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Question For Car Drivers Who Own A Motorcycle Too


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I wonder about car drivers who had a motorcycle before the car and wonder if they still use it. I would say i use my bike a lot still but now mainly for trips close by or where there is a lot of traffic. I still find it faster and easier then a car lots of times.

Of course when we are together and go further out we take the car instead of the bike. I even went to take the bike to khoa sarn last week instead of the car 25km trip because it was during rush hour. I got there and back faster as i could have with a car.

Just wondering if others have similar experiences.

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I had a motorcycle before I bought my truck. Prefer riding the bike I even bought a new honda phantom this year to ride. I put about 9000 kilometers on my truck a year and those from all long distance drives. I use my bike for all my driving within 150 kilometers. Only time i use my truck is if it is raining and then sometimes I still use the bike. Bike is so much easier to get around and parking is so much easier. I have had my new phantom 7 months and have over 8000 kilometers on it and was away in Canada for a month.

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I have two bikes and a car, but I only use the car when necessary like carrying stuff, too many passengers, transporting my two youngest(I don't believe babies and toddlers should ever be on a bike if it can be avoided). Also when my wife thinks it is too hot out

Other than that it is the bike for everything.

For long distance it is either the car or some form of commercial transportation.

I ride a bike several times a day, my car maybe twice a week.

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My bike is old and precious. I used to use it all the time for pottering about the village but I try and walk in the cooler wetter weather. As such bike gets laid up.

Now, as my car has to go in for some body work as someone hit it when parked on the base, I will be recomissioning the bike. I had 4 wheels before I had two, so the bike has always been about fun. I've done over 500kms on it in less than 24hrs. Its been a project of great amusement but, The car is comfortable, reliable and cool. Its my first choice, 90% of the time. The bike is more ornamental.

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Had a few cars here before buying a little Wave. Since then and quite a few bikes later the car hardly moves, 20km a week if that.... hence it's now for sale. Convenience and speed of bikes far outweighs the 'comfort' of 4 wheels in my case. I think a lot also depends on your own personal circumstances and of course where you live in respect to work, shopping etc.

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Bought a selection of bikes which i use all the time click for 7/11, ninja for sukumvit, chopper for around town etc etc as i hate using the truck, its useless for parking and a complete waste of time for short journeys which will take upto 6 times as long due to the traffic. shopping, wet season and to esan only for me ;)

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Obviously, there are bikes and there are BIKES. I don't own a scooter, although the wife has one, but if I lived in a bigger town I would. I live out in the sticks and use a mountain bike for travelling around the village, a dirt bike for visiting neighbouring villages and going out to the rice fields, and a couple of large road bikes for going to Surin, Buri Ram and points further afield. I take the car when I need to buy large items, or when family and friends want to come along. I never jump in the car and just go for a drive with no purpose, but I often do that on one or other of the bikes, doing a loop out to Aranyaprathet or Khorat or Ubon or somewhere just for the pleasure of it. I've covered just about every changwat on my big bikes, cruising along having fun, but, if need be, they're also the quickest way to get around. And so less frustrating than being stuck behind a line of traffic.

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I agree with the consensus, bikes are for fun and convenience, cars are for when it is necessary. I like in Bangkok, I have a company car and a Steed and a Phantom. I drive the Steed 90% of the time. I can make the 7km trip to the office in 15-20 minutes on the Steed, 45-90 minutes in the car. I never drive the Phantom anymore. It was my learner bike here in Bangkok, so it is going up for sale as soon as I touch up the paint. The car is only for rainy days, when I am taking long trips, or ferrying passengers about.

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I try to use in order, Walk, Mountain bike, Honda Click then Pick-up. I don’t know about anyone else, but I will if I allow myself gravitate toward the easy options, riding the” Click” or driving the pick-up way too much. Am I alone in feeling lazy in Thailand more than my home country? Is it the heat, the air or all that dii yen yen?

I’ve found that the periods I can stick with the walking and mountain biking, for my major getting about, the benefits are subtle but defiantly there, the obvious ones are; I feel fitter, I’m not affected by the heat so much, and boy! Do I love driving in the pick-up (with the a/c on) even riding the “Click” feels decadent.

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Truck would sit for weeks and finally sold it. Now I have a Honda Jazz which is almost a scooter and drive every week. Motorbike still is my primary mode of transportation.

Got a jazz too.. i like it its small and easier to park as a truck. Still i love the bike too.

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