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Local Supermarket - Cockroach In Sealed Bakery.


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Ok..just looking for others perspectives on this... because personally i had a bit of a gag reaction.

Im not surprised to find cockroaches running about in street food places, and ive seen the occasional one running about in restaurants. Its normal imo. However, i have to say that i tend to expect a high standard in supermarkets. I would have thought that the bakery etc would have a more stringent standard. But..maybe im just being silly..? It put me off buying anything from the bakery today though..couldnt stomach it :P . Do you recon its just an accident and stuff like this happen..or is it a bad standard of hygiene?

Thanks for feedback.20092010991.jpg

Although the packaging looks slightly open, it wasnt. I checked. There is no way that a cockroach could have climbed in later on.

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the poor old cockroach gets a hard wrap.

FYI, The supermarket probably has more cockroaches than most places on the planet....they come in in the boxes and then bakeries well they love the heat, its prime hunting ground for them.

its all good stuff :licklips:

ps: this wouldnt be one of those name and shame threads, would it? :lol:

Edited by neverdie
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I had one fall out of a burger I was eating - after I had eaten three quarters of the burger!

As you can imagine I was livid - called a guy over and asked to speak to the manager, who apologised profusely and did not hesitate to give me my money back.

They had only just opened that day after being forced closed by the redshirts for 10 days, so I literally shudder to imagine how many of the little sods were scurrying around the kitchen.


Yeah, still has that effect on me ...

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Now now boys..the reason the other "name and shame" thread had its name omitted should be clear. Its easy enough to pm the OP to ask what restaurant he was referring to. One major defining factor here is i have concrete proof via photo. No need to get snarky!

But ok, seeing as the thread hasnt been running too long, and to stop anyone thinking double standards are in place, i will change the title to "supermarket in chiang mai". Which, in hindsight, i wish i had done in the first place.

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Now now boys..the reason the other "name and shame" thread had its name omitted should be clear. Its easy enough to pm the OP to ask what restaurant he was referring to. One major defining factor here is i have concrete proof via photo. No need to get snarky!

But ok, seeing as the thread hasnt been running too long, and to stop anyone thinking double standards are in place, i will change the title to "supermarket in chiang mai". Which, in hindsight, i wish i had done in the first place.

Did you say anything or point it out.

I think you have a right (duty) to call for the manager, rather than let some unsuspecting person buy it. :bah:

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I sent an email off to the company (via their website), thats why i took the photos. A staff member saw me taking the pics, and walked over to me, so I left him to it. My email has praised the general staff (which is always due, as they work hard and have found them always to be polite) and store, but have notified them of what i saw (with photos).

Well done :thumbsup:

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I've seen bugs packed like that, but never such a big one. Great quality control!

Maybe a disgruntled employee?

If Eek was in the states, she could have quietly bought the item, took it home and then take it to the food inspection people.......she could sue for millions.

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Now now boys..the reason the other "name and shame" thread had its name omitted should be clear. Its easy enough to pm the OP to ask what restaurant he was referring to. One major defining factor here is i have concrete proof via photo. No need to get snarky!

But ok, seeing as the thread hasnt been running too long, and to stop anyone thinking double standards are in place, i will change the title to "supermarket in chiang mai". Which, in hindsight, i wish i had done in the first place.

Edited by sbk
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GD that's nasty. Has to be employee shenanigans, it obviously wasn't hard to spot...

Did some work in a place that supplied the meat for McD's (nuggets, sandwiches) and a lad manufactured a 10" appendage complete with nutsack from the nugget meat; fried it, froze it, bagged it, and boxed it with the standard product... couple days later, huge bollocking, big fine for factory and sackings all-round. Although a roach in one's pudding is quite off-putting, imagine a 10" schlong hanging out the side of your Chicken Sandwich! :lol:

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Very educational. I had to look up the insect to refresh my memory. Saw one pictured from 40-50 million years ago in amber. Read about how Western culture has it out for them, though the worst they seem to do is eat our crumbs and stale beer - maybe give off an offensive odor (explains ancients using them as medicine) or, more seriously, may contribute to asthma. Not toxic, and not disease bearing and they help me keep a clean kitchen. Wiki says nothing about them as a delicacy, breaded or fried, but then you cannot really count on it as an authority.

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They seem to be coming on strong this year during the rainy season. Never noticed them in the past few years in this bldg.

I keep a spotless apt, all food sealed, countertops not a crumb.

Last couple of weeks have caught a few big buggers. Probably coming in from outside. I use roach powder, spray into crevases.

Cockroaches have a remarkable ability of being able to compress their bodies and slip through spaces just a mm or so.

I stepped on one last night with bare feet.


But compared to living in a Thai style old teak house, and finding a King Cobra in the hong nam, as many have reported...I think I can deal with the occasional roach.:D

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On a side note, the reason mods edit out names of businesses that are flamed or shamed for one reason or the other, whether deserved or not....is that Thailand has some of the most onerous defamation laws anywhere. I think they got this from the English legal code.:whistling:

If someone exoriates some local business, and that business get their knickers in a twist- guess who they will sue. Not Mr. Anonymous posting from Nakhon Nowhere.

No, they will sue Thai Visa, and the mods have the thankless task of making sure none of these comments appear on our board, as they (Ministry of ICT) can shut us down in a blink if they want to.

Please try to respect the mods who do this. The censorship of these kind of comments is not our nature, and does not come from us, but is rather a natural reflection of the legal environment we are operating under.

Thank you for your understanding on this.


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On a side note, the reason mods edit out names of businesses that are flamed or shamed for one reason or the other, whether deserved or not....is that Thailand has some of the most onerous defamation laws anywhere. I think they got this from the English legal code.:whistling:

If someone exoriates some local business, and that business get their knickers in a twist- guess who they will sue. Not Mr. Anonymous posting from Nakhon Nowhere.

No, they will sue Thai Visa, and the mods have the thankless task of making sure none of these comments appear on our board, as they (Ministry of ICT) can shut us down in a blink if they want to.

Please try to respect the mods who do this. The censorship of these kind of comments is not our nature, and does not come from us, but is rather a natural reflection of the legal environment we are operating under.

Thank you for your understanding on this.


you could still do it thai style - local supermarket beginning with the letter r. thats how the politicians do it without getting sued. is it not possible to slag off anywhere or anyone atall now?

Edited by november222
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..I agree..why didn't the OP just pick up the pack containing the offending encroacher and take it to the checkout and complain..why all the covert photos and follow up email when it was not the intention of the OP to buy the item. If not spotted by the employee the package may still be sitting on the shelf! IMO it is always best the confront and deal with matters there and then.

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Poor little guy. He just peered through the plastic watching all the shoppers go by... hoping for help until the salad fumes overcame him.

So Sad..... One cannot help but feel sorry for the cockroach having the "nobody wants me feeling".

Maybe some shrink out there can come up with a complex syndrome name for the roach feeling like the little fat kid who , when they are choosing teams in school, this kid who nobody wants to pick, is always the last one chosen.....

Here in Thailand, one must feel for all living things......

Now if the roach was dead ....... all bets are off, so smash the bug-ger

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