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Kaspersky 2011 Affecting Download Speed


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Firstly, any help would be greatly appreciated from the teccies out there.

I recently updated from 2009 to 2011 internet security and problems started. At first I thought it was my TOT line but the engineers came, plugged in their comp. and all read fine on speedtests (ToT, Adsl, Speedtest).

I finally found the culprit that it was indeed Kaspersky. When Kaspersky is switched off the download speed is fine and constant ....When on, download speed is erratic giving readings between 500 KBPS to 75 MB ! (75MB being impossible given my contract and the lines' max capability of 26MB) and up and down like a yo-yo each second. Also this erratic behaviour does affect connectivity to websites. However, the upload is always constant. I've tried switching off individual items under 'settings' to no avail. The only thing that cures this erratic download speed is by switching off completely.

I've also tried 'repair program' and made no difference. The TOT engineer in his opinion said it could be a virus ...so did a full scan, and no virus found ...but if there was a virus in the anti virus ..well maybe its not possible to detect???

I'm stumped and have another 350 days on this licence ...what else can I do to cure this? Getting through to Kaspersky service seems near impossible ...please help.

Many thanks : Triple You.

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^Thx for the tip ..tried unchecking port 8080 just now but still the same. Have also previously tried port 8000 too as was on Kaspersky help pages as to do with video/audio download etc. Neither of these solutions seem to work ..but thx for the the reply above and thx for trying to be helpful.

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Just B4 I turn in (wery late now) ...is it possible to remove Kaspersky 2011 program completely from comp. and then reload from internet (I have no 2011 CD ... but I have the licence and activation keys)?

In as much, will kaspersky still recognise that its the same computer and thus the keys are valid?

Just asking as this maybe a solution to start afresh if I'm able to do it.

(From http://www.kaspersky.com/kis_latest_versions English version 400 ...is this ok too??)

Thx Triple You.

Nite Nite ..need sleep, will check tomorrow ...thx in advance for any help out there :-)

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Just B4 I turn in (wery late now) ...is it possible to remove Kaspersky 2011 program completely from comp. and then reload from internet (I have no 2011 CD ... but I have the licence and activation keys)?

In as much, will kaspersky still recognise that its the same computer and thus the keys are valid?

Just asking as this maybe a solution to start afresh if I'm able to do it.

(From http://www.kaspersky.com/kis_latest_versions English version 400 ...is this ok too??)

Thx Triple You.

Nite Nite ..need sleep, will check tomorrow ...thx in advance for any help out there :-)

I use Bitdefender 2010 and have no problems with it. If you have the key file I believe you can just install it again but I have never used Kaspersky in much depth so I cannot say.


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I have deleted Kaspersky before when the download did not totally download. As long as you have the activation key, etc, you can download again. Sometimes not all the files get downloaded.

Saying this, I am running Vista and prior to Vista, XP. Don't know about Win7.

Hope you have good luck.

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This article seems to stress previous versions of Kaspersky must be "completely/totally/fully removed" otherwise problems such as slowness can occur with the newer version. Apparently a normal uninstall/upgrade process don't always completely remove all files/settings. The article gives instructions on how to completely remove the older version.


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Thx Jocsum and Pib ..... Kept the activation data only as link suggested and totally uninstalled KIS. Also checked for any remnants by 'search' but all was gone. Started again and reloaded KIS by the link for English latest version (400) and then the databases and then did a critical and full scan (both of which reported nothing) ....Bingo and totally clean computer, nothing detected .....or err not ???

So speed check again .....nope, no good and still erratic. Switch off KIS ...stable.

Now I've really exhausted things to do. There is a problem but Kaspersky is the problem ..so kaspersky cannot analyise itself as the problem ...mmm I have a problem ##%^?

Anbody else having issues with KIS like this ....cheers for anymore help out there.

P.S. I need your help as trying to contact support at Kaspersky cannot be done ....tried to get 'customer ID' and half way through process it tells me that Kaspersky no longer supports 'home packages' LOL how is this so and if so, pretty bloody poor eh.

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It may just turn out to be a KIS software issue on some (many) machines like yours. When I googled the problem it seemed to show up a lot for the 2011 version.

I remember about 5 years ago when I was using the EzArmor Security Suite which came free with my Roadrunner ISP subscription. I had just upgraded to the latest version and the new version just slowed down my browsing a lot from the previous version. For the first month or so my googling, review of the EzArmor Security Suite, Roadrunner support site, etc., indicated I must have a very unique problem with my computer, or said another way, it's not really an EzArmor problem. Then at about the two month point I'm seeing a lot more complaints on the web about the slowness, computer magazine reviews identify the slowness, and even the EzArmor support site began to address the problem a little more. Then the EzArmor folks actually came out and admitted it was a software issue (problem) with the current release and would be fixed in the next major update due out in a 3 months. Well, they came out with that update about 4 months later and the slowness disappeared.

Hopefully you will find a fix to your problem soon. I use Norton 360 and really don't know anything about KIS other than what my googling tells me Good luck.

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^ Thx for the insight PIB and yes hopfully at Kaspersky they realise the have an issue with KIS2011 and update it accordingly.

My last IS was KIS 2009 and no problems at all with that. Also after all I've tried and checked (and a little more last night scanning comp with another virus checker, nothing came up at all) ...so it must be a problem in their software. Strangely enough a check on the 'windows 7 compatibility program' says this KIS 2011 is 'incompatible' ??? although it sez on the box of KIS 'compatible for windows 7' ....urrr go figure ??

Anyone else running KIS 2011 on windows 7 OS out there? ...If so, please report back if you have the same symptoms as I have or not ...be nice to know. Many thanks Triple You.

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