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Australian Red Shirt Conor David Purcell Wants To Return To Thailand

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This dick should get deported from Australia now too... residency and passport; cancelled! back to Ireland and whatever trouble he was running from in the first place.

I think it would be safer for him to go to Iran and protest against the government there rather than go back to Ireland with an attitude like his .

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This dick should get deported from Australia now too... residency and passport; cancelled! back to Ireland and whatever trouble he was running from in the first place.

I think it would be safer for him to go to Iran and protest against the government there rather than go back to Ireland with an attitude like his .

Safer for whom?

But I like the way you're thinking.... :whistling:


thing is, visit Thailand, live in Thailand, talk about Thailand - free speech is not allowed.

free speech is enshrined in the Costitution but not enforced.

They use another, unrelated law, to stamp it out.

You need to recheck what it specifically says about "free speech" in the Constitution, because your characterization of it is incorrect and inaccurate. ;)

Mr Purcell - who accepted political charges against him but did not plead guilty - said he did not know a lot about Thai politics before he became involved with the Red Shirt but felt compelled to help after seeing the violence at protests in April.

It is obvious that he still does not understand Thai politics.

Yes he's probably thinking why didnt i get locked up for 3 month and deported after being pictured protesting with the Yellow shirts the other year, maybe its the blatant double standards that he doesnt understand.

Link to him as a yellow -


Some more details, please. A few years back I got a few yellow shirts from the company I work for here, it was really fashionable for a while to wear them (and beats wearing dress shirt and a tie).

I think you'll find you won't be getting any more details on that photo that was posted with no identification and no news article to go with it. It's also of a man that doesn't look like the photo of him a few posts up from this one.

It's also undated and un-sourced.

Evidently the post that went with it was done so only to obfuscate and to try to apologize for this Australian's crimes by trying a weak shot at the yellows with an unproven and undocumented link.

Ah well, I can understand the Reds frustration, they seem to lose at just about everything they try at.


Why doesn' t he go and sing "Power to the People" in Burma or N Korea, where brave individuals like him are appreciated for what they're worth ? Be it Rights of Man or sex trade, Thaïland is always the scape goat of the world , whereas plenty other countries are much worse but never spoken of ( take Malagasy for pedophlilia, I know people who went there and told me awful stories, the media NEVER discuss it whereas Thaïland routinely makes the headlines ;of course,some other countries don't hold trials for that , so no waves. And for riot control casualties, T ranks low on the world scale . Connor is a mental case , the media shouldn't give him any coverage now .And I find he still has a big mouth for someone savagely (Jeff) assaulted by seven Thaï louts ; no missing tooth, no broken jaw, no exploded eye dangling down to his knees, gimme a break .

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No wonder we have Irish jokes in Australia, if you listen to him speak he does not have an ozzie accent.

What an appalling creature .... Australia: You are welcome to him. I am sure he will become a pillar of your community! lol


Ok, to take hypothetical example... let's say I'm an American citizen and I'm in Manchester, UK. There's a protest against the government going on and I witness the army showing up to control it, and then firing rubber bullets into the crowd, injuring people. hel_l, since it's hypothetical let's have them fire some live rounds in there as well. Government deny it. I have the chance to speak out about what I saw.

I'm guessing the prevalent attitude here is that because I'm an American in the UK, I should just shut up, right?

I'm not sure I totally agree with that then. But if I did speak up, I'm not understanding why people would be advocating beatings or long prison sentences as a result. unsure.gif

its half wits like you that cause problems , take myamar for example http://www.guardian....ase-us-prisoner

still think you should shove your nose in where it ain't wanted

Nice, you resort to name calling and then you bring up John Yettaw, an American who said he was sent by God on a mission, and never spoke up about anything. The only link to the point I raised that I can see is that you think nobody should ever speak up if they are a living in a foreign country.

Luckily there have been people like Sean Lester through-out history who felt differently. And those famous half-wits Orwell and Hemmingway who took an active stand against Franco during the Spanish Civil War etc etc. (And just to save you the time, I'm not saying Purcell deserves to be placed alongside these people- I'm talking about the principle of whether or not foreigners should take a stand in countries which are not their own.)

(edited to fix quote boxes)


Speak for yourself, my royalist-reactionary friend. The jury on all of this, including Purcell's experience, is still way, way out. Read about it in the history books, if you're still cognizant then. Your attitude of "leave me alone on the sidelines with my beer Chang and colostomy bag" is unwelcome. If you have ideas of how to make a positive difference in THIS world NOW

I was ten centimeters away from a permanent colostomy bag ; a friend of mine recently had to have one for two months.Just the operation to remove it was very risky and he suffered much . Another one , two years ago, had one for three months (maybe he still has it- he doesn't want to discuss it ); in the meantime he had severalpainful related operations .

first, it is a rather disgusting matter, since it is full of feces, the transparent pipe full as well ,it doesn't smell but one always fears it will leak.

Then , it often means one has cancer , and I find your joking about it totally tacky ; you aren't a gentleman and all you deserve is a kick in your -not- colostomy bag .

Long Live the King , King to my Thaï son .


Ok, to take hypothetical example... let's say I'm an American citizen and I'm in Manchester, UK. There's a protest against the government going on and I witness the army showing up to control it, and then firing rubber bullets into the crowd, injuring people. hel_l, since it's hypothetical let's have them fire some live rounds in there as well. Government deny it. I have the chance to speak out about what I saw.

I'm guessing the prevalent attitude here is that because I'm an American in the UK, I should just shut up, right?

I'm not sure I totally agree with that then. But if I did speak up, I'm not understanding why people would be advocating beatings or long prison sentences as a result. unsure.gif

its half wits like you that cause problems , take myamar for example http://www.guardian....ase-us-prisoner

still think you should shove your nose in where it ain't wanted

Nice, you resort to name calling and then you bring up John Yettaw, an American who said he was sent by God on a mission, and never spoke up about anything. The only link to the point I raised that I can see is that you think nobody should ever speak up if they are a living in a foreign country.

Luckily there have been people like Sean Lester through-out history who felt differently. And those famous half-wits Orwell and Hemmingway who took an active stand against Franco during the Spanish Civil War etc etc. (And just to save you the time, I'm not saying Purcell deserves to be placed alongside these people- I'm talking about the principle of whether or not foreigners should take a stand in countries which are not their own.)

(edited to fix quote boxes)

how exactly was Spain helped in this matter? with a couple of writers helping the communists, ?


Ok, to take hypothetical example... let's say I'm an American citizen and I'm in Manchester, UK. There's a protest against the government going on and I witness the army showing up to control it, and then firing rubber bullets into the crowd, injuring people. hel_l, since it's hypothetical let's have them fire some live rounds in there as well. Government deny it. I have the chance to speak out about what I saw.

I'm guessing the prevalent attitude here is that because I'm an American in the UK, I should just shut up, right?

I'm not sure I totally agree with that then. But if I did speak up, I'm not understanding why people would be advocating beatings or long prison sentences as a result. unsure.gif

its half wits like you that cause problems , take myamar for example http://www.guardian....ase-us-prisoner

still think you should shove your nose in where it ain't wanted

Nice, you resort to name calling and then you bring up John Yettaw, an American who said he was sent by God on a mission, and never spoke up about anything. The only link to the point I raised that I can see is that you think nobody should ever speak up if they are a living in a foreign country.

Luckily there have been people like Sean Lester through-out history who felt differently. And those famous half-wits Orwell and Hemmingway who took an active stand against Franco during the Spanish Civil War etc etc. (And just to save you the time, I'm not saying Purcell deserves to be placed alongside these people- I'm talking about the principle of whether or not foreigners should take a stand in countries which are not their own.)

(edited to fix quote boxes)

Had either Mr. Orwell or Mr. Hemingway been caught, they would have faired less well than Mr. Purcell and no time to write about it methinks.


its half wits like you that cause problems , take myamar for example http://www.guardian....ase-us-prisoner

still think you should shove your nose in where it ain't wanted

Nice, you resort to name calling and then you bring up John Yettaw, an American who said he was sent by God on a mission, and never spoke up about anything. The only link to the point I raised that I can see is that you think nobody should ever speak up if they are a living in a foreign country.

Luckily there have been people like Sean Lester through-out history who felt differently. And those famous half-wits Orwell and Hemmingway who took an active stand against Franco during the Spanish Civil War etc etc. (And just to save you the time, I'm not saying Purcell deserves to be placed alongside these people- I'm talking about the principle of whether or not foreigners should take a stand in countries which are not their own.)

(edited to fix quote boxes)

how exactly was Spain helped in this matter? with a couple of writers helping the communists, ?

Well, I'd say whether or not their efforts were effective (or indeed the International Brigade themselves) is irrelevant- although the Spanish government appeared to be grateful enough for the effort when they offered any surviving Brigadists the opportunity to adopt Spanish citizenship in the 1990s. It's not about whether these stances are effective and I've certainly not been arguing that. I'm genuinely interested to know whether people think you should only speak up about a political situation if you're a citizen of that country, and if you're a foreigner you should- no matter- keep it zipped as a guest in the country. People like Sean Lester thought a different way- obviously an extreme example because the moment someone chucks Nazi Germany and Third Reich in there, it's time for Godwin's Law to kick in... wink.gif

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's law of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1989 which has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[3][2] In other words, Godwin put forth the sarcastic observation that, given enough time, all discussions—regardless of topic or scope—inevitably wind up being about Hitler and the Nazis.

edit: and just to be clear, I'm not saying Purcell is any kind of hero. I just wonder about the extent to which people think foreigners in any country should have rights to speak up about things.

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well I can think of other incidents where noses should not of been in other countries politics, vietnam cuba I mean where do you want to start


He said he was beaten by seven other prisoners in an "ordered assault" and denied medical attention for almost two weeks afterwards.

After the attack he could not walk and had blood in his urine, he said.

He said he was kept in a cell with almost 40 prisoners, some convicted murderers awaiting appeal.

"On the second day, they had seven criminals beat the living shit out of me," he said.

I suddenly have a new found respect for the much maligned Thai legal system. Good on the Warden!


In order to come back he 'd need money for a ticket first , then a little to buy somtam ( he could sleep in the street with fellow reds, so no need to save for a hotel room); what will he do to earn a few dollars and support himself till he gets a visa ? Teacher of didgeridoo ?

I have a feeling some news organization will pay for his ticket just to see if he could get in so they can report on it.

"I am almost certain they will prevent me from returning. I will do whatever I can ... and then try to go back to Thailand."


He said he was beaten by seven other prisoners in an "ordered assault" and denied medical attention for almost two weeks afterwards.

Guess it wasn't long enough. How can he be such a fool?


It's hilariously funny that so many people don't think he should get involved in the politics of another country. But hang on a minute. The USA, UK and many other countries are only too happy to stick their nose into the affairs of almost any country they disagree with. Not only that but they are happy to allow hundreds of thousands of civilians to be killed. But that's ok, it's only colleateral damage. There seem to be plenty of double standards here. I don't hear you all saying how wrong it is to be involved in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

Hum, what country is this forum about? Thailand! Your post is: offtopic.gif

The Ossie decided to ignore the law and the emergency decree in place at the time of his arrest and then acted like an idiot in front of a Thai judge. He finally plead guilty and was deported. That should be the end of this sad and mad man's story. As with most people who don't accept responsibility for their actions, he blames everyone but himself...


It is no surprise he'd like to return. In spite of Thailand's flaws it is an awesome and unique place. He is not being honest with himself though, if he is so concerned with the civil unbalance in Thailand he should at least understand the language and history of the land before thinking he could possibly fix it. He felt the need to be righteous before knowing what side he was fighting for. He is in short a fool and Thailand is better off without him no matter what color shirt you support.

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Mr Purcell - who accepted political charges against him but did not plead guilty - said he did not know a lot about Thai politics before he became involved with the Red Shirt but felt compelled to help after seeing the violence at protests in April.

It is obvious that he still does not understand Thai politics.

I agree whole-heartedly. I remember stumbling on the Facebook page of some American guy recently moved to Thailand who talked about how Abhisit's government was so bad and how they government was really in censorship, here, etc. Obviously he had no clue about the Thaksin government and how he continually bullied the press and censor critics. If you don't have a well-balanced, educated view of Thai politics, don't get involved as a foreigner. So easy from a Western mindset to talk about the evil, big bad government killing it's own citizens and how their cause must be the right one and how they're being persecuted, etc.

Still, doesn't mean he needed the s*** kicked out of him and denied medical attention (not that xen was saying that). That's a human rights violation in itself.

Mr Purcell - who accepted political charges against him but did not plead guilty - said he did not know a lot about Thai politics before he became involved with the Red Shirt but felt compelled to help after seeing the violence at protests in April.

It is obvious that he still does not understand Thai politics.

I agree whole-heartedly. I remember stumbling on the Facebook page of some American guy recently moved to Thailand who talked about how Abhisit's government was so bad and how they government was really in censorship, here, etc. Obviously he had no clue about the Thaksin government and how he continually bullied the press and censor critics. If you don't have a well-balanced, educated view of Thai politics, don't get involved as a foreigner. So easy from a Western mindset to talk about the evil, big bad government killing it's own citizens and how their cause must be the right one and how they're being persecuted, etc.

Still, doesn't mean he needed the s*** kicked out of him and denied medical attention (not that xen was saying that). That's a human rights violation in itself.

Purcell is full of lies.

He basically says he was beaten within an inch of his life on the 2nd day after his arrest.

Here's the original arrest article on May 25:

Yet, here on a May 28th court appearance, there's no outward evidence of the massive beating he claims and no mention of the beating at that time:


Australian launches tirade in Thai court


He earlier alleged being wounded by two bullets with an resulting infection so massive, that doctors couldn't close the infected wounds.... and all this going on at the time he was up and about and standing unassisted and apparently unimpaired on the red stage to lecture the Reds about his extensive soldiering experiences (which is also another lie,as well).



He's the poster child for the term pathological liar

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It would appear that he is an Irish (Eire) citizen by birth ( as distinct from Anglo-Irish) and has Australian citizenship, travelling on an Australian passport.

He is obviously suffering from a mental health problem and unless he submits to assessment he will get no treatment unless he causes harm to himself or others in Australia.

It should be a warning to all visitors to foreign countries, do not get involved in politics.


This dick should get deported from Australia now too... residency and passport; cancelled! back to Ireland and whatever trouble he was running from in the first place.

He doesn't have 'residency' he has Australian citizenship. I suspect you don't know the difference.

Australia does not deport its own citizens.

And certainly not for the crime of being a 'dick'.

Mr Purcell - who accepted political charges against him but did not plead guilty - said he did not know a lot about Thai politics before he became involved with the Red Shirt but felt compelled to help after seeing the violence at protests in April.

It is obvious that he still does not understand Thai politics.

I agree whole-heartedly. I remember stumbling on the Facebook page of some American guy recently moved to Thailand who talked about how Abhisit's government was so bad and how they government was really in censorship, here, etc. Obviously he had no clue about the Thaksin government and how he continually bullied the press and censor critics. If you don't have a well-balanced, educated view of Thai politics, don't get involved as a foreigner. So easy from a Western mindset to talk about the evil, big bad government killing it's own citizens and how their cause must be the right one and how they're being persecuted, etc.

Still, doesn't mean he needed the s*** kicked out of him and denied medical attention (not that xen was saying that). That's a human rights violation in itself.

Purcell is full of lies.

He basically says he was beaten within an inch of his life on the 2nd day after his arrest.

Here's the original arrest article on May 25:


Yet, here on a May 28th court appearance, there's no outward evidence of the massive beating he claims and no mention of the beating at that time:


Australian launches tirade in Thai court


He earlier alleged being wounded by two bullets with an resulting infection so massive, that doctors couldn't close the infected wounds.... and all this going on at the time he was up and about and standing unassisted and apparently unimpaired on the red stage to lecture the Reds about his extensive soldiering experiences (which is also another lie,as well).



He's the poster child for the term pathological liar

Couldn't agree more, from start to finish he is totally full of BS.


Wasnt it a rep from the Aussie embassy who said this dude liked to "gild the lily" (nice use of language)

The involvement of foreigners in this dispute is a pure side show and only of interest due to some neo-colonialist attitude that what happens to them is in some way more important than what happens to the darker skinned ones in far off lands. There have been a lot of "innocents" dragged into things by manipulation in this nasty power game and what has happened to many of them is largely ignored and they often end up as statistics with no names. This dude is lucky enough to be a foreign national who gets to go home and who will be able to live for anywhere from a day to a few years on his fame/infamy if he plays his cards right and can probbaly also for a time expect some new freinds and largesse from his newly found red friends who cant even stump up the money for those of their own nationality to get of lock ups for minor infringements - banged up local martyrs are of more poltical use than scared dudes staying at home and keeping quiet while skint and maybe cerebrally challenged foreigners who are willing to mouth off are of more use out. That is poltical gamesmanship reality.

Fun to watch propaganda games at work and fun to watch how various people react to the games too. Not fun to watch the pawns being used and sacrificed but at leats the vile leaderships become more exposed by their inconsiderate and cruel actions.

Who really gives a $%^& if this dude gets back or not. Hopefully he will get back on with his life

Mr Purcell - who accepted political charges against him but did not plead guilty - said he did not know a lot about Thai politics before he became involved with the Red Shirt but felt compelled to help after seeing the violence at protests in April.

It is obvious that he still does not understand Thai politics.

Yes he's probably thinking why didnt i get locked up for 3 month and deported after being pictured protesting with the Yellow shirts the other year, maybe its the blatant double standards that he doesnt understand.

Link to him as a yellow -


Or maybe it's the fact he didn't stand onstage with the PAD (if indeed that is him in the photos; most oberservers say no) while they were advocating burning the capital down.


thing is, visit Thailand, live in Thailand, talk about Thailand - free speech is not allowed.

free speech is enshrined in the Costitution but not enforced.

They use another, unrelated law, to stamp it out.

You need to recheck what it specifically says about "free speech" in the Constitution, because your characterization of it is incorrect and inaccurate. ;)

buddy; you check it out "Freedom of speech in Thailand was guaranteed in the articles 39, 40, 41 in the 1997 Constitution."

It is technically, only, allowed; not in real life.

Are you disagreeing and saying free speech is allowed? or disagreeing and saying is not 'on the books', which it is?


thing is, visit Thailand, live in Thailand, talk about Thailand - free speech is not allowed.

free speech is enshrined in the Costitution but not enforced.

They use another, unrelated law, to stamp it out.

sex for sale is illegal but not enforced

hang em high about child molestors is not allowed but beat the crap out of Purcell is

While an 'alleged' jail beating would not be good, is there only his word for proof?

The emergency decree INFORMED farangs to not get involved.

the 'courageous' know accept the consequences for actions

thin line between courage and foolhardy

name change new passport back to Thailand like the others do it..............

credit checks on travellers would stop most problem relocators

Mr Purcell - who accepted political charges against him but did not plead guilty - said he did not know a lot about Thai politics before he became involved with the Red Shirt but felt compelled to help after seeing the violence at protests in April.

It is obvious that he still does not understand Thai politics.

Yes he's probably thinking why didnt i get locked up for 3 month and deported after being pictured protesting with the Yellow shirts the other year, maybe its the blatant double standards that he doesnt understand.

Link to him as a yellow -


Or maybe it's the fact he didn't stand onstage with the PAD (if indeed that is him in the photos; most oberservers say no) while they were advocating burning the capital down.

or maybe that pic is in an airport hongnam that was taken over by terrorists; this stuff is too funny and worth the cost of the subscription :lol:


Electau, you wrote:

"It should be a warning to all visitors to foreign countries, do not get involved in politics."

You may have a point BUT, if this were taken up by the CIA by way of example,

half the agency staff would be out of a job!

(or Aussie gov't people in FIJI)

All the best

Snakeman Raymond Hoser

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