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Water As 55% Fuel Alternative Fuel? Using Moth Balls (Naphthalene) As Catalyst

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Here's a claim of interest that professes a 55% mix with water and Naphthalene is a as good as any current available fuel but better in terms of environment..

Source here

9.8.2) Water

Mr. Gunnerman has been promoting his patents that claim mixing one part of gasoline with 2 parts water can provide as much power from an IC engine as the same flow rate of gasoline. He claims the increased efficiency is from catalysed dissociation of water to H2 and 02, as the combustion chamber of the test engine contained a catalyst. It takes the same amount of energy to dissociate water, as is reclaimed when the H2 and 02 burn. For his fuel to provide such power, he has to utilise heat energy that is normally lost.

As water-gasoline fuels have been extensively investigated [113,129], interested potential investors may wish to refer to those papers for some background. Mr. Gunnerman appears to have modified his claims a little with his new A55 fuel. A recent article claims a 29% increase in fuel economy for a test bus in Reno, but also claims that his fuel combusts so efficiently that it can pass an emissions test without requiring a catalytic converter [130]. Caterpillar are working with Gunnerman to evaluate his claims and develop the product.


So..did you test the theory..have any success? Please don't keep all twenty nine of us, who have shown interest in post so far, in suspence. Prsonally I have my doubts.


In theory is does work. During my auto shop days in high school we actually tuned and ran an engine on a water mix. However the power output was only 10% of what it should have been. So a 100hp engine would only output about 10hp. It barely ran at low rpms. Water and gas does not mix so there has to be a way of separating the water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules. I didn't really care at the time and thought it was kinda funny, the whole class laughed.


Well this doesn't use water and gas mixture it uses Napthalene (contained in moth balls which are known to boost octane in normal gasoline) which is supposed to have an octane rating superior to gasoline and mixes with water to produce a combustible mixture that will power the engine and they claim that it runs as good or better.

The answer to the other poster is of course I haven't tried it and if only 29 other members have viewed this thread I'd say that's sad as it could be very important information they heard here first who knows?

Doubts? I'm not making any claims here just putting the topic out there for debate. They have been granted a patent and if you google the guys name he is an executive officer in a large alternative fuels company with pretty well established credentials not some back woods flake who suddenly showed up with these claims and a bottle of moon shine in his hands. They've also partnered with CAT to study the possibilities.

Beyond that it's certain they have a reputation to uphold in order for them to continue to grow their business so it stands to reason that making hugely false claims would be detrimental to that goal.. They have already developed a new refinement process that cleans fuel more then any other process and are promoting that so who knows how valid it is certainly no chance it will be fully introduced until it's been fully tested and refined though it has been as they say run in a bus already...


There use to be a programe on the bbc in the uk called tomorrows world, and i can remember some one inventing a 'gadget' that would mix water and petrol by a kind of vibration to mix the molecules to gether, I can remember that they had engine runing.and it wasn't april the first.

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