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Thai Man Sentenced To Death For Killing 5Y-Old Boy

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>How can you say that

Yes, I can say that. Im always call a cat - a cat.

>and think the "Eye for an eye principal" should be applied, without knowing the circumstances behind this case?

Pls reread the topic header.

Any more questions? Ask the eyewitness.

>Maybe the offender was sexually abused as a child

Investigate the abuse and hang the abuser high. A common police duties, BTW.

>or had other adolescent issues when growing up.

So what? A great excuse to kill children, isnt it?

Remember: that child might be YOUR children. What will you say now?

>If that's the case, I firmly believe that he doesn't deserve to be jailed for the rest of his life, or even worse - to be inhumanely put to death.

Hopefully you'll never be making any laws in the country where I do live the rest of my life.

I need a high, HIGHEST PROTECTION to my children - but not the morality of the weaks, and a thousands of powerless words instead.

Remember: sometimes it is better to make one more citizen, than to change the current abuser.

>Instead, after being rehabilitated, he should be given another chance.

What a pastoral. Oh no, Im about to cry... :)

>Of course he should probably be closely monitored if he were to get released

Will ya pay your pocket money for this? Will you personally monitor him\her for a free? And all of those thugs? What? NO? WHY? :)

Or will you offering ME to pay for all rehabilitation schema (which is mostly NOT working) by my tax money? No, thanks - me myself have different idea about those thugs.

Or will you offering this to someone else here? To who, and what is his/her opinion about your offer? :)

>I'd be all for it in giving this poor guy a second chance, if there were extenuating circumstances.


If you do it even once - than EVERYONE of'em will be hoping for a second chance (means "kill one child - and get released and forgiven", which will simply DOUBLE the crimes in the area).

What? NO? "This VIP opportunity will be given to the selected ones, who'd abused while being a kid"? Than it will be a "double standarts!" shoutings, and you'll have nothing to answer.

>C'mon people - Have a heart.


Im not a heart-driven for so long, sorry. We are not talking about the buties of our wifes, but about the safety of our children. Heart? No, thanks. I prefer the strong arm on those bastards.

>Why be like a murderer and say that this guy should die???

Are you really see no difference between "the murder" and "the act of justice"? Than this will be your homework for today, kiddo. :)

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All countries without capital punishment have lower crime rates. Can you explain?

After you check statistic by yourself.

"Strong-arm" countries to be compared? Ok: Singapore, China, Saudi Arabia.... check their crime level comparing to other. :)

this is not a comparation with value when you're honest with yourself. China, Saudi Arabia and yes, even in Singapore ,the locals live like in Jail for most of their life.

We'd talking about the average crime level - not about jailing.

Someone will prefer to be executed quickly than rot in the cell for the rest of his/her lifes. Especially the ones comitted the "dirty" crimes - raping, killing children, sexual abuse of underages etc etc - their "co-cellers" will take care of them, and it will be much MUCH worse than a clean quick execution.

The subjected creature also comitted a "dirty" crime. He'll have a very cosy times if he get life inprisonment, believe me...


Keep this people separated from the public forever.

And feed them forever by my tax money (the money I've working hard for)? And pay/support the guards, fences, courts, jails etc??

No, thanks! I better feed one more homeless dog - they do NOT deserve ignorance, as those CREATURES do.

You need not feed them well.

Cheap, subsistence fair will cost little, make them wish every day for more,

but keep living to regret their acts, for as long as it takes to expire naturally.

Small room, limited movement, no sunlight leading to depression, crap food,

no reading, door welded shut, live in your pathetic/apathetic thoughts.

Tough luck, you made your bed, go end your days in it.

Bye bye.

How very typical of you.

I think you mean fare


Can someone please clarify why in Thailand and many other countries prisons fall under the jurisdiction of 'The Department of Corrections'?

What is being corrected? Individuals? Society?

Or is it just the most inappropriate label that could possibly be put on what so many people want to be an instrument of pain/hardship/revenge or even death?

I think it's time to change the name of these departments to something which more properly reflects what they actually do, or what people want them to do because from where I'm sitting it appears they do little in the way of correcting anything at all.

What would you call them?


When a Muslim kills a non Muslim the case doesn't even go to court. So statistically no crime happened.

Read: NO extra job for judges/guards, no extra cells in the jails are occupied, no taxpayers money being wasting. The society cleans itself. Good!

Try to wear a Buddha amulet or a cross when entering these countries and see what happens.

Nothing will happen, FYI, unles you'll not be standing at the middle of the city and scream that ""Buddha is the God! Christ is the God!!"

Buddha is just one of the God's Holy Messengers (but not the God Himself), and well-recognized among muslims with all their respect (together with Jesus, if you're interested). :)

But OK: try to pee to the british flag near the London's tower - and see what will happend? :)

Only one difference: with Muslims, the punisment will reach'ya MUCH faster and MUCH more effective. :)


Cheap, subsistence fair will cost little, make them wish every day for more,

but keep living to regret their acts, for as long as it takes to expire naturally.

Small room, limited movement, no sunlight leading to depression, crap food,

no reading, door welded shut, live in your pathetic/apathetic thoughts.

Tough luck, you made your bed, go end your days in it.

Bye bye.

No, thanks. Just free the living space for those who's deserving it more. For those killed and yet innocent children for example. They could be a better citizend than those thugs [after the rehabilitation].


The simple fact is some minds are not wired correctly.

Some individuals can not process right and wong, as commonly understood by most all human beings.

Only their personal benefit vs personal loss ratio.

A great excuse to kill 5yr boys and their beloved Mama's, isnt, it?

Menthal sick? Ok, it is possible. Shit happens sometimes.

Noone ever knows about it or never noticed the stranges (kindertarten, schools, armies, offices)?? Hardly imagine!!

Detect the illness at its first stages, and act properly (megical treatments, isolations - whatever, Im not a pcichiatrist). Look to the nearest Singapore!!

Letting them go out and do their ugly crimes under such of excuses - it is another crime by itself!


When a Muslim kills a non Muslim the case doesn't even go to court. So statistically no crime happened.

Read: NO extra job for judges/guards, no extra cells in the jails are occupied, no taxpayers money being wasting. The society cleans itself. Good!

Try to wear a Buddha amulet or a cross when entering these countries and see what happens.

Nothing will happen, FYI, unles you'll not be standing at the middle of the city and scream that ""Buddha is the God! Christ is the God!!"

Buddha is just one of the God's Holy Messengers (but not the God Himself), and well-recognized among muslims with all their respect (together with Jesus, if you're interested). :)

But OK: try to pee to the british flag near the London's tower - and see what will happend? :)

Only one difference: with Muslims, the punisment will reach'ya MUCH faster and MUCH more effective. :)

So when Muslims do it and even when kids are involved it's alright and the society cleans itself. Well, well, I let others judge about your misconception.

You wrote what I expected you to be. You're revealing more about yourself than you might want.

.... and for amulet and cross wearing when entering those countries, I have other things on record, even with innocent children involved.


I think a far better punishment for these types would be to come up with a way to induce 'locked in syndrome' 23 hours a day. Preferably by attaching some type of remote control device to their spine for easy access. This would drastically reduce the cost for prison guards and I believe would be a far better deterrent for others thinking of going down the same path. Good behavior could be rewarded by giving them extra mobility time. Riots would be a thing of the past as they could be brought down by the push of a button. Prisons would be full of the most polite well mannered people in no time.


The simple fact is some minds are not wired correctly.

Some individuals can not process right and wrong, as commonly understood by most all human beings.

Only their personal benefit vs personal loss ratio.

A great excuse to kill 5yr boys and their beloved Mama's, isnt, it?

Menthal sick? Ok, it is possible. Shit happens sometimes.

Noone ever knows about it or never noticed the stranges (kindertarten, schools, armies, offices)?? Hardly imagine!!

Detect the illness at its first stages, and act properly (megical treatments, isolations - whatever, Im not a pcichiatrist). Look to the nearest Singapore!!

Letting them go out and do their ugly crimes under such of excuses - it is another crime by itself!

I don't think you can construe that I am giving them a free pass because they are mentally ill. Nor mooting it as any sort of valid excuse, just stating it as facts. Some minds are just broken.


I get a kick out of all of you key board warriors and how you would kill this guy or cut him into little pieces. Generally the ones who do the most talking are the least likely to do anything.

Have any of you guys ever drawn a weapon on another human being with the intent of using it, well I have on several ocassions and it is not an experience one would want to go looking for.

Yes a henious crime but it not the movies boys real blood and real stink, pissing in pants, crapping in shorts death is not a pretty sight

Think about what you are saying, yes in a moment of passion or to save your life you might be able to kill some one.

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I get a kick out of all of you key board warriors and how you would kill this guy or cut him into little pieces. Generally the ones who do the most talking are the least likely to do anything.

Have any of you guys ever drawn a weapon on another human being with the intent of using it, well I have on several ocassions and it is not an experience one would want to go looking for.

Yes a henious crime but it not the movies boys real blood and real stink, pissing in pants, crapping in shorts death is not a pretty sight

Think about what you are saying, yes in a moment of passion or to save your life you might be able to kill some one.

He hacked up a 5 year old, if it was my son I would be doing the chopping, probably in a fit of rage and shock at the time, but yes I would do it! we are discussing the death penalty and if its right.

so wind your neck in and join in on the chat.

do you believe in the death penalty for this guy or do you think after a couple of years inside he could turn into a model citizen?

I think it would be better for everybody including this monster if he were to be put down in the worst possible way. it may, just may stop another person from doing the same thing.


I get a kick out of all of you key board warriors and how you would kill this guy or cut him into little pieces. Generally the ones who do the most talking are the least likely to do anything.

Have any of you guys ever drawn a weapon on another human being with the intent of using it, well I have on several ocassions and it is not an experience one would want to go looking for.

Yes a henious crime but it not the movies boys real blood and real stink, pissing in pants, crapping in shorts death is not a pretty sight

Think about what you are saying, yes in a moment of passion or to save your life you might be able to kill some one.

Well thank god, that society hasn't fallen to the level that we expect 5 year olds to have to arms themselves for protection. Self defence is until the last time I looked allowed in the world. Unfortunately, 5 year olds aren't yet able to realise that the world has a lot of very bad and dangerous people contained inside.

This man should go away for the vast majority of his natural life.


I get a kick out of all of you key board warriors and how you would kill this guy or cut him into little pieces. Generally the ones who do the most talking are the least likely to do anything.

Have any of you guys ever drawn a weapon on another human being with the intent of using it, well I have on several ocassions and it is not an experience one would want to go looking for.

Yes a henious crime but it not the movies boys real blood and real stink, pissing in pants, crapping in shorts death is not a pretty sight

Think about what you are saying, yes in a moment of passion or to save your life you might be able to kill some one.

He hacked up a 5 year old, if it was my son I would be doing the chopping, probably in a fit of rage and shock at the time, but yes I would do it! we are discussing the death penalty and if its right.

so wind your neck in and join in on the chat.

do you believe in the death penalty for this guy or do you think after a couple of years inside he could turn into a model citizen?

I think it would be better for everybody including this monster if he were to be put down in the worst possible way. it may, just may stop another person from doing the same thing.

what about the infamous drunk drivers erasing whole families and/or take away the mom or dad from a little child? Any medicine?

Give 'em a chance and they do it again, since drunk driving is a cavaliers delict.


I get a kick out of all of you key board warriors and how you would kill this guy or cut him into little pieces. Generally the ones who do the most talking are the least likely to do anything.

Have any of you guys ever drawn a weapon on another human being with the intent of using it, well I have on several ocassions and it is not an experience one would want to go looking for.

Yes a henious crime but it not the movies boys real blood and real stink, pissing in pants, crapping in shorts death is not a pretty sight

Think about what you are saying, yes in a moment of passion or to save your life you might be able to kill some one.

He hacked up a 5 year old, if it was my son I would be doing the chopping, probably in a fit of rage and shock at the time, but yes I would do it! we are discussing the death penalty and if its right.

so wind your neck in and join in on the chat.

do you believe in the death penalty for this guy or do you think after a couple of years inside he could turn into a model citizen?

I think it would be better for everybody including this monster if he were to be put down in the worst possible way. it may, just may stop another person from doing the same thing.

what about the infamous drunk drivers erasing whole families and/or take away the mom or dad from a little child? Any medicine?

Slightly different from hacking up a 5 year old and murdering his mother wouldnt you say?

but since you bring it up, dont you think if this had the death penalty more taxis would be taken?


Keep this people separated from the public forever.

And feed them forever by my tax money (the money I've working hard for)? And pay/support the guards, fences, courts, jails etc??

No, thanks! I better feed one more homeless dog - they do NOT deserve ignorance, as those CREATURES do.

If you're concerned about your tax money you should be the death penalties biggest opponent. Much more expensive than life imprisonment.

If you're concerned about justice, then there's no way you can have a death penalty as death is final. How many innocents have died? How many will die? How many are acceptable? One? One innocent death by the hand of the state is not acceptable to me.

Mainly though it's about setting an example. If the state says that killing is an acceptable way of solving problems then more killings will happen. Killing is then OK even when not in self defense. Killing is OK when the other has done a terrible thing himself. Or when you think that he did. How you define terrible things is pretty subjective, and it's a slippery slope from there. I am agnostic but I am with Jesus when he said: Thou shalt not kill.

That leaves revenge. Suit yourself there, but know that you're in league with the jihadists of the world.

Mind you I am not for premature release, where there's then cases where killers get out and kill again. That's stupid, and a problem in the justice system. Has nothing to do with the death penalty though. It's possible to lock the most dangerous up for life (and cheaper than the death penalty, that warrants repeating).

I am gad the caught the guy.

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I think it would be better for everybody including this monster if he were to be put down in the worst possible way. it may, just may stop another person from doing the same thing.

Yes, it may just have that effect, or it may just brutalize an entire society. When a state sanctions killing - be it war or punishment/revenge - each person in that society carries a tiny bit of the responsibility not only for the killing but for its knock-on effects.


So when Muslims do it and even when kids are involved it's alright and the society cleans itself. Well, well, I let others judge about your misconception.

Which misconception?

The concept is simple: have a clean society. I really do not care who is doing the dirty job: Police? Good. Judges? Great! Muslims? Well done!! Krishna? Wow, incredible!!

The result to achieve is just one: clean, healthy and safe society.

You wrote what I expected you to be. You're revealing more about yourself than you might want.

I have nothing to hide. Read my posts ans see my position.

.... and for amulet and cross wearing when entering those countries, I have other things on record, even with innocent children involved.

Me myself is Muslim. :)

Records? Great. Feel free to send me a PM, and we may have a chat.


I get a kick out of all of you key board warriors and how you would kill this guy or cut him into little pieces. Generally the ones who do the most talking are the least likely to do anything.

Have any of you guys ever drawn a weapon on another human being with the intent of using it, well I have on several ocassions and it is not an experience one would want to go looking for.

Yes a henious crime but it not the movies boys real blood and real stink, pissing in pants, crapping in shorts death is not a pretty sight

Think about what you are saying, yes in a moment of passion or to save your life you might be able to kill some one.

He hacked up a 5 year old, if it was my son I would be doing the chopping, probably in a fit of rage and shock at the time, but yes I would do it! we are discussing the death penalty and if its right.

so wind your neck in and join in on the chat.

do you believe in the death penalty for this guy or do you think after a couple of years inside he could turn into a model citizen?

I think it would be better for everybody including this monster if he were to be put down in the worst possible way. it may, just may stop another person from doing the same thing.

No it won't stop the next one. I bet this guy didn't think he was going to kill anybody that night. He was thinking just like the next one will. Lady coming home late, easy money, pull a gun what can go wrong. After that its all cover up a run time, nothing matters anymore. They don't stop and think Oh I recall what happened to that other guy. The main point in not killing them has nothing to due with their crime and everything to do with our standard for living.


Iran too, a very safe country. The religion of peace strikes me at times especially after we have first hand confessions from a former prison guard and lots of witnesses.

Underage girls on death-row can't be executed as long as they are virgins. So what do they do, they temporarily get married with a random prison guard and raped in their cells before execution takes place. We're talking about young girls don't forget, in their teen-age. In Iran girls getting punished from the age of nine years, boys from the age of 16.

Nice cleaning society, or is it the head of it that runs and ran berserk in the past too?


I get a kick out of all of you key board warriors and how you would kill this guy or cut him into little pieces. Generally the ones who do the most talking are the least likely to do anything.

Have any of you guys ever drawn a weapon on another human being with the intent of using it, well I have on several ocassions and it is not an experience one would want to go looking for.

Yes a henious crime but it not the movies boys real blood and real stink, pissing in pants, crapping in shorts death is not a pretty sight

Think about what you are saying, yes in a moment of passion or to save your life you might be able to kill some one.

He hacked up a 5 year old, if it was my son I would be doing the chopping, probably in a fit of rage and shock at the time, but yes I would do it! we are discussing the death penalty and if its right.

so wind your neck in and join in on the chat.

do you believe in the death penalty for this guy or do you think after a couple of years inside he could turn into a model citizen?

I think it would be better for everybody including this monster if he were to be put down in the worst possible way. it may, just may stop another person from doing the same thing.

No it won't stop the next one. I bet this guy didn't think he was going to kill anybody that night. He was thinking just like the next one will. Lady coming home late, easy money, pull a gun what can go wrong. After that its all cover up a run time, nothing matters anymore. They don't stop and think Oh I recall what happened to that other guy. The main point in not killing them has nothing to due with their crime and everything to do with our standard for living.

Good point, but and there is always a but, he did what he did and should pay. a crime like this should be an eye for an eye. why should he have the chance to be a free man even in 25 years time? and why should the tax payer pay to keep him? I do not believe it costs more for the death penalty then locking them up for life!

he has got the death penalty, so now it should go to the appeals courts and if found guilty and given the death penalty again it should be dealt with swiftly as in a few days.

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>If you're concerned about your tax money you should be the death penalties biggest opponent. Much more expensive than life imprisonment.

I'll buy him a rope, a soap and choose a good high tree by myself.

Oh, no! No thanks!! My pleasure!

PS: saying "execution is expencive" is a speculation. Wanna know? A 20 bullets at the NakhonNayiok's shooting range will cost me 200 baht. The range itself is free, so the guns are. And they even giving you the souvenirs!

Still in doubts? Ask China\Cambo\Burma, they have great experience in the subject.

>If you're concerned about justice, then there's no way you can have a death penalty as death is final.

The deaths of a 5yr boy+Mamma are not?

>How many innocents have died?

It is another very serious question.

But THIS one thug is NOT innocent. Back to the topic.

>How many will die? How many are acceptable? One?


The judge who sentenced an innocent - must hang on his/her tree instead of the "violator".

Thus, it is the case of doing HIS [as a judge] job properly.

>I am agnostic but I am with Jesus when he said: Thou shalt not kill.

Well, a Jesus's Father (a God) have killed manybody, and not for self-defence (examples? Sodom, Homorrah, Great Arch story etc)

But let's back to the topic.

>Suit yourself there, but know that you're in league with the jihadists of the world.

Are you an expert in Jihads? Than you shud know that the best, the pure, the "Big Jihad's" meaning. It is "To seek, to face and to challenge the weak's and bad's in yourself". Even the word "jihad" means "a struggle on the way to the Ideal"

Saying "you're in league with the jihadists of the world" - you've made me a compliment. Thank you. :)

PS: please stop watching your TV propaganda now. Shakhids and so-called "jihadists" are NOT muslims and NOT even recognized by. May they rot in hel_l.

>I am gad the caught the guy.



>Iran too, a very safe country.

Yes. A VERY safe. Being at Tehran, you man not worry about killers nor robbers. They are not surviving there for long, generally speaking.

Also, NO prostitutes on the streets (yes, you may still find such of "services" as you've described above - but not THAT much as it is in Pattaya or Harlem or somewhere else. And those are "not accepted" by the society, so all those girls justplacing themselves to a great risk of having their time of catching some nice roadside stones, you know what I mean).

>Underage girls on death-row can't be executed as long as they are virgins. So what do they do, they temporarily get married with a random prison guard and raped in their cells before execution takes place.

>We're talking about young girls don't forget, in their teen-age. In Iran girls getting punished from the age of nine years, boys from the age of 16.

"Raped" is not a correct word here.

They come to there exactly for this and make some profit out of this, arent they?

>In Iran girls getting punished from the age of nine years, boys from the age of 16.

In Thailand, it is even lower in the areas up north.

In India or in China, sometimes they get married on 7-8yo, and all arranged by the parents.

So what? Society has nothing to argue - it is the way they live. Please dont mix social customs along the crimes.

Hey, pals, Im going to bed. Nice to chat'to ya all. :)


Wish these nefarious individuals would not be kept calling 'animals'. Which animal? The species that cut up the young and place them in plastic bags for revenge? Or the human animal, which is, as far as know, is the only animal species capable of this.

Lots of animals routinely slaughter and often eat young members of their own species. It's a well known phenomenon.



What was the motive, relationships between the people and the circumstances leading to the murders?

Guess he was upset about weird posts from a TV member in this forum.I'll ask MI5, FBI and Mossad, okay? :annoyed:


I get a kick out of all of you key board warriors and how you would kill this guy or cut him into little pieces. Generally the ones who do the most talking are the least likely to do anything.

Have any of you guys ever drawn a weapon on another human being with the intent of using it, well I have on several ocassions and it is not an experience one would want to go looking for.

Yes a henious crime but it not the movies boys real blood and real stink, pissing in pants, crapping in shorts death is not a pretty sight

Think about what you are saying, yes in a moment of passion or to save your life you might be able to kill some one.

He hacked up a 5 year old, if it was my son I would be doing the chopping, probably in a fit of rage and shock at the time, but yes I would do it! we are discussing the death penalty and if its right.

so wind your neck in and join in on the chat.

do you believe in the death penalty for this guy or do you think after a couple of years inside he could turn into a model citizen?

I think it would be better for everybody including this monster if he were to be put down in the worst possible way. it may, just may stop another person from doing the same thing.

what about the infamous drunk drivers erasing whole families and/or take away the mom or dad from a little child? Any medicine?

Slightly different from hacking up a 5 year old and murdering his mother wouldnt you say?

but since you bring it up, dont you think if this had the death penalty more taxis would be taken?

what about the infamous drunk drivers erasing whole families and/or take away the mom or dad from a little child? Any medicine?

What about people who're writing words like you? Any medicine?

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