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Islam Praying Singing At 05.00 Am


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For about 2 months now, Islam praying (singing)affects my life at the Chiang Mai Changklan area. I think they installed newspeakers and I can hear it very clear and loud inside of my room (I leave allwindows open all time), despite I live about 1 km away. It starts at 05.00 am inthe morning when it wakes me up. As a result of that, I cannot get to sleep anymore.I hear it about 5/6 times a day with the last praying being around 20.00h.

Probably it affects people living at floors 4-5 uponly.

I went to their Mosque and tried to get in contactwith the Imam already. Unfortunately, of the 5 people I spoke to, no one wantedto bring me in contact with him and they were absolutely not interested tolisten to my full story. The reply of them was that they could do nothing aboutthe noise at all.

It is in the phase of starting irritating me a lotevery time I hear it.

I came not to CM for being waked up by the Islameach and every night. At least I want a good sleep until I wake up by myself.

Are there some other people with the same feelingsout there?

Is there something that can be done against it?


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-buy earplugs

-move to another apartment

-buy loudspeakers and broadcast your own programming. i.e. rock and roll, cartoons etc

-close your windows in the morning

-pray each morning that you lose your hearing

-declare a Fatwa against anything

-buy a dozen vendor carts and have them surround the mosque to make pungent pork dishes. the porky aroma will drive them to another mosque

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Try ear plugs, or even closing the windows?

If I'm not mistaken, the noise that wakes you up is the call to pray which you will probably hear at numerous times throughout the day.

I lived in a mainly muslim community back in the UK and although there were none of these speakers there, I do know that they will NOT stop using them because it wakes you up.

May be an idea to befrend one of the local high ranking BIB and bung him a back hander to go and have a word with them after you explain how many times a day he can fine them for causing a disturbance

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You could record a Buddhist Prayer and blast it back in their direction during the time they want silence. Or pay some noisy motorcyclists to do laps around the Mosque without mufflers during the time they like silence. They should know their loudspeaker noise is offensive to the lives of everyone else around them who hold different beliefs. So, they need a dose of their own medicine if they continue to ignore requests to turn it off.

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You could record a Buddhist Prayer and blast it back in their direction during the time they want silence. Or pay some noisy motorcyclists to do laps around the Mosque without mufflers during the time they like silence. They should know their loudspeaker noise is offensive to the lives of everyone else around them who hold different beliefs. So, they need a dose of their own medicine if they continue to ignore requests to turn it off.

A 'dose of their own medicine' will probably result in the OP (a farang) getting into trouble. It needs to be kept in mind that as irritating as it might be, the Muslims are still Thai citizens that practice Islam and unless the law states that they are doing something they shouldn't, you will not stop it. A farang on the other hand, blasting out Buddhist prayers or loud music will probably bother all Thai's regardless of their religion and could lead to trouble or serious confrontation......and you will not win.

Earplugs or move....save the stress.

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Its amazing how you can block out these sounds. After working which means living in Saudi Arabia for a few decades where there is a Mosque on every corner you just don't notice it. For that matter you have to adjust your life to it because all stores and restaurants are closed during prayer. This being Ramadan the prayers get loader and longer. Now I know that doesn't help the OP but your not going to change this in Thailand and definitely not Saudi Arabia.

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So you want to stop a religious practice over thousand of years ago just that you get a good sleep. Be sensible and practice more religious tolerance mate. The mosque will not move but you can.

Yeah, they have been turning up those speakers for thousands of years. LOL.

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All "attack" solutions offered above are pure nonsense. Quite apart from every other concern, they cannot work and probably would backfire.

Indulging in angers or self-righteousness is a misalignment in my soul, I think, and actions rising from it can provoke anger in others - that is all. There are a number of countries where expressed anger and applications to higher authorities get you nowhere for a very long time, France is an example, and Thailand too.

You owe it to yourself to take it easy on yourself find a workable solution, and there are several listed above. Or anyway, that's what I decided. I moved because of a nightclub, did not want to, just did, and I hate moving.

In my case, the most difficult part was defusing my own frustration. But what I was up against was that I was from a foreign place and did not understand new ways. I cannot believe that Thai people are so practiced at tuning out noise, but they do. And it is not the case that everybody has raised a dozen unruly children!

After a while, I took my moving as a learning, and worth it. Slept better for two reasons.

Well said.

However, if they feel that noise is being created as a deliberate annoyance (especially by a farang) then life can get quite uncomfortable.

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So you want to stop a religious practice over thousand of years ago just that you get a good sleep. Be sensible and practice more religious tolerance mate. The mosque will not move but you can.

They didn't have loud speakers 1000 years ago, are loudspeakers required, as written in their ' book '.

In some countries it would be classed as noise pollution, same as any other pollution that affects other peoples life, nothing to do with religion. Not that long ago some religions sacrificed humans, is that OK with you for your ' religious tolerance ' :rolleyes:

I agree that loudspeakers should not be used.

I wonder if the calling is done in person, or if it's a recording going through speakers?

Your point about noise pollution in some countries is valid and the first to go would be incessant barking dogs.

However, TIT and we know what applies in some countries does not apply here.

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So you want to stop a religious practice over thousand of years ago just that you get a good sleep. Be sensible and practice more religious tolerance mate. The mosque will not move but you can.

They didn't have loud speakers 1000 years ago, are loudspeakers required, as written in their ' book '.

In some countries it would be classed as noise pollution, same as any other pollution that affects other peoples life, nothing to do with religion. Not that long ago some religions sacrificed humans, is that OK with you for your ' religious tolerance ' :rolleyes:


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So you want to stop a religious practice over thousand of years ago just that you get a good sleep. Be sensible and practice more religious tolerance mate. The mosque will not move but you can.

They didn't have loud speakers 1000 years ago, are loudspeakers required, as written in their ' book '.

In some countries it would be classed as noise pollution, same as any other pollution that affects other peoples life, nothing to do with religion. Not that long ago some religions sacrificed humans, is that OK with you for your ' religious tolerance ' :rolleyes:

I agree that loudspeakers should not be used.

I wonder if the calling is done in person, or if it's a recording going through speakers?

Your point about noise pollution in some countries is valid and the first to go would be incessant barking dogs.

However, TIT and we know what applies in some countries does not apply here.

Should add, Thailand is religion tolerant but a certain religion does not recognise any other religion and wants the world to follow it and what it does. :)


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So you want to stop a religious practice over thousand of years ago just that you get a good sleep. Be sensible and practice more religious tolerance mate. The mosque will not move but you can.

They didn't have loud speakers 1000 years ago, are loudspeakers required, as written in their ' book '.

In some countries it would be classed as noise pollution, same as any other pollution that affects other peoples life, nothing to do with religion. Not that long ago some religions sacrificed humans, is that OK with you for your ' religious tolerance ' :rolleyes:

what, like church bells?:whistling:

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Posted by PingandSingh!

What, as in Mr Singh the Sikh perhaps? Not exactly kindred spirits, the folks of Islam & Sikhism, are they? First post ever and a gripe looking for support! Usually, an online social community in the 21st century has a bit of netiquette, meaning a first post ever preferably begins with a 'Hi everyone', followed by the topic in question!

Me thinks TV is rapidly become Troll Visa in a desperate attempt to bring members to rooms. This is of course, just my humble opinion, or which I'm entitled to, and simply by my interaction here, shows that it works ;)


Good one, Aitch, hadn't thought about this one.

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Posted by PingandSingh!

What, as in Mr Singh the Sikh perhaps? Not exactly kindred spirits, the folks of Islam & Sikhism, are they? First post ever and a gripe looking for support! Usually, an online social community in the 21st century has a bit of netiquette, meaning a first post ever preferably begins with a 'Hi everyone', followed by the topic in question!

Me thinks TV is rapidly become Troll Visa in a desperate attempt to bring members to rooms. This is of course, just my humble opinion, or which I'm entitled to, and simply by my interaction here, shows that it works ;)


Good one, Aitch, hadn't thought about this one.

yeah really. why debate a issue when one can just launch into an "ad hominem" personal attack on the speaker. That's the spirit and M.O. of Thai Visa. Bravo

An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), also known as argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.[1] The ad hominem is a classic logical fallacy.[2] The ad hominem is not always fallacious, for in some instances questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue.

Singh name

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Posted by PingandSingh!

What, as in Mr Singh the Sikh perhaps? Not exactly kindred spirits, the folks of Islam & Sikhism, are they? First post ever and a gripe looking for support! Usually, an online social community in the 21st century has a bit of netiquette, meaning a first post ever preferably begins with a 'Hi everyone', followed by the topic in question!

Me thinks TV is rapidly become Troll Visa in a desperate attempt to bring members to rooms. This is of course, just my humble opinion, or which I'm entitled to, and simply by my interaction here, shows that it works ;)


Well who'd have thunk it ?

Nice one Drew a fine piece of sleuthing........I'm hoping all those Morse and Frost shows will pay dividends for me too one day. ;)

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Thank you all for the replies despite not becoming wiser ofthem. It is sad to learn that there is maybe no solution without conflicts. Ihave been thought it is better not to disturb and respect others.

It wasn't a problem until a few months back; we've heardthem barely and they were not disturbing us. I think they got modernized withspeakers and now the message is loud and clear.

What I don't understand is that they live in a circle of, let'ssay, 300 m around the Mosque nevertheless they now have a system to get themessage clear until up maybe 2 km.

 For me, this can be closed; it brings more frustration thanhelp.

 PS: reading my first post again, it starts with a “Hi”……..just as this post. What's wrong with that Aitch?

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Thank you all for the replies despite not becoming wiser ofthem. It is sad to learn that there is maybe no solution without conflicts. Ihave been thought it is better not to disturb and respect others.

It wasn't a problem until a few months back; we've heardthem barely and they were not disturbing us. I think they got modernized withspeakers and now the message is loud and clear.

What I don't understand is that they live in a circle of, let'ssay, 300 m around the Mosque nevertheless they now have a system to get themessage clear until up maybe 2 km.

For me, this can be closed; it brings more frustration thanhelp.

PS: reading my first post again, it starts with a “Hi”……..just as this post. What's wrong with that Aitch?

Quit your trolling. If in fact, your tale is true and the calling to prayer (Adhan) bothers you, the simple solution is move.

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 PS: reading my first post again, it starts with a “Hi”……..just as this post. What's wrong with that Aitch?

Nothing! It was wrong of me to assume and be so presumptuous and for that I apologise.

Why did I make those remarks? Well, at a rough estimate, 88% of all new member's to forums, where their very first post is of a controversial or potentially provoking nature, never return. In other words, they are Trolls and part of a business strategy to generate BUZZ!. I learned this and other related stuff by attending webinars and studying various course material some 6 years ago while on an Internet Marketing course. For the record, this still holds true today, hence the scepticism.

In fact, the stats are perhaps even higher than they used to be. This is especially the case with new wannabe or dying forums that are trying to generate some buzz in what's become, and continues to be, an extremely overcrowded and competitive area of online business.

So, I shall still remain sceptical about brand new members whose very first post is controversial, or on thought provoking topics, despite that fact that you yourself have returned to make comment. Then again, the online game is my thing, so I'm probably exposed to this kind of stuff more than most.

Back on topic, I hope you find a peaceful solution to your problem of this early morning noise pollution.



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