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Thailand Live Friday 24 Sep 2010

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Thailand Live Friday 24 September 2010

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Related topic: Thailand Live Thursday 23 September 2010

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Appeals Court Acquits Doctors for Kidney Theft

The Appeals Court has overturned a guilty verdict against physicians of Vajira Prakan Hospital charged with illegal removal of a patient's kidneys after finding no proof of fault.

The Criminal Court read an Appeals Court ruling on the case of Charoen and Nufaeng Deeyotha against Doctor Siroj Kanchanapunjapol and three other physicians of Vajira Prakan Hospital for intentionally murdering their daughter Ladda.

The case, filed by the Attorney General's Office, stated that in 1997, the accused falsified organ donor documentation to illegally remove organs from patients at Vajira Prakan Hospital.

Doctor Siroj, director of the facility at the time, was later charged with intentionally killing Ladda Deeyotha so that he could harvest her kidneys.

The higher court, however, has indicated that all the defendants independently gave matching statements that Ladda and another person who died under their care had received life-threatening injuries.

Forensic tests did not show any evidence that the patients were in any way maliciously treated but had sustained their injuries in accidental circumstances.

Therefore, Doctor Siroj and three of his associates were acquitted of all murder charges.


-- Tan Network 2010-09-24



EGAT to push forward 2nd phase of power plant construction

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) is forging ahead with its second phase of the construction of a power plant which is expected to generate up to 800 megawatts of the much-needed electricity.

According to EGAT Governor Suthat Pattamasiriwat, the EGAT has proposed to the Ministry of Energy a plan to expand the power plants in the second phase to cope with the rising electricity consumption. If things go as planned, the construction will begin in 2014, and completed in 2015. The power plant will be fully operational no later than 2019. The EGAT is confident that the construction will not be opposed by the public and NGOs.

In addition, the decommission of the Bang Pa Kong power plant will be further delayed given it could still provide the EGAT with a ten-percent back-up energy, according to the Governor.


-- NNT 2010-09-24 footer_n.gif


Flood Woes Continue in Provinces

Several northern provinces are still affected by ongoing floods, while water levels in the central region remain worrisome.

Due to the continuing flood crisis, farmers in Pichit's Wachirabari distrcit have been forced to prematurely harvest their swamped rice crops and dry them by the side of the roads, hoping the low-quality rice can be sold on the market.

Farmers take turns safeguarding their rice crops to prevent possible theft.

In Nakhon Sawan's Chumsaeng district, locals have plugged the drainage system and diverted floodwater in order to prevent the swelling Yom River from swamping households and farmland.

People of Bang Rakam district in Phitsanulok province continue to reel under flood effects which have damaged the area's waterworks, causing drinking water shortages.

Phitsanulok's Irrigation Department revealed that officials have begun diverting water from the bloated Yom River into the Nan River flowing through Phrom Piram and Bang Krathum districts.

Locals residing along the river banks have been notified to closely monitor the water level.

Due to the rapid swelling of the Yom River, Nakhon Sawan province has declared 11 out of 15 districts as disaster zones.

Meanwhile, discharge from the Chao Phraya Dam in Chainat province, which is triggered by an overflow from Ping, Wang, Yom and Nan rivers, is currently at around 1,800 cubic meters per second.

Added to the 300 cubic meters per second from the Sakae Krang River flowing through Uthai Thani province, the resulting 2,100 cubic meters per second discharge is the highest ever recorded from the Chao Phraya Dam.

The Chao Phraya Dam discharge has increased the water levels in certain parts of Ang Thong and Ayutthaya provinces, thus flooding local households.


-- Tan Network 2010-09-24



DDPM warns northern, northeastern, central dwellers of flashfloods

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) has warned residents of the North, the Northeast and the Central of possible flashfloods during this period.

DDPM Director-General Anucha Mokkahavesa stated that people living in the northern, northeastern and central regions should be aware of heavy rains which could cause flashfloods during 23-26 September 2010. He suggested people residing near foothills and waterways in the mentioned areas to follow up the weather forecast and notice changes in the weather condition.

Mr Anucha further mentioned that the DDPM was coordinating with its provincial offices and concerned agencies in flood-prone areas nationwide to closely monitor the situation and to be prepared to distribute necessities to people in need.

For emergency assistance, people can contact the DDPM Hotline 1784 around the clock.


-- NNT 2010-09-24 footer_n.gif


Chavalit worried about amnesty bill

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Opposition Pheu Thai Party Chairperson and former Prime Minister General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh has voiced his concerns over the attempt of the Bhumjaithai Party to press ahead with the amnesty bill.

General Chavalit stated that he could understand that the Bhumjaithai Party was well-meant, but the amnesty bill itself was aimed at helping certain figures rather than enhancing democracy, which, in the long run, would harm the country instead of benefiting it.

The former Prime Minister also mentioned rumors that the Bhumjaithai Party was trying to push forward the amnesty bill to help the party's disenfranchised politicians, one of whom was tipped to become a new party leader.

General Chavalit also hinted that a person with an initial ‘S’ would come out and cause damages to the country in the future.

However, asked if the amnesty bill was part of the planned election campaign of the Bhumjaithai Party, the General refused to

comment on the issue. He only said that the Bhumjaithai Party should work on the issue in a straightforward manner.


-- NNT 2010-09-24 footer_n.gif


Baht rise harming SME exports

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The continual appreciation of the baht is harming SME exports, especially in the group of lifestyle products, according to the Thai Lifestyle Products Federation.

Mr Jirabool Vittayasing, Secretary-General of the Thai Lifestyle Products Federation, speculated that at least 600 entrepreneurs out of the total of 3,000 in the field of lifestyle products, such as gifts and home appliances, would have to close their businesses this year due to the baht appreciation. In other words, losses of over 16 billion THB might be incurred.

Mr Jirabool hence asked the Government to establish an assistance fund with a budget of 5 billion THB for those entrepreneurs currently affected by the baht rise in order to provide them with low-interest loans for cash flow enhancement.

Meanwhile, Ms Nantawan Sakuntanaga, Director General of the Department of Export Promotion, suggested exporters to cut production costs to avoid the need for a price hike and add value to products by focusing on the design and creativity.

The Ministry of Commerce is also seeking cooperation from the Ministry of Finance in granting low-interest loans to SME entrepreneurs affected by the strong baht through state-run financial institutions.


-- NNT 2010-09-24 footer_n.gif


Opponents at medical malpractice seminar exchange hot words

By Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation


Supporters and opponents of the medical malpractice bill yesterday started a verbal skirmish using language that was more emotional than rational.

The verbal war between a group of consumers and patients who support the medical malpractice bill drafted by government and civic groups and a group of doctors who are against the current draft has reduced the chances of finding a resolution that would benefit both patients and medical workers.

The skirmishes occurred during the seminar on the differences and similarities between the draft law, known as the Health ServiceAffected People Protection Bill, and the alternative Medical Malpractice Victim Protection Bill.

The seminar was held by the Health Laws and Ethics Centre of Thammasat University's Faculty of Law.

The organiser had invited legal experts to criticise the Health ServiceAffected People Protection Bill drafted by Dr Methee Wongsirisuwan, a neurosurgeon at Rajvithi Hospital, who was assigned by the permanent secretary for public health to work on the draft law, which he did for quite some time.

Participating in yesterday's seminar was Foundation for Consumers manager Saree Ongsomwang, who supports the rival Medical Malpractice Victim Protection Bill.

Methee said his draft had focused on the noblame principle instead of nofault compensation.

He said that under the noblame principle, investigators would determine whether medical treatment provided by a doctor had been faulty or not, while the nofault principle would simply provide compensation to those patients affected by medical errors without preliminary investigation.

"I totally disagree with the nofault principle," he said. "We need to prove the fault, but we do not need to find someone guilty."

Meanwhile, the president of the nongovernmental Coalition on Aids, Supattra Nakapiew, said she saw nothing new in the Health ServiceAffected People Protection Bill drafted by Methee.

"Someone told me that this draft is based on the 'no brain' principle rather than the noblame principle," she said.

She also asked a group of doctors to stop their campaign encouraging doctors across the country to oppose the bill by withdrawing services.

"Don't use patients as hostages," she said.

If doctors are not satisfied with working at state hospitals for fear of lawsuits, they could just quit and go to work at private hospital instead, Supattra said.

Dr Wanchart Subhachaturas of the Medical Association of Thailand asked Suppattra to withdraw her "no brain" remarks as they were offensive to doctors. Suppattra did not respond to Wanchart's request.

Dol Boonnak, a justice of the Office of the President of the Supreme Court, said supporters and opponents should talk together and bring their issues into the legal procedures and the House of Representatives' consideration.

"It is good to have many versions of this bill, as we could have more choices before making a decision, but we should pick the good things from each draft and mix them together so each side can accept the other's recommendations," he said.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24


Ethnic leader predicts united armed struggle after Burma's election

By The Nation


Exclusion of ethnic groups from the coming general election in Burma will lead to a consolidation of rebellious armed forces along the border with Thailand to fight against the new militarybacked government, an ethnicminority leader said.

"We all know that the election will not benefit us, so we have to unite to fight against them," said the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) chief of armed forces, Bee Htoo.

"The election will change nothing in this country. I expect there will be a major offensive from Burma's military shortly after the election," he said.

The elected government will claim it is a democratic one but the suppression of minorities will continue, he said.

The KNPP, one of three rebellious ethnic groups along Burma's border with Thailand, announced it would continue its armed struggle after the November election in Burma. The other two groups are the Karen National Union (KNU) and Shan State Army (SSA).

The Burmese authorities announced last week that about 300 villages across Kachin, Kayah (Karenni), Karen, Mon and Shan states would be excluded from the November 7 election because conditions are not in place for a "free and fair" vote.

The KNPP declared earlier that it rejected the militarysponsored constitution and would not participate in the election, Bee Htoo said.

"The constitution gives most state authority to the military, so I think it's useless to talk about the election under this charter," Bee Htoo said in a rare interview with selected Thai journalists recently.

The military junta has no sincere intention to include ethnic minorities in its political process. No opinion of the minorities was taken into the 2008 constitution, he said.

"So we see no point in joining such a political process, but the only option available is the continuation of armed struggle," he said.

The Karenni are coordinating with other armed groups, including the KNU and SSA.

"We are now working closely together, politically and militarily. I personally met leaders of the SSA three times this year and we have an exchange committee with the KNU," Bee Htoo said.

"I think there is no other way but to join hands and units and fight together. All groups and factions in the groups should know that we have a common enemy," he said.

The NNPP has fought for autonomy under the Union of Burma since 1957. Bee Htoo has commanded the party's armed wing, known as the Karenni Army, of some 1,000 fighters since 1983.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24


DSI to inspect Phra Pramote's monastery

By The Nation


A senior official from the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will inspect a monastery in Chon Buri tomorrow as part of its probe into whether famous monk Phra Pramote Pramocho misused donations.

Phra Pramote's followers have filed complaints with authorities alleging that he put all the donations in the hands of his wifeturnednun.

Prawit Chaibuadaeng, who heads the DSI office in the East, said yesterday that he would visit Suan Santitham in Chon Buri's Sri Racha district at 8.30am tomorrow.

He added that he was cooperating with the Sri Racha district chief in a bid to obtain more information.

The district chief had been given the job of conducting a separate investigation into Suan Santitham's management of funds.

"We are looking to see if there is any embezzlement," Prawit said.

He added that the Office of National Buddhism would address the issue of whether the monk had violated monastic rules.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24



Four held for selling weapons to Wa militants

By The Nation


Police on hunt for fifth suspect, arrested men confess to crime

Police have arrested a sergeant and three civilians for allegedly stealing war weapons from an Army arms depot in Lop Buri province and selling them to Burma's Wa militants.

The suspects include Sergeant Sema Khotchaphate, who is assigned to an artillery unit in the province, and contract employees Somkiat Luenloy and Nopphorn Suriwong. The fourth man arrested is Ekkachai Lamchum, who allegedly sold the weapons to the Wa militants. Police are also looking for a fifth accomplice, Thaworn Rakbun.

According to police, Sema admitted to selling a rocketpropelled grenade for Bt1,500, and bullets for M16 assault rifles at Bt5 each to Wa fighters, whom he had met while on duty at the ThaiBurmese border.

Lop Buri police said all stolen weapons had been distributed outside Thailand, and the four suspects had initially been charged with burglary, to which they had all confessed.

The first incident was reported on September 2, when a door at Warehouse 69 in the Army's Ordnance Department compound was found left open. Inspection showed 9,000 M60 machinegun rounds and 10 RPG2 rockets missing.

The next incident was reported three days later, when signs of breakin were detected at the same warehouse and 60 RPG2 rockets and another 31 rockets were found in cloth bags ready for transport. The weapons were left at the scene for unknown reasons.

Later, officials conducted a DNA check on all military and contract employees, and identified Nopphorn as a suspect because his prints matched those found at the scene. Nopphorn admitted to the crime after a twohour grilling by police and military interrogators, and later named the other four suspects.

In a separate report, a powerful homemade bomb was detonated on Wednesday night near a telephone booth in Chiang Mai's San Sai district, causing property damage but no casualties.

The blast was heard at about 9.30pm but was only reported to the police in the morning. Kamnan Suraphong Kasuriya, whose jurisdiction covers the site, said the bombing had nothing to do with national politics but was probably set off by one of the many rival teenage groups.

Police bombdisposal personnel said the explosive was made of gunpowder mixed with fertiliserbased chemicals, and was ignited by a lit newspaper.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24



Actor says he's ready for DNA test

By The Nation


A fuming Rattaphum "Film" Tokongsap said he was ready to undergo a DNA test and vowed to accept actress Annie Brooke's son if the test confirmed his paternity.

The young actress has not made a public statement in response to the heartthrob actor's remarks.

She had earlier said in a television interview that when she had asked him to undergo the test, he declined.

Speaking to the press, Rattaphum also apologised to Annie for "all the mistakes I have made" and vowed to "do anything to undo them". He also pleaded with the media, former agent Poj Anon and current mentor RS-Promotion chief Surachai Chatechotesak for "a second chance" to revive his entertainment career.

"My parents want to cuddle their grandson but have set the DNA test as a precondition," he said. He insisted that his parents were aware of the birth all along but the DNA test required cooperation from Annie, whom he had not contacted since the story broke last week.

"I will call Annie soon, but I don't know whether she will answer the phone. My mother had been in touch with her all along until she was hospitalised," he added. Rattaphum's mother was admitted to hospital on Wednesday.

He said his mother's mental health had suffered because of the public criticism directed at him, and that she was still in hospital for fatigue and stress. "I have been crying over the issue with hardly any tears left," he said.

The Justice Ministry yesterday advised Rattaphum to undergo a paternity check to end doubts about his fatherhood. He is also entitled to seek a court order requiring Annie to cooperate if she resists.

But the paternity check requires the man's prior agreement to accept the baby unconditionally as his child, not after the test results indicate so, said Department of Special Investigation director-general Tharit Phengdit, who is also the Justice Ministry spokesman.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24


Antiageing creams from jasmine rice extract

By The Nation


In collaboration with a private company, two researchers from Chiang Mai University have successfully created antiwrinkle creams based on extracts from jasmine rice.

"It took us 18 months to get the extracts from the jasmine rice Strain 105," Dr Aranya Manosoi said yesterday. She conducted the research with Dr Jeeradej Manosoi and ThaiChina Flavours and Fragrances Industry.

So far, six antiwrinkle creams have been produced and tested on 30 volunteers, Aranya said.

"The results are good. The elasticity of their skin has increased significantly after applying the product on their arms twice a day for two consecutive months," she said.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24


Soi too narrow: court

By The Nation


A court ordered inspection of Soi Ruamrudee in Bangkok's Pathum Wan district yesterday found that its width was less than 10 metres, in violation of a city planning law that could make several highrise buildings in the primeestate area illegal.

The survey followed a Central Administrative Court ruling in favour of a complaint lodged two years ago by residents in the area through the Foundation for Consumers. The court acknowledged "administrative repercussions" could be aimed at a former Bangkok governor and thendistrict chief - but no direct action has been cited against them.

"Both the governor and district chief have issued a document certifying that the width of the soi was greater than the actual rate, which resulted in highrise buildings being built in the area," the court order said. The court did not say whether all governors and district chiefs after the 1979 was passed would be held responsible.

Yesterday's survey found the entry to Soi Ruamrudee 1 was only 9.15 metres wide.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24



Happy Birthday Mae Mali


Dusit Zoo on Thursday would celebrate the 44th anniversary of Mae Mali or Mama Jasmine, a hippotemus which has been in the zoo for long time.

A Netherland zoo gave Mali to Dusit Zoo in 1967 and She had delivered altogether 14 baby hippos that were given to local zoos and those in neighbouring countries including Malaysia and Laos.

Her birthday celebration will be held from Friday to Sunday.

The zoo authority on Thursday provide the hippopotemus a 'birthday cake' made of fruits for her. Visitors to the students, comprising children and students, sang 'Happy Birthday' song for her.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24



Saudi embassy to speed up Hajj visas

By The Nation


The Saudi Arabian embassy yesterday promised it would issue visas for all 13,000 Thai Muslims planning to go on Hajj pilgrimage.

A statement from the Saudi charge d'affaires, Nabil Ashri, read: "Saudi Arabia - under no circumstances -associates its relations with any country, with allowing or forbidding Muslims from performing their fifth pillar of Islam of Hajj."

The issue of visas for Thai Muslims was a major concern after a diplomatic row erupted between the two governments over the promotion of senior police officer Somkid Boonthanom.

Somkid, who was accused of being involved in the disappearance of Saudi businessman Mohammad alRuwaili, decided to turn down his promotion as assistant national police chief to end the conflict.

Saudi authorities, meanwhile, set the visa quota for 13,000 Thai Hajj pilgrims, with Ashri confirming that as per normal he had met several officials to facilitate the permits and ensure that the pilgrims travel safely and comfortably to Saudi Arabia.

The embassy has doubled the number of visa applications to be accepted per day to 2,000, though some 700 Thai pilgrims may not get their visas, because their travel agencies have been unable to book their accommodation. The Culture Ministry will hold a meeting to solve the problem by September 28, an official said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said the speeding up of visas was a good response to the new development with the police reshuffle.

"We are grateful to Pol LtGeneral Somkid for his decision and it is a big relief for me to learn that the issuing of visas has been speeded up. We don't want to mix religious affairs with political and diplomatic issues," he said.

Somkid's new position will be discussed at a meeting of the National Police Commission today, he said, adding that the post would be no lower than that of a commander for an officer who holds the rank of a police lieutenant general.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24



Pisit wants to become co-plaintiff in case against Jaruvan

By The Nation


Pisit sits next to Jaruvan in a press conference.

Deputy Auditor General Pisit Leelawachiropas yesterday requested he be allowed to become co-plaintiff in a case filed earlier by the Office of the Ombudsman against outgoing Auditor-General Jaruvan Maintaka, who has refused to step down.

In his capacity as acting auditor-general, Pisit filed a petition with the Administrative Court, seeking an injunction for Jaruvan to be suspended from duty and an order to annul her August 18 order cancelling the appointment of Pisit as acting auditor-general after she turned 65 in July.

In his petition, Pisit said an injunction was needed to stop Jaruvan from getting involved in more unlawful acts, especially since she no longer had the authority of the auditor-general.

Pisit's move followed a September 10 verdict from the Administrative Court rejecting a request for injunction from the Office of the Ombudsman on grounds that the agency was not the damaged party and had no direct involvement with the matter.

Pisit said yesterday that as the caretaker auditor-general, he was directly involved with the matter. He said Jaruvan's refusal to step down had caused confusion within the Office of the Auditor-General as its officials are divided over her authority. He also said that as Jaruvan's status remained questionable, her orders and commitments as the auditor-general could cause legal problems for the agency in the future.

"I have decided to take part in the litigation because so many problems have plagued the Office of the Auditor-General, preventing me from doing my job," Pisit said, insisting that he had no personal grudges against Jaruvan.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24



Panel proposes six changes to charter

By The Nation

The government-appointed constitution amendment committee yesterday said it has proposed six changes to the charter, and added that its ideas were not written in stone and were subject to changes depending on future public hearings.

The first proposed amendment was to have any international treaty approved by Parliament, including treaties that might have wide-ranging social and economic impact.

The second proposed amendment was to have more MPs - 500 from the current 480. Each electoral constituency would have one MP only, with 125 party-list MPs. The third proposal was to have additional selectors for appointed senators.

Fourth would be to forbid sitting MPs from taking up positions as advisers or secretaries to cabinet members. "This is to ensure the separation of power," said Sombat.

The fifth proposed amendment was to bar MPs and senators from interfering with the executive branch. The sixth and final proposal was to end the penalty of party dissolution, unless the party committed an extreme offence such as trying to abolish the democratic system or was a threat to national security.

Sombat Thamrongtanyawong, chairman of the committee appointed by PM Abhisit Vejjajiva, said the panel concluded it would be unfair to have a whole party dissolved if certain party executives broke the electoral law.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24


EC drops charges against Chaovarat

By The Nation

The Election Commission (EC) yesterday dropped charges against Interior Minister Chaovarat Chanweerakul and his family for illegally holding shares in Sino-Thai, one of Thailand's top engineering and construction firms.

EC Secretary-General Suthipol Thaweechaikarn said the majority in the EC voted that the complaint lodged by opposition Pheu Thai MP Sa-nguan Pongmanee be dropped. The MP claimed that Chaovarat and his family's shareholding violated the law.

According to the Constitution, Cabinet members, their spouses and children are prohibited from holding shares in media and state concessionaires.

Suthipol said Chaovarat had not abused his power for the benefit of the company because he had given up the firm's executive position before taking his ministerial post. Chaovarat then hired a mutual-funds management company to manage his Sino-Thai shares and informed the EC about his move, Suthipol added.

"Chaovarat has no authority to influence the management of the mutual-funds company and he resigned from Sino-Thai's board of executives on January 31, 2008," he explained

The minister's wife, Tassanee, resigned from the board on November 21, 2008.

As for shares held by Chaovarat's children, Suthipol said the minister's son and daughters had already reached legal age and could not be prohibited from holding shares.

The EC also investigated possible irregularities in state projects taken up by Sino-Thai and found that the company had followed the correct process.

"Its concessions have not been monopolised, while Chaovarat has not exercised his powers as minister to intervene in the bidding," he said.

Chaovarat was one of the founders of Sino-Thai Engineering and Construction, which takes on construction contracts, sales, maintenance and repair of industrial machinery and property development.

The company has had a number of construction contracts with the state, such as the Airport Link project, construction of the government centre in Chaeng Wattana and the Purple Line of the subway.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24


Samphanthawong District Office organizing Vegetarian Fest 2010

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Samphanthawong District Office and related private sector are gearing up for the upcoming, which will be organized from 8 to 16 October 2010 in the heart of the Chinatown in Bangkok.

Bangkok Deputy Governor Dr Teerachon Manomaiphibul on Thursday chaired a press conference at Wat Traimit to announce the organization of Vegetarian Festival 2010. He was accompanied by organizing committee members and sponsors in the press briefing.

According to Dr Teerachon, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will help fund the event, empowering Samphanthawong District Office to handle organization. The event is set to run from 8 to 16 October 2010.

Organizers of the festival include the Samphanthawong Cultural Council, local restaurant entrepreneurs, merchants, as well as residents along Yaowarat Road, Bangkok's China Town. The event also received additional support from private entrepreneurs.

Festival revellers will be allowed to sign well-wishing books for His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, sign their names to vow that they will observe precepts and vegetarian rites throughout the nine-day festival, as well as worship Chinese deities.


-- NNT 2010-09-24 footer_n.gif


PM: 3G license bid will be in the pipeline

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has confirmed that the government will forge ahead with the process of 3G frequencies by setting up the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) as soon as possible.

En route to New York, where the Premier and delegates joined the 65th session of the UN General Assembly and the ASEAN-US Summit, Prime Minister Abhisit said that the government would submit a petition to the Constitutional Court asking for its interpretation pertaining to the NTC’s legal authority.

Meanwhile, the government will speed up the establishment of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, which will be in charge of the frequencies. Although the issue has a bearing on foreign investors’ confidence, the Premier has assured that they will understand and come to terms with the situation.

The Supreme Administrative Court yesterday suspended the National Telecommunications Communications (NTC)’s auction of the 3G licenses, ruling that the NTC had no legal authority to do so.


-- NNT 2010-09-24 footer_n.gif

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