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2 Year Overstay Bum

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HI all,

my wifes sister has a farang boyfriend ,he has no visa and I think no passport .has been there about 2 years living in there family home ,does not work and sits around all day drinking piss and chain smoking .

he gets money from his family sent to him every month ,bout 15,000 bt that he spends all on grog and smokes.

the family are sick of him and most want him gone ,so what would be the best way to get rid of him ? who do you call ,the cops ? and will the family get in any crap for having this turd there so long .I dont want to put him in but he has really outstayed his welcome and I for one one have enough of this bum.

oh yer he is in Isan if that makes any diff .


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He is on overstay and can be arrested for that by immigration (police) and hold until his identity is established, he pays his fine for overstaying and has a ticket out of the country and leaves.

Will the family be in trouble? Officially they should have reported his presence to immigration and can get a fine for not doing so. It is not very often enforced, but they start enforcing it more strictly now with hotels and such.

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Just report him to the local immigration. They are more than happy to help you out. The farang's wife and family will not be in trouble. Ask the farang's wife to report it to the immigration.

When Thai and Thai are talking, especially involving to get a farang out of the country, the problems will fade away. I am sure the local immigration will make some good arrangement for the farang and also the farang's wife.

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Just report him to the local immigration. They are more than happy to help you out. The farang's wife and family will not be in trouble. Ask the farang's wife to report it to the immigration.

When Thai and Thai are talking, especially involving to get a farang out of the country, the problems will fade away. I am sure the local immigration will make some good arrangement for the farang and also the farang's wife.

agree with tropo.. you better check with your sister if this is what she wants. I mean, you might be piss off with the farang, but this isnt your life to deicde.

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The sister and him fight all the time and he is allways pissed ,he has never had any money ,only what his mum sends him every month ,yer she likes him ,but the rest of the family hate him .her three sisters all want him gone .yer I dont want to dob him in ,but I think the best way to help him is to get him to go home sober up and get job ,I think he is only mid 20s ,if he stays there he will be a life time bum.

He keeps saying he is going but he never does , she is going nowhere with this dude ,she get a heaps better bloke ,and no he is not Greg.

Perhaps you should have a talk to your wife's sister before you dob him in. She may actually like this guy.

IMO you'd be the turd if you dobbed him in. You could try helping him.

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and no there not even married hes only the bf.

Sounds to me someone didn't share his beer to the inlaws.

The family and gf just found out he has no money lol.

My thoughts would be to keep your nose well out of it anf let the family decide what to do with this guy

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Have a serious talk with your wife and give her all the information on this guy and let her talk to the her family. If this does not sort it out then you have two choices, stay out of it or report it. Neither one is a good option and there is not a 3rd option. Best of luck on this one.

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Before anyone calls the immigration on him I would suggest for you to have a chat with him. Tell him the Thai family is fed up with him so either he changes his life somehow or he leaves. I hate snitches so I hope you don't call the immigration on him.

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If you let anyone in the family know you are thinking about doing this... you could end up being the "bad guy" even though everything you are saying is true and even if the sister would be better off without him.

You also have to realize that it may not actually solve the problem long term...

He might get arrested, and may be deported, but he could immediately get a new passport and come back into Thailand. From what I have heard, people are generally not blacklisted for overstays...

So it could cost him a couple of thousand in overstay fines, cost of new passport (if he actually doesn't have one). cost of a plane ticket back home, but he could then just hop back on a plane and could very well be sitting on the couch swilling beer within a couple of week's from the time is is taken in by immigration.

You could cause yourself a whole lot of grief and not even get what your looking for in the end.... who knows, if you are doing well financially, your wife may even be hit up from her sister for a "loan" to help the deadbeat get his visa situation straightened out.

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Will the family be in trouble? Officially they should have reported his presence to immigration and can get a fine for not doing so. It is not very often enforced, but they start enforcing it more strictly now with hotels and such.

I was told by an Immigration Official that the fine for the householder who allows a foriegner to stay at the house longer than 24hrs without notification is 2,000 baht if they themselves turn up and confess to this. If Immigration detect the offence the fine sky rockets to 5,000 baht. :lol: I am sure there are other varients of this fine as well. ;)

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Despite your incredibly insightful 'take on things', unless you are an 'effluent' :o errr sorry I think I meant a 'fluent' ;) thai speaker, you really have no frickin' clue whether the family 'hates' him or not. Especially if you're goin' on some half-arsed thai-engrish translations, related to you second hand, to get the gist of the story from the family :blink:

Thais are complainers, and gossipers to the n-th degree. :lol: They will gossip about anyone behind their backs, (you should hear what they say about you!!, joking...). They will also complain just to hear themselves talk.

That the 'sister' and the person in your post fight all the time, is plain and simple none of your business (unless you finance the family thru some 'salary' or other assistance). Until it becomes a financial burden to you, I'd totally ignore it. The thais will sort it out themselves (or not depending on their motivation or lack thereof :whistling: ).

You would do well to steer clear of 'thai family squabbles' whether they involve a no good worthless foreigner, or thai of similar ilk for that matter.

It's not your business, and currently Thai Immigrations offers NO reward to turn in over-stayers (FWIW: I checked already, because if they did offer even a paltry sum, I'd be a billionaire by now! :D )

And no it doesn't make a bit of difference whether he's in Nakhon Nowhere Issan :huh: , or downtown Bangkok :( , it's still not your business. ... B)

As an aside; I know all tooo many thai guys who sit around all day getting piss drunk and chain smoking too, while contributing nothing to the family. .

I have to agree with TD on this one as much as it pains me to do so.<_<

Edited by mizzi39
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Here is a cunning plan... :whistling:

Announce on Thaivisa that you have a bum who has overstayed his visa and you are thinking of turning him in to immigration. If he is the sort who reads the forum, he might realise you are referring to him and take the hint, He could well voluntarily leave before he gets a knock on the door. And if you get the post vague enough, there could well be others in the same situation who also mysteriously depart...

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Here is a cunning plan... :whistling:

Announce on Thaivisa that you have a bum who has overstayed his visa and you are thinking of turning him in to immigration. If he is the sort who reads the forum, he might realise you are referring to him and take the hint, He could well voluntarily leave before he gets a knock on the door. And if you get the post vague enough, there could well be others in the same situation who also mysteriously depart...

I believe Greg's already done a runner!

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The sister and him fight all the time and he is allways pissed ,he has never had any money ,only what his mum sends him every month ,yer she likes him ,but the rest of the family hate him .her three sisters all want him gone .yer I dont want to dob him in ,but I think the best way to help him is to get him to go home sober up and get job ,I think he is only mid 20s ,if he stays there he will be a life time bum.

He keeps saying he is going but he never does , she is going nowhere with this dude ,she get a heaps better bloke ,and no he is not Greg.

Perhaps you should have a talk to your wife's sister before you dob him in. She may actually like this guy.

IMO you'd be the turd if you dobbed him in. You could try helping him.

If it bothers you, (which it does seem to) then it is your business, tell him straight, that YOU want him gone, tell him that you believe most of the family want him gone, tell him that you know of people, including yourself who are considering reporting him to immigration. Tell the wifes sister the same. See what reaction you get, then decide what to do

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thanks everyone for the advice ,there has been some good posts ,and yer I dont want to put him in other wise I would not have asked what I should do ,I would have just dobbed the pric in .

and we dont even live in Thailand but we just have family members ring us for the last few years complaining about the goober .

I really could not give a rats arse what they do with him but sick of em complaining .we will be going back there soon and just like to sort it out before I get there .I told the wife to call the sister and sort it out tonight .she says that she is going to tell her to turf him or she will call the cops when we get there .I am staying out of it .

I will let you know how it goes

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thanks everyone for the advice ,there has been some good posts ,and yer I dont want to put him in other wise I would not have asked what I should do ,I would have just dobbed the pric in .

and we dont even live in Thailand but we just have family members ring us for the last few years complaining about the goober .

I really could not give a rats arse what they do with him but sick of em complaining .we will be going back there soon and just like to sort it out before I get there .I told the wife to call the sister and sort it out tonight .she says that she is going to tell her to turf him or she will call the cops when we get there .I am staying out of it .

I will let you know how it goes

Yeah, leave him alone. He'll get caught on his own at some point if he keeps it up and get sent back to the UK so dont worry about him

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there are many farangs living in thailand ,

without a passport/ visa .


what decent self respecting thai family ,

would want a farang on 15K bht/ mounth .

him, not good man .

what decent self respecting thai family ,

would want a farang thai on 15K bht/ month .

him, not good man .

Just like dual pricing, the double standard rears its head.


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there are many farangs living in thailand ,

without a passport/ visa .


what decent self respecting thai family ,

would want a farang on 15K bht/ mounth .

him, not good man .

what decent self respecting thai family ,

would want a farang thai on 15K bht/ month .

him, not good man .

Just like dual pricing, the double standard rears its head.


...and of course it's impossible for any girl to love a guy with no money.

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