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Girlfrieds Uk Tourist Visa Rejected

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Hi all,

Bad news this moring , my girfriends application for a six month visa has been rejected.

The rejection letter sets out 4 reasons for rejection. I must admit that I am not sure what to about re-applying

Reason 1

You state that you have been employed as a cashier since 21/04/10 and that you earn 11,000 Baht (229 at the current exchange rate of £1=48THB) per month. Although you have submitted a personal bank statement there is no independent or substantiating evidence of a regular income. Additionally the history of your bank account demonstrates a number of deposits that are not commensurate with your claimed income and for which no credible explanation has been forthcoming. In light of this I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you are genuinely seeking entry to the United Kingdom as a visitor nor that you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the visit as required by paragraph 41(i) and (ii) of HC395

A letter from her employer was submitted with her application, but neither that or her bank statements have been returned only my evidence pack

This one is where I think we have a probleem. It appears that my girlfriend has allowed her bank to be used as a safe place for Family members to place money rather than travel across country with cash. They have deposited the money in her account back in the home town and thaen travelled to Bankok and withdrwawn the monies as necessary. Last Year she also had money deposited in her account by her cousin before she came to the UK for 6 months in order that she could pay her cousins mortgage whilst she was in england. So I am not sure how this can be easily covered in a fresh application

Reason 2

You state in your application form that you wish to visit your boyfriend, Mr X for a period of six months, There is an onus upon you. under the United Kingdom immigration rules, to satisfy me as to your intentions in the United Kingdom; however you have failed to do so. From the photographic evidence you have submitted I accept that you and your sponsor have met. However, you have failed to provide substantive evidence of your relationship with your sponsor, which casts doubt on your intentions in the United Kingdom. In lht of this I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you are genuinely seeking entry to the United Kingdom as a visitor or that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit as stated by you and as required by paragraph 41(i) and (ii) of HC395.

Evidence provided in application pack showing daily calls via Skype for the last 13 months, and photographic evidence from 2 holidays

Not sure what else can be added as I have sent her some funds, but have done so via a friend as he works for a bank and so can make international transfers for free and in £'s to a Thai bank so getting best rates

Reason 3

The cost of your proposed visit is to be borne by your boyfriend in the United Kingdom. Whilst you have provided evidence of your sponsor's funds by way of a bank statement in their name, you have failed to provide satisfactory evidence as to the origin of these funds. In particular you have submitted no evidence of your sponsors employment or income. As a result, I am not satisfied that the evidence provided is a true reflection of your sponsor financial circumstances or that these funds are available to you for a period of six months. Given the foregoing I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you will be able to maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to public funds or taking employment; or will, with any dependants, be maintained and accommodated adequately by relatives or friends; nor that you can meet the cost of the return journey as required by paragraph 41 (vi) and (vu) of HC395

Letter clearly stated that I am an Electronics/Software engineer made redundant in January. Current account statements sent from Jan to date average balence £5K, last salery payment in Jan. Savings account opened in Feb with transfer from privous account showing savings starting from £103K in Feb dropping to £96K in Aug as I am living off my saviings. All explained in letter, can only think of addind a copy of my P45 for next ime

Reason 4

You have not provided satisfactory evidence to establish that suitable accommodation is available for you in the United Kingdom, as required in the Housing Act 1985. for example with land registry documents or an independent surveyor's report. Given this, I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you will maintain and accommodate yourself and any dependants adequately out of resources available to you without recourse to public funds or taking employment: or will, with any dependants, be maintained and accommodated adequately by relatives or friends as required by paragraph 41 (vii) of HC395.

Evidence provided, a copy from the internet of my council tax bill for a 3 bed room semi detatched house with 25% discount for single occupancy, in the letter I stated that this property is mine and I have no mortgage. Not sure what else I could add

If anbody has any input that could help with making a fresh application it would be appeciated, how long should we wait before trying again.

Thanks in advance for any help


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Man, our embassies in the West are so obtuse that prefer to have us marry with foreigners so after they have to grant not only visa but citizenship...and frankly speaking given how we are struggling in Europe noe who would dream to cheat the tourist visa and stay in Europe for good ?

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I thought it might be worth adding a copy of the letter that I sent in case anyone can spot something that caused the eco to reject the application

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re : Application for a visitor’s visa by Miss XX( Known as Y )

I write in support of Miss X’s application to visit the United Kingdom.

Brief Background

I am a British National and I am forty eight years old. XX ( Y ) is a Thai national and is almost thirty one years old. Neither of us has been married previously, neither of us have children.

We met when I travelled to Thailand with my Best Friend and his wife for a Holiday in November of 2008 (copy of Passport stamps attached). During that holiday I met Y, she is the cousin of my friend’s wife.

She accompanied us during this holiday, staying for a few days in Bangkok before travelling north to Chiang Mai for a few days. We then returned to my friend’s house, which lies on the outskirts of the family village (near Tak). We stayed there for the rest of the holiday meeting the Family, visiting Sukhothai and other local sightseeing. We enjoyed each other’s company nevertheless our relationship at that time was simply a friendship. Following my return to the United Kingdom we continued to correspond by telephone and msn. Y and I found that having met and enjoyed each other’s company, that maybe we had the basis for a relationship.

I returned to Thailand for a holiday in December 2009 (copy of Passport stamps attached), travelling out with my Best Friend. Y met me at the airport together with her Mother, Best friends wife and her Mother. Initially we all stayed in Bangkok for a couple of days, visiting the Damnoen Saduak Floating market and attending the Kings Birthday celebrations on the 5th of December. We then travelled as a group to Nong Khai for a couple of days. The rest of the group then travelled back to Tak, whilst Y and I flew from Udon Thani to Chiang Mai via Bangkok. We stayed there for 3 days sightseeing before I rented a car for the drive south. We stopped at my friend’s house on the outskirt of the family village (near Tak) for a couple of nights and had an early birthday party for myself and Y’s Mother, as we share the same birthday. We then drove back to Bangkok for a couple of days before my flight back to the UK.

Our current plans are for Y to visit me in the United Kingdom for period of up to 6 months. I hope that this time will enable our relationship to grow further and allow Y to experience British life and culture and decide if she thinks that a future in England would suit her. If all goes well then hopefully we will get married next year in Thailand. We speak frequently on the phone and chat on msn. Barely a day goes by when we are not in some kind of contact. I have attached my Skpe call log to show the frequency of calls that I make to Y.

My and Y’s current circumstances

I am an Electronics and Software Engineer currently unemployed due to being made redundant in Feb of this year and since that time I have been supporting my father in caring for my Mother through a terminal illness, she finally passed away in July this year. I own a three bedroom semi-detached property in Southampton, outright with no mortgage. I live on my own and enclose a copy of my council tax bill to support this. I live fairly well in the UK, previously spending my salary on myself and saving and you can see from the Bank statements attached that I have considerable savings and can support both myself and Y comfortably for her stay in England. I will meet all of Y’s financial requirements for her stay in the UK and pay for her flights. On the Visa being granted I will buy travel insurance for her in order that she is covered for the duration of her stay. Although my savings are more than enough to support us, I intend to resume looking for employment in the Southampton area after she has been in England for a couple of months.

Y is currently working as a cashier in a Japanese restaurant, having been recruited away from her previous employment by the owner of the restaurant with a personal recommendation from a previous employer. She is a hard working and trusted worker and has taught herself rudimentary Japanese in order to progress. Y will have to leave her job for this holiday, but feels that this is necessary for our relationship. With the contacts that she has within the Japanese restaurants in Bangkok she thinks that she will have no problem getting a new job on her return, in fact the last two restaurants that she has worked have said that if she wants to return then just call and see if they have a vacancy<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

Reasons that Y will return to Thailand at the end of her holiday.

Y is a college educated Thai lady with Thai values. We are in a relationship and given her background I would suggest that it is most unlikely that she would do anything to jeopardize our relationship or future applications for entry clearance by overstaying her Visa. Y will be staying with me and will have the support of her cousin who lives in London. She fully understands the Visa process, as her Aunt and Cousin have both had 6 month Visa’s to visit my Friend and Wife in London. I would say that her character is such that it is most unlikely that there are any circumstances where she would wish or indeed could remain in the UK illegally at the end of her planned holiday.

<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

If possible I would like to Y to stay in England for the full 6 months of the Visa, if issued. To this end I hope it would be possible to start the Visa on the date of travel stated on the application. We have calculated this date to allow Y to hopefully get the positive result of the application and then give her employer sufficient notice of stopping work, as she works in a position of responsibility in the restaurant and feels responsible in allowing enough time to teach a replacement worker her job.

I enclose with this application the following documents which I hope will be of assistance in considering Y’s application.

1. My current account statements from January 2010. (From Internet)

2. My savings account statement from January 2010. (From Internet)

3. Skype phone log from July 2009.

4. A copy of my passport (showing entry and exit stamps for Thailand).

5. A copy of my Council Tax Bill. (From Internet)

6. Photos from Holiday 2008.

7. Photos from Holiday 2009.

<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

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I thought it might be worth adding a copy of the letter that I sent in case anyone can spot something that caused the eco to reject the application

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re : Application for a visitor's visa by Miss XX( Known as Y )

I write in support of Miss X's application to visit the United Kingdom.

Brief Background

I am a British National and I am forty eight years old. XX ( Y ) is a Thai national and is almost thirty one years old. Neither of us has been married previously, neither of us have children.

We met when I travelled to Thailand with my Best Friend and his wife for a Holiday in November of 2008 (copy of Passport stamps attached). During that holiday I met Y, she is the cousin of my friend's wife.

She accompanied us during this holiday, staying for a few days in Bangkok before travelling north to Chiang Mai for a few days. We then returned to my friend's house, which lies on the outskirts of the family village (near Tak). We stayed there for the rest of the holiday meeting the Family, visiting Sukhothai and other local sightseeing. We enjoyed each other's company nevertheless our relationship at that time was simply a friendship. Following my return to the United Kingdom we continued to correspond by telephone and msn. Y and I found that having met and enjoyed each other's company, that maybe we had the basis for a relationship.

I returned to Thailand for a holiday in December 2009 (copy of Passport stamps attached), travelling out with my Best Friend. Y met me at the airport together with her Mother, Best friends wife and her Mother. Initially we all stayed in Bangkok for a couple of days, visiting the Damnoen Saduak Floating market and attending the Kings Birthday celebrations on the 5th of December. We then travelled as a group to Nong Khai for a couple of days. The rest of the group then travelled back to Tak, whilst Y and I flew from Udon Thani to Chiang Mai via Bangkok. We stayed there for 3 days sightseeing before I rented a car for the drive south. We stopped at my friend's house on the outskirt of the family village (near Tak) for a couple of nights and had an early birthday party for myself and Y's Mother, as we share the same birthday. We then drove back to Bangkok for a couple of days before my flight back to the UK.

Our current plans are for Y to visit me in the United Kingdom for period of up to 6 months. I hope that this time will enable our relationship to grow further and allow Y to experience British life and culture and decide if she thinks that a future in England would suit her. If all goes well then hopefully we will get married next year in Thailand. We speak frequently on the phone and chat on msn. Barely a day goes by when we are not in some kind of contact. I have attached my Skpe call log to show the frequency of calls that I make to Y.

My and Y's current circumstances

I am an Electronics and Software Engineer currently unemployed due to being made redundant in Feb of this year and since that time I have been supporting my father in caring for my Mother through a terminal illness, she finally passed away in July this year. I own a three bedroom semi-detached property in Southampton, outright with no mortgage. I live on my own and enclose a copy of my council tax bill to support this. I live fairly well in the UK, previously spending my salary on myself and saving and you can see from the Bank statements attached that I have considerable savings and can support both myself and Y comfortably for her stay in England. I will meet all of Y's financial requirements for her stay in the UK and pay for her flights. On the Visa being granted I will buy travel insurance for her in order that she is covered for the duration of her stay. Although my savings are more than enough to support us, I intend to resume looking for employment in the Southampton area after she has been in England for a couple of months.

Y is currently working as a cashier in a Japanese restaurant, having been recruited away from her previous employment by the owner of the restaurant with a personal recommendation from a previous employer. She is a hard working and trusted worker and has taught herself rudimentary Japanese in order to progress. Y will have to leave her job for this holiday, but feels that this is necessary for our relationship. With the contacts that she has within the Japanese restaurants in Bangkok she thinks that she will have no problem getting a new job on her return, in fact the last two restaurants that she has worked have said that if she wants to return then just call and see if they have a vacancy<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

Reasons that Y will return to Thailand at the end of her holiday.

Y is a college educated Thai lady with Thai values. We are in a relationship and given her background I would suggest that it is most unlikely that she would do anything to jeopardize our relationship or future applications for entry clearance by overstaying her Visa. Y will be staying with me and will have the support of her cousin who lives in London. She fully understands the Visa process, as her Aunt and Cousin have both had 6 month Visa's to visit my Friend and Wife in London. I would say that her character is such that it is most unlikely that there are any circumstances where she would wish or indeed could remain in the UK illegally at the end of her planned holiday.

<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

If possible I would like to Y to stay in England for the full 6 months of the Visa, if issued. To this end I hope it would be possible to start the Visa on the date of travel stated on the application. We have calculated this date to allow Y to hopefully get the positive result of the application and then give her employer sufficient notice of stopping work, as she works in a position of responsibility in the restaurant and feels responsible in allowing enough time to teach a replacement worker her job.

I enclose with this application the following documents which I hope will be of assistance in considering Y's application.

1. My current account statements from January 2010. (From Internet)

2. My savings account statement from January 2010. (From Internet)

3. Skype phone log from July 2009.

4. A copy of my passport (showing entry and exit stamps for Thailand).

5. A copy of my Council Tax Bill. (From Internet)

6. Photos from Holiday 2008.

7. Photos from Holiday 2009.

<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

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I have just spent 15 mins typing a response and then got a &lt;deleted&gt; power cut and lost the lot, will sum up what I drafted.

Your girlfriend has worked as a cashier for about four months when the application was submitted yet already intends to go on a six month holiday, I'm sure that the letter from her employer was genuine but, I'm sure you will agree, it's a little odd to be able to have six month holiday after such a short period of employment. I think at this stage the ECO was of a mind to refuse the application.

You have been to Thailand a couple of times but already you want to spend six months together in the UK, far longer than you have spent with her in Thailand, again a six month holiday is a lot. Did you explain what you were going to do?

You have answered your own question about your finances, I'm sure was of the mind that even though your bank balance is healthy it will soon be whittled down during this holiday and they probably thought that you would not be seeking work.

I think the point of the accomodation is a bit of a red herring and it's the second time it's come up in a couple of days. I think the ECO had enough reason to refuse the application without this, so I'm suprised they put it in.

By all means get your girlfriend to reapply, though the points of the refusal need to be addressed. She needs to submit a robust application bearing in mind that after a refusal it will probably be more difficult and it's no good just reducing the length of the proposed visit. The application needs to be robust, she needs to convince the ECO is reasonable and affordable and that she will return after her trip.

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I'm no expert, although I successfully got my then TGF a visitor's visa back in 2006, but you're main mistake was asking for 6 months, which is hardly a holiday. Much better just ask for 3 weeks (you'll still get a 6 month visa, if successful, and it's up to you whether you want to risk future visas her staying for longer than period for which she applied).

Good luck.

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as you've probably seen, i have the same problem. my gf's 2 month application was rejected saturday, despite her having visited last year.

someone told me they suspected clerical error- maybe our gfs applications were in the same batch and supporting docs were mis-read or ignored??? i'm re-applying and i'm going to give all information i can although if your gf was refused after the info you provided, i'm not hopeful.

good luck


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You could check your refusal letters to see who made the decision on each one ( there are initials, not names ). If it was the same ECO, then I doubt it was a " clerical error ", more likely the way that particular visa officer is looking at, and assessing, applications. That said, I don't really see how it could be clerical error anyway.

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I sorry to hear of your difficultly of your girlfriends entry to England but things are much more stringent due to the economical situation.

I can only interpret the possiblities of refusal as indeed others here are trying to do.

A number of things I would suspect if I was looking at it from a immigration officers view is :-

1. The " My Girlfriend " statement, no mention of commitment only maybe's. :whistling:.

2. I visited Thailand with my friend and his Thai wife ? arrangment I wonder.:unsure:

3. Why has he only been here twice and known each other less than 2 years. :rolleyes:

4. Your letter is very long :boring: sounds like desperation.

5. Your lady leaving her " position of reponsibility " in Thailand for a 6 month holiday. :ermm:

6. You have savings but no job :coffee1: easy to get a job in England at the moment !!! Yes.

7. You enclosed documents "( From internet)" you can get anything from the internet these days. B)

I came Thailand four times in 1999 met now wifey Dec '2000 came to Thailand three times a year from then on.

In '2003 my Fiancée by then, came UK on 6 months visa, reason :- holiday to visit my family & London tour. No problem.

In 2004 second visa 2years, no problem but still a lot of pains taking paperwork required even being officially married by then.

My Mrs. always says to people trying now just keep at it you will get there in the end, maybe !!!

The only other way would some rich relative in Thailand to help her.

Loads of dosh ! you have ! you say ! come and live here first in Thailand for a while then !!

As I said things are tougher now, more than before but still good luck with your re-application.

Edited by Kwasaki
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I sorry to hear of your difficultly of your girlfriends entry to England but things are much more stringent due to the economical situation.

Where did you get that gem from?

Yes ! An assumption indeed but a good excuse for refusal true or false.

Usual thing try and help a guy and in come the criticisms, how about a grammer and spell check.

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Yes ! An assumption indeed but a good excuse for refusal true or false.

Usual thing try and help a guy and in come the criticisms, how about a grammer and spell check.

So you think an alarmist remark that is helpful do you?

By the way it wasn't wasn't criticism, I was asking where you got the information from, I know now.

What do you mean grammar and spell check?

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I thought it might be worth adding a copy of the letter that I sent in case anyone can spot something that caused the eco to reject the application

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re : Application for a visitor’s visa by Miss XX( Known as Y )

I write in support of Miss X’s application to visit the United Kingdom.

Brief Background

I am a British National and I am forty eight years old. XX ( Y ) is a Thai national and is almost thirty one years old. Neither of us has been married previously, neither of us have children.

We met when I travelled to Thailand with my Best Friend and his wife for a Holiday in November of 2008 (copy of Passport stamps attached). During that holiday I met Y, she is the cousin of my friend’s wife.

She accompanied us during this holiday, staying for a few days in Bangkok before travelling north to Chiang Mai for a few days. We then returned to my friend’s house, which lies on the outskirts of the family village (near Tak). We stayed there for the rest of the holiday meeting the Family, visiting Sukhothai and other local sightseeing. We enjoyed each other’s company nevertheless our relationship at that time was simply a friendship. Following my return to the United Kingdom we continued to correspond by telephone and msn. Y and I found that having met and enjoyed each other’s company, that maybe we had the basis for a relationship.

I returned to Thailand for a holiday in December 2009 (copy of Passport stamps attached), travelling out with my Best Friend. Y met me at the airport together with her Mother, Best friends wife and her Mother. Initially we all stayed in Bangkok for a couple of days, visiting the Damnoen Saduak Floating market and attending the Kings Birthday celebrations on the 5th of December. We then travelled as a group to Nong Khai for a couple of days. The rest of the group then travelled back to Tak, whilst Y and I flew from Udon Thani to Chiang Mai via Bangkok. We stayed there for 3 days sightseeing before I rented a car for the drive south. We stopped at my friend’s house on the outskirt of the family village (near Tak) for a couple of nights and had an early birthday party for myself and Y’s Mother, as we share the same birthday. We then drove back to Bangkok for a couple of days before my flight back to the UK.

My ha'pennoth is that your letter is both too long and not detailed enough.

In my humble view you don't need to give some of the details you gave about your travel. You do need to spell out clearly in the letter the value of your savings as well as attaching bank statements as you are currently unemployed. You especially need to set out clearly and unambiguously reasons why she will return at the end of the holiday, particularly as you want her to stay for the full six months. Her fine character is a very good thing, but not really evidence of her returning to Thailand. In hindsight, it was unrealistic for you to indicate that she wanted to stay for so long on a first visit. You need to set out why she wants to visit for so long, if you say she now wants to visit for only a month or two the ECO's suspicions will be raised. The paragraph in the refusal letter about insufficient evidence of property would appear to be new standard wording, notably the same as for jimexton's good lady. Whilst it appears to go rather over the top for a visitor's visa, a copy Land Registry entry showing you as the registered propreitor wold cover this. Address these points in a fresh application and your GF should succeed.

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Yes ! An assumption indeed but a good excuse for refusal true or false.

Usual thing try and help a guy and in come the criticisms, how about a grammer and spell check.

So you think an alarmist remark that is helpful do you?

By the way it wasn't wasn't criticism, I was asking where you got the information from, I know now.

What do you mean grammar and spell check?

Apologies, referring to one line from my post I didn't see as a question more like being cynical. :coffee1:

" alarmist " stringent is hardly alarmist, just refers to "regulations" "strict guidelines etc" which immigration inforce.

"grammer and spell check" you must have read on forums comments about grammar correction and the spell police.

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Hi All,

Thanks for your comments

I have spoken with my girlfriend and she is very hesitant about applying again soon as she has heard that 2 refusals in short time would jeopardise for ever her chance of a Visa.

I am trying to get out to see her in the near future and try to sort out the issues with her bank statements, although she fears that the letter from her employer may have also jeopardised her application as the Japanese restaurant that she was working was one of 3 business run by a company named something massage. Apparently they own a DVD shop, the Japanese Restraunt and previously had a Massage shop ( before all the staff in the massage shop walked out ).So the letter from her employer had a company heading of something massage, although she says that the lady in the office that provided the letter did write in it that she worked in the Japanese Restraunt

One thing that concerns me with a future application is this reason that the ECO gave.

Reason 2

You state in your application form that you wish to visit your boyfriend, Mr X for a period of six months, There is an onus upon you. under the United Kingdom immigration rules, to satisfy me as to your intentions in the United Kingdom; however you have failed to do so. From the photographic evidence you have submitted I accept that you and your sponsor have met. However, you have failed to provide substantive evidence of your relationship with your sponsor, which casts doubt on your intentions in the United Kingdom. In light of this I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you are genuinely seeking entry to the United Kingdom as a visitor or that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit as stated by you and as required by paragraph 41(i) and (ii) of HC395.

Now in addition to the Photographs from our two holidays, I also attatched logs of my telephone contact with her. These logs consisted of 18 pages, listing daily phone calls, sometimes 2 or 3 calls a day, sometimes 2 to 3 hours a day.

Now my question is does this not represent substantive evidence, was the log in a format that the ECO would not accept or does the British Embassy only accept a relationship if financial aid is being provided.

My girlfriend is a proud lady and even though she does not earn a fortune, she is worried what my family would think of her if I was sending her money when I am out of work. She regularly tells me that it is the heart that matters not money.

I await your views


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I have a buddy from Kroat. That is legally married to a woman here. She works as a supervisor at Western Digital. For 15 years steady. And the U.S turned her down for a two week stay in America.

&lt;deleted&gt;. The US is getting impossible to get in now. I just do not understand.

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I have a buddy from Kroat. That is legally married to a woman here. She works as a supervisor at Western Digital. For 15 years steady. And the U.S turned her down for a two week stay in America.

&lt;deleted&gt;. The US is getting impossible to get in now. I just do not understand.

I have 2 buddies both married to Thai's for more than 15 years, both wifes had 10 yr visa's, both had been to the USA 3 or 4 times in 10 yrs with stays each time of less than 1 month. Both applied for new visa's....denied by US embassy. Go figure that one.

They have a problem giving a Thai wife a visa but they let illegal immigrants with no visa hang around for years working and having babies then Nancy Pelosi worries about breaking up families in deporting them. Beam me up Scotty................there is no intelligent life in the USA.

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They have a problem giving a Thai wife a visa but they let illegal immigrants with no visa hang around for years working and having babies then Nancy Pelosi worries about breaking up families in deporting them. Beam me up Scotty................there is no intelligent life in the USA.

They want the cheap labour but would never admit it!

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Reason 2

You state in your application form that you wish to visit your boyfriend, Mr X for a period of six months, There is an onus upon you. under the United Kingdom immigration rules, to satisfy me as to your intentions in the United Kingdom; however you have failed to do so. From the photographic evidence you have submitted I accept that you and your sponsor have met. However, you have failed to provide substantive evidence of your relationship with your sponsor, which casts doubt on your intentions in the United Kingdom. In lht of this I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you are genuinely seeking entry to the United Kingdom as a visitor or that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit as stated by you and as required by paragraph 41(i) and (ii) of HC395.

main mistake was asking for 6 months, which is hardly a holiday. Much better just ask for 3 weeks

If brewsterbudgen is correct - and I can't imagine how he couldn't be - the UK Immigration case officer must be retarded?

I just double-checked with the Logic Department, and they confirmed my gut feeling that it is just as easy to [not leave] once you have entered the country with a 3 week visa. If one does not "intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of [their] visit", one would be very ill-advised to apply for a 6 month visa, no?

What a moran. Sorry OP, all the spots have been filled by Islamic refugees. Sharia Law-ascribing types. In a decade or two, you might yourself be a refugee. I hope the Thai government sees fit to grant you asylum.

the letter from her employer had a company heading of something massage

My gut says this had to have been a strategical mistake, but I was unable to confirm this with the Logic Department.

I have a buddy from Kroat. That is legally married to a woman here. She works as a supervisor at Western Digital. For 15 years steady. And the U.S turned her down for a two week stay in America.

&lt;deleted&gt;. The US is getting impossible to get in now. I just do not understand.

Land of the Free.

And home of the Afraid.

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easy solution since you are out of job, come here!

I agree, its coming up to winter in the UK, lock up the house, get someone to check on it and get over here for 6 months, get a multi entry non immigrant from hull, spend more time with the girlfriend, build up lots of photo's and stuff, that would be another 6 months of building up her bank balance and work record. Enjoy the winter over here. and if you are both in the same frame of mind, then re-apply next year.

Don't rush into another application, time will help.

all the best

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In the past 2 years you have only been Thailand twice, It is not clear in you letter how many days you was together?

Aslo if you are now unemployed and dont intend to work for another 2 months you would be best to go Thailand for a month then reapply just before you return.

I dont think you have enough trips to expect to get a 6 month visa or even a 2 week visa.

Daily contact by phone is good but not when you have only seen her once a year for the last 2 years.

Once you have some more visits to Thailand spending a good amount of time together, Suport this with photos together. Then you may have proved a relationship. Which then you can talk about marriage and then this gives a reason to return to Thailand.

House & Money is ok but also send in photos of your house inside and out.

With my now wife I did 3 trips in 4 months spending 10 days, 8 days & 17 days together. Her 6 month tourist visa was granted and we returned to the UK together at the end my 3rd visit.

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This one is where I think we have a probleem. It appears that my girlfriend has allowed her bank to be used as a safe place for Family members to place money rather than travel across country with cash. They have deposited the money in her account back in the home town and thaen travelled to Bankok and withdrwawn the monies as necessary.

It seems that she didn't explain why there are large deposits in her account and also why there isn't evidence of a monthly income. I suggest your girlfriend opens a new personal account in which she only gets paid into; she can then move money out of the account how she wishes. Although it would be better is she spends from this account too as it might look suspect to see money being simply moved about.

Evidence provided in application pack showing daily calls via Skype for the last 13 months, and photographic evidence from 2 holidays

Not sure what else can be added as I have sent her some funds, but have done so via a friend as he works for a bank and so can make international transfers for free and in £'s to a Thai bank so getting best rates

That's really not evidence at all. Anyone can provide a list of phone calls. The photos are good but they want to see correspondence between the both of you. You should have sent them letters between you two. Also as someone else pointed out you've spent two holidays together and now she is moving over for 6 months leaving her job and life behind? Doesn't make much sense when you look at it from the immigration's point of view and that's probably what killed your application.

The letter you provided immigration has very few relevant details. You should have provided more information such as where she will stay when she is in England, why she is coming over for so long, how you will be able to support her while she is here. Most importantly they want to know why she would bother to leave once she comes, will she still have a job when she returns? Unlikely which probably factored in to the rejection.

Letter clearly stated that I am an Electronics/Software engineer made redundant in January. Current account statements sent from Jan to date average balence £5K, last salery payment in Jan. Savings account opened in Feb with transfer from privous account showing savings starting from £103K in Feb dropping to £96K in Aug as I am living off my saviings. All explained in letter, can only think of addind a copy of my P45 for next ime

Re-read what they stated dude...

"In particular you have submitted no evidence of your sponsors employment or income."

They wanted to see payments from your employment and you only sent them statements from the point on that you were made redundant. Like they say the onus is on you to support her for six months and they don't believe you can without a job or evidence that the money you have was actually yours. Think about it from their situation, you could have simply borrowed someone's 100K and gave them the bank statement then next month on showing 100k in your account. Without seeing where that money came from in increments they're suspect over your claims that it's actually yours to begin with.

As for reason 4 I'm guessing it's not that big a deal compared to the other 3 issues. Her biggest mistake is applying for a 6 month tourist visa when you've hardly been with her.

although she fears that the letter from her employer may have also jeopardised her application as the Japanese restaurant that she was working was one of 3 business run by a company named something massage.

They don't care about where she works, they care about her having job and being able to provide evidence of employment. It's not about her class status, it's about her or you having enough money to support her.

I suggest you spend more time with her in person rather then a few holidays, at least half a year or more. Since you're out of work it won't be an issue for you and it will give you an opportunity to get to know your girlfriend a bit better then just two holidays and a lot of phone calls. In that time your girlfriend can get her bank details in order and you can apply again. When you apply next time I suggest something short, just 2 weeks, then later on she can start applying for the longer visits.

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