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Swedish Man Murdered In Bangkok

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My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

I pick up them to the bar like everybody do in Thailand and I always got trouble until I learn how to control the situation, beat them hard until they apologize to me!

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After living in Bangkok for 35 years I have seen many cases where Thai wives have hired hit men on their husbands but mostly in the Esan and Pattaya area. For all you guys considering marrying a Thai lady, choose wisely my friend. They might be a tiger in sheeps wool so don't be fooled by that sweet demeanor and smile. Always watch your back when your on the balcony of any high rise. The new trend is to have your ass thrown off the balcony and make it look like a suicide. Only carry enough life insurance to pay off the home, car, and yearly expenses...remember those large policies can get you killed through greed. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

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It might seem like alot because it immediately and widely gets reported, but the murder rate among foreigners here is still much lower then say in the US where we have like 16000 murders a year, I'm from the US and i feel safer here than in LA

i have no idea what the murder rate among foreigners is here, and it would be interesting to know.

but in comparing the Thai rate of homocides per 100,000 to that of the USA, the murder rate here is pushing 50% higher (7.92 to 5.4 acc. to wiki). add to that potentially greater problems in accurate data collection in a country where investigative resources are less (did he fall or was he pushed?) it is quite possible that the murder rate here is significantly understated compared to the USA.

which is not to deny that the poster feels "safer" here, and why not? this is a far more polite society than, especially, urban america where feelings are readily on display. while i have yet to enjoy the experience directly, i would expect here they wai you before they fillet you. "safe" is a state of mind, not necessarily an objective, statistical reality.

some allege that justice can be purchased and life sold quite cheaply in certain countries. if that is true, it may be true that successful businessmen are at signficant risk. the local successful businessman would know that and can, perhaps, take certain precautions; the foreigner might not truely appreciate the risks.

could it be that our poor swede was one such unfortunate soul?



Old saying has some truth : You can take the girl out of the bar but you can not take the bar out of the girl

Farang meets girl in gogo bar - falls in lust - marries her and expects a faithful wife by his side - hmmmm - dream on

There is really not that much difference between western women or Thai women - take the ones from the bars and you are asking for trouble - take a "normal" bird and most you will get is nagging. Nagging however is installed into women's genes and they just can't help it. At least you won't (most likely) wake up with a knife sticking out from your chest or your balls being enjoyed by the family duck ...

Couldn't agree more, that's been my experience. And true, Nagging is built into women, although it may possible for them to nagg you to an early grave.


I'm not sure the motive for the killing has yet been established.

If the reason was to get her grubby little paws on his money and business assets, then i think she may have waited till he was populating a balcony over 30 feet vertical. Or maybe have him shot in his car at the traffic lights on his way home from the office to make it look like a road rage incident.

The facts are still very hazy, and what we has is via a not too well translated Swedish news source.

Usually when there is an inter-relationship murder for gain, then there is usually a conspiracy, or at least a little cloak and dagger.

What we do know is that he was stabbed to death and his wife immediately arrested as the perpetrator.

Sounds more like an act of rage rather than greed.

I would imagine we will have more of the facts later.


I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

that being the case, the more interesting question would be where did you pick up yours?


After living in Bangkok for 35 years I have seen many cases where Thai wives have hired hit men on their husbands but mostly in the Esan and Pattaya area. For all you guys considering marrying a Thai lady, choose wisely my friend. They might be a tiger in sheeps wool so don't be fooled by that sweet demeanor and smile. Always watch your back when your on the balcony of any high rise. The new trend is to have your ass thrown off the balcony and make it look like a suicide. Only carry enough life insurance to pay off the home, car, and yearly expenses...remember those large policies can get you killed through greed. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

I would be very worried about your state of health with this post and living in Bangkok for 35 years,and you are a new member of thaivisa,very worrying


I have had 3 Thai 'wives' or partners shall we say, 2 of them were from lady bars(prostitutes) that quit the bar and started living with me, then taking on a new low paying job for the obvious reason, NONE of them has ever hit me and we don't even argue that much.. You people that stay with a woman that hits you, especially when your almost certainly the one that provides the money (hense you can't say your 'stuck' in an abusive relationship like a woman who is financially dependent on an abusive spouse) have some kind of mental illness.. Once you realise your bar GF has a tendency to violence it's time to see the back of her.. I knew a farang, young man too, that would stay with a violent girl and it was just ludocrouse.. some guys are so stupid.

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After living in Bangkok for 35 years I have seen many cases where Thai wives have hired hit men on their husbands but mostly in the Esan and Pattaya area. For all you guys considering marrying a Thai lady, choose wisely my friend. They might be a tiger in sheeps wool so don't be fooled by that sweet demeanor and smile. Always watch your back when your on the balcony of any high rise. The new trend is to have your ass thrown off the balcony and make it look like a suicide. Only carry enough life insurance to pay off the home, car, and yearly expenses...remember those large policies can get you killed through greed. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

I would be very worried about your state of health with this post and living in Bangkok for 35 years,and you are a new member of thaivisa,very worrying

Even with a bit of truth it sound paranoid indeed. Why bother living here if you have to watch your own back continuously?


My condolences to the friends, family and colleagues of the deceased.

Well, it took over 30 posts before Scott stepped in and offered condolences to this man's family. Lots of speculation going on and no definite information available other than he was stabbed by his Thai wife.

There are lots of experts on Thai women on this board and some of the opinions are fair and some absurd. When a woman has had to resort to working in a bar or any other place of "hospitality", there is usually a good reason. Her Thai husband knocked her up, they got married, she had a baby and then he starts playing around or drinking and gambling, and eventually they separate. She's left to raise a kid or two, she leaves them with mama upcountry and heads off to Pattaya, Bangkok or wherever there are money spending foreigners.

She already knows that most foreigners treat women better than some Thai men.

I don't believe in the "golden rule" about taking the girl out of the bar etc. Some bar girls are plain bad, some are very good women ( I speak from 10 years personal experience) I also have several friends who have been badly 'burned' by Thai women, and they weren't all bar girls.

One only has to watch Thai soaps any evening to see just how vindictive and violent some Thais can be, both men and women. There is no guarantee that a so called "normal" woman will not turn out to be a complete bitch. There is also a possibility that a woman you meet in the 'hospitality" industry will turn out to be an angel.

Choose wisely.

My condolences also to this poor guy's family and friends.

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There does seem to be a high number of farangs murdered by their Thai partners either for greed or from domestic violence.

I suppose we need to ask the question how common is it for Thai women to murder their thai male partners?

Are farangs more at risk than thai men and if so why?


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

My deepest condolences to his family and friends. RIP

1.We don't constantly read about Thai wives killing farlang husbands as a matter of fact.

2.Is it possible that you had a relationship with a "Thai lover" involved?

3. Fact is that he got killed, so let him rest in peace.

4. How can you call them " these sawadess" ??? Don't you think that some guys here are married and happy with" these violent sawadees"?

5. Your name in this forum seems to be the right one.......


Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

Maybe check out the back door of the jail, and how do you know what they collect?


After living in Bangkok for 35 years I have seen many cases where Thai wives have hired hit men on their husbands but mostly in the Esan and Pattaya area. For all you guys considering marrying a Thai lady, choose wisely my friend. They might be a tiger in sheeps wool so don't be fooled by that sweet demeanor and smile. Always watch your back when your on the balcony of any high rise. The new trend is to have your ass thrown off the balcony and make it look like a suicide. Only carry enough life insurance to pay off the home, car, and yearly expenses...remember those large policies can get you killed through greed. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

I would be very worried about your state of health with this post and living in Bangkok for 35 years,and you are a new member of thaivisa,very worrying

Even with a bit of truth it sound paranoid indeed. Why bother living here if you have to watch your own back continuously?

Paranoid and weird.Fact is that somebody got killed. Please consider that family and friends will read this.Hope you left Thailand after 35 years watching your back.


Well to be honest i could have there or there abouts on that imahinary list.. We had just moved into s amall room, brand new inside, around 4500bht a month. Nice room, for one, not that it was small, but simply me and the mrs needs lots of room away from each other.

well weve just had a row, i hsdnt even raised voice at her and BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM she charges me with me 2 knives, one very large the other around 6 inch spud oeeler,, so i shoted in sgression OIIIIIIIIII stop it now, you cant kill me. She stopped in her tracks and asked me why ( very comicsl looking back). I ripped open my t-shirt and shown her a tattoo on my chest and said " have you forgotton already" lol, superman tatt.

So she dropped the knives into the knife tray and then went into the shower room to carry on washing clothes.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now if theres 1 thing i hate its when a woman is talking about you in a bad way in another room, when all the time its going through my mind that shes attacked me with 2 knifes and we had only been together s few months.

So i picks up the smallest knife, walks in the shower/wash room and shes crouched down doing the washing, so what i ment to do was say " Nobody threatens me with a fkn knife, bitch" and towards the end of saying it, thow the knife against the tiles on the wall and then for it to drop hsrmlessly 0n the floor or bucket.

Sadly even superman messes up, as her hand was the rased it to hang up an item of clothing the knife was in flight and went right inbrtween her index finger snd thumb and into the vien.

Sorry for swearing but there was so much blood and the more blood she seen the more and more she screamed and she wouldnt let me anywhere near her to sort it. This was with the tap running awell , yet there still blood rivers flowing.

It made me think if she had of turned around at the time, it could of gone into eye ball, throat.

Anyhow were still together knocking on a year now. She stopped using knives around 2 months ago ( yup she would still use them ) as she went into the flesh of my knee and wanted more, i recon when she came out of her physcotic state she was more scared than me, especially as i left her once she went back to work.


I have had 3 Thai 'wives' or partners shall we say, 2 of them were from lady bars(prostitutes) that quit the bar and started living with me, then taking on a new low paying job for the obvious reason, NONE of them has ever hit me and we don't even argue that much.. You people that stay with a woman that hits you, especially when your almost certainly the one that provides the money (hense you can't say your 'stuck' in an abusive relationship like a woman who is financially dependent on an abusive spouse) have some kind of mental illness.. Once you realise your bar GF has a tendency to violence it's time to see the back of her.. I knew a farang, young man too, that would stay with a violent girl and it was just ludocrouse.. some guys are so stupid.

Indeed. Some guys are so stupid, have you still got a mirror?


I agree, number of times attacked by a Western woman in my first 43 years in the UK = zero, number of times attacked in the last 16 years, I have lost count!

I am sure a Thai man would just flatten them, but I have been brought up in a more civilized culture, where it is not acceptable to hit women, I cannot change the way I act, and neither do I want to sink to this level.

I have always just tried to control and restrain till they calm down, but dam_n, these people are really dangerous, make no mistake and it's usually under the influence of alcohol.

My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

First I would like to send my condolences to the my fellow countrymans family and friends and R.I.P.

I agree with you a 100%.

Have a girlfriend who isn't a former bar girl and I have tried to break up with her at least 10 times over the last 4 years.

Everytime she moves out but within a few days she manages to get herself inside my appartment, either with an extra made key, or a Thai friend working in the company that runs the premises.

Before she leaves she makes a lot of noise but the threats have stopped, maybe because I will never consort to violence or foul language to her, regardless how she treat me.

Lucky me, my gf don't drink or use an illegal substances so her anger and rage isn't totally uncontrolled.

The only way for me to leave her is to move to another appartment and that's what I will do when the time is right.

She's very sweet and nice but nothing can stop her anger and rage and when she becomes jealous, and for absolutely no reason.

The Swede is a well known figure in Thailand, he assisted the Swedish embassy during the tsunami.

He's been living here for over 20 years and speak and read/write perfect Thai.

His company assists people with guidance when buying properties and also to guide any newcomber how-todo in Thailand.

I'm certain he will be surely missed by his friends and relatives.


This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

So why don't you heed your own warning, with your track record I'm amazed that you're still here.


Okay another crime reported here. That's good, but what I am really interested in is the fate of the alleged perp. Are any of these women ever brought to trial? Do they ever do time? I know the outcome is not as glitzy as reporting the actual crime, but I for one would like to know the whole story.


I agree, number of times attacked by a Western woman in my first 43 years in the UK = zero, number of times attacked in the last 16 years, I have lost count! 

I am sure a Thai man would just flatten them, but I have been brought up in a more civilized culture, where it is not acceptable to hit women, I cannot change the way I act, and neither do I want to sink to this level.

I have always just tried to control and restrain till they calm down, but dam_n, these people are really dangerous, make no mistake and it's usually under the influence of alcohol.

My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

They have a saying in Thailand that translates to something likes this..."a beautiful flower doesn't always smell sweet". Use extreme caution...alcohol involvement or not.


Amazing how a waif of a girl can stab a Farang to death. He must have had the fight, exhausted, gone to sleep and she nailed him during slumber time... or..... dry.gif Amazing how defenseless some Farang are.


Well to be honest i could have there or there abouts on that imahinary list.. We had just moved into s amall room, brand new inside, around 4500bht a month. Nice room, for one, not that it was small, but simply me and the mrs needs lots of room away from each other.

well weve just had a row, i hsdnt even raised voice at her and BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM she charges me with me 2 knives, one very large the other around 6 inch spud oeeler,, so i shoted in sgression OIIIIIIIIII stop it now, you cant kill me. She stopped in her tracks and asked me why ( very comicsl looking back). I ripped open my t-shirt and shown her a tattoo on my chest and said " have you forgotton already" lol, superman tatt.

So she dropped the knives into the knife tray and then went into the shower room to carry on washing clothes.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now if theres 1 thing i hate its when a woman is talking about you in a bad way in another room, when all the time its going through my mind that shes attacked me with 2 knifes and we had only been together s few months.

So i picks up the smallest knife, walks in the shower/wash room and shes crouched down doing the washing, so what i ment to do was say " Nobody threatens me with a fkn knife, bitch" and towards the end of saying it, thow the knife against the tiles on the wall and then for it to drop hsrmlessly 0n the floor or bucket.

Sadly even superman messes up, as her hand was the rased it to hang up an item of clothing the knife was in flight and went right inbrtween her index finger snd thumb and into the vien.

Sorry for swearing but there was so much blood and the more blood she seen the more and more she screamed and she wouldnt let me anywhere near her to sort it. This was with the tap running awell , yet there still blood rivers flowing.

It made me think if she had of turned around at the time, it could of gone into eye ball, throat.

Anyhow were still together knocking on a year now. She stopped using knives around 2 months ago ( yup she would still use them ) as she went into the flesh of my knee and wanted more, i recon when she came out of her physcotic state she was more scared than me, especially as i left her once she went back to work.

Phew.... lets all hope we never read about you in a similar incident in the future. Good luck mate.


Well to be honest i could have there or there abouts on that imahinary list.. We had just moved into s amall room, brand new inside, around 4500bht a month. Nice room, for one, not that it was small, but simply me and the mrs needs lots of room away from each other.

well weve just had a row, i hsdnt even raised voice at her and BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM she charges me with me 2 knives, one very large the other around 6 inch spud oeeler,, so i shoted in sgression OIIIIIIIIII stop it now, you cant kill me. She stopped in her tracks and asked me why ( very comicsl looking back). I ripped open my t-shirt and shown her a tattoo on my chest and said " have you forgotton already" lol, superman tatt.

So she dropped the knives into the knife tray and then went into the shower room to carry on washing clothes.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now if theres 1 thing i hate its when a woman is talking about you in a bad way in another room, when all the time its going through my mind that shes attacked me with 2 knifes and we had only been together s few months.

So i picks up the smallest knife, walks in the shower/wash room and shes crouched down doing the washing, so what i ment to do was say " Nobody threatens me with a fkn knife, bitch" and towards the end of saying it, thow the knife against the tiles on the wall and then for it to drop hsrmlessly 0n the floor or bucket.

Sadly even superman messes up, as her hand was the rased it to hang up an item of clothing the knife was in flight and went right inbrtween her index finger snd thumb and into the vien.

Sorry for swearing but there was so much blood and the more blood she seen the more and more she screamed and she wouldnt let me anywhere near her to sort it. This was with the tap running awell , yet there still blood rivers flowing.

It made me think if she had of turned around at the time, it could of gone into eye ball, throat.

Anyhow were still together knocking on a year now. She stopped using knives around 2 months ago ( yup she would still use them ) as she went into the flesh of my knee and wanted more, i recon when she came out of her physcotic state she was more scared than me, especially as i left her once she went back to work.

What a charming couple you make. I shall find time in my social diary to get together for tiffin one day soon. I, however, will be armed with a Talking-Dict as I haven't a clue what language you're speaking. :blink:

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Anyone know his screen name here on ThaiVisa?

"What he did not know is not worth knowing" - that pretty much rules out a majority of posters here who usually knows everything about <deleted> NOT worth knowing.

Nice one, never truer words spoken.



I dont date Thai women.

In the past 3 months we have read on TV about at least 5 farang dead at the hands of their spouses or lovers.

You need to not be defensive and wake up.

Being thaier than thai will not stop a knife attack!



I dont date Thai women.

In the past 3 months we have read on TV about at least 5 farang dead at the hands of their spouses or lovers.

You need to not be defensive and wake up.

Being thaier than thai will not stop a knife attack!

Your missing out, most Thai women are great fun to be with.


I was driving with the wife (Thai) and parallel parking into tight squeeze when a horn honked behind me. the park was a typical K park and not taking too long. I waved them by encouraging them to pass me as I backed in. a white Audi TT zoomed up parked in the middle of the road and a thai man about 45 ran out with a half meter long piece of wood which looked like a baseball bat. screaming unintelligently. I am fluent in Thai and needless to say, so is the wife. he banged the window and the then back to his car and then ran out again. All the time I was waving my hands saying sorry, not looking for problem, let me go please, etc. Non confrontational as I could be. He played some games with his car not letting us out etc. finally we left. I checked the license plate with my police friends. he is son of a Military General.

Having some experience with drugs meself, I saw a strung out look in his eyes, maybe meth or coke. it was in broad daylight with about 50 people watching.

The vast majority of Thai people are peaceful but get the wrong ones and you are in trouble. And it is impossible to know which ones they are. In NYC you can see a gang member. They dont drive Audi TTs.

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