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Thai Policeman Declines Promotion To Help Saudi Ties: Govt

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He is a great man indded. An innocent police officer being accused for a crime he did not commit. hence he has to make a great sacrifice on this career, for the better of this nation. If you admire such a hero, who would you rather admire? A criminal (sentence confirmed) like Thaksin?

He did it because he is scared. He is nothing like a hero more like a villain. If he was a hero he would tell them the truth and face the evil he has committed. There is blood now on these jems and the Thai Police are to blame.

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Of course I'd disagree! Your statement assumes the Thai courts actually uphold justice!? When have you ever known the Thai courts to find the guilty actually guilty?


July 31, 2008

The Criminal Court found Pojaman Shinawatra guilty of intentionally avoiding a tax payment of 546 Million Baht. Also found guilty Pojaman's brother Bannaphot Damapong and her personal secretary, Kanchana Honghern.

The court sentenced Pojaman and Bannaphot each to 3 years in jail and Kanchana to 2 years in jail.


October 21, 2008

Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been found guilty of corruption and sentenced to two years in prison by the Thai Supreme Court.


June 26, 2008

The Supreme Court sentenced three key members of the legal team of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to six months in prison each yesterday over the 2 Million Baht snack box incident. Lead lawyer Pichit Chuenban, legal assistant Supasri Srisawat, and the coordinator of the legal team, Thana Tansiri, were all found guilty.

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"Abhisit Vejjajiva rubbed salt into the wound, claiming that Mr Ashri had failed to understand Thai law. He cited a 2007 statute, passed under military rule, which gave an amnesty to all government officials who were facing disciplinary charges. But only subsequently was General Somkid charged, over the disappearance of a Saudi businessman, who was said to have been hunting for the missing jewels, back in 1990. Three Saudi diplomats were killed in Bangkok at about the same time, for unclear reasons." http://www.economist.com/blogs/asiaview/2010/09/thai-saudi_murder_mystery


That's why we poor buggers pay thb200 to the lowly ranked traffic police...it's small time practice before they get into the real action and big dollars. The institution that is meant to serve and protect is apparantly rotten to the core from top to bottom. And it is not going to change with a government that condones and promotes an alleged murdered. Does anyone need anymore proof?:blink:


Lol are these examples of politically motivated verdicts of "money crimes" supposed to make up for the overall injustice of the Thai system?! HA!:lol: And Im sure if there is no one with power or money involved then the Thai system works fine, but the second money and power are involved the system falls apart.


let the saudis stop the oil flow for a fortnight.

see how that affects the greedy theives...

all those hundreds of thousands of families livelihods wiped out for a few chicken egg sized stones.



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I used to think that the Thai government had rocks in it's head, as it makes one bizarre decision after another. Now am starting to think that it does not even have rocks......... If the government truly wanted to help repair relations with Saudi Arabia, they would have issued an apology for the judgment error in even try to appoint Somkid, and withdrawn it themselves. To have Somkid do it himself is again adding salt to the wounds, much like Abhisit saying the Saudi envoy was misinformed. Abhisit's statement was made all the more funny by the fact I would bet my life the Sauid envoy is probably better informed the Abhisit.....Thailand is all about money. Saudi has unlimited money, so I suspect they are perfectly able to find out whatever they want to know...........And I will not even start on the mafia organization masquerading as police.... 


Somtumtiger posted

No truth will ever be discovered regarding this case - time for the Saudis to move on I think.

The Saudis have known for 15 years nothing will be 'discovered' but they will remind the Thais of their crimes every chance they can. That is their right and if they don't want to move on, they're not going to.

If the government truly wanted to help repair relations with Saudi Arabia, they would have issued an apology for the judgment error in even try to appoint Somkid, and withdrawn it themselves.

Thailand, or Abhisit, would love to repair relations but cannot do anything substantive. As such they are reduced to making empty gestures, and end up insulting the Saudis more.


Not all Thai police are good people. Thaksin is an example. Go google this name, Pol Maj GenPhetluk Siangkong to see some juicy video of his act in his own office.

Googling this name, as you entered, brings up ONE entry...your post on ThaiVisa!


Suthep really needs to take a course in politics and PR.

Saudis will not be happy now. They can see through the Thai fog.

Suthep's hands are tied. Somkid is a close pal of Sondhi Limthongkul. ;)

Somkid, who at the time ran Bangkok's southern district, and the other four policemen are accused of abducting al-Ruwaily in 1990 because they thought he was connected with the deaths of the envoys.

The five suspects detained him in a hotel and tortured him before shooting him dead and disposing of his body, their indictment said.

There's one thing that doesn't quite compute here -- five guys accused of abduction, torture (or is that legal?) and murder, and they've been walking around for the last 20 years. Let's just not get into details about staying on the police force & getting hefty promotions.

Does one get out on bail in Thailand, even if the issue is murder? Hmmm...

<br />
<br />Not all Thai police are good people. Thaksin is an example. Go google this name, Pol Maj GenPhetluk Siangkong to see some juicy video of his act in his own office.<br />
<br />Googling this name, as you entered, brings up ONE entry...your post on ThaiVisa!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

http://www.thairath.co.th/content/region/113057 you might want to use google translate to read Thai http://translate.google.co.th/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=th&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=th&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thairath.co.th%2Fcontent%2Fregion%2F113057


Mr. Somkid is innocent until proven guilty by Thai court. Would anyone care to disagree?

I thought it was the other way around here, but then I may be mistaken. The simple fact is, that the BIB are heavily implicated in this whole scandal, which again does nothing to enhance Thailand's reputation.

In any case, this officer should have been suspended from duties irrespective, until it is proven that he is innocent.


In any case, this officer should have been suspended from duties irrespective, until it is proven that he is innocent.

Come-on mate, wake the fekk up, you have been here long enough, theres NO EXCUSE for this line of thinking :lol:


In any case, this officer should have been suspended from duties irrespective, until it is proven that he is innocent.

Come-on mate, wake the fekk up, you have been here long enough, theres NO EXCUSE for this line of thinking :lol:

As an example, Mr. Happy Toilet never gave up his porcelain throne.


Does one get out on bail in Thailand, even if the issue is murder? Hmmm...

They sometimes even get bail AFTER a conviction AND after being sentenced to 30 years in prison for first degree murder. Not only that, despite being a convicted fugitive on the run (after having received the aforementioned bail), they still manage to get their prison sentence on other charges reduced. The original 30 year sentence for murder was also reduced to 25.

Court reduces Poh's term

The Nation - May 11, 2006

The Supreme Court yesterday upheld the prison sentence against influential figure Somchai Kunplome, better known as Kamnan Poh, for his conviction in masterminding corrupt land deals worth Bt93 million in Chon Buri province.

The fugitive, however, had his term reduced to three years and four months from the five years and four months verdict of the Court of Appeals.

At the time of the sale, Somchai was mayor of Saensuk in Chon Buri province, where the land was located, and was found to have skimmed profits off the sale.

An arrest warrant was later issued for Somchai, who has reportedly fled to Cambodia while many reports said he was still hiding in Thailand.

Somchai is already facing a 25-year prison term handed by the Court of Appeals for masterminding a murder.

The statue of limitations in the corruption and murder cases against Somchai would end after 10 years and 20 years, respectively.


In any case, this officer should have been suspended from duties irrespective, until it is proven that he is innocent.

Come-on mate, wake the fekk up, you have been here long enough, theres NO EXCUSE for this line of thinking :lol:


Too true ND, I've obviously not been thinking straight.


He is a great man indded. An innocent police officer being accused for a crime he did not commit. hence he has to make a great sacrifice on this career, for the better of this nation. If you admire such a hero, who would you rather admire? A criminal (sentence confirmed) like Thaksin?

I am certain that this forum is being used by government muppets still spreading their bile. A word to the wise.... most westerners have an open mind and have been raised in an open society. How many wrong doings of Thai people in priviliged positions can you manipulate and turn it round to Mr Thaksin. Do you honestly believe that you can influence western people (maybe some on here) with your comments on a farang forum. It obviously works for the Thai people with all media controlled by the government. The censorship of the net cannot stop Thais accessing atrocities your government have recently committed.


Mr. Somkid is innocent until proven guilty by Thai court. Would anyone care to disagree?

The Thai Judicial system borders on laughable and is there to be used and abused by the privileged. No wealthy people in the Clink


Mr. Somkid is innocent until proven guilty by Thai court. Would anyone care to disagree?

Mr. Taksin is innocent until proven guilty by Thai court on corruption charges, do you care to agree?

The Royal Thai Court = hasn't prove a dam_n thing yet.


That's why we poor buggers pay thb200 to the lowly ranked traffic police...it's small time practice before they get into the real action and big dollars. The institution that is meant to serve and protect is apparantly rotten to the core from top to bottom. And it is not going to change with a government that condones and promotes an alleged murdered. Does anyone need anymore proof?:blink:

you got ripped off. i usually bargain for 100 Baht, and can get away with 50 if I am drivin my pick up whistling.gif


He is a great man indded. An innocent police officer being accused for a crime he did not commit. hence he has to make a great sacrifice on this career, for the better of this nation. If you admire such a hero, who would you rather admire? A criminal (sentence confirmed) like Thaksin?

Hmmm. What makes you think he is innocent? He hasn't been tried yet. That seems not to be unusual in Thailand when high ranking people like this are accused of a crime. In this case it's only been twenty years since he was first accused. He remained on active duty that whole time, and continued to get promoted. Apparently his superiors did not feel it was necessary to resolve the case. Since he is a high ranking policeman he will not be convicted, nothing to see here, move along. Not much different than the case of Police General Salang Bunnag -- at least he made no bones about the fact that he was guilty, but he was still acquitted.


He is a great man indded. An innocent police officer being accused for a crime he did not commit. hence he has to make a great sacrifice on this career, for the better of this nation. If you admire such a hero, who would you rather admire? A criminal (sentence confirmed) like Thaksin?

I am certain that this forum is being used by government muppets still spreading their bile. A word to the wise.... most westerners have an open mind and have been raised in an open society. How many wrong doings of Thai people in priviliged positions can you manipulate and turn it round to Mr Thaksin. Do you honestly believe that you can influence western people (maybe some on here) with your comments on a farang forum. It obviously works for the Thai people with all media controlled by the government. The censorship of the net cannot stop Thais accessing atrocities your government have recently committed.

Well, it actually doesn't work all that well on the Thai people, wither. That's why the Red Shirts are still in existence, and still disaffected. What the Yellow Shirts never get is that, no matter how much they say it, poor people aren't necessarily stupid. Or paid lackeys.


Mr. Somkid is innocent until proven guilty by Thai court. Would anyone care to disagree?

The Thai Judicial system borders on laughable and is there to be used and abused by the privileged. No wealthy people in the Clink

Maybe true, but we do have a few wealthy ones who fled just across the border to one of the casinos.


He is a great man indded. An innocent police officer being accused for a crime he did not commit. hence he has to make a great sacrifice on this career, for the better of this nation. If you admire such a hero, who would you rather admire? A criminal (sentence confirmed) like Thaksin?

I am certain that this forum is being used by government muppets still spreading their bile. A word to the wise.... most westerners have an open mind and have been raised in an open society. How many wrong doings of Thai people in priviliged positions can you manipulate and turn it round to Mr Thaksin. Do you honestly believe that you can influence western people (maybe some on here) with your comments on a farang forum. It obviously works for the Thai people with all media controlled by the government. The censorship of the net cannot stop Thais accessing atrocities your government have recently committed.

Government muppets? I think you mean those who run the ThaiVisa forum? You seem to accuse them of trying to influence us, the Western foreigner. You ask why they think they manipulate wrongdoing of Thai people in privileged positions. You ask if they really think they can influence Western people on this farang forum. Furthermore you say it works for the Thai (assuming Thai follow this forum).

Whow, what an inside in the workings here.

Only problem is that your assumptions as to why you think so, are not stated. This means I have to see your accusations as simple opinion, to which you are entitled of course.

One thing I may agree, Thais can access data on atrocities committed by any Thai government. Only my list would probably be different from yours ;)


He is a great man indded. An innocent police officer being accused for a crime he did not commit. hence he has to make a great sacrifice on this career, for the better of this nation. If you admire such a hero, who would you rather admire? A criminal (sentence confirmed) like Thaksin?

I am certain that this forum is being used by government muppets still spreading their bile.

I am certain this forum is being used by a westerner having a good laugh by pretending to be a Thai.

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