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Swedish Man Murdered In Bangkok

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After living in Bangkok for 35 years I have seen many cases where Thai wives have hired hit men on their husbands but mostly in the Esan and Pattaya area. For all you guys considering marrying a Thai lady, choose wisely my friend. They might be a tiger in sheeps wool so don't be fooled by that sweet demeanor and smile. Always watch your back when your on the balcony of any high rise. The new trend is to have your ass thrown off the balcony and make it look like a suicide. Only carry enough life insurance to pay off the home, car, and yearly expenses...remember those large policies can get you killed through greed. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

I would be very worried about your state of health with this post and living in Bangkok for 35 years,and you are a new member of thaivisa,very worrying

Even with a bit of truth it sound paranoid indeed. Why bother living here if you have to watch your own back continuously?

Exactly my thoughts...

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Anyone know his screen name here on ThaiVisa?

"What he did not know is not worth knowing" - that pretty much rules out a majority of posters here who usually knows everything about <deleted> NOT worth knowing.

what he did not know was not worth knowing if he knew he wife was going to stab him to death then that was worth knowing


My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

My gf dont drink so no problems for me lol.I think some guys love to have a fiery bird,not for me sorry

Same here. I'm not on a goody two shoes soap box here, but neither myself or my Thai wife drink, as well as her immediate family. Guess she had good positive role models growing up. I had to quit ten years ago because I had just about pickled my liver from my younger days. ETOH over consumption seems to account for a considerable amount of the no-account behavior with good ole mankind.


Quote By Newermonkey

If someone does something bad like this during a "stupid" rage then they will most likely get caught by the very clever local police, not so hard with the knife, body and evidence lying in front of everyone to see, but my question was how many farangs have disposed of their viscous bad mouthed, nagging Thai wife's, you know just like in the movies, carefully planned, body melted in hydrofluoric acid and washed down the clong in a remote spot. Friends and family get told she ran off with her Thai boyfriend and even stole money before leaving! Cunning, cleaver, thought out, technically perfect, forensically untraceable, no evidence, only an intelligent (be it bad) person can do.

That sounds like the blueprint to a perfect Thai Business right there ! Making Thai Wives Dissapear ! LOL

Im not requiring those services i picked one with a job a carreer and a life ! Dont know why Farang can just take any old whore here and expect to teach it some new tricks, as stated earlier most will never change.

is it really that hard to find a decent chick???

I dont think so .

Its a shame about the swede R.I.P

really hope the killer pays dearly for this to set an example to others contemplating the act!


Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

Umm mostly by having some gigs i presume whistling.gif and when thai girl reaches her boiling point there is no speaking to them dry.gif


Is that Ryan Giggs or gik

How pedantic of you, though it could be argued that bc in thai it's written กิก, i.e. the same character, then gig or kik is more accurate....

Shouldn't pet be written phet as in somtamphet if we're being anal about transliteration?!

กิก when transliterated would be gik because when is the initial consonant it is pronounced as a G and when it is the final consonant it is pronounced as a K. I do agree that the initial criticism of the post was pedantic, as are any posts criticising the use of grammar or spelling on a forum populated as it is with many members whose first language is not English.

My condolences to the unfortunate victim and his family and friends. I do hope the royal Thai constabulary get the perpetrator and justice is done.

No matter where you found your true love and no matter their level of education or ethnic roots, remember that in the right circumstances anybody is capable of becoming a murderer/murderess.

Sorry about the big font size, but I forgot my spectacles.


Quote By Newermonkey

If someone does something bad like this during a "stupid" rage then they will most likely get caught by the very clever local police, not so hard with the knife, body and evidence lying in front of everyone to see, but my question was how many farangs have disposed of their viscous bad mouthed, nagging Thai wife's, you know just like in the movies, carefully planned, body melted in hydrofluoric acid and washed down the clong in a remote spot. Friends and family get told she ran off with her Thai boyfriend and even stole money before leaving! Cunning, cleaver, thought out, technically perfect, forensically untraceable, no evidence, only an intelligent (be it bad) person can do.

That sounds like the blueprint to a perfect Thai Business right there ! Making Thai Wives Dissapear ! LOL

Im not requiring those services i picked one with a job a carreer and a life ! Dont know why Farang can just take any old whore here and expect to teach it some new tricks, as stated earlier most will never change.

is it really that hard to find a decent chick???

I dont think so .

Its a shame about the swede reall hope the killer pays dearly for this to set an example to others contemplating the act!

Your comment would have been appreciated more if you had left out the slur and insult "Farang can just take any old whore here". Better edit your post while you still can.


With all respect Rubi i meant what i said and i wasnt insulting anyone i was merely pointing out a common occurance ive seen time and time again, the phrase you chose to extract from my sentence is out of context when repeated on its own, reread it and you can clearly see what i was refering to and no insults were included unless you are taking personal reference to the "Farang" comment i dont see how it is insulting !


In my experience I've never known a Thai woman yet who didnt have a nasty temper on occasions,

once the explosion starts it can be all out warfare,exceeding by far the boundaries of acceptability,

Thai soaps also reflect the hidden violence,arguably even creates it.

RIP to the Murdered Swedish man.


With all respect Rubi i meant what i said and i wasnt insulting anyone i was merely pointing out a common occurance ive seen time and time again, the phrase you chose to extract from my sentence is out of context when repeated on its own, reread it and you can clearly see what i was refering to and no insults were included unless you are taking personal reference to the "Farang" comment i dont see how it is insulting !

If I had taken personal offense I would have written in a different style I think. I just found that particular remark a bit degrading and devaluating your other remarks. That's all. Live long and prosper.


Really sad stuff indeed.

Quite frankly reading some of the comment's on here I am put off by returning to Thailand ever again...(I am due to fly out in 2 weeks). I have some experience of Thailand in which I have probably spent about a total of 10 months in Thailand living in apartments but not working and living there over a long period of time. Is it really this bad....injustice,greed etc....

Regarding Thai women I also have experience and bear the scars of a violent ex-Thai girlfriend. The relationship started off great...you could not have wished for a more sweeter,kinder girl but as the time went by she gradually started getting violent. I was punched,kicked had various things thrown at me,threatened with knifes etc....then one night after complaining about having to help her family out financially yet again (this time to the tune of about 10,000 Baht) she totally flipped, picked up a meat clever and hit me with it about four times. Thankfully my clothing spared some of the blows cutting me but two cut me badly on the arm and I now have two large visible scars....

I dont mean to stray off topic too much but I find it quite troubling that many farang's in Thailand seem to admit they are scared about what their Thai girlfriend/wife and family is capable of but just accept that's how it is...I could not live like that (well I tried it once and never again). I remember speaking to an American guy in Phuket who had married a Thai girl and he said to me "If you marry a Thai always make sure you are worth more to them alive than dead!"....How on earth could anyone be happy living like that?

Anyway back to the topic RIP to this man. I hope the perpetrators are brought to justice but reading some of the posts on this thread I'm not so sure.....


Really sad stuff indeed.

Quite frankly reading some of the comment's on here I am put off by returning to Thailand ever again...(I am due to fly out in 2 weeks). I have some experience of Thailand in which I have probably spent about a total of 10 months in Thailand living in apartments but not working and living there over a long period of time. Is it really this bad....injustice,greed etc....

Regarding Thai women I also have experience and bear the scars of a violent ex-Thai girlfriend. The relationship started off great...you could not have wished for a more sweeter,kinder girl but as the time went by she gradually started getting violent. I was punched,kicked had various things thrown at me,threatened with knifes etc....then one night after complaining about having to help her family out financially yet again (this time to the tune of about 10,000 Baht) she totally flipped, picked up a meat clever and hit me with it about four times. Thankfully my clothing spared some of the blows cutting me but two cut me badly on the arm and I now have two large visible scars....

I dont mean to stray off topic too much but I find it quite troubling that many farang's in Thailand seem to admit they are scared about what their Thai girlfriend/wife and family is capable of but just accept that's how it is...I could not live like that (well I tried it once and never again). I remember speaking to an American guy in Phuket who had married a Thai girl and he said to me "If you marry a Thai always make sure you are worth more to them alive than dead!"....How on earth could anyone be happy living like that?

Anyway back to the topic RIP to this man. I hope the perpetrators are brought to justice but reading some of the posts on this thread I'm not so sure.....

Ah, don't give up on 'em. I've been married to a Japanese, Korean and Filipina. I'm here to tell you that my little Thai wife is the best by far. Just have to find the right one. Ok, I know I've set myself up on this post, but you only go around once so live for the moment.


This woman is playing on your ignorance, prejudice, and paranoia, Why would you think that the building is going to throw you out just because your crazy girlfriend asked them too? Do you really think she is going to come up with the money to have have motorbike taxi's beat you up? Or that they would even agree to it in the first place? And this "I have an uncle that is a policeman" bit is the oldest trik in the book, I have been hearing that one ever since day 1 in this country, sure she might have a relative that's a cop, most Thai people do-this means nothing; once you throw her out- even if you have something illegal up there like some marijuana for personal use or some counterfeit goods that your selling on the internet-he can't just barge in there, he can't start an investigation of you and the chances that he would want to do this for this girl are slim, very slim. AND they need a search warrant to come into your place, this is why they would need to put you under investigation prior to coming after you-that means detectives and captains - and they are almost certainly frying bigger fish than you as they have a backlog of serious offenders that they need to work on..if your not doing anything illegal then your REALLY being paranoid! The police here do not spend there days doing favors for bar girls, sure there is corruption in Thailand but farangs tend to overstate it and it's usually at a higher level then them.. Her and her dumb friends probably goof on you regularly- that you swallow this balloney hook, line, and sinker everytime she wants something. Throw her out and believe me she'll do nothing and in a few weeks she'll have another one just like you and he'll be the one that lives in fear of her motorbike taxi friends and uncle cop.

Now as for Thai girls being psycho, my girlfriend of 2 years regularly goes nuts when she is drunk (which being a bar girl is on a daily basis) and afterwards its as if nothing happened.

She thinks nothing of using weapons and has picked up pool cues, pool balls, bottles and knives. So far she has never managed to actually connect with anything as I've blocked or subdued her, but the mere fact she thinks its acceptable to even pick something up and threaten to use it is way out of order. I know from her history that she has hit previous farang boyfriends.

The problem I have is that when she does go nuts she threatens to have me thrown out of the building we are in, claiming she'll get security to throw me out, she is very friendly with the motorbike boys and I worry that she would tell them to beat me up and worse still is she has an uncle who is a policeman and she regularly threatens to tell him to come after me. So I stay with her for the times when she is sweet and nice and put up with the outbursts for fear of what she *might* do. I do not do anything to make her angry, it usually is a result of something someone has said or done to her at the bar and then when she comes home I get it....

I considered the alternative of leaving her and moving to another place, but I can't find anywhere as convenient as where I am living now and my lifestyle here would mean I'd still see her almost everyday unless I completely changed which bar I drink at and where I go in Bangkok....


Really – If people dated within their own social, economic and educational demographic and behave as they would back home there would likely be no more or no fewer issues here than there.

That said – Anything can happen anywhere at any time. It seems that inhumanity is now a normal part of humanity.

RIP Mr Johan Winlöf


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

No More violent than any other country, Pathetic how disrespectful you are. Regards to farang men killing their wives or girl friends it has happened here.


Anyone know his screen name here on ThaiVisa?

"What he did not know is not worth knowing" - that pretty much rules out a majority of posters here who usually knows everything about <deleted> NOT worth knowing.

Excellent observation


I agree, number of times attacked by a Western woman in my first 43 years in the UK = zero, number of times attacked in the last 16 years, I have lost count!

I am sure a Thai man would just flatten them, but I have been brought up in a more civilized culture, where it is not acceptable to hit women, I cannot change the way I act, and neither do I want to sink to this level.

I have always just tried to control and restrain till they calm down, but dam_n, these people are really dangerous, make no mistake and it's usually under the influence of alcohol.

My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

Maybe find a person that doesn't drink.huh.gif


My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

I as well. 16yrs and no violence or abusive behavior.


Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

Umm mostly by having some gigs i presume whistling.gif and when thai girl reaches her boiling point there is no speaking to them dry.gif


Is that Ryan Giggs or gik

Well, if Ryan Giggs, then it would be "Kick" wouldn't it


My sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. It sounds as if Johan was an exceptional man and a good friend. Cherish the times you had together.

I also apologize for the inappropriate direction this thread has taken.

Perhaps another thread could be started for respectful condolences and this could remain for those who wish to discuss domestic violence.


Well to be honest i could have there or there abouts on that imahinary list.. We had just moved into s amall room, brand new inside, around 4500bht a month. Nice room, for one, not that it was small, but simply me and the mrs needs lots of room away from each other.

well weve just had a row, i hsdnt even raised voice at her and BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM she charges me with me 2 knives, one very large the other around 6 inch spud oeeler,, so i shoted in sgression OIIIIIIIIII stop it now, you cant kill me. She stopped in her tracks and asked me why ( very comicsl looking back). I ripped open my t-shirt and shown her a tattoo on my chest and said " have you forgotton already" lol, superman tatt.

So she dropped the knives into the knife tray and then went into the shower room to carry on washing clothes.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now if theres 1 thing i hate its when a woman is talking about you in a bad way in another room, when all the time its going through my mind that shes attacked me with 2 knifes and we had only been together s few months.

So i picks up the smallest knife, walks in the shower/wash room and shes crouched down doing the washing, so what i ment to do was say " Nobody threatens me with a fkn knife, bitch" and towards the end of saying it, thow the knife against the tiles on the wall and then for it to drop hsrmlessly 0n the floor or bucket.

Sadly even superman messes up, as her hand was the rased it to hang up an item of clothing the knife was in flight and went right inbrtween her index finger snd thumb and into the vien.

Sorry for swearing but there was so much blood and the more blood she seen the more and more she screamed and she wouldnt let me anywhere near her to sort it. This was with the tap running awell , yet there still blood rivers flowing.

It made me think if she had of turned around at the time, it could of gone into eye ball, throat.

Anyhow were still together knocking on a year now. She stopped using knives around 2 months ago ( yup she would still use them ) as she went into the flesh of my knee and wanted more, i recon when she came out of her physcotic state she was more scared than me, especially as i left her once she went back to work.

She threatened you with a knife more than once and you are still with her!!! And you seem to believe she won't do it again. Dream on while you still can. I rest my case.

I agree, number of times attacked by a Western woman in my first 43 years in the UK = zero, number of times attacked in the last 16 years, I have lost count!

I am sure a Thai man would just flatten them, but I have been brought up in a more civilized culture, where it is not acceptable to hit women, I cannot change the way I act, and neither do I want to sink to this level.

I have always just tried to control and restrain till they calm down, but dam_n, these people are really dangerous, make no mistake and it's usually under the influence of alcohol.

My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

First I would like to send my condolences to the my fellow countrymans family and friends and R.I.P.

I agree with you a 100%.

Have a girlfriend who isn't a former bar girl and I have tried to break up with her at least 10 times over the last 4 years.

Everytime she moves out but within a few days she manages to get herself inside my appartment, either with an extra made key, or a Thai friend working in the company that runs the premises.

Before she leaves she makes a lot of noise but the threats have stopped, maybe because I will never consort to violence or foul language to her, regardless how she treat me.

Lucky me, my gf don't drink or use an illegal substances so her anger and rage isn't totally uncontrolled.

The only way for me to leave her is to move to another appartment and that's what I will do when the time is right.

She's very sweet and nice but nothing can stop her anger and rage and when she becomes jealous, and for absolutely no reason.

The Swede is a well known figure in Thailand, he assisted the Swedish embassy during the tsunami.

He's been living here for over 20 years and speak and read/write perfect Thai.

His company assists people with guidance when buying properties and also to guide any newcomber how-todo in Thailand.

I'm certain he will be surely missed by his friends and relatives.

You TRIED to leave her 10 times during 4 years! Words really fail me on this one.


Old saying has some truth : You can take the girl out of the bar but you can not take the bar out of the girl

Farang meets girl in gogo bar - falls in lust - marries her and expects a faithful wife by his side - hmmmm - dream on

There is really not that much difference between western women or Thai women - take the ones from the bars and you are asking for trouble - take a "normal" bird and most you will get is nagging. Nagging however is installed into women's genes and they just can't help it. At least you won't (most likely) wake up with a knife sticking out from your chest or your balls being enjoyed by the family duck ...

Couldn't agree more, that's been my experience. And true, Nagging is built into women, although it may possible for them to nagg you to an early grave.

If you stay married long enough the nagging ends - or at least I thought so - Turns out it is my hearing. :lol:

Mai pen rai. The result is the same. Just be sure your hearing aid is switched off.

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I am very very saddened by this news. I knew Johan personally as we met each other in Thailand over a decade ago shortly after both of us arrived in Thailand.

I just would like people to know that he was a very kind and soft spoken man with a gentle sense of humor and a very nice guy to have a chat with at any given time. He was never in a rush and always enjoyed a laugh. He personality fit in very well in Thailand and had a lot of respect for Thai people and enjoyed life in Asia and its cultures. As his bio notes, he spoke Thai very well as well as perfect English and a number of other languages. On the personal side, he was also into studying and teaching martial arts and operated a kick boxing gym as a hobby for a while as well.

I know all of his friends and colleagues will be very saddened as I am about his loss. I feel for his family and close friends and he will be missed very much.

I hope as people add their comments to this forum post that they have some compassion for a very nice and real person who will be missed by many.


what was the guy doing before he got stabbed? I bet a Thai woman can't kill me :)

You would lose that bet!

Let's hope we don't read about his demise on this forum. :rolleyes:

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