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Best Beer In Thailand


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Weird really as you go to spain and ask for a San Miguel light and they look at you as if your mad, they have never heard of the stuff.   If anyone knows how to get their hands on it in england then let me know,  ive had no success at all.

That's probably because it's Filipino, not Spanish. ;)

Storebought for me...Singha all the way, it's just so easy to drink. The "imports" are nasty.

Speaking of house brewed stuff those Holland Beer places (one on Rama III, one on Ratchapreuk, maybe other places too) do a decent drop.

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i believe the question was what is best beer available at 7-11:

Not only at 7-11 but anything that is obtainable without much hassle. Guiness stout has been my one and only beer needless to say I have to take a trip to nana to get a taste (120B/can). I don't like beers with sweet taste and left without choice and the abdunance of Leo I got for it, but would prefer chang (not sweet) or singha. At the local functions Leo seem to be the prefered choice, with the thai crew Leo is ordered unless I specify otherwise.

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Whatever you drink, always check the production date on the bottle or case.  Mom & Pop stores here often sell "vintage" beers, especially if not the local's favourites.  Chang should usually be fresh, but anything else can be 6 months or older :bah: .  I prefer Chiang Light.  In a hot country, I like to drink quantity, & most brews, I find too strong.  My top three : Chang Light, 4.2%, Federbrau 4.7%(?), Chang Draught 5%.  Leo tastes like homebrew imho.  Cheers Extra is my favourite taste, "nearest" to an English ale, but not really the same.

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the "foreign" beers you mention are all brewed locally under license and are therefore technically "thai beers"....try any of them against the orginals and you will taste the strong chemicals and get a headache...they seem to use an overabundance of chemicals probably to get the fermentation time shorter due to commercial pressures and for preservative purposes.....will need a brewmaster to comment on this though....what is funny though is that Heineken is priced so high even though it is local.....

Over abundance of chemicals is formaldihide

Its not the fermentation time - its the heat.

Beer goes bad almost immediately in this climate.

Formaldihide keeps it going (and hopefully will preserve us too)

Next time you open a bottle of local beer, hold it upside down in a pint of water - watch the formaldihide flood out (for about 5 minutes!)

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Anyone ever thought about starting a microbrewery in BKK?

Yeah, Tawang Daeng thought of it at about 15 years ago, and went ahead and did it.

Also the Londoner 13 years ago.

The Bitter in the Londoner seems to vary quite a bit. Sometimes its pretty good, other times its not so good. Its rather like a reasonable home-brew.

I was trying to think of that place but couldn't remember the name as I've never been in it. Isn't there also a pub called Paulaner that has its own brew?

And in Pattaya I think the Hopf Haus is a microbrewery?

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All Thai beers are crap (or rather all beers sold with non-import are crap), that includes Tiger, Singha, Heinken, Chang, Leo. Those who stay here for the beer are not quite with it.

I drink sufficient quantities of Singha pretty regularly as I think its the least of &lt;deleted&gt; that sold here. I remember going the UK the other year and thinking how fantastic a cold pint of Carling was <- a pint I used to slate..

Magners or 560ml bottles of german beer choice now but does hit the wallet hard..

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The first place- Heineken. The second - Tiger. By the way, need always to check the date of manufacturing. Sometimes, they keep beer which is a year old in small shops, bars but in 711 it's usually more or less fresh (a few months old)

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The OP's criteria seems to be focused on retail outlets so the options are pretty limited. I like Beer Lao but have never seen it available except in bars. So of the remaining options I'd choose Leo. Just check the fill date (stamped on the right side of the label) and make sure it is within 30 days, 14 days is better (sipping a 'vintage' 16 Sep bottle now). Some swear by the Pathumthani brewery while others prefer the Khon Kaen version. Heineken should switch to brown bottles; green are subject to UV interaction with the hop oils and result on really foul tastes; draft is much better. Chang is downright nasty, Beer Sing(ha) is passable, Archa is bad. By far the best beer available outside of retail outlets is the Weizen and Lager at German Tawan Daeng.

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Got to go with sillyman there. I really don't like Chang, but Chang draught is totally different.

My favourite Thai beer without a doubt. Slips down very easily....:rolleyes:

Too easily, I had 9 large cans and 1 small one this session, mind you, it's a 13 hour session, so not so bad really.

Thing is , I don't feel drunk, just tired, then again, I did get up 25 hours ago, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Goodnight. jap.gif

Don't know about you but l never have a hangover with Chang Draught, the winner there is the disgusting Heineken which l have had to suffer at parties. :bah:.

i was unaware you left the house.

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Speaking of house brewed stuff those Holland Beer places (one on Rama III, one on Ratchapreuk, maybe other places too) do a decent drop.

Do you mean Tawan Daeng which is a German Brew House? I have to admit though they are pretty good places to go for an evening out.

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Speaking of house brewed stuff those Holland Beer places (one on Rama III, one on Ratchapreuk, maybe other places too) do a decent drop.

Do you mean Tawan Daeng which is a German Brew House? I have to admit though they are pretty good places to go for an evening out.

I'm not sure, these places are called Holland Beer (Beer Holland if a Thai says it). You can't miss them they all have big Dutch windmills out the front lit up like Christmas trees!

Just googled it up and found the address of the Rama II one, there's another on Rama 5 as well... Link

You can get the beer served in these huge 5L towers that are a very slim cylinder so it's quite a sight, they are 1 metre tall!

I remember it being pretty nice but it was during a New Year's show they put on and I'd already drunk a fair amount of Scotch so my judgement may have been impaired hehe.

Edited by Glock3am
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Got to go with sillyman there. I really don't like Chang, but Chang draught is totally different.

My favourite Thai beer without a doubt. Slips down very easily....:rolleyes:

Too easily, I had 9 large cans and 1 small one this session, mind you, it's a 13 hour session, so not so bad really.

Thing is , I don't feel drunk, just tired, then again, I did get up 25 hours ago, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Goodnight. jap.gif

Don't know about you but l never have a hangover with Chang Draught, the winner there is the disgusting Heineken which l have had to suffer at parties. :bah:.

i was unaware you left the house.

Or his keyboard!

Leo country here, have draught now at the golf club.

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