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Rap, Bad Rap, Or Just Crap?


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Has rap become just crap for the most part?

I remember when rap was somewhat of an intelligent & creative expression. Well at least not the derogatory, self important CRAP that it has DEvolved to... "I'm the biggest, I'm the baddest mthfckr" blah, blah, blah :D:D ZzzZzzzzz....

The sad result of capital "C" rap, is there is little real passion, or creativity, just the "dumbing down" breeding of narrcisism exported throughout the world. Don't believe it?- just see the pikey chav thread elsewhere for evidence of Britains emerging "class"...not just a UK phenom either.

The cynical joke is, this isn't art anymore, it's pure exploitation, particularily when so called fans emulate further degredation and exploitation, thinking this is "cool".

Hard to put a finger on where the wheels came off this form of musical artistic expression that started out as rap and IS now CRAP but I draw the line at what it is now for the most part, just basic degradation (and a <deleted> boring assault on one's ears & mind, adding insult to injury!)

"if you have a brain, please stand up, pls stand up- everybody in da house say YO!"... :D


Imho, at least one exception can be found here:Low bandwidth video link

Fav lyric:

"my story stops here, let's be clear

this scenario is happenin everywhere

an you ain't goin to nirvana or far-vana

you comin right back here to live your karma

with even more drama than previously...



Must be a few other exceptions out there??

So, has rap basically become mostly Crap? :o

Edited by baht&sold
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Agreed, IF it's not "pimp" rap or gang banging crap, or some guy mouthing off how great he is, or endless videos of bling and gangsta SUV's... wait a sec, geez, that almost eliminates 99% of the "artform" :o

Still say all wannabe rappers should be required to pass a human intelligence test and maybe view this link first. :D

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"if you have a brain, please stand up, pls stand up- everybody in da house say YO

YO .... probably the most ironic and misunderstood term in the ghetto lingo culture and all the wannabe's who try to imitate what other people live through.

YO ..... started out in urban police stations as an abbreviation for "YOUTHFUL OFFENDER."

The big city cops bust young punks in such numbers in places that they don't have a chance to deal in names. So every kid they haul in just becomes YO, as in "YO, get your dumb stupid a*s over here in this chair!"

In the early days, it became a "badge of honor" in the young hoodlum culture, because if you were a YO, then you had stood up to the MAN and proven that you were going to live by your own rules.

Obviously the term has become somewhat skewed over the years, what with every wannabe bada*s and his wannabe home boy calling out to each other .... Yo yo yo wasssup!

It makes me wonder if people even know they are calling each other criminals.

Kind of a joke really.

Edited by Spee
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Sure, people are harping on about how bad they are and how much money they make and how many b1tches they can get, to me its all a bit much really, some one with nothing to say and making a lot of money from doing so.

But have you ever stopped to see who is actually doing all the ranting? Some of these people are not wannabe criminals......They are criminals....., convicted criminals....... with some pretty dark historys, I mean come on, please.......

These people are taken from seedy underworld environments and turned into flashy, model type stars with money too much, seemingly instantly turned into role models and an example for youth.......

Where are we going wrong in the world? Well here is a ###### good start!.......... :o In my opinion......Just Crap to answer the Post

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Sure, people are harping on about how bad they are and how much money they make and how many b1tches they can get, to me its all a bit much really, some one with nothing to say and making a lot of money from doing so.

But have you ever stopped to see who is actually doing all the ranting? Some of these people are not wannabe criminals......They are criminals....., convicted criminals....... with some pretty dark historys, I mean come on, please.......

These people are taken from  seedy underworld environments and turned into flashy, model type stars with money too much, seemingly instantly turned into role models and an example for youth.......

Where are we going wrong in the world?  Well here is a ###### good start!.......... :o In my opinion......Just Crap to answer the Post

I second that, complete crap. May be the odd bit of talent here and there but on the whole a complete load of <deleted>. :D

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Has rap become just crap for the most part?

I remember when rap was somewhat of an intelligent & creative expression. Well at least not the derogatory, self important CRAP that it has DEvolved to... "I'm the biggest, I'm the baddest mthfckr" blah, blah, blah  :D  :D  ZzzZzzzzz....

The sad result of capital "C" rap, is there is little real passion, or creativity, just the "dumbing down" breeding of narrcisism exported throughout the world. Don't believe it?- just see the pikey chav thread elsewhere for evidence of Britains emerging "class"...not just a UK phenom either. 

The cynical joke is, this isn't art anymore, it's pure exploitation, particularily when so called fans emulate further degredation and exploitation, thinking this is "cool".

Hard to put a finger on where the wheels came off this form of musical artistic expression that started out as rap and IS now CRAP but I draw the line at what it is now for the most part, just basic degradation (and a <deleted> boring assault on one's ears & mind, adding insult to injury!)

"if you have a brain, please stand up, pls stand up- everybody in da house say YO!"...  :D


Imho, at least one exception can be found here:Low bandwidth video link

Fav lyric:

"my story stops here, let's be clear

this scenario is happenin everywhere

an you ain't goin to nirvana or far-vana

you comin right back here to live your karma

with even more drama than previously...



Must be a few other exceptions out there??

So, has rap basically become mostly Crap? :o

Tupac was a true artist and expressionist in the form of rap, I could never get tired listening to him.

I really enjoy some rap music but I must admit the amount of untalented people who claim to be from the "hood" who can get deals and speak of nothing but mo' money and mo' hoes is not really my idea of music either... If you can appreciate rap from a true artist try Tupac or more up to date Kanye West

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JayZ not bad either.

Yeah, Jay-Z is up there for sure. Kanye West is a member of his record label "rockafellas"

Most rap is crap . But there are a few shining old school lights...Run DMC and Public Enemy . Although I guess these guys would be classed as rock/metal/ rap ?

Vanilla Ice or Tone Loc anybody?

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"Has rap become crap for the most part?"

Yes, I think it has. But I love that you started this thread to talk about it :D

I agree pretty much with most of what you said. But I just hate categorizing everyone as "stupid" or inferior just because they may relate to different music for different reasons. I have a wide range of tastes, which I think reflects the fact that I belong to many different segments of the human race.

Anyway, you asked a good question. I'm not sure if you're also asking us for our favorite rap music, but here goes:

Public Enemy

Lauren Hill


Cypress Hill


Kayne West

Diggable Planets (Yes, they are rap/fusion, I guess)

De la Soul (Millie pulled a gun on Santa - among others :D )

Arrested Development

And some whose name I don't even remember, but their music is like a pulse when you hear it. That's the funny thing - different music means different things to different people - because we are all .... different :D

(just a flaky joke) :D

Music is just a powerful memory switch, it is primal as well as emotional, spiritual, or cerebreal, and many of those elements are at work for most of us when we hear it. I can relate to some of the most hardcore ghetto music sometimes, even though all of me doesn't have to like it.

But I agree that most rap music is not music, and is totally out of control. But don't blame the rappers, blame the fcking music industry tycoons :o

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