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Security Tightened As Red Shirt Rallies Return To Bangkok


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...a motorcade of some 50 vehicles will travel from Bangkok's Imperial World Department Store to the northern Thai province of Chiang Mai...

Now why is it that if I were the owner of Imperial World I would be paying a large group of security guards to stand out front and forcibly remove anyone waving a red banner or picture of Thaksin? Oh yes, it's because I wouldn't want my shop to be burned down by this pack of terrorists. But then again, going by their "million man march" propaganda, the 50 vehicle parade will probably turn out to be a rollerskating fake monk accompanied by a lost tuk tuk driver, complete with scammed farang passengers.

If memory serves me right Imperial World is owned by one of the elite families associated with/to K. Thaksin and PTP.

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...a motorcade of some 50 vehicles will travel from Bangkok's Imperial World Department Store to the northern Thai province of Chiang Mai...
..Now why is it that if I were the owner of Imperial World I would be paying a large group of security guards to stand out front and forcibly remove anyone waving a red banner or picture of Thaksin?

The Imperial owners has nothing to fear. Mr. T's friends!

They are Red Shirt to the core.

There is even a red shirt office in Imperial Samrong.

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They wil start in friendly territory all sober and peaceful...

Tick tock tick tock...

Now they are FUELED and GASSED and ready to rumble!

Tick tock tick tock...

Now they are hot and pissssed and at Central World!

Its time to start more trouble and provoke the government!

Same same has meaning here.

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...a motorcade of some 50 vehicles will travel from Bangkok's Imperial World Department Store to the northern Thai province of Chiang Mai...
..Now why is it that if I were the owner of Imperial World I would be paying a large group of security guards to stand out front and forcibly remove anyone waving a red banner or picture of Thaksin?

The Imperial owners has nothing to fear. Mr. T's friends!

They are Red Shirt to the core.

There is even a red shirt office in Imperial Samrong.

Ahh, The Empire strikes back. Darth Thaksin calls the Imperial forces to fight for the dark side.

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Certainly an interesting situation . It would seem as if the government is indeed somewhat more liberal in its attitude to the Red Shirt movement than the Red Shirt movement was or perhaps still is to peaceful demonstrations and certain sections of Thai society.

Where will these rallies take place, when, why and who will be taking part ?

Will the law be observed or will there be yet again , ''no go areas,'' where a toll may be extracted by the guardians of the enclave to ensure ones safe passage ?

Will there be the same violent rhetoric and incitement of class hatred and xenophobia one wonders, or will it be a peaceful movement this time around ?

Will the rabble rousers return with their hate filled vitriolic rhetoric and actions one wonders, or will the doves of peace and sanity rule this time around ?

Time alone will tell and the resultant outcome could indeed be interesting. A turning point in Thai history and national development, if the correct route is taken we all shall benefit greatly over a period of time.

If the wrong route is taken we shall sadly see the nation and its people,'' going to hel_l on a handcart'' and I fear much blood-letting worthy of a slaughterhouse.

Edited by siampolee
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My wife just Reading on redshirt international website that they plan to make the camp in rajaprasong, blockade the army barracks and take over parliment; in the province they plan to raid the local gov buildings and blockade army bases; and everywhere they will "hunting" government officials.

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My wife just Reading on redshirt international website that they plan to make the camp in rajaprasong, blockade the army barracks and take over parliment; in the province they plan to raid the local gov buildings and blockade army bases; and everywhere they will "hunting" government officials.

Sound like the old plan, check the date ;)

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It's a topic about the sept 19th being discussed as we speak. This why I'm reporting it as sound like we're in for round 2 or is it 3alreafy?

Seems like people are being some what complacent, so I'm warning what is being sceemed; I wouldn't be going out shopping for a couple days

My wife just Reading on redshirt international website that they plan to make the camp in rajaprasong, blockade the army barracks and take over parliment; in the province they plan to raid the local gov buildings and blockade army bases; and everywhere they will "hunting" government officials.

Sound like the old plan, check the date ;)

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It's a topic about the sept 19th being discussed as we speak. This why I'm reporting it as sound like we're in for round 2 or is it 3alreafy?

Seems like people are being some what complacent, so I'm warning what is being sceemed; I wouldn't be going out shopping for a couple days

My wife just Reading on redshirt international website that they plan to make the camp in rajaprasong, blockade the army barracks and take over parliment; in the province they plan to raid the local gov buildings and blockade army bases; and everywhere they will "hunting" government officials.

Sound like the old plan, check the date ;)

There where occasions I missed that a topic had been revived rather than being new.

I walk from BTS Saladaeng to U Chu Liang, RamaIV v.v. almost daily. I missed the grenade attack on the BTS station by a few hours. I can tell you I am far from complacent.

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People came to Bkk to protest and some were killed.

So to honor them Jatuporn and the other leaders order them back to Bkk. To start trouble and get killed.

Same action and same results is the definition of a Retard.

I concur. And, of course, Jatuporn is a retard. He's still at liberty, which is inexcusable. He's arrogant, ignorant, bullying, grasping, ill-informed, blustering, mendacious and corrupt. Lock him up at once!

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Tolerance towards contempt of law does not make the Emergency Decree any less strong as a tool to make arrests. What needs to be seen is, if the new Police Chief has the goolies to be able to have his bunch of misfits carry out directives associated with 'upholding' the law.

The protests may disclose a few new 'leaders' and I think listening to the vitriol may be interesting to see if they have changed tactics towards reconcilliation or just want to hammer out the same verbal diarrhea as before. But this time if they start blocking traffic and causing a public nuisance then the media will pounce on this and point out the inability of governance and the international press will have a field day.

Then we can kiss our collective ass*s goodbye as Thailand takes a dive again on behalf of a minority rabble with no prospect or ability to guide and govern the country and who single mindedly support a convicted criminal. At least the baht should devalue and give us all a chance to win some international contract business by making us more competitive and assist the declining export problems.

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People came to Bkk to protest and some were killed.

So to honor them Jatuporn and the other leaders order them back to Bkk. To start trouble and get killed.

Same action and same results is the definition of a Retard.

I concur. And, of course, Jatuporn is a retard. He's still at liberty, which is inexcusable. He's arrogant, ignorant, bullying, grasping, ill-informed, blustering, mendacious and corrupt. Lock him up at once!

Stop being polite - what do you really think of him?

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The red shirts leaders could care less about the peoples lives that will be taken.

The government should just pay them to go away.

Trust me it would work. All Thais live for today and money is their primary motivation.

Thaksin uses money for his benefit. Just pay more and turn the tables.

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You think all the Red media brainwashed all the protesters the last time?

How can a person with No Brain be brainwashed?

They were paid to go to BKK.

Paid to stay.

I.D. Cards taken and they were threatened if they tried to leave.

Shot at the Temple after running for safety by their own guards.

Please dont let history repeat itself only 4 months later.

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[These people are like some monster in a horror movie. They get beaten and killed many times only to rise up again from the deep. The leaders are evil nasty people who’s only thought is how they can get more for themselves and it is sad how so many poor are brainwashed into thinking they care one bit for the plight of the poor. They have proved themselves to be extremely violent and willing to destroy anything if they can in their way. And please don’t say yellows are as bad. During yellows protests I don’t think their was one serious injury let alone deaths. No serious harm was done to property and their was no great intimidation of people. Ok the airport was shut for 2 weeks, so what airports have been shut for long periods in lots of places. I can only hope for sake of Thai people and my Thia family that this monster is finally defeated and then maybe just maybe some party who really care about poor will rise up and peacefully effect change without being in it solely for good of one person and his minions. I doubt it, so the best of bunch at moment sadly is current government and I wish them well in dealing with this menace. Thai people have lived with corruption as a system for centuries which does not make it right but if the likes of Mr T ever get their way the real danger is a repeat of what has happened in Zimbabwie, Iraq and many other places. Of course by the time it is obvious that has happened it will take decades if ever for Thai society to ever recover. I am thankful that the army can and will and has acted to prevent total dictatorship even if this is at cost of a high degree of corruption. I wish forangs would stop trying to compare Thailand with their idea of how perfect west is.

You need to go back and reread a few things about the yellow shirts and shutting down the airport caused a lot of damage to businesses in the amt. of money they lost due to inability to export and import. The airport lost landing fees, and airlines lost millions of dollars.

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[These people are like some monster in a horror movie. They get beaten and killed many times only to rise up again from the deep. The leaders are evil nasty people who’s only thought is how they can get more for themselves and it is sad how so many poor are brainwashed into thinking they care one bit for the plight of the poor. They have proved themselves to be extremely violent and willing to destroy anything if they can in their way. And please don’t say yellows are as bad. During yellows protests I don’t think their was one serious injury let alone deaths. No serious harm was done to property and their was no great intimidation of people. Ok the airport was shut for 2 weeks, so what airports have been shut for long periods in lots of places. I can only hope for sake of Thai people and my Thia family that this monster is finally defeated and then maybe just maybe some party who really care about poor will rise up and peacefully effect change without being in it solely for good of one person and his minions. I doubt it, so the best of bunch at moment sadly is current government and I wish them well in dealing with this menace. Thai people have lived with corruption as a system for centuries which does not make it right but if the likes of Mr T ever get their way the real danger is a repeat of what has happened in Zimbabwie, Iraq and many other places. Of course by the time it is obvious that has happened it will take decades if ever for Thai society to ever recover. I am thankful that the army can and will and has acted to prevent total dictatorship even if this is at cost of a high degree of corruption. I wish forangs would stop trying to compare Thailand with their idea of how perfect west is.

You need to go back and reread a few things about the yellow shirts and shutting down the airport caused a lot of damage to businesses in the amt. of money they lost due to inability to export and import. The airport lost landing fees, and airlines lost millions of dollars.

yes. everything the red shirts do is ok because the yellow shirts protested once.

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PM says it's fine for red shirts to stage symbolic protest at Rajprasong

Well he's completely bloody wrong because we still have a state of emergency and gatherings are still banned, are they not?

Regardless, it will be a brave soul that tries to set up another red protest in the vicinity of Klong Toey. The reds aren't the only militants in town anymore.

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After their recent losses in the Bangkok council elections and bleeding of MPs, Thaksin is going for a conciliatory attitude-'I'm all for reconciliation'.

The reds will be under strict instructions to behave themselves in public over the next few weeks.

Bombings will be conducted discreetly, but the rank and file must look as peaceful and democratic as possible.

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PM says it's fine for red shirts to stage symbolic protest at Rajprasong

Well he's completely bloody wrong because we still have a state of emergency and gatherings are still banned, are they not?

Regardless, it will be a brave soul that tries to set up another red protest in the vicinity of Klong Toey. The reds aren't the only militants in town anymore.

Have to check again, but think there are lots of red-shirt supporters in Khlong Toei. They were more than happy to collaborate and on the 19th helped in arson, destruction and looting. Lucky their attempt on setting fire to the MRT station there didn't work.

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People came to Bkk to protest and some were killed.

So to honor them Jatuporn and the other leaders order them back to Bkk. To start trouble and get killed.

Same action and same results is the definition of a Retard.

I concur. And, of course, Jatuporn is a retard. He's still at liberty, which is inexcusable. He's arrogant, ignorant, bullying, grasping, ill-informed, blustering, mendacious and corrupt. Lock him up at once!

Stop being polite - what do you really think of him?

I think he's a love box...

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I think the bombs are counterproductive myself. Really, who is in favour of them? And who *really* thinks they aren't red-related?

Every bomb is just another bullet through the foot of Thaksin and his serfs. And another reason to resist this evil little man and his sickening ego problems.

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am i the only one who thinks that these 'protests' are going to be a huge failure for the reds? recall that as things wore on in april and may the #'s that turned out dropped to a trickle. then a few hand fulls set fire to building- yes, i know. but the reality as i witnessed was, imo, the movement was dying out and but for a few thousand die hards with nowhere to go. everyone else had already pretty much packed it in when the govt. 'dispersed' the remainder.

i just don't think they're going to have much of a turnout anywhere and it will reveal the lack of vocal support remaining (i realize most outside of bkk agree with the reds, but the # of those Thai's who are willing to disrupt their lives to actively protest seems pretty small at this point.

without some sort of catalyst to REALLY bring out the masses, i see this thing dying out but for the militant wing which will try to wreak some havoc here and there, but not enough to bring about any sort of change. they should have taken the govt's deal of elections when they had it. now, they're a fringe group at best imo.

Then, it is safe to lift SOE in bangkok.

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I thought the Emergency Decree included a ban on political gatherings of 5 or more?

The government is starting down the same slippery slope that led to violence in both April and May of this year. The reds have already proven that they will take advantage of any government tolerance or hesitation to act decisively.

My, how memories quickly fade around here! :whistling:

I hope that you are right, but do you remember how anti-climactic the Red protests were when they started in March? From a very small beginning they just grew & grew until 30 buildings were burning in downtown Bangkok.:( This could slowly build up to the same level of violence.

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[These people are like some monster in a horror movie. They get beaten and killed many times only to rise up again from the deep. The leaders are evil nasty people who’s only thought is how they can get more for themselves and it is sad how so many poor are brainwashed into thinking they care one bit for the plight of the poor. They have proved themselves to be extremely violent and willing to destroy anything if they can in their way. And please don’t say yellows are as bad. During yellows protests I don’t think their was one serious injury let alone deaths. No serious harm was done to property and their was no great intimidation of people. Ok the airport was shut for 2 weeks, so what airports have been shut for long periods in lots of places. I can only hope for sake of Thai people and my Thia family that this monster is finally defeated and then maybe just maybe some party who really care about poor will rise up and peacefully effect change without being in it solely for good of one person and his minions. I doubt it, so the best of bunch at moment sadly is current government and I wish them well in dealing with this menace. Thai people have lived with corruption as a system for centuries which does not make it right but if the likes of Mr T ever get their way the real danger is a repeat of what has happened in Zimbabwie, Iraq and many other places. Of course by the time it is obvious that has happened it will take decades if ever for Thai society to ever recover. I am thankful that the army can and will and has acted to prevent total dictatorship even if this is at cost of a high degree of corruption. I wish forangs would stop trying to compare Thailand with their idea of how perfect west is.

Come on, all the time the same story....boring, red come up, new user come up to call for evil and violent red....pls dont start again this story, the red are bad, the yellow same same so we cannot start this all the time and show the video of the violent yellow and red and multicolor...are all the same, some good, some bad ecc ecc...then many of us live in Thailand for 10-20-30 years, really do you want expalin to us all this? ok, tell me my friend do you never stay on the road meanwhile this things happen?

No you never stay in the middle of the raod and see whit your eyes the true...like me and others...so go back in your room from where you look you T.V. and watch also this time.

Take care bye

PS:You said " I am thankful that the army can and will and has acted to prevent total dictatorship "...I see "90 people dead and 1900 in hospital"...yes we can understand...also beacause ours country are not perfect or we live there :D.

Edited by oceano
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[These people are like some monster in a horror movie. They get beaten and killed many times only to rise up again from the deep. The leaders are evil nasty people who’s only thought is how they can get more for themselves and it is sad how so many poor are brainwashed into thinking they care one bit for the plight of the poor. They have proved themselves to be extremely violent and willing to destroy anything if they can in their way. And please don’t say yellows are as bad. During yellows protests I don’t think their was one serious injury let alone deaths. No serious harm was done to property and their was no great intimidation of people. Ok the airport was shut for 2 weeks, so what airports have been shut for long periods in lots of places. I can only hope for sake of Thai people and my Thia family that this monster is finally defeated and then maybe just maybe some party who really care about poor will rise up and peacefully effect change without being in it solely for good of one person and his minions. I doubt it, so the best of bunch at moment sadly is current government and I wish them well in dealing with this menace. Thai people have lived with corruption as a system for centuries which does not make it right but if the likes of Mr T ever get their way the real danger is a repeat of what has happened in Zimbabwie, Iraq and many other places. Of course by the time it is obvious that has happened it will take decades if ever for Thai society to ever recover. I am thankful that the army can and will and has acted to prevent total dictatorship even if this is at cost of a high degree of corruption. I wish forangs would stop trying to compare Thailand with their idea of how perfect west is.

Come on, all the time the same story....boring, red come up, new user come up to call for evil and violent red....pls dont start again this story, the red are bad, the yellow same same so we cannot start this all the time and show the video of the violent yellow and red and multicolor...are all the same, some good, some bad ecc ecc...then many of us live in Thailand for 10-20-30 years, really do you want expalin to us all this? ok, tell me my friend do you never stay on the road meanwhile this things happen?

No you never stay in the middle of the raod and see whit your eyes the true...like me and others...so go back in your room from where you look you T.V. and watch also this time.

Take care bye

PS:You said " I am thankful that the army can and will and has acted to prevent total dictatorship "...I see "90 people dead and 1900 in hospital"...yes we can understand...also beacause ours country are not perfect or we live there :D.

Yes...90 protesters dead and over 1900 wounded!

And these yellow belly yellow shirt suporters call them "violent"!

Same old cries of the desperate farangs that are sooo afraid of being kicked out the country when Khun Thanksin comes back and tightens immigration !

Times up gents...last call for drinks...and turn the lights out when you leave

Any day now :)

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am i the only one who thinks that these 'protests' are going to be a huge failure for the reds? recall that as things wore on in april and may the #'s that turned out dropped to a trickle. then a few hand fulls set fire to building- yes, i know. but the reality as i witnessed was, imo, the movement was dying out and but for a few thousand die hards with nowhere to go. everyone else had already pretty much packed it in when the govt. 'dispersed' the remainder.

i just don't think they're going to have much of a turnout anywhere and it will reveal the lack of vocal support remaining (i realize most outside of bkk agree with the reds, but the # of those Thai's who are willing to disrupt their lives to actively protest seems pretty small at this point.

without some sort of catalyst to REALLY bring out the masses, i see this thing dying out but for the militant wing which will try to wreak some havoc here and there, but not enough to bring about any sort of change. they should have taken the govt's deal of elections when they had it. now, they're a fringe group at best imo.

Well said!

My suggestion would be to make use of all of the available huge screens on department store buildings, and so on, and repeatedly stream the recording of Thaksin stating emphatically that he has "nothing to do with the Red shirts". Let's see how long they can endure listening to him say "I am not their leader"!

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I have worked in the Movie Industry for the last 15 years, and many of them in different parts of Thailand

It is common practice that when we film in any public area we have to put up a Bond to cover any problems we cause or damage we may not on purpose do or create

If you want to stay in most places in Thailand you put a deposit up front

Okay with this in mind, Free speech is okay, but why not make the put up a Financial Bond before the rally is allowed to proceed

Any damage or problems caused to the public or property will be taken from this bond

As the majority of the red shirts are about the financial side of this, will this not be the only thing that keeps them legal

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[These people are like some monster in a horror movie. They get beaten and killed many times only to rise up again from the deep. The leaders are evil nasty people who’s only thought is how they can get more for themselves and it is sad how so many poor are brainwashed into thinking they care one bit for the plight of the poor. They have proved themselves to be extremely violent and willing to destroy anything if they can in their way. And please don’t say yellows are as bad. During yellows protests I don’t think their was one serious injury let alone deaths. No serious harm was done to property and their was no great intimidation of people. Ok the airport was shut for 2 weeks, so what airports have been shut for long periods in lots of places. I can only hope for sake of Thai people and my Thia family that this monster is finally defeated and then maybe just maybe some party who really care about poor will rise up and peacefully effect change without being in it solely for good of one person and his minions. I doubt it, so the best of bunch at moment sadly is current government and I wish them well in dealing with this menace. Thai people have lived with corruption as a system for centuries which does not make it right but if the likes of Mr T ever get their way the real danger is a repeat of what has happened in Zimbabwie, Iraq and many other places. Of course by the time it is obvious that has happened it will take decades if ever for Thai society to ever recover. I am thankful that the army can and will and has acted to prevent total dictatorship even if this is at cost of a high degree of corruption. I wish forangs would stop trying to compare Thailand with their idea of how perfect west is.

Come on, all the time the same story....boring, red come up, new user come up to call for evil and violent red....pls dont start again this story, the red are bad, the yellow same same so we cannot start this all the time and show the video of the violent yellow and red and multicolor...are all the same, some good, some bad ecc ecc...then many of us live in Thailand for 10-20-30 years, really do you want expalin to us all this? ok, tell me my friend do you never stay on the road meanwhile this things happen?

No you never stay in the middle of the raod and see whit your eyes the true...like me and others...so go back in your room from where you look you T.V. and watch also this time.

Take care bye

PS:You said " I am thankful that the army can and will and has acted to prevent total dictatorship "...I see "90 people dead and 1900 in hospital"...yes we can understand...also beacause ours country are not perfect or we live there :D.

Yes...90 protesters dead and over 1900 wounded!

And these yellow belly yellow shirt suporters call them "violent"!

Same old cries of the desperate farangs that are sooo afraid of being kicked out the country when Khun Thanksin comes back and tightens immigration !

Times up gents...last call for drinks...and turn the lights out when you leave

Any day now :)


Btw, how are the in-laws up north that "nobody fuc_ks with" getting on?

Edited by Insight
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