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Thaksin Tweets Support For Reconciliation


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Thaksin tweets support for reconciliation

By The Nation

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra posted Twitter messages voicing his support for national reconciliation yesterday for the first time since his last message on July 26, which was his birthday.

The five-point proposal that he tweeted condemned the instigation of violence as well as any criticism of the monarchy because the institution is above politics.

He also asked all parties to stop blaming others or inciting trouble, and requested for non-selective rehabilitation of those affected by the political problems.

His fifth point read: "Please don't worry about me. Although I am in more trouble than anyone, it is incomparable to the country's and the people's suffering. I offer myself to help and support real reconciliation. I thank all parties that have responded to reconciliation. The important thing is kindness and mercy in thought and action, not just setting up an image."


-- The Nation 2010-09-09

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He states

His fifth point read: "Please don't worry about me. Although I am in more trouble than anyone, it is incomparable to the country's and the people's suffering. I offer myself to help and support real reconciliation. I thank all parties that have responded to reconciliation. The important thing is kindness and mercy in thought and action, not just setting up an image."

Did he state that in his last message to the combination red shirt get together/music festival. He might also help things along by saying the red shirts were wrong in there terrorism actions. He should publicly denounce them for there actions.

Will this happen? Not in this life time

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He also asked all parties to stop blaming others or inciting trouble, and requested for non-selective rehabilitation of those affected by the political problems.

Oh really , well Takkie old buddy , how about looking in the mirror first and then pulling your boy Jatu into line for starters. You are on record calling for revolution and uprising two years ago and during this years riots you egged the Reds on as well as seemingly being the principal ATM for the Reds.

I assume by non -selective rehabilitation you mean yourself, I think you need to stop dreaming that you will even be able to walk around freely here ,

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"Although I am in more trouble than anyone" ???

More trouble than those of his local-spokesmen and followers, who are currently under-arrest and aren't free to roam the world, investing their remaining billions (sorry ... desperately 'trying to earn some money to feed his poor family'), or were shot dead (by either side) during the recent 'troubles' ? I think not !

As always, his tweets betray an ego-centric view of life, and with the list of cases outstanding against him, who wouldn't be desperately pleading for "mercy" ? All that is lacking, is the usual threat, that failure to deliver complete exoneration will lead to further trouble in Thailand, which one of his family will shortly spout that line this time ? B)

Edited by Ricardo
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It seems five point proposals are fashionable these days. If you don't have one you're not part of the in-crowd. Please excuse me, I'll be offline for a moment. I have to work on my very own five-point plan ;)

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Banharn calls it how it is.

This as has been widely analysed is part of the poltical game specifically the current battle over cashign up sitting MPs and pwoer brokers in the run up to an election. PTP is giving itself a makeover to try and retain as many of its current bunch as it can. Behind the scenes the wallets are being opened. It also has to react as the recent military and police reshuffles have been widely analysed as sending a signal that no Thaksin backed party will be leading a government any time soon while efforts at bringing in a rump non-Thaksinista PTP have been pushed too currently without any noticeable effect.

Now is a funtime for anyone who is overly obsessed with the wily games of Tahi politics and the Thai language media are pumping out a lot more detail and analysis than the English language media. It is interesting what snippets get translated into English and what dont on the usual suspect blogs

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It seems five point proposals are fashionable these days. If you don't have one you're not part of the in-crowd. Please excuse me, I'll be offline for a moment. I have to work on my very own five-point plan ;)

Indeed its a good point to consider to make my five point plan now. :whistling:

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"Although I am in more trouble than anyone" ???

More trouble than those of his local-spokesmen and followers, who are currently under-arrest and aren't free to roam the world, investing their remaining billions (sorry ... desperately 'trying to earn some money to feed his poor family'), or were shot dead (by either side) during the recent 'troubles' ? I think not !

As always, his tweets betray an ego-centric view of life, and with the list of cases outstanding against him, who wouldn't be desperately pleading for "mercy" ? All that is lacking, is the usual threat, that failure to deliver complete exoneration will lead to further trouble in Thailand, which one of his family will shortly spout that line this time ? B)

Agree on all points. Thakky twitters with selective memory - a true sign of a bird brain. unsure.gif

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"Although I am in more trouble than anyone" ???

More trouble than those of his local-spokesmen and followers, who are currently under-arrest and aren't free to roam the world, investing their remaining billions (sorry ... desperately 'trying to earn some money to feed his poor family'), or were shot dead (by either side) during the recent 'troubles' ? I think not !

As always, his tweets betray an ego-centric view of life, and with the list of cases outstanding against him, who wouldn't be desperately pleading for "mercy" ? All that is lacking, is the usual threat, that failure to deliver complete exoneration will lead to further trouble in Thailand, which one of his family will shortly spout that line this time ? B)

His problems are more important than those of anyone else, to him.

So are his wants, needs and face replacement desires.

Does he have a crocodile farm to harvest his tears from?

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It seems five point proposals are fashionable these days. If you don't have one you're not part of the in-crowd. Please excuse me, I'll be offline for a moment. I have to work on my very own five-point plan ;)

Indeed its a good point to consider to make my five point plan now. :whistling:

I prefer the classic five point plan:

This little pig went to market...

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I think everyone is missing the point with this article. What we all should be talking about is how Twitter is going to save the day and future of Thailand. The future history books will read:

"...and through all the smoke and colored shirts, came the 140 character postings of the former prime minister which slowly but surely stitched back the government of Siam (yes, renamed for re-branding sake)and the confidence of its people. This was how the old Thailand came to be the new global super power of the mid 21st century thereby revitalizing the nuclear power, education, tourism, transportation, and gaming industries. Through the use of Twitter, Siam is now a corruption free society with advancements in traffic control, educational systems, air quality, and alcohol consumption(even when all laws on selling alcohol were lifted, including election days, 2pm to 5pm, and religious holidays). Please forward to the Appendix to see the undisputed 40-year standing Siam Constitution which was also composed by the popular citizen social networking of Twitter. You may also visit the government's Facebook page."

Could you imagine?

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