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The only thing vaguely funny about this thread is how some people are "sensitively" avoiding the word Jew. For heaven's sake, if you want to stereotype in the manner of "all Jews are tight" then just do it and wear your true colours for all to see. Israeli just doesn't sound right

that word never even came into my mind. but your post did make me laugh. you might be right but lets stop there before we get closed down!

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The only thing vaguely funny about this thread is how some people are "sensitively" avoiding the word Jew. For heaven's sake, if you want to stereotype in the manner of "all Jews are tight" then just do it and wear your true colours for all to see. Israeli just doesn't sound right

that word never even came into my mind. but your post did make me laugh. you might be right but lets stop there before we get closed down!

I am sure JT is onto this thread as we speak. What's the difference between a %$# and a Canoe?

Canoe's tip.

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The only thing vaguely funny about this thread is how some people are "sensitively" avoiding the word Jew. For heaven's sake, if you want to stereotype in the manner of "all Jews are tight" then just do it and wear your true colours for all to see. Israeli just doesn't sound right

that word never even came into my mind. but your post did make me laugh. you might be right but lets stop there before we get closed down!

I am sure JT is onto this thread as we speak. What's the difference between a %$# and a Canoe?

Canoe's tip.

You're right.

I am a Jew and I tip. There is no need to blank out the word Jew, dear. It is not a dirty word, except in the minds of people writing antisemitic posts. LIKE YOU.

You see, it's like this. Antisemites have a preconceived notion about Jews. They learned it from their parents, they learned it from their culture. Thus, when in real life and they see a cheap Finnish person, nothing registers. Then when they see a cheap Jewish person, AHA, a light rings, and this adds fodder to their prejudice. There is nothing particularly horrible about being thrifty, but there is something particularly horrible about antisemitiism.

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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The only thing vaguely funny about this thread is how some people are "sensitively" avoiding the word Jew. For heaven's sake, if you want to stereotype in the manner of "all Jews are tight" then just do it and wear your true colours for all to see. Israeli just doesn't sound right

that word never even came into my mind. but your post did make me laugh. you might be right but lets stop there before we get closed down!

I am sure JT is onto this thread as we speak. What's the difference between a %$# and a Canoe?

Canoe's tip.

You're right.

I am a Jew and I tip. There is no need to blank out the word Jew, dear. It is not a dirty word, except in the minds of people writing antisemitic posts. LIKE YOU.

Next ...

Now now JT - be careful with the branding, afterall, it could be just your insecurity with the %$#. Did you know that it could have meant an old lady?

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Now now JT - be careful with the branding, afterall, it could be just your insecurity with the %$#. Did you know that it could have meant an old lady?

You be careful. You know what you wrote.

why don't you report what I wrote JT? Hurry along now.

No need. I like for people like you to be fully exposed.

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Now now JT - be careful with the branding, afterall, it could be just your insecurity with the %$#. Did you know that it could have meant an old lady?

You be careful. You know what you wrote.

why don't you report what I wrote JT? Hurry along now.

No need. I like for people like you to be fully exposed.

Expose me JT. AntiGay, Antisemetic, Antipersperent, Antidote, Antianne - did I leave any out?

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I have never understood 'round buying'

Everyone should pay for their own drinks, unles someone is buying drinks for everyone with no expectation of return buying.

(of course if I'm hoping to shag you later I may very well buy you a few in the hope you get too drunk to remember the word 'NO')

As for the Israelis, you never watched 'Life of Brian' ....... you gotta haggle .......

:lol: thats too funny .

Edited by neverdie
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another thread on its way out! well done guys...:jap:

Yeah, it's too bad, but whenever there is a thread about the subject of cheapness, it is only a matter of time before the Jew haters show up.

JT. I think that you are reading to much into this. Im jewish as well but not from Israel. I dont see antisemitism just because some write that some Israeli backpackers can be tight fisted.:-)

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another thread on its way out! well done guys...:jap:

Yeah, it's too bad, but whenever there is a thread about the subject of cheapness, it is only a matter of time before the Jew haters show up.

JT. I think that you are reading to much into this. Im jewish as well but not from Israel. I dont see antisemitism just because some write that some Israeli backpackers can be tight fisted.:-)

You're entitled to your opinion, but self hating Jews aren't exactly unheard of either.

BTW, do you tip?


Some people may wonder how a person gets sensitive about this issue, as indeed I acknowledge I am. When I was a kid I was hanging out with some other kids and they started telling "cheap Jew" jokes, not knowing I was Jewish. You know the type, like the canoe joke, like how do you get 100 Jews in a Volkswagen (throw in a penny), etc. This bothered me in exactly the same way when an innocent of the hateful world black kid gets called the N word for the first time.

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Jew have nothing to do with it. You dont have to be Israeli just because that you are jewish.

All catholics dont have to be Irish either.

All buddhists are not Thai...

I did not say all Israelis are Jews. Similarly, I did not say that all who use "Israeli" in obvious jewish jokes are racist anti-semites. It may raise questions about judgement, intellligence and want of sensitivity but who am I to tell people how offensive their posts can be. Especially when I can't be bothered to explain "thinly veiled bigotry" although some (not all) of the posts here are excellent illustrations of this concept.


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The only thing vaguely funny about this thread is how some people are "sensitively" avoiding the word Jew. For heaven's sake, if you want to stereotype in the manner of "all Jews are tight" then just do it and wear your true colours for all to see. Israeli just doesn't sound right

Its just another by product of the Pc world (gone mad) in which we now live.

New age speak so as not to offend a certain percentage of minorities with a chip on their shoulder, an axe to grind or a cross to bear.

Dreamt up by, usually white middle class liberal academics on a guilt trip, with no input from the said minorities themselves.

The same academics who have altered the we are now forced to speak, an example would be,

my partner and I, no longer appropriate to use the world boyfriend or girlfriend because someone somewhere my be offended.

Why not just say all Jocks or all Yorkshire men are tight.

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No Im to busy with hating myself;-).

I was good tipper before I learned to spot the differance between 100 Baht and 1000 Baht notes:-D. Wonder how many taxidrivers have tought that I was generous when tipping 1000 Baht on a 200 Baht ride.:-D

/Hawkup the colorblind selfhating jew.;-)

Edited by Hawkup2000
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another thread on its way out! well done guys...:jap:

Yeah, it's too bad, but whenever there is a thread about the subject of cheapness, it is only a matter of time before the Jew haters show up.

JT. I think that you are reading to much into this. Im jewish as well but not from Israel. I dont see antisemitism just because some write that some Israeli backpackers can be tight fisted.:-)

You're entitled to your opinion, but self hating Jews aren't exactly unheard of either.

BTW, do you tip?


Some people may wonder how a person gets sensitive about this issue, as indeed I acknowledge I am. When I was a kid I was hanging out with some other kids and they started telling "cheap Jew" jokes, not knowing I was Jewish. You know the type, like the canoe joke, like how do you get 100 Jews in a Volkswagen (throw in a penny), etc. This bothered me in exactly the same way when an innocent of the hateful world black kid gets called the N word for the first time.

I'll have to be careful here since its my first post, but i think JT is being over sensitive. I am not saying you are playing some sort of race card but it's fairly obvious to me, as it should be to you that BKKJames is not being anti semitic and judging by the amount of posts you have both made i should have thought you are both more than aware of each others opinions.

Secondly, arn't all backpackers ultra careful around the pound. Regardless of nationality, faith or whatever they travel budget, on a "shoestring" for the most part, don't they?

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The only thing vaguely funny about this thread is how some people are "sensitively" avoiding the word Jew. For heaven's sake, if you want to stereotype in the manner of "all Jews are tight" then just do it and wear your true colours for all to see. Israeli just doesn't sound right

Its just another by product of the Pc world (gone mad) in which we now live.

New age speak so as not to offend a certain percentage of minorities with a chip on their shoulder, an axe to grind or a cross to bear.

Dreamt up by, usually white middle class liberal academics on a guilt trip, with no input from the said minorities themselves.

The same academics who have altered the we are now forced to speak, an example would be,

my partner and I, no longer appropriate to use the world boyfriend or girlfriend because someone somewhere my be offended.

Why not just say all Jocks or all Yorkshire men are tight.

Are all Jocks and Yorkshire men tight? And you can't use boyfriend/girlfriend anymore? Well, thanks for those pearls of wisdom, the things I learn from this forum.

As for PC world gone mad, I know exactly how you feel. Why, just the other day I felt like burning the Koran but the bloody "white middle class liberal academics on a guilt trip" told me I should forget it. :unsure:

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The only thing vaguely funny about this thread is how some people are "sensitively" avoiding the word Jew. For heaven's sake, if you want to stereotype in the manner of "all Jews are tight" then just do it and wear your true colours for all to see. Israeli just doesn't sound right

Its just another by product of the Pc world (gone mad) in which we now live.

New age speak so as not to offend a certain percentage of minorities with a chip on their shoulder, an axe to grind or a cross to bear.

Dreamt up by, usually white middle class liberal academics on a guilt trip, with no input from the said minorities themselves.

The same academics who have altered the we are now forced to speak, an example would be,

my partner and I, no longer appropriate to use the world boyfriend or girlfriend because someone somewhere my be offended.

Why not just say all Jocks or all Yorkshire men are tight.

Are all Jocks and Yorkshire men tight? And you can't use boyfriend/girlfriend anymore? Well, thanks for those pearls of wisdom, the things I learn from this forum.

As for PC world gone mad, I know exactly how you feel. Why, just the other day I felt like burning the Koran but the bloody "white middle class liberal academics on a guilt trip" told me I should forget it. :unsure:

I guess they say "Israeli" because that's the passport that they carry and that's the army that they served in. I don't know if Israeli backpackers are typical of Jews or not; nor what proportion of said backpackers are Jews - nor what proportion of the Israeli armed services are Jews.

There's not much burning in a Koran, and I can't see the point of burning one, except to radicalise otherwise moderate devout muslims and encourage acts of terrorism.


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Before I get accused of being prejudiced, I am NOT! I was a backpacker, at age 47, for around 4 years. Did it full time for 2 years all around the world...several times, actually. I don't care if they are jewish or not...they were from Israel. And GENERALLY speaking, are a bit tight...and do love to negotiate. Exact opposite of Americans....

Not all backpackers are young and broke. I met many, many, many older (and wealthier) travelers cruising around with nothing but a backpack. Checking into a Hilton with me. No, I didn't always stay at a Hilton...but didn't stay at hostels on a regular basis either...but did have a backpack. Sure raised eyebrows at that $400 a night Marriott in Moscow when I checked in.

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Before I get accused of being prejudiced, I am NOT! I was a backpacker, at age 47, for around 4 years. Did it full time for 2 years all around the world...several times, actually. I don't care if they are jewish or not...they were from Israel. And GENERALLY speaking, are a bit tight...and do love to negotiate. Exact opposite of Americans....

Not all backpackers are young and broke. I met many, many, many older (and wealthier) travelers cruising around with nothing but a backpack. Checking into a Hilton with me. No, I didn't always stay at a Hilton...but didn't stay at hostels on a regular basis either...but did have a backpack. Sure raised eyebrows at that $400 a night Marriott in Moscow when I checked in.

some Americans can be tight as well.

one of them came into my restaurant with his wife and kid ate food an drank water only for him to kick off with me because he said he ordered 3 waters meaning three glasses of water NOT three bottles so he will not be paying the 35 baht for one of the waters!!

I just said OK, whats the point in arguing with these people. his wife and kid looked scared of him as well.poor feckers. hope he is reading this coz he knows who I mean.

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Before I get accused of being prejudiced, I am NOT! I was a backpacker, at age 47, for around 4 years. Did it full time for 2 years all around the world...several times, actually. I don't care if they are jewish or not...they were from Israel. And GENERALLY speaking, are a bit tight...and do love to negotiate. Exact opposite of Americans....

Not all backpackers are young and broke. I met many, many, many older (and wealthier) travelers cruising around with nothing but a backpack. Checking into a Hilton with me. No, I didn't always stay at a Hilton...but didn't stay at hostels on a regular basis either...but did have a backpack. Sure raised eyebrows at that $400 a night Marriott in Moscow when I checked in.

some Americans can be tight as well.

one of them came into my restaurant with his wife and kid ate food an drank water only for him to kick off with me because he said he ordered 3 waters meaning three glasses of water NOT three bottles so he will not be paying the 35 baht for one of the waters!!

I just said OK, whats the point in arguing with these people. his wife and kid looked scared of him as well.poor feckers. hope he is reading this coz he knows who I mean.

I would hate to have to deal with the public


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dealing with the public can be hard work, but you do meet some great people as well.

ive even met some nice Americans!:)

this guy was just an out of order asshol_e as he would say!

shouting at my staff about the music, complaining about the aircon. scrutanizing the bill which was 700 baht for all three of them. like I said I did not complain to him coz his wife and kid looked like they were going through a hard enough time with him as it was.

it was shocking behavour to say the least. next time he comes I will not let him in.

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what started out as a kind of funny threat has once again been taken by people taking themseves too serious

Right on the money. :lol:

As an Irish lad being brought up in Australia I had every Irish joke known to man thrown at me. Did it worry me? Am I sensitive? Do I jump up and down when someone says some generalised comment about the Irish or Aussies? No.

One of the best things in life is to be able to laugh at yourself. Unfortunately we can't joke and have fun like we used to in the fear of being castigated by the pc brigade.

Backpacking businesses in Australia has become a booming trade, certainly a different class of backpacker than in my day, these days they seem to have money.

In my not so worldly experience I have noted the Scots to be a little thrifty with their money.

I now await the antiscotty labelling....:ph34r:

Edited by Wallaby
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Before I get accused of being prejudiced, I am NOT! I was a backpacker, at age 47, for around 4 years. Did it full time for 2 years all around the world...several times, actually. I don't care if they are jewish or not...they were from Israel. And GENERALLY speaking, are a bit tight...and do love to negotiate. Exact opposite of Americans....

Not all backpackers are young and broke. I met many, many, many older (and wealthier) travelers cruising around with nothing but a backpack. Checking into a Hilton with me. No, I didn't always stay at a Hilton...but didn't stay at hostels on a regular basis either...but did have a backpack. Sure raised eyebrows at that $400 a night Marriott in Moscow when I checked in.

some Americans can be tight as well.

one of them came into my restaurant with his wife and kid ate food an drank water only for him to kick off with me because he said he ordered 3 waters meaning three glasses of water NOT three bottles so he will not be paying the 35 baht for one of the waters!!

I just said OK, whats the point in arguing with these people. his wife and kid looked scared of him as well.poor feckers. hope he is reading this coz he knows who I mean.

I think Americans, pretty much more than any other nationality, tip way too much. I know when I travel, waiters love to have Americans as their customers...except elderly Americans!

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what started out as a kind of funny threat has once again been taken by people taking themseves too serious

Right on the money. :lol:

As an Irish lad being brought up in Australia I had every Irish joke known to man thrown at me. Did it worry me? Am I sensitive? Do I jump up and down when someone says some generalised comment about the Irish or Aussies? No.

One of the best things in life is to be able to laugh at yourself. Unfortunately we can't joke and have fun like we used to in the fear of being castigated by the pc brigade.

Backpacking businesses in Australia has become a booming trade, certainly a different class of backpacker than in my day, these days they seem to have money.

In my not so worldly experience I have noted the Scots to be a little thrifty with their money.

I now await the antiscotty labelling....:ph34r:

I'd give you a Rep point if I thought I could afford it


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