

I would love to continue this, but I have other things that demand my time, but before I go I would like to state this, I am now a complete atheist. Yes many people like yourself need a faith to believe in, whether it be God, Budda, Ala or many of the other supposed creators of this planet. I respect this as once I was a believer also. However after the hurt I encountered and I tell you now NO_ONE but NO-ONE adhered to a faith more than me. Although alas no help!!!.

In the midst of you Bible Bashing postings in threads, Homoerocism / Jakson-Glitter/ etc the only other thought process I had was why you think your Christian/Catholic beliefs are so self-righteous, Religion has cause more problems in this world and anything else.

I await your reply with eagerness.

PS, can you explain why are there so many Homosexuals in the (perfect catholic church) and why have you bought your Bible Bashing ways here on a Friday, I thought Sunday was the day.

ADMINS, please dont delete me or this thread, I feel that there is nothing written bad here, and could only lead to a great debate.


I do not believe that religion or culture significantly change the desires of the human animal, how its achieved might vary, but not the goals.

I saw a nice quote on the front of the bangkok post the other day that went something like, the measure of a person is what they would do if they were sure nobody would know.

thai visa is an interesting debating forum, with valid points raised. If I didn t like it I would not be here.

How can any culture survive contact with the outside world, and as interaction gets easier and faster, so too will cultures gravitate to a more common view? why attempt to halt this change, what would be your motives? The art of compromise makes this planet work.



To Spellbound (my comments are in italics):

Jesus Christ, man what are you drinking?

Well nothing really as it’s the Sabbath, which I am breaking to reply to you (Shabbat Shalom).

You are the one that’s has lost reality, so your trying to belittle our westernised culture, and even worse you call our Thai colleges a liar.

If I belittle, it is only those actions of westerners, I find puerile. I did not call your Thai colleges a liar.

Are you in total denial about the issue here, it is a common fact that this is a Thai remedy to stop adulterers.

Of course I am aware of this issue. I understand it is also practised in the USA. Can that be true?

WITH-OUT respect to you, I refer to the link you posted about Thaifamily and the lack of understanding ABOUT Thai culture,demands for money

I have every sympathy for whatever legal means a poor Thai family uses to obtain money. I have quite a bit of sympathy for some of the illegal means too.

and the adultury ingrained in Thai culture.

25% are the figures I have seen. I wonder, how does this compare to the USA, UK, Scandinavia, Germany and Australasia?

Statement from page 2 “”"Hey little sister, Thai shall help Thai, help us to take profit of the money of this foreigner" can be heard.””

Don’t quite understand this – possible lack of IQ on my side – please explain.

I ask you now to explain, can you please try to understand in your Bible Bashing Brain

I didn’t Bash the Bible. I recommended reading Thomas Merton, a renowned American Academic and writer who bridged the gap between Christianity and Buddhism. He died, by the way, in an accident in Bangkok.

that SOMETIMES, JUST SOMETIMES there can always be a doubt about the motives in a cross culture society.

There are always doubts about the motivation of all societies. The only thing of interest is your own motivation. Does it point to the wrong side or the right side? Which is which, is life’s dilemma.

Before you reply, please can I ASK YOU, how does your beloved Demark treat’s and thinks of its immigrants.

Now I am really impressed. You must be one of the privileged few who have access to my ip. address. Do you have no awareness of how much abuse of this privilege devalues any argument you may have here?

I do agree about this site and your statement about the usefulness of information about the Thai Visa issues,

Thank you

but yet again you seem not to perceive the virtual aspect that has been pointed out more than once about the Thai perspective of distrust and corruption even within the Government bodies of this wonderful land.

Oh, I perceive many more things incorrect in many organisations, governments, individuals and myself, than you could possibly imagine.

MAYBE JUST MAYBE you can pray this will change overnight, but I won’t hold my breath.

I grew out of believing anything could change over night when I started wearing long trousers. However I do believe that all things change, nothing is permanent (Siddhartha).

You also state about lies that infuse this site, again I ask you, are you the Supposed Spirit In The Sky (With Diamonds)(sorry to add that, but I did find the Good Doctor’s pun very amusing), do you know this is fact or just making an assumption?

Too much of an obscure LSD reference here for me. Must be my lack of IQ again. But I do believe a prime function of having an education is to use what abilities one has acquired to point out when others promote bullsh*t.

….PERHAPS just PERHAPS all the reports are false (well in your rose coloured glasses anyway)

Never said any reports were false, I only criticised a lack of respect as displayed in “concerned falangs” postings.

I would love to continue this, but I have other things that demand my time, but before I go I would like to state this, I am now a complete atheist. Yes many people like yourself need a faith to believe in, whether it be God, Budda, Ala or many of the other supposed creators of this planet. I respect this as once I was a believer also. However after the hurt I encountered and I tell you now NO_ONE but NO-ONE adhered to a faith more than me.

Tell me, do you sit on the right or the left of Mother Teresa, Thomas Merton and Siddhartha? Or do you really arrogantly believe you could even walk in the same town as these people, or anyone else who gives their life to their faith, without holding your eyes to the ground in shame (if only because you wrote the sentence above)?

Although alas no help!!!.

In the midst of you Bible Bashing postings in threads, Homoerocism / Jakson-Glitter/ etc the only other thought process I had was why you think your Christian/Catholic beliefs

I’m a Jew.

are so self-righteous, Religion has cause more problems in this world and anything else.

All of the major religions point to the Truth. It is only misguided human interpreters of these religions who cause problems. Your relationship between you and your G*d figure is only between you and Him/Her. After all, we all die alone with only that relationship intact, or not as the case may be.

I await your reply with eagerness.

PS, can you explain why are there so many Homosexuals in the (perfect catholic church) and why have you bought your Bible Bashing ways here on a Friday, I thought Sunday was the day.

Too many incorrect assumptions here to comment, have a nice day, Shabbat Shalom.

Let's see what it brings spellbound. Heheheheh. We do get a lot of Thai cultural newbie experts telling the old hands where they are wrong.

My Dear Doctor,

you know I've been going around all these years under the assumption; "Old Boyism" was only practised by us English. Well I can see I stand corrected.

Did you know, BTW, in my school the official name of the old boys' organisation was The Old Farts Club. We used to jokingly remark that this was a referral to where most of the members' brains were situated.

I do hope this is not the case here.

From your humble servant,


Guest IT Manager
I have lived here for 6 years now (admittedly a rarity in this forum nowadays

How is it a rarity?

Guest IT Manager
ADMINS, please dont delete me or this thread, I feel that there is nothing written bad here, and could only lead to a great debate.

Made me weak with excitement to see the beating delivered.. I, like my esteemed Australian Red Drinking chum wait with interest and eagerness. :o

Guest IT Manager
We do get a lot of Thai cultural newbie experts telling the old hands where they are wrong.

Are you certain of your facts here Doctor, my dear Chap? :o

Guest IT Manager

Can I ask one question Rev. Merton. Or maybe a few?

1. Is your wife Thai?

2. Is she from a good family?

3. Does she share your views of the Thai Family, in cold snowy old England?

4. If not, how did you explain your assertions about those families, to her,


Thomas Merton; some facts:

1. Ariel Sharon backed the invasion of Lebanon, an illegal war.

2. Ariel Sharon initiatiated the second intifada of 2000 by his provacative visit to the Temple Mount.

3. Israelies have killed three times as many Palestinians as Palestinians have Israelies, most of those murdered by Israelies being children throwing rocks and 127 pregnant women.

I don't like to be lectured by 'Thomas Merton' kindly go elsewhere, you are an anethema to this forum.

Syd Barrett, British, Supporting the Arab cause worldwide.

Guest IT Manager

Well thanks Syd. Saves a lot of work that.


Can I ask one question Rev. Merton. Or maybe a few?

1. Is your wife Thai?

2. Is she from a good family?

3. Does she share your views of the Thai Family, in cold snowy old England?

4. If not, how did you explain your assertions about those families, to her,

To nr.1 - Yes.

To nr.2 - Need some definition of terms shere. If by good, you mean rich, then the answer is absolutly No. If, on the other hand, you mean a family that trys, as best as they can, to live after the Buhddah's teaching, the answer is Yes.

To nr.3 - of course.

To nr.4 - Not sure what assertions you are thinking I have made. My wife and I honour our Fathers and Mothers. Both by aknowleging the debt we owe them and affording them the repect they deserve, but also by serving them in everyway we can - economically as well as emotionally - to make sure that their later years are as trouble free as possible.

Are we doing wrong?

Guest IT Manager

He11 no, I was just interested. It wasn't me barking up your tree old son.

Wondered for a moment abot the Old Boys Club for a moment or three, but thought better of it.

Thomas Merton; some facts:

1. Ariel Sharon backed the invasion of Lebanon, an illegal war.

2. Ariel Sharon initiatiated the second intifada of 2000 by his provacative visit to the Temple Mount.

3. Israelies have killed three times as many Palestinians as Palestinians have Israelies, most of those murdered by Israelies being children throwing rocks and 127 pregnant women.

I don't like to be lectured by 'Thomas Merton' kindly go elsewhere, you are an anethema to this forum.

Syd Barrett, British, Supporting the Arab cause worldwide.

Mea Culpa - mea culpa!!

BTW I once met your namesake about 30 years ago in Israel. Instead of making music, which he was quite good at, he was completely out of his head, permanently damaged after taking a few "trips" too many. I was under the impression he later committed suicide.

Perhaps I was wrong and you went to live in Thailand.

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