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Goodbye And Farewell

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Ginqueen, where were you and what was it that trip advisor voted as the number 1 thing to do on Samui ? I agree with you on the whining farangs though. I used to know a cockney guy. he would sit at the bar and tell all around him that he hated the heat, the food, the people etc etc. When asked why he stayed he replied something similar to your guy about the cheap beer and girls. Sad really.

So if its bye bye Samui where is it hello ?

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Sad to see you go, I guess also being in business I know what you mean about things here going down hill fast, and all the leaches here sucking the blood (cash) out of you with very little return. It could be a wonderful place to live except for the mentality of the Thais here.

You did not mention where you are going, but I wish you the best.

Take care and good luck with whatever you are planning. Oh and stay in touch here at TV.

Cheers. :wai:

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I recently moved here from the States because of the economic situation. My plans to buy a condo and live in Thailand have altered after seeing the police corruption and the hoops Immigration has you jump thru just to stay in the country.We are considered walking ATM machines and the Thais smile and try and take full advantage. So it's greener pastures for me in the near future. Leaving soon!

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I can echo the sentiments, however from a slighty different perspective. I still own my place in Samui, and vehicles, but I moved to Sydney 8 months back to top up the coffers. After 8 years of living this way, and looking forward to the flight home, this time it's different - I don't want to go back. Here I got a 4 year working visa with no requirements to leave at all during that time, a mobile phone contract with a smile, bought a car and got a driving licence without having to pay any surly counter monkey a bribe. The rose tinted glasses are off, the island is laid bare and I think I was one of the ones that saw the real side and walked away rather than continue to beleive that cheap beer and little drink driving restrictions were a reason to see a paradise. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but for those still there who beleive it's another day in paradise maybe it is, like beauty maybe paradise is in the eye, or beer goggles, of the beholder.

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The guys who list "cheap beer and women" as there preference for staying..... You should not pick fault with them for this. Im sure at one time they could list 10 key reasons for living in Thailand but as time goes on and the years tick by, they realise that the other 8 reasons they may have given are viewed through rose coloured glasses. The bottom line is this: probably the most genuine thing about Thailand is the cheap beer and women. The rest of it could be described as complete and utter <deleted>.

One of the main bonus points for me when i first landed was the Thai Smile. It took me years to realize that hidden behind this warm and fuzzy smile is often a devious mind.

I used to loath the ex pats that used the cliche "Walking ATM". I just always figured they are twisted bitter ex pats with nothing better to do than complain. Sadly, as with most cliches, its quite true. We realy are just walking ATM's for many Thais.

I have tried so hard to come up with other key reasons for staying here but now i also am a member of the bitter and twisted ex pat club: After 7 years here I cant think of many other reasosn aside from cheap beer and loose women.

I dont let the other things bother me. It just washes over me. I still like it here but for my own reasons - not the reasons that TAT promote and definatley not for the Thai Smile or the "laid back nature" of the Thais.

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sorry don't know how to highlight a quote,,but the previous poster mentions the vultures,,and you are right,,,which is why i bow out when the bluebirds are still singing.

Don't get me wrong i wouldn't have missed Samui for the world, mad , sad and enlightened,,,the one thing though i never needed to do was any under the table money,,i often wondered how one did that,,????ermm.gif and why it was i didn't biggrin.gif

Oh yes and sorry no more Supermarket watch unless i do it from where ever and using the same products,,just to see if i am seeing it right, that the grass is greener on the other side!! Right off to the Brie counter like the masked marvel !!ph34r.gif

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understand how you feel, i left Samui 8 months ago and should have done it years ago, it taints ones fews on what Thailand can be like. as the wife says its not Thailand its Samui. cheap booze 90 baht for a san mig or heniken, Samui does not even have that. i now pay 40-45 in air con bars. i will never step foot there again, i had a debate with my neighbour before i left, was it Thailand i was sick of or Samui. 100% Samui looking back. most of the guys i know who are still there want out

good luck

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understand how you feel, i left Samui 8 months ago and should have done it years ago, it taints ones fews on what Thailand can be like. as the wife says its not Thailand its Samui. cheap booze 90 baht for a san mig or heniken, Samui does not even have that. i now pay 40-45 in air con bars. i will never step foot there again, i had a debate with my neighbour before i left, was it Thailand i was sick of or Samui. 100% Samui looking back. most of the guys i know who are still there want out

good luck

Can I ask where you have moved to?

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Samui like other tourist destinations in thailand is suffering through lack of visitors,more so because it is an island and is more expensive to travel to than say pattaya or phuket.However like all islands things are usually more expensive because of the cost of getting supplies,add to that samui has very little land that can be developed(its mainly mountainous with a small strip around the island towards the beach)so leasing/renting is more expensive adding to busines costs and the price of property.

Having said that,samui does have reputation for being more corrupt than other places in thailand.If you are coming here to operate a business you need to know this and decide accordingly whether its worthwhile.There are still many successful tourist related business doing well.These places are doing well because the operators know what they are doing and would have good capital reserves for the hard times.

Samui grew like crazy on the back of phuket's tsunami,but it was never going to last.Too many places opened,bars, restuarants,etc and did well,perhaps they did n't have reserves for the bad times,and the bad times have been getting worse since the end of 2007.

Its true many expats have been leaving as money has dried up,jobs have been lost,interestingly at the same time our illustrious carrier bangkok air have been putting up their prices,but should we as expats be surprised,is n't this just the thai way.

Prices of a beer,however have been coming down,its now common to get happy hour beers for 50-60 baht,although out of this time its more like 70-90 baht.Can anyone tell me honestly if a bar owner sells a beer for 45 baht all day that he is going to survive in the long run when the wholesale cost is around 30-36 baht.I know in pattaya its the norm(40-50baht a beer)However the wholesale cost is less than on samui,and pattaya has a much larger expat community and sex tourists who visit more regularly(its also only a short trip from swampy)

In conclusion samui is still a beautiful place to live,but more difficult if you have to earn a living here,and when its time to move on for whatever reason its time to move on,nobody stays forever,the sheen wears off,familiarity breeds contempt,and oits time for greener pastures,as the OP is doing...........chok dee.

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First I wish good luck to the OP and hope you are happy where ever you are, second I see mostly people only choose the bad parts of koh samui and thai people particular on every posting, kind of pathetic when you consider in every part of the world there are good and parts part of everything.

as for samui on tourists and business goes:

1. Depends on the tourist coming to samui, especially from what other countries

2. Tour Operators: I can honestly tell you it seems mostly only from a few big players operating and these people have resources

3. Many people opened bars, restaurants, But I wonder how many of these people,

1. Surveryed the island to get an idea on volume of traffic

2. had a business plan

3. Did something different other than copying other business in their industry

4. Did any of you have any real diversity regarding your customers, most likely not. did you get asians into your establishment as well. Anyone doing business should realize not to be solely dependant on customers from europe, UK, USA, especially now.

if beer is get to expensive for you then you either go buy beer at the store then drink it at home, quit drinking, or change to drinking water. Life ain't fair for nobody or cheap.

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Why all the secrecy?

Tell us the name of the bar, please.

Where did you go that is so accommodating?

I think you could end many of the threads that open periodically on this and related subjects by this one quote:

"Samui grew like crazy on the back of Phuket's tsunami, but it was never going to last..."

Truer words were never spoken....

The op said, "Yes i do believe Thailand and Samui are buggered for a few years yet, a few years i cannot afford to wait." But this is not the case; what you see now is what you will get in the future. The op also said, "...have tried to sell my bar, but every bar on Samui is for sale, so no luck there." It would be interesting to pose as a tourist and go to the clusters of ladybars and ask if the place is for sale. I suppose the op is right here.

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the bar is called just Johno's

Ahh, so this is the guy that when I replied to the ad for Bar for Sale told me 'make your mind up in the next 2 days because I am putting the price UP'


Sounds like you were selling a pup my friend. But, the best of the luck to you anyway.

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Not all of thailand is the same. you have to remember that samui is a business island. You go to the mainland where the people could choose to live a nd work on samui but they don't. the thais enjoy the normall happy life.

I have been in samui many years. I have me favour resrtants and friends and other places. i stick to them. then that is it.

Yes there are problems i come accross sometimes but then it is not much different back home. for example my brother had to take 2 days off work to wait for the cable repair men to come. back in the U.K.

On a business island which relies on toursime then now is a very dark time. the currency is very low. the prices propbaby haven't changed much. infact got cheaper. The baht is still the simlar price.

The fact is that people used to come here for the beer and woman and the fact that everything else was cheap. Have a problem explaining to the thais that forang do not have money same like before. Think i will not have to explain soon because less and less are coming.

If you have business problems. all i can suggest is close and move to some where cheap and live off your savings till the storm blows over.

Problem is that there is more and more development going on which means more compition. Which also means that big compaines are coming to under cut everyone. or most people.

The positive thing is. That if you have land and you are not desperate to sell. then the price will go up 1 day as on an island. they do not make any more land. That is unless samui get over spolt like spain.but i think this will not happen.

last words quoted from Nick Faldo. " Got to take the rough with the smooth"

good luck. You'll b back lol" they always come back !!

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Not all of thailand is the same. you have to remember that samui is a business island. You go to the mainland where the people could choose to live a nd work on samui but they don't. the thais enjoy the normall happy life.

I have been in samui many years. I have me favour resrtants and friends and other places. i stick to them. then that is it.

Yes there are problems i come accross sometimes but then it is not much different back home. for example my brother had to take 2 days off work to wait for the cable repair men to come. back in the U.K.

On a business island which relies on toursime then now is a very dark time. the currency is very low. the prices propbaby haven't changed much. infact got cheaper. The baht is still the simlar price.

The fact is that people used to come here for the beer and woman and the fact that everything else was cheap. Have a problem explaining to the thais that forang do not have money same like before. Think i will not have to explain soon because less and less are coming.

If you have business problems. all i can suggest is close and move to some where cheap and live off your savings till the storm blows over.

Problem is that there is more and more development going on which means more compition. Which also means that big compaines are coming to under cut everyone. or most people.

The positive thing is. That if you have land and you are not desperate to sell. then the price will go up 1 day as on an island. they do not make any more land. That is unless samui get over spolt like spain.but i think this will not happen.

last words quoted from Nick Faldo. " Got to take the rough with the smooth"

good luck. You'll b back lol" they always come back !!

I love the fact that you quote nick faldo as the guy who started 'rough with the smooth'.

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Not all of thailand is the same. you have to remember that samui is a business island. You go to the mainland where the people could choose to live a nd work on samui but they don't. the thais enjoy the normall happy life.

I have been in samui many years. I have me favour resrtants and friends and other places. i stick to them. then that is it.

Yes there are problems i come accross sometimes but then it is not much different back home. for example my brother had to take 2 days off work to wait for the cable repair men to come. back in the U.K.

On a business island which relies on toursime then now is a very dark time. the currency is very low. the prices propbaby haven't changed much. infact got cheaper. The baht is still the simlar price.

The fact is that people used to come here for the beer and woman and the fact that everything else was cheap. Have a problem explaining to the thais that forang do not have money same like before. Think i will not have to explain soon because less and less are coming.

If you have business problems. all i can suggest is close and move to some where cheap and live off your savings till the storm blows over.

Problem is that there is more and more development going on which means more compition. Which also means that big compaines are coming to under cut everyone. or most people.

The positive thing is. That if you have land and you are not desperate to sell. then the price will go up 1 day as on an island. they do not make any more land. That is unless samui get over spolt like spain.but i think this will not happen.

last words quoted from Nick Faldo. " Got to take the rough with the smooth"

good luck. You'll b back lol" they always come back !!

I love the fact that you quote nick faldo as the guy who started 'rough with the smooth'.

what happened to old faldo anyway. haave been away for a bit. is he still famous. or is he hooked on another devorce case. is he an ancestor of henry the 8th. or maybe i have the wrong person. lait night. are bed time B)

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Not all of thailand is the same. you have to remember that samui is a business island. You go to the mainland where the people could choose to live a nd work on samui but they don't. the thais enjoy the normall happy life.

I have been in samui many years. I have me favour resrtants and friends and other places. i stick to them. then that is it.

Yes there are problems i come accross sometimes but then it is not much different back home. for example my brother had to take 2 days off work to wait for the cable repair men to come. back in the U.K.

On a business island which relies on toursime then now is a very dark time. the currency is very low. the prices propbaby haven't changed much. infact got cheaper. The baht is still the simlar price.

The fact is that people used to come here for the beer and woman and the fact that everything else was cheap. Have a problem explaining to the thais that forang do not have money same like before. Think i will not have to explain soon because less and less are coming.

If you have business problems. all i can suggest is close and move to some where cheap and live off your savings till the storm blows over.

Problem is that there is more and more development going on which means more compition. Which also means that big compaines are coming to under cut everyone. or most people.

The positive thing is. That if you have land and you are not desperate to sell. then the price will go up 1 day as on an island. they do not make any more land. That is unless samui get over spolt like spain.but i think this will not happen.

last words quoted from Nick Faldo. " Got to take the rough with the smooth"

good luck. You'll b back lol" they always come back !!

Well said BigC

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