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Thai Court Drops 3G Bombshell

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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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well... as the article said... maybe waiting is better ... telecom will realize 3G isn't worth anymore... and they will start looking something else...

however .. just a small consideration... i live in netherlands since a couple of years and comparing 3G quality... i can say.... Thailand is better (in the major city covered)

and with EDGE I was able to do skype call .... thing sometime not possible in NL due the crappy and overloaded network



Let me get that straight: One government agency (CAT) is suing another government agency (NTC) because the plaintiff government agency is afraid of loosing money if the government plan will be implemented.

Well, here we see our Government at Work, always the welfare of the public in sight and clear leadership!

And is shows again what happens if two government agencies without a clear plan fall into a deep conflict of interest between serving the public and filling its own pockets. Perhaps the NTC should sue CAT and TOT for dissolution and establish an agency with only the public interest in mind. Wake up, this is the 21st century!


For some reason you didn't mention: The Finance Ministry owns TOT and CAT. Their commission or skim off the top of AIS, DTAC and True's businesses would go down if NTC was to go ahead with the auction. The Thai Government is just mind boggling at times. Good thing I really don't need or want 3G. I may want 4G , but that won't happen anytime soon ((since 3G won't happen anytime soon either)... Ah progress. At least after 4 years I have internet at my house now! And my 2G phone works fine most places and with a CAT phone card I can call the USA for a Baht a minute. Works for me! biggrin.gif


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

I agree with you.

There are far too many whiners here. Moaning and bit*%$ing about 3G service. These are many of the same people who need to get out a bit and exercise, no doubt.

Life does not revolve around an extra jump from 2.5G to 3G...get over it.

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I can't believe your all crying about it.I mean just because your spoiled from living in the western world,means you should wake up and realize where your at.When I first came to thailand the toilet was A hole in the ground.I mean everywhere.And the stores ,the malls all over thailand never had toilet paper.I understand thats getting better.So relax.

At least ya have phone service and the internet.

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When I first came to thailand the toilet was A hole in the ground.I mean everywhere.

So congratulations on being old? When it becomes an Olympic event I'll message you.

In the meantime some of us would like it if the nation of our extended family catches up with the rest of the world.


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Careful what you wish for. Along with us going home will be the wooshing sound of all those billions of dollars in foreign investment pouring out of the country, along with the tax revenue they generate, not to mention all of the NGOs that operate here looking after the poor and disadvantaged that Thai society and government can't. If you're lucky Cambodia or Burma might come back and take over the country again.

From looking at your previous posts you seem to be the typical xenophobic Thai. If it wasn't for foreigners you'd still be walking around the jungles wearing just a sarong. It's a typical response from someone who spends their entire life in their own Moo bhan watching Thai soap operas and believing its reality.

Thailand is already lo-rung on the totem pole for attracting foreign investment in the region. Then again, you're probably quiet content with two tin cans joined by a piece of string.

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"Citing the 2007 Constitution, the court said there would be a new regulatory body called National Broadcasting and Telecom Commission (NBTC) soon with the powers to oversee both the broadcasting and telecom sectors."

seems to me it's obvious the court is just appointing new "regulatory body" that will probably be staffed with their cousins, brothers, & nephews. If they can't get their pockets properly lined then 3G will never get off the ground.

I'm wondering if they're going to shut down existing 3G for AIS & True


From Twitter:

tulsathit: Urgent : Supreme Administrative Court will make verdict on Monday 8.30 am.

This is a huge decision. Stopping the auction will make Thailand a laughing stock and a lot of investment etc has happened in preparation for this. However, to go against a part of the state bureaucracy is a huge decision too.

Now the NTC has to decide whether to go for a cancellation before knowing the verdict (the blinked first option) or carry on and risk chaos on Monday


4G (or at least the precursor - LTE) is out already.

It's the first time that the US and EU are actually installing the same standard. (Verizon in the US is already installing it in NY and LA.) In Sweden and Norway the system went live last year in their capital cities.

Admittedly, in most places where 4G is being deployed, it's going in the 700MHz band using frequencies freed up by the switchover from analogue to digital TV.

i.e. Much as I'd like Thailand to simply have 4G auctions, the introduction of digital TV is effectively required beforehand, and if it was 4G licences being sold I'd actually agree with CAT that it needs a combined broadcast and telecommunication regulator to be up and running.

However 3G is purely a telecoms issue. Any rational person would let the NTC do the 3G auctions to stop Thailand from falling further behind the rest of the planet.

The NBTC will have enough work with doing a digital switchover of TV broadcasts and the resultant auction of freed up spectrum for 4G. (Digital switchover will be a huge mess. Different government departments own their own TV channels, with their own separate transmitters, with some even still using VHF frequencies. Dealing with TOT and CAT will seem like childs play in comparison to the pigs at the trough in Thailands TV market where none of the encumbents will want the number of competing channels that digital will bring.

Who's willing to give me odds on Thailand being the second last country in Asean to still have analogue TV broadcasts. (2nd last as Burma may have problems because of trade embargoes).


Sondhi must be proud. As a couptaker he took care of the fact that the courts act like a elected government. In Thailand the vested interests of bureaucrats are always above that of the development of the country. Where Cambodia celebrated 10 years of 3G, Thailand is not even ready to distribute the frequencies. I always wonder why directors of CAT and TOT will not be replaced immediately. Just give them a uniform and make them doorman they may keep their salaries. In a matter of fact it us a big SOM NAM NAA for the country. This is what you get when a few elitists are running the country and the voters are held for stupid, while it is really the other way around. The board of CAT and TOT should be deeply ashamed just as their unions. 60% of their employees are doing nothing on the back of DTAC and AIS.Moreover the courts have judges who have a brain content of a pack of instant coffee. Any judge could have understood that CAT has CDMA which is in competition with 3G.Don't be surprised when the judge will appear on the payroll as a director of a state company soon. If I am not mistaken the Tobacco Authority need a few new people.

Barbarian makes a good observation: "This is what you get when a few elitists are running the country and the voters are held for stupid..." , "...vested interests of bureaucrats are always above that of the development of the country." That's exactly what's happening in I daresay every country in the world, especially a recent super-power. But freedom is the right to dissent and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I think what makes some expat posters so down on Thailand is because expats don't have the vote but what they should concentrate on is all that they do have. "I complained I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet." Chook di!


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

I wonder what prompts an individual(s) to make a statement like this. Is it said out of patriotism, fear of change, xenophobia, or just plain ignorance?

All of the above. Ain't it a shame?


To the Administrative Court


Plaintiff: The Royal Thai Government

Represented by:

The Ministry of Finance

Represented by:

Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT)

Defendant: The Royal Thai Government

Represented by:

The Ministry if Information and Communication Technology

Represented by:

National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)

That's what the initial brief filed with the Court might look like.

As a lawyer one might ask if the parties' "active legitimation" (capacity to sue) and "passive legitimation" (capacity to be sued) has been checked by the Court. Or in other words: Can someone sue himself?


Love him or loathe him, you can bet this mess would probably have been solved if Thaksin was around.

They have been running around in circles saying that Thaksin damaged the country. One can hardly say that this mess is in the benefit of the "country" can one?

Thaksin caused this whole bloody mess...

Thaksin blocked the development of oppositon Telco's because he didn't want to sink money into building networks for Shintel while he was trying to sell it... and he didn't want other opperators building networks better than his while it was on the market... 2 years after he sold it, the governement is still trying to work out the mess (not helped by his family/'associates' who are still in there protecting his remaining interests)...

Rival networks don't want to throw money into GSM, and then throw more into 3G when it does arrive... EDGE just meets the 3G speed requirement, but is nothing like UMTS for speed, there is no global standards so different vendor equipment can not interwork... No serious development has been put into GSM by vendors for almost a decade...

THAT is the reason Thailand is 5 years behind Malaysia, and 8 years behind the other developed Asian countries...


20 Years International Telecommunication Engineering Professional.

Thanks for the clarity. I for one appreciate when someone states the truth and not mere speculation


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

This should become Thailand's new tourist and foreign investment slogans.



A good old phrase from my univ. professor "If you're on the right track, but not moving, you'll be run over by the next train"--that seems to be the case with Thailand in almost every aspect.


Love him or loathe him, you can bet this mess would probably have been solved if Thaksin was around.

They have been running around in circles saying that Thaksin damaged the country. One can hardly say that this mess is in the benefit of the "country" can one?

Thaksin caused this whole bloody mess...

Thaksin blocked the development of oppositon Telco's because he didn't want to sink money into building networks for Shintel while he was trying to sell it... and he didn't want other opperators building networks better than his while it was on the market... 2 years after he sold it, the governement is still trying to work out the mess (not helped by his family/'associates' who are still in there protecting his remaining interests)...

Rival networks don't want to throw money into GSM, and then throw more into 3G when it does arrive... EDGE just meets the 3G speed requirement, but is nothing like UMTS for speed, there is no global standards so different vendor equipment can not interwork... No serious development has been put into GSM by vendors for almost a decade...

THAT is the reason Thailand is 5 years behind Malaysia, and 8 years behind the other developed Asian countries...


20 Years International Telecommunication Engineering Professional.

Thanks for the clarity. I for one appreciate when someone states the truth and not mere speculation

It is perhaps a bit much to lay everything at Thaksin's door.

He actually sold his company nearly 5 years ago and has been out of power for 4 years.

It really shouldnt take forever to sort out these licenses. I have no doubt that Thaksin was not keen to invest heavily in 3G without a revised BTO contract but it does seem a long time ago to me.


While in other news...every other country in the world are staring migrate over to 4G. We might as well face it, Thailand will probably never get anything faster than EDGE...what a joke!!

Wonder why so many Thai people smile and laugh so much? Maybe because Thailand is the JOKE. The entire civilized world is learning this. Let's all laugh at the joke in which we live.

Yes, whilst the Thai Baht keeps on getting stronger - now who's the JOKE on?


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Whilst I agree with your sentiment The economy of Thailand is based on farangs money and how a Thai can get some of it by any means necessary.

If ALL the farangs " went home " what would happen to the Thai economy ?

This " 3 G " fiasco is a perfect example of the corruption here

There would be mass unemployment NO bar girls OR their pimps

Pattaya would revert to a sleepy fishing village

Maybe you can turn a blind eye to the thousands of " bar girls " here Or should I use the correct word Prostitute ?

But they are the reason most farangs come here

If ALL the farangs went home Thailand would become more corrupt than it is now because the Thais would have to start conning their own people Like ..................................................................

Thais are not poor people they are greedy people ( Poor ? Gold shop on every corner ? )

But I accept them " warts and all " I am happy here I just smile when They try to charge me farang price as I walk away ha ha ha



This " 3 G " fiasco is a perfect example of the corruption here


I don't think it's a "perfect" example of corruption. It's possible that there is no corruption involved, although that's extremely unlikely.

I believe it's more about the poor wording of contracts, or the complete inability of companies to follow contracts in Thailand.

Although the poor wording may be related to corruption, it is usually used by companies to completely disregard the contract agreement and therefore not pay for previously agreed products and service.


Love him or loathe him, you can bet this mess would probably have been solved if Thaksin was around.

They have been running around in circles saying that Thaksin damaged the country. One can hardly say that this mess is in the benefit of the "country" can one?

Thaksin caused this whole bloody mess...

Thaksin blocked the development of oppositon Telco's because he didn't want to sink money into building networks for Shintel while he was trying to sell it... and he didn't want other opperators building networks better than his while it was on the market... 2 years after he sold it, the governement is still trying to work out the mess (not helped by his family/'associates' who are still in there protecting his remaining interests)...

Rival networks don't want to throw money into GSM, and then throw more into 3G when it does arrive... EDGE just meets the 3G speed requirement, but is nothing like UMTS for speed, there is no global standards so different vendor equipment can not interwork... No serious development has been put into GSM by vendors for almost a decade...

THAT is the reason Thailand is 5 years behind Malaysia, and 8 years behind the other developed Asian countries...


20 Years International Telecommunication Engineering Professional.

Couldn't agree more my main man Daewoo. I've also done a lot of telecom/IT work in many places around the globe.

This shows what happens when governments are in the business of running businesses instead of being in the business of governing. Government bureacracies get hung up on corruption and infighting. Businesses focus on service delivery and profits.

Thailand could easily get a double bang for the buck, if the government would invest in basic infrastructure like improving the country's rail network and at the same time, lay in in a large inter-city fiber optic network. Then they could have lease these resources out to private bidding companies, both for rail transport and network backhaul.

Instead the government bureaucrats operate like little tin-pot dictators putting power and self-interest above everything else.

And what do the citizens get? Crappy, slow and sometimes unsafe rail transport (albeit inexpensive). Crappy, slow and expensive network connectivity.


Thaksin caused this whole bloody mess...

Thaksin blocked the development of oppositon Telco's because he didn't want to sink money into building networks for Shintel while he was trying to sell it... and he didn't want other opperators building networks better than his while it was on the market... 2 years after he sold it, the governement is still trying to work out the mess (not helped by his family/'associates' who are still in there protecting his remaining interests)...

Rival networks don't want to throw money into GSM, and then throw more into 3G when it does arrive... EDGE just meets the 3G speed requirement, but is nothing like UMTS for speed, there is no global standards so different vendor equipment can not interwork... No serious development has been put into GSM by vendors for almost a decade...

THAT is the reason Thailand is 5 years behind Malaysia, and 8 years behind the other developed Asian countries...


20 Years International Telecommunication Engineering Professional.

Bias. Ignorant. and Not Ture.

Dtac and True want to jump to 3G for hope of more efficient network to compete with AIS. They dont want to invest in 2 or 2.5G which were already outdated.

To think AIS and Mr T was trying to hold 3G for benefit of their own is just plain stupid. AIS (Ship Corp) at the time was most ready to invest into 3G among others. Look at Temasek records. AIS financials was freaking strong. Since there was no 3G no new investment, they have been sending $$$$ thru stock share back to SG for 4 years. Everyone agree AIS is the most ready at this point. Now if Mr T is the problem, what the heck of problem are we having for 4 years ? Shouldn't we have 4G by now ? So is this sth to with Mr T again ? Mr T was out since 06 !

Mr T Gov couldnt push 3G to reality because he was then accused of confrict of interest. People were afraid he would make billions for himself and become monopoly. So it was halted til now. Many people here still screaming Mr T would make 3G for himself only. How's that possible in reality. It's too plain obvious and no one will stupidily allow him to do.

So, it comes to this statement.

If Mr T cant push 3G, people accuse him for holding it back and want to stay monopoly.

If Mr T successfully pass 3G in his terms, people hate him for being a greedy corrupted politican.

If Mr T fix the contract and make Dtac&True more benifitial, AIS will also gain benefit from the new deal. Now Mr T will be accused again.

If Mr T do NOT fix the contract to avoid being accoused of confrict of interest, then DTAC, & True will barely survive and Thailand will fall into 4th world country. Mr T, once again, will be hate for telecom lag in Thailand.

With or without 3G. Mr T and AIS will have no problem whatsoever.

The only possible solution to solve Telecom deadlock is to grant new license and bring existing players ( new also welcome ) to table and start at same rule for everyone.

I support NTC. Now we see CAT& TOT filing law suit to suspend auctions. These suckers indeed are the reason holding this country back.


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

i just love the way you think

if you ever run for any political position

you have my vote for sure

jing jing

after all foreigners have done absolutely nothing for Thailand

everything here in THailand has been invented planned and built by Thais - everyone knows that

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