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Cosmetic Surgery


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Hi All.

Having looked thought the topics for one on cosmetic surgery; I only found an old one. So, I would like to start a new one.

I’m looking at possible getting some minor cosmetic surgery on my face; Face lift, wrinkles and some minor blemishes, I have no experience in this area, in terms of what’s available or where to get it, or how to gauge if a good price. I’ve never given anything like this a second thought, but I’m warming to the idea….slowly. I’m looking for some recommendations, ideally for somewhere in the Chiangmai or Pattaya area.

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Forget CM and Phuket, best surgeons are all in Bkk.

There are many threads on facelifts with discussion of who these are.

You need to understand the difference between what a facelift does and what no surgical-treatemnts such as the various laser treatments do.

A facelift will literally pick up sagging skin and muscles. It will not remove wrinkles, but in cases of deep lines that are due to sagging (such as the ones people often have running from the side of each nostril down to the mouth, or really saggy lines at the forehead), those will go away or improve.

If your face is criss-crossed with wrinkles, what you want is laser resurfacing. this costs as much or more in Thailand than in the West and I have found it difficult to find docs who do it, and difficult to get a really balanced and accurate recommendation of what type of laser treatments are best in different situations...they all seem to push whatever type of treatment is "the latest" or of which they have recently bought the specialized equipment for.

Face lifts, though, are still substantially less expensive here than in the west.

In summary, my recommendation:

If you need a face lift, get it in Bangkok, Dr Amorn or Preecha being among the best, do a search on this forum under "face lift" for more discussion

If you need laser treatments, try getting that at home, better chance of getting the right type of treatment and at the same or less cost than here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Taro. I’ve not even looked at a peel, I have to find out more, truth is I don’t really like the idea of getting my face cut about, (I’m a bit of a wimp) But IMHO a peel will just make my face look like a new, as opposed to an old “empty, wet sea kit bag”I have been corresponding with YOSKARN Clinic (professor Kunachak) they were very good and very helpful………….Until I gave my available dates. Now it all gone very quiet. I hate to stereo type…..But it feels like a typical Thai reaction, or should that be non-reaction when you ask for something they can’t deliver. So I’ve been turned off them, if they can’t just email and say, “sorry, can’t do that date ….How about……” I’m supposed to trust them with my face, and they can’t talk to me? I really want to email them and give them shit for, as I see it, wasting my time, but I’ve been here long enough to know they will just view me as the idiot, so I will spend my money somewhere else, TIT.I have been talking to Bumrungrad International, I was put on to a Dr. Sukit Mekraksavanich, I Have been trying to find info on the Dr, even put up a topic asking for info on him…..Nothing! So not to keen on using him. I may not be a swan but at least my nose and ears are in the right place, would not like to wake up from surgery with a paper bag on my head!

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