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Gps Problem In Thailand?


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Hi Guys,

I have just returned from a trip to Bangkok from Pattaya. In both places I could not get a GPS signal on my Samsung phone or Besta 3 Navigator. Is there a problem with GPS in Thailand at the moment or is it most likely a problem at my end.

Your advice please.


Edited by hm1973
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The GPS system is run by the US Air Force and never turned off although there has been talk of turning off certain sectors of the world in case of war.

The world depends on the GPS for too much now so turning it off will affect more than just finding your location. Ships, planes, trucks, and military depend on it too much. There are 24 satellites in the system with others as backup. The most that might affect the system will be solar flares that can interrupt the system. It was classified until President Clinton signed off on allowing civilian use. Now every nation uses it.

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GPS on my Nokia phone working just fine so must be your end.

Can I ask where you are?

If there was a problem with GPS it would be front page news on every news media in the world, since it's relied on in every major industry in the world besides your two devices.

Suggest you try rebooting both and trying again. Bear in mind without some sort of assisted GPS software such as GSM phone triangulated navigation or internet GPS almanac downloads it can take up to 25 min to get a cold start from a GPS receiver as it takes that long to download the almanac message from a GPS satellite with clear unobstructed view of the sky in all directions above 15 degrees elevation.

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