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PM Abhisit Bids To Hose Down Crisis With Saudi Arabia


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PM bids to hose down crisis with Saudi Arabia

By The Nation


The government is playing down a report that Saudi Arabia will shut its embassy in Bangkok in protest at the appointment of a scandal-plagued policeman as an assistant national police commissioner.

The promotion of Provincial Police Region 5 commissioner Lt General Somkid Boonthanom has drawn a stern reaction from Saudi Arabia, as Somkid was implicated in the disappearance and presumed murder of a Saudi businessman about 20 years ago.

Pichet Sathirachavalya, the secretary-general of the Central Islamic Committee of Thailand, was quoted recently as saying Saudi Arabia planned to shut its embassy in Bangkok if the Thai government stood by its decision to appoint Somkid as an assistant national police commissioner.

It was also reported that Saudi Arabia plans to ask the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to boycott Thailand.

When asked about such threats, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday he had not received such news.

"Don't try to speculate on things in advance," he said.

Abhisit did not think Saudi Arabia would "interfere in Thailand's internal affairs". However, if the country had any concern, his government was ready to explain to create better understanding.

"We can assure that we will provide justice in all legal cases," the premier said.

Abhisit said if the government had been inactive on cases related to Saudi Arabia, Somkid would not have gone to court.

"We have been expediting the cases including disciplinary ones too," the premier said.

Asked if Somkid's promotion would go ahead, Abhisit said the appointment of Somkid as an assistant national commissioner was in line with a Police Commission resolution.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said the Foreign Affairs Ministry was in charge of explaining Somkid's promotion to Saudi Arabia.

He declined to comment on reports that Saudi Arabia might not issue visas for Thais heading for the Hajj or might shut down its embassy here.


-- The Nation 2010-09-15

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As long as they were talking about Saudi Arabia I thought there would be no problem. Then all of a sudden they drag Islam into it. That changes the whole picture. When you get religious idiots involved there is no telling what will happen. Let us hope that the Saudi government can stick to politics and ignore the religious idiots.

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Just because a top cop who's implicated in the longest running theft / murder / cover up saga in Thailand and who is due in court in November, just happens to get promoted and his brother just happens to be General in the army and was involved in the 2006 coup; the Saudis jump to conclusions and think something dodgy is going on. :whistling:

Abhisit > Ask Suthep > Suthep > Ask MFA > MFA > Errr . . . sh1t, who can we pin this one on? Thaksin?

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As long as they were talking about Saudi Arabia I thought there would be no problem. Then all of a sudden they drag Islam into it. That changes the whole picture. When you get religious idiots involved there is no telling what will happen. Let us hope that the Saudi government can stick to politics and ignore the religious idiots.

Your interpretation is a bit too hasty. It's much more like one of the European Community countries asking the others in the EC to help in a conflict. One way or another not good if this happens. All this because of some greedy, well-connected people (in the police) 15, 20 years ago.

The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is an international organisation with a permanent delegation to the United Nations, with 57 member states. These States decided to pool their resources together, combine their efforts and speak with one voice to safeguard the interest and ensure the progress and well-being of their peoples and those of other Muslims in the world over.
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Just because a top cop who's implicated in the longest running theft / murder / cover up saga in Thailand and who is due in court in November, just happens to get promoted and his brother just happens to be General in the army and was involved in the 2006 coup; the Saudis jump to conclusions and think something dodgy is going on. :whistling:

Abhisit > Ask Suthep > Suthep > Ask MFA > MFA > Errr . . . sh1t, who can we pin this one on? Thaksin?

Maybe Abhisit will just use the one-size-fits-all, mother-of-all explanation, the secret weapon of Thai logic and the ace answer in explaining away all the ills that plague this country: "this is Thailand and you foreigner don't understand" .:jap:

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Just because a top cop who's implicated in the longest running theft / murder / cover up saga in Thailand and who is due in court in November, just happens to get promoted and his brother just happens to be General in the army and was involved in the 2006 coup; the Saudis jump to conclusions and think something dodgy is going on. :whistling:

Abhisit > Ask Suthep > Suthep > Ask MFA > MFA > Errr . . . sh1t, who can we pin this one on? Thaksin?

Maybe Abhisit will just use the one-size-fits-all, mother-of-all explanation, the secret weapon of Thai logic and the ace answer in explaining away all the ills that plague this country: "this is Thailand and you foreigner don't understand" .:jap:

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While I am no fan of the Saudis, I hope they continue to pressure on this. The whole Saudi gems scandal is in some ways a useful example of what is wrong with Thailand's "system".

People who are indeed above the law, vast corruption, incredible arrogance toward foreigners ... it's got huge doses of all.

The Thais have for decades been trying their usual tricks of faked information (and faked replacement gems), lies, delaying tactics, obfuscations, murder, but it hasn't brought the usual results. At least the Saudis continue to recall and remind all what actually happened and refuse to let it be swept under the rug as usual.

you nailed it. I hope they push so hard some of the pigs fall off the sinking boat...

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While I am no fan of the Saudis, I hope they continue to pressure on this. The whole Saudi gems scandal is in some ways a useful example of what is wrong with Thailand's "system".

People who are indeed above the law, vast corruption, incredible arrogance toward foreigners ... it's got huge doses of all.

The Thais have for decades been trying their usual tricks of faked information (and faked replacement gems), lies, delaying tactics, obfuscations, murder, but it hasn't brought the usual results. At least the Saudis continue to recall and remind all what actually happened and refuse to let it be swept under the rug as usual.


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"We can assure that we will provide justice in all legal cases," the premier said.

He is a sweet-talker! can he sweet-talk the Saudis too??


The Thai government is corrupted to the core...

Agreed, just its a case of the pot calling the kettle in this situation.

Ruling elite Saudis are the worlds biggest hypocrites and a law unto themselves.

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It's a win win situation for me. If the saudis boycott Thailand and can enlist their friends and allies to do the same, it means I don't have to wade through the burqa clad mob on Suhkimvit and we won't be reading about poor inncocent men being waylaid by evil conniving kathoeys in Pattaya.laugh.gif

Not that I don't have some understanding for the Saudi position, but I don't really care. If the Saudis are able to push this case along then maybe some corrupt people in Thailand get nailed and that's not such a bad thing. It's sort of like when the Bloods & the Crips fight it out in Compton. No one really cares if they muthas cap a few. Just as long as they keep it away from infidels like me, I'm cool with the dispute.

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"Abhisit did not think Saudi Arabia would "interfere in Thailand's internal affairs". However, if the country had any concern, his government was ready to explain to create better understanding."

Abhisit is a fool - he was the one who told the world this cases will finally be solved under his and the Democrats "leadership".

Everyone involved is sick and tired of "explainations" - we all know what happened. I was in Bangkok when the the whole thing started - the cops behaved like a bunch of the worst criminals - the man has been indicted for MURDER - the prime ministers remarks are an insult to anybody who believes in justice. If the PM of a country stands up and tries to defend a crook then there is something fundamentaly very wrong!

When Abhisit came to power I was hoping that he would change things around here - I have been waiting in vain - well how naive one can be - he will go down in Thai history as " Everybodies Puppet" - in my view he is the worst PM Thailand ever had - worse even than Chavalit - and that means something!

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During the next months, sightings of the Saudi jewels – the real Saudi jewels – start making the rounds. They were seen on the arms and necks and fingers of the wives of prominent Thai generals and officials at parties and gala events. They were even photographed, and the photos were shown to Saudi officials, adding salt to an open wound, and what was, at least according to the Thai police, a closed case. continue . . . . http://sandgetsinmyeyes.blogspot.com/2009/10/why-face-of-saudi-labor-isnt-thai.html http://sandgetsinmyeyes.blogspot.com/2009/10/two-decades-later-and-still-no-answers.html

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However, if the country had any concern, his government was ready to explain to create better understanding.

" You see Your Eminence it goes a little something like this. Some peasant nicked your jewels and hoofed it back home. Now as you well know the people in Thailand who are supposedly responsible for the protection of ordinary folks are actually only in the job to milk whatever they can from whoever they can and they aren't too bothered who they kill to get their share of the spoils. Anyhow, they thought you were as thick as them and tried to pawn off on you some trinkets that they'd won at the balloon bursting stall at the temple fair as the real deal. Failing that they started killing anybody who might interfere with their attempts to stay out of jail. Why? Why not. It's how it works here if you're connected because usually you've got fuc_k all to worry about on the repercussions front. Why was there no progress in the investigation of the murders of those Saudi businessmen? Stop it please. My sides are splitting."

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Love 'em or hate 'em, the Saudis provided decent employment for 300,000 Thais before this heist. I know some who worked there before the heist and they made very good money doing manual labor (that was before the days of 'Thai ripoff employment agencies getting into the act).

My way of looking at the lack of Thai action in getting to the bottom of this heist is that several hundred thousand laborers have suffered because of the greed and ineptitude of a few.

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Is there any surprise that this case isn't solved? Why are the Thai authorities playing such games thinking they are above all of this. It really is a national crisis. With this Saudi jewel case mixed in with the recent expulsion of UAE patients from Bangkok Hospital, sooner of later the Theory of Sufficiency Economy will become a reality. This meaning that Thailand will be on their own without trade partners or serious takers wanting to deal with this nation. Thailand will NEED to be sufficient on their own. Once the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) gets together to boycott not only Thai businesses (hello, Bangkok Hospital) but the country as a whole...good night!

Wake up Thailand!

I've heard that the missing jewels are located 'higher' then where everyone thinks they are. This might be the reason why no one wants to investigate. That was funny trying to fool the Saudis with fake copies though. Like the Thais really thought they'd get away with it? Ha ha.

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Love 'em or hate 'em, the Saudis provided decent employment for 300,000 Thais before this heist. I know some who worked there before the heist and they made very good money doing manual labor (that was before the days of 'Thai ripoff employment agencies getting into the act).

My way of looking at the lack of Thai action in getting to the bottom of this heist is that several hundred thousand laborers have suffered because of the greed and ineptitude of a few.

Yes my kids grandfather, and his brother worked there, the brother speaks ok English through doing so.

I was working there recently and its just Indians, Filipinos and Indonesians workers now earning about 800-1000 sterling a month.

Im sure there are plenty of Thai welders, platers etc... that would love to make such money, fortunate for Thai housemaids though, who would have potentially gone there though.

Edited by Englander
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Just because a top cop who's implicated in the longest running theft / murder / cover up saga in Thailand and who is due in court in November, just happens to get promoted and his brother just happens to be General in the army and was involved in the 2006 coup; the Saudis jump to conclusions and think something dodgy is going on. :whistling:

Abhisit > Ask Suthep > Suthep > Ask MFA > MFA > Errr . . . sh1t, who can we pin this one on? Thaksin?

Maybe Abhisit will just use the one-size-fits-all, mother-of-all explanation, the secret weapon of Thai logic and the ace answer in explaining away all the ills that plague this country: "this is Thailand and you foreigner don't understand" .:jap:

"Forget it Jake, It's Chinatown"... :jap:

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I can't believe Abhisit would allow this guy to be the deputy given his track record. This changes my views on the PM substantially to a far lower scale. When you allow people like that to represent the community there is not much hope.

But - for the Saudis closing up shop and getting Islamic councillors to boycott Thailand - there is the perfect excuse. Ban Islam and send the southerners back to Malaysia so they can all wail together and we can finally clean up Soi 3.

That's a positive step.


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Is there any surprise that this case isn't solved? Why are the Thai authorities playing such games thinking they are above all of this. It really is a national crisis. With this Saudi jewel case mixed in with the recent expulsion of UAE patients from Bangkok Hospital, sooner of later the Theory of Sufficiency Economy will become a reality. This meaning that Thailand will be on their own without trade partners or serious takers wanting to deal with this nation. Thailand will NEED to be sufficient on their own. Once the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) gets together to boycott not only Thai businesses (hello, Bangkok Hospital) but the country as a whole...good night!

Wake up Thailand!

I've heard that the missing jewels are located 'higher' then where everyone thinks they are. This might be the reason why no one wants to investigate. That was funny trying to fool the Saudis with fake copies though. Like the Thais really thought they'd get away with it? Ha ha.

Nearly as funny as making off with a 100kg bag of diamonds unnoticed. What were they kept in? The goldfish bowl or a urinal? :lol:

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Love 'em or hate 'em, the Saudis provided decent employment for 300,000 Thais before this heist. I know some who worked there before the heist and they made very good money doing manual labor (that was before the days of 'Thai ripoff employment agencies getting into the act).

My way of looking at the lack of Thai action in getting to the bottom of this heist is that several hundred thousand laborers have suffered because of the greed and ineptitude of a few.

sad but true.

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I can't believe Abhisit would allow this guy to be the deputy given his track record. This changes my views on the PM substantially to a far lower scale. When you allow people like that to represent the community there is not much hope.

But - for the Saudis closing up shop and getting Islamic councillors to boycott Thailand - there is the perfect excuse. Ban Islam and send the southerners back to Malaysia so they can all wail together and we can finally clean up Soi 3.

That's a positive step.


BACK to Malaysia? They didn't come from there. How can they go back there?

You could just as easily say "give the southern provinces BACK to Malaysia", but you can't do that either, because Malaysia didn't exist when Thailand annexed them.

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Changian posted

Just because a top cop who's implicated in the longest running theft / murder / cover up saga in Thailand and who is due in court in November, just happens to get promoted and his brother just happens to be General in the army and was involved in the 2006 coup; the Saudis jump to conclusions and think something dodgy is going on.

Abhisit > Ask Suthep > Suthep > Ask MFA > MFA > Errr . . . sh1t, who can we pin this one on? Thaksin?

Classic :D

Hey maybe Abhisit can locate and give back the Blue Diamond? I bet that would restore Saudi/Thai relations.

"The past is never dead, it isn't even past"

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