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Swedish Man Murdered In Bangkok

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I have a beautiful Japanese wife that is sweet and loving and doesnt play with knives.

Read the news and headlines on Tv and constantly we see the same stories!

Victor Bout coming and going!

Thai wife suspected of murdering farang husband!

Bomb found or exploded in BKK!

Jataporn blah blah blah against another person!

Anyone who feels I am making up this crap needs to read more and post less!

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I'm not sure the motive for the killing has yet been established.

If the reason was to get her grubby little paws on his money and business assets, then i think she may have waited till he was populating a balcony over 30 feet vertical. Or maybe have him shot in his car at the traffic lights on his way home from the office to make it look like a road rage incident.

The facts are still very hazy, and what we has is via a not too well translated Swedish news source.

Usually when there is an inter-relationship murder for gain, then there is usually a conspiracy, or at least a little cloak and dagger.

What we do know is that he was stabbed to death and his wife immediately arrested as the perpetrator.

Sounds more like an act of rage rather than greed.

I would imagine we will have more of the facts later.

"Sounds more like an act of rage rather than greed."

You are as close to the truth as one can get at this moment. The truth will out - I hope.

He was my best friend for the last 12 years and like a younger brother to me. I still am struggling to come to terms with all of this. What I will say is that I am not surprised (devastated yes-but not surprised) given "the nature of the beast" and he being the gentlest of gentle giants.

Good Bye my little brother - I lined up a few for you last night. Skål

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Okay another crime reported here. That's good, but what I am really interested in is the fate of the alleged perp. Are any of these women ever brought to trial? Do they ever do time? I know the outcome is not as glitzy as reporting the actual crime, but I for one would like to know the whole story.

Would it be that hard for Thai Visa to incorporate/program in to the this site a follow-up or update on strories so we can all see the outcome, because its always like this, some stories are very interesting but no followup as things develop. For instance what happened to that monster Brit in Phuket who murdered the American - is the guy in jail, will he be deported back to Thailand, will he get the death sentence, I am sure many people would appreciate this type of followup?

Its like seeing the seed planted but never see the tree later.


Update with ID:

Johan Winlöf, 45, has been killed in Bangkok, and his Thai wife is suspected to have killed her husband with a knife.


Well-known Swedish Businessman Killed in Bangkok

Johan Winlöf, 45, has been killed in Bangkok, and his Thai wife is suspected to have killed her husband with a knife.

”A police investigation has already started, Anders Jörle, press officer at the Swedish ministry of foreign affairs confirm to the newspaper.

The man had been living and working in Thailand several years, and he was a well known person in the Swedish society in the Thai capital.

One person has been arrested already. According to expressen.se, it is the killed Swedes wife.

”A Thai investigation has began already, and the mans family has been informed, says Anders Jörle, press officer at the ministry of foreign affairs in Stockholm.

Source: http://www.scandasia.com/viewNews.php?coun_code=th&news_id=7256


There is no information about the case of the unfortunate Swedish victim and his family situation and I make no comment on it. However, in general terms many farang-Thai unions are a mismatch of backgrounds that eventually leads to problems. Farangs with some education who are probably middle class professionals of some type in their own societies marry Thai women with limited education who are effectively from hand-to-mouth peasant backgrounds. They wouldn't consider such a mismatch at home for good reasons that are cast to the winds when they come to Thailand where the woman seem exotic and appealing to them regardless of background and whether they have anything in common or not. Looking at it the other way round it is hard to imagine a marriage working out well between an educated Thai professional male and a shop assistant who left school at the minimum age in Europe.


There is no information about the case of the unfortunate Swedish victim and his family situation and I make no comment on it. However, in general terms many farang-Thai unions are a mismatch of backgrounds that eventually leads to problems. Farangs with some education who are probably middle class professionals of some type in their own societies marry Thai women with limited education who are effectively from hand-to-mouth peasant backgrounds. They wouldn't consider such a mismatch at home for good reasons that are cast to the winds when they come to Thailand where the woman seem exotic and appealing to them regardless of background and whether they have anything in common or not. Looking at it the other way round it is hard to imagine a marriage working out well between an educated Thai professional male and a shop assistant who left school at the minimum age in Europe.

Yes, but she would still be better educated.


Johan Winlöf

Johan holds two bachelor’s degrees from Lund University in Sweden: one degree in Asian languages (Thai, Chinese, Indonesian), and one in political science/business administration. He has lived in Asia for about 19 years of which 16 years have been in Thailand. He is fluent in Thai and is also proficient in Mandarin Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia. He is a full-time working partner in Asynya and spends most of his time on different business intelligence assignments as well as project management.

Johan has several years of experience from equity research in Thailand before starting with business consulting. Research has remained the main service to date, although there has been a gradual shift from equity-based research for portfolio investors to project-based research for direct investors and traders. In addition, he has completed various kinds of management-advise projects to mainly European multinationals in Thailand. Together with the other consulting resources in Asynya, he has to date completed about 50 research and advisory assignments in different industries.

Source: http://asynya.com/consulting-team/


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Every now and then there will be an article about a farang killing a Thai woman. Usually those cases are not about a married couple but about a boyfriend or customer. But you are correct, I also cannot recall (but I am sure someone else can) a case where the farang husband killed his Thai wife.


Firstly, RIP for the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends. I remember one case where a New Zealand guy killed his Thai wife in New Zealand. That story made the Thai press. There seems to be quite a number of these types of crimes in Thailand, I wonder how many case are treated as accidental, suicide or covered up.


First, condolences to the victim's family and friends.

I checked the license plate with my police friends. he is son of a Military General.

The vast majority of Thai people are peaceful but get the wrong ones and you are in trouble.

It looks like wanna be "hi-so" condition definitely neutralizes the last brain cells from some Thai individuals.

It reminds me the Mercedes killer incident.

They just make real life even more pathetic than these plain stupid soap operas we're served continuously.

Fortunately, there are also great people in Thailand. Most of the ones I know are from modest origin but come with a fully functional brain.


Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

Umm mostly by having some gigs i presume whistling.gif and when thai girl reaches her boiling point there is no speaking to them dry.gif


Is that Ryan Giggs or gik

How pedantic of you, though it could be argued that bc in thai it's written กิก, i.e. the same character, then gig or kik is more accurate....

Shouldn't pet be written phet as in somtamphet if we're being anal about transliteration?!

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My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

same here. although my wife can get so upset and angry of the strangest things (this is like any woman in my experience) she has never come at me with violence nor have I done so with her. it pays to date and marry a woman who has an education, is fluent in English, and has a professional job with a respectable company and even..... a career.

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My condolences to the friends, family and colleagues of the deceased.

After reading all the conspiracy/murder theories its nice Scott to see that somebody had the sense to pass on some condolences. I hope the victim RIP.


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Every now and then there will be an article about a farang killing a Thai woman. Usually those cases are not about a married couple but about a boyfriend or customer. But you are correct, I also cannot recall (but I am sure someone else can) a case where the farang husband killed his Thai wife.


Firstly, RIP for the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends. I remember one case where a New Zealand guy killed his Thai wife in New Zealand. That story made the Thai press. There seems to be quite a number of these types of crimes in Thailand, I wonder how many case are treated as accidental, suicide or covered up.

They probably get away with it because as other people have mentioned they are educated and of course much much more clever, wouldn't be that hard for a clever person to "get away with it"


Old saying has some truth : You can take the girl out of the bar but you can not take the bar out of the girl

Farang meets girl in gogo bar - falls in lust - marries her and expects a faithful wife by his side - hmmmm - dream on

There is really not that much difference between western women or Thai women - take the ones from the bars and you are asking for trouble - take a "normal" bird and most you will get is nagging. Nagging however is installed into women's genes and they just can't help it. At least you won't (most likely) wake up with a knife sticking out from your chest or your balls being enjoyed by the family duck ...

Couldn't agree more, that's been my experience. And true, Nagging is built into women, although it may possible for them to nagg you to an early grave.

If you stay married long enough the nagging ends - or at least I thought so - Turns out it is my hearing. :lol:


My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

same here. although my wife can get so upset and angry of the strangest things (this is like any woman in my experience) she has never come at me with violence nor have I done so with her. it pays to date and marry a woman who has an education, is fluent in English, and has a professional job with a respectable company and even..... a career.

Been living with my thai woman for almost 5 years. She has 0 education and I "picked" her in a bar in patong, but she never showed any violence towards me (or others). A good heart has little to do with education (and less than little with schooling). Some people are good, some are bad, just like that. And violence has nothing to do with booze or drugs too. Some drunks are violent, some are not. To spot a violent woman is not so difficult though, if you're not 15 years old. Some think they can change their wife/husband, but, then again, people don't change and the stabbing-type will never be the non peaceful one and viceversa.

BTW, to be more pedantic, it's กิ๊ก and not กิก and the correct transliterationis gík.

  • Like 1

My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

Pleased to hear that, it is reassuring that there are some good ones. Believe me, I would be happier not having such a negative viewpoint, fact is,  what I have learnt about these people is what they have taught me.

We are not talking about a viewpoint, we are talking about the facts which speak for themselves,  it appears yet another murder of a Westerner by his Thai wife. I agree she has yet to be convicted, who has any confidence in the Thai legal system anyway? The usual motive is money, isn't that the motive of almost all the Thai peoples actions each and every day?

We all need money to live, but they take it to a whole new level, from top to bottom, scams, corruption, murder. Say no more. This post will be removed in about 30 seconds I think. 

No free speech in Thailand. Not allowed to tell the truth.


My girlfriend came home from Soi Cowboy last night around 4am and woke me up to tell me that one of the girls working in Dundee bar had stabbed her boyfriend/husband in the chest and killed him.

From what I gathered at the time this happened in Cowboy, although it could just be that she was told about the murder via the bargirl grapevine.

I have no idea if this is the same person, but it seems odd that 2 similar events occurred in one evening.

In any case RIP to the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends.

Now as for Thai girls being psycho, my girlfriend of 2 years regularly goes nuts when she is drunk (which being a bar girl is on a daily basis) and afterwards its as if nothing happened.

She thinks nothing of using weapons and has picked up pool cues, pool balls, bottles and knives. So far she has never managed to actually connect with anything as I've blocked or subdued her, but the mere fact she thinks its acceptable to even pick something up and threaten to use it is way out of order. I know from her history that she has hit previous farang boyfriends.

The problem I have is that when she does go nuts she threatens to have me thrown out of the building we are in, claiming she'll get security to throw me out, she is very friendly with the motorbike boys and I worry that she would tell them to beat me up and worse still is she has an uncle who is a policeman and she regularly threatens to tell him to come after me. So I stay with her for the times when she is sweet and nice and put up with the outbursts for fear of what she *might* do. I do not do anything to make her angry, it usually is a result of something someone has said or done to her at the bar and then when she comes home I get it....

I considered the alternative of leaving her and moving to another place, but I can't find anywhere as convenient as where I am living now and my lifestyle here would mean I'd still see her almost everyday unless I completely changed which bar I drink at and where I go in Bangkok....

And in another example of Thai girls going nuts.... last Sunday I was out drinking with friends and witnessed one of the chaps with us get hit over the head with a bottle by apparently his "GF" - she had to be restrained as although his head was bleeding profusely and he was being helped by several farang friends, she still wanted to get in and attack him some more.... I left soon after but heard that later in the evening she turned up with a knife and tried attacking him again.

From what I've experienced and seen a lot of these girls have no idea how to control their emotions, they are extremely immature and react without thinking.


Sincere condolence to you, Scout666.

Thank you sincerely. (See PM.) And the same goes to all his friends and colleagues of which there are many, both Thai and foreigners, who have high regard for him, both at work and at play.

"Sorely missed" seems insufficient.

Lastly, We all hope to see you again 'Mum'? Check my Email address on my profile please.

Martin the Brit amongst the towering Swedes and extremely proud to be acquainted.


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Every now and then there will be an article about a farang killing a Thai woman. Usually those cases are not about a married couple but about a boyfriend or customer. But you are correct, I also cannot recall (but I am sure someone else can) a case where the farang husband killed his Thai wife.


Firstly, RIP for the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends. I remember one case where a New Zealand guy killed his Thai wife in New Zealand. That story made the Thai press. There seems to be quite a number of these types of crimes in Thailand, I wonder how many case are treated as accidental, suicide or covered up.

They probably get away with it because as other people have mentioned they are educated and of course much much more clever, wouldn't be that hard for a clever person to "get away with it"

I am a tad confused with this follow up to these quotes.

It would not be hard for a clever person to get away with it?

But the suspected perpetrator was immediately arrested, how clever is that?

I don't think intelligence or the abundance or lack thereof, has any bearing on it. For all we know his wife may be wracked with remorse. Certainly at the minimum, regret.

To say that they are so clever they can get away with it, is like saying the legal system is so much administered by stupid and unintelligent entities, that it would be simple for the educated to skirt justice.


Maybe, maybe not. But i personally think... maybe not so.


My girlfriend came home from Soi Cowboy last night around 4am and woke me up to tell me that one of the girls working in Dundee bar had stabbed her boyfriend/husband in the chest and killed him.

From what I gathered at the time this happened in Cowboy, although it could just be that she was told about the murder via the bargirl grapevine.

I have no idea if this is the same person, but it seems odd that 2 similar events occurred in one evening.

In any case RIP to the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends.

Now as for Thai girls being psycho, my girlfriend of 2 years regularly goes nuts when she is drunk (which being a bar girl is on a daily basis) and afterwards its as if nothing happened.

She thinks nothing of using weapons and has picked up pool cues, pool balls, bottles and knives. So far she has never managed to actually connect with anything as I've blocked or subdued her, but the mere fact she thinks its acceptable to even pick something up and threaten to use it is way out of order. I know from her history that she has hit previous farang boyfriends.

The problem I have is that when she does go nuts she threatens to have me thrown out of the building we are in, claiming she'll get security to throw me out, she is very friendly with the motorbike boys and I worry that she would tell them to beat me up and worse still is she has an uncle who is a policeman and she regularly threatens to tell him to come after me. So I stay with her for the times when she is sweet and nice and put up with the outbursts for fear of what she *might* do. I do not do anything to make her angry, it usually is a result of something someone has said or done to her at the bar and then when she comes home I get it....

I considered the alternative of leaving her and moving to another place, but I can't find anywhere as convenient as where I am living now and my lifestyle here would mean I'd still see her almost everyday unless I completely changed which bar I drink at and where I go in Bangkok....

And in another example of Thai girls going nuts.... last Sunday I was out drinking with friends and witnessed one of the chaps with us get hit over the head with a bottle by apparently his "GF" - she had to be restrained as although his head was bleeding profusely and he was being helped by several farang friends, she still wanted to get in and attack him some more.... I left soon after but heard that later in the evening she turned up with a knife and tried attacking him again.

From what I've experienced and seen a lot of these girls have no idea how to control their emotions, they are extremely immature and react without thinking.

i would call this "lonely unhappy man's altitude"?


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

farang just leave them,not kill themph34r.gif


My girlfriend came home from Soi Cowboy last night around 4am and woke me up to tell me that one of the girls working in Dundee bar had stabbed her boyfriend/husband in the chest and killed him.

From what I gathered at the time this happened in Cowboy, although it could just be that she was told about the murder via the bargirl grapevine.

I have no idea if this is the same person, but it seems odd that 2 similar events occurred in one evening.

In any case RIP to the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends.

Now as for Thai girls being psycho, my girlfriend of 2 years regularly goes nuts when she is drunk (which being a bar girl is on a daily basis) and afterwards its as if nothing happened.

She thinks nothing of using weapons and has picked up pool cues, pool balls, bottles and knives. So far she has never managed to actually connect with anything as I've blocked or subdued her, but the mere fact she thinks its acceptable to even pick something up and threaten to use it is way out of order. I know from her history that she has hit previous farang boyfriends.

The problem I have is that when she does go nuts she threatens to have me thrown out of the building we are in, claiming she'll get security to throw me out, she is very friendly with the motorbike boys and I worry that she would tell them to beat me up and worse still is she has an uncle who is a policeman and she regularly threatens to tell him to come after me. So I stay with her for the times when she is sweet and nice and put up with the outbursts for fear of what she *might* do. I do not do anything to make her angry, it usually is a result of something someone has said or done to her at the bar and then when she comes home I get it....

I considered the alternative of leaving her and moving to another place, but I can't find anywhere as convenient as where I am living now and my lifestyle here would mean I'd still see her almost everyday unless I completely changed which bar I drink at and where I go in Bangkok....

And in another example of Thai girls going nuts.... last Sunday I was out drinking with friends and witnessed one of the chaps with us get hit over the head with a bottle by apparently his "GF" - she had to be restrained as although his head was bleeding profusely and he was being helped by several farang friends, she still wanted to get in and attack him some more.... I left soon after but heard that later in the evening she turned up with a knife and tried attacking him again.

From what I've experienced and seen a lot of these girls have no idea how to control their emotions, they are extremely immature and react without thinking.

"From what I gathered at the time this happened in Cowboy," inaccurately gathered - "although it could just be that she was told about the murder via the bargirl grapevine". Who would have thought it?

"In any case RIP to the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends." Much appreciated - thank you!


It would not be inaccurate at all to say a high percentage of western men in thailand hook up with girls from the very low end of society, for whatever reasons, I am not passing judgement on anyone, "to each their own". While it may be entertaining and/or seem like fun or make you/us all feel like very handsome men, the reality is that indeed many of the girls are criminals, albeit low level crime or sometimes more. Sometimes they conspire with family or lovers and commit more severe crimes. Yes, we may see such crimes as illogical especially if the wife goes to prison, she cannot enjoy the deceased husbands assets. Such a girl probably cannot/does not use the same logic, if any at all. I must add a disclaimer in that I do not know if this Swedes wife attended a rice farm or Chulalongkorn U.

I would say quite accurately many of these girls have little or no personal development, aside from the commonly known "little or no education" or insignificant education at a rural setting. Many of these girls have low level girlfriends that may indeed fuel their ideas. I speak decent conversational Thai as well as reading and writing. I have rarely rarely if ever heard a conversation amongst these girls that had much intelligence. Actually, I know thai words that many of these girls do not even understand, not abstract technical or scientific stuff either, basic vocabulary that many mainstream people would know. Yes, there are exceptions, but they are very uncommon and even so, the exceptional girls must deal with family and peer pressure that directs them to use you/us as a way to get money.

Yes I know many of these girls will thai men are no good, say anything to make you/us feel desirable. Truth is thai men above the level of the girls have no interest in supporting them, or dating them. Thai guys at their same societal level share this disinterest in supporting them and guys at their level of socity may very well simply be like "pimps"

If they have thai boyfriends, typically the guys will be motorbike taxi drivers or the likes.

Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!


Did not know this gentleman, but by all accounts he sounds like a nice hard working person. It is always sad to read about any ones death, especially in such tragic circumstnaces.

R.I.P Johan and my condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.



Now as for Thai girls being psycho, my girlfriend of 2 years regularly goes nuts when she is drunk (which being a bar girl is on a daily basis) and afterwards its as if nothing happened.

She thinks nothing of using weapons and has picked up pool cues, pool balls, bottles and knives. So far she has never managed to actually connect with anything as I've blocked or subdued her, but the mere fact she thinks its acceptable to even pick something up and threaten to use it is way out of order. I know from her history that she has hit previous farang boyfriends.

The problem I have is that when she does go nuts she threatens to have me thrown out of the building we are in, claiming she'll get security to throw me out, she is very friendly with the motorbike boys and I worry that she would tell them to beat me up and worse still is she has an uncle who is a policeman and she regularly threatens to tell him to come after me. So I stay with her for the times when she is sweet and nice and put up with the outbursts for fear of what she *might* do. I do not do anything to make her angry, it usually is a result of something someone has said or done to her at the bar and then when she comes home I get it....

really wonder what some couples are about... :blink:


Although i feel significantly sorry for the family of the victim's family, I dpent only 6 years in Thailand reading writing speaking Thai fluently. I know what the marriage institution means to some thai families from all over the country. Stemming from the cultural and historical heritage of utilisin the females born to a Thai family for profit gain of power and stability and sometimes even survival, Thai women have been the unsung heros of many a Thai family. Love and marriage for most Thai girls is a merely a fantastic dream something they worship in front of the TV, the relaity of a marriage has never even occured to many of these girls. They are brought up by their mothers with ingrained phylosophies of duty and commitment to ensure their mother and fasthers own survival in old age and therefore love for antoher outside the family is repressed and discouraged to the advantage of that goal. Murder is nothing when considering that guilt can admonished and quenched with a few short months spent in a temple taking a rest. On release from the servitude they become new people forgetting the sins of what thye have done and are fully ready to commit more attrocities. This part of their heritage is not just born in Thailand. We found good cause to follow similar practices in Europe and other western cultures, Crusades, Holy Jiaads and the like. this guy had spent 20 years in Thailand and certainly had good reason to understand this inherant risk when associating in anyway with Thai families. For the woman concerned, she had no illusions about the consequencesof her actions and no interest in the fact that she would be condemed for she would sell her soul in eange for being elevated to the highest position in her family in the name of Thai honor and everlasting confort of her true love, her family.

I have first experience with my first wife, who sort to conspir with her family and friends to first isolate me, then discredit me amnoungst all of my peers then when relaising she wasnt smart enough you get her hands on my nest egg.. Went to considerable efforts to destroy me. I was lucky, I saw what was happening had to read her emails and avoided and limited the amount of damage that she and her four sisters, her friends, her mother one dutch drug dealer and a very stupid Australian could do. finally I uncovered a plot to remove me permenantly and beat a hasty retreat. I have now been remarried for 6 years now to a Thai lady with a son and a daughter we have a beautiful family and we are all very very happy. However, the pawl of suspiction hangs over our lives on a daily basis, luckily she understands the misgivings and doesnt take it personally being totally open with everything she does. We can be happy this way. To let your guard down for even a second when deciding to live with this culture is a mistake that you may just pay the ultimate price.

Please be warned if any of you reading this identify with my story or think you know me or my ex-wife please do avoid this individual. Her name is Fhon.


I am a tad confused with this follow up to these quotes.

It would not be hard for a clever person to get away with it?

But the suspected perpetrator was immediately arrested, how clever is that?

I don't think intelligence or the abundance or lack thereof, has any bearing on it. For all we know his wife may be wracked with remorse. Certainly at the minimum, regret.

To say that they are so clever they can get away with it, is like saying the legal system is so much administered by stupid and unintelligent entities, that it would be simple for the educated to skirt justice.


Maybe, maybe not. But i personally think... maybe not so.

If someone does something bad like this during a "stupid" rage then they will most likely get caught by the very clever local police, not so hard with the knife, body and evidence lying in front of everyone to see, but my question was how many farangs have disposed of their viscous bad mouthed, nagging Thai wife's, you know just like in the movies, carefully planned, body melted in hydrofluoric acid and washed down the clong in a remote spot. Friends and family get told she ran off with her Thai boyfriend and even stole money before leaving! Cunning, cleaver, thought out, technically perfect, forensically untraceable, no evidence, only an intelligent (be it bad) person can do.

Just wondering?

Even though I am being whimsical (you either laugh or cry) I feel very sorry for the victims family, very sorry.

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